89 research outputs found

    Criminal Threats Against Minors

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    The article deals with issues related to the problem of criminal threats against minors. The relevance of the problem is exposed to criminological analysis, the concept of the threat to criminological safety of minors is given, the sources of threats faced by children are determined, various scientific points of view are analyzed regarding the concept of sources of threats to criminological security. The authors believe that under the sources of threats to criminological safety of minors may be phenomena that in one way or another are related to crime and create the danger of criminalization and (or) victimization of minors. Data of the author's research concerning the influence of certain sources of threats on minors are given. The authors believe that it is expedient to implement criminological safety of minors on an integrated basis with the coordinated efforts of all prevention subjects

    Automatic development of electronic educational resources

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    This article reviews the development and creation of EUMK. The review suggests that EUMK is an important pedagogical aspect of the educational system, which allows to achieve the best results in teaching studentsДанная статья посвящена обзору разработки и создания ЭУМК. Проведенный обзор позволяет утверждать, что ЭУМК является важным педагогическим моментом образовательной системы, позволяющий достичь наиболее высоких результатов в обучении студенто

    Photoelectric, nonlinear optical, and photorefractive properties of polymer composites including carbon nanotubes and cyanine dyes

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    The effect of cyanine dye additives on the photoelectric, nonlinear optical, and photorefractive properties of polyvinyl carbazole composites based on closed single-walled carbon nanotubes has been investigated. It has been found that these characteristics are affected by the dye in which the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) lies below the level of the photoexcited nanotube. The addition of this dye to the composite leads to a 14-fold increase in the quantum efficiency of the generation of mobile charge carriers under irradiation by a laser (1064 nm) in the absorption region of the nanotubes. Moreover, the addition of the dye to the composite decreases the third-order susceptibility χ (3) , presumably, due to the opposite orientations of dipoles of the dye and the nanotube upon adsorption of the dye on the nanotube. The addition of the dye to the composite also provides a twofold increase in the two-beam photorefractive amplification factor of the laser beam with a wavelength of 1064 nm. The obtained values of the two-beam photorefractive amplification factor reach 120 cm -1 . \ua9 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Bending of electromagnetic waves in all-dielectric particle array waveguides

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    We propose and demonstrate experimentally an alternative approach for realizing subwavelength photonic structures, exploiting the waveguiding properties of chains of high-index dielectric disks with both electric and magnetic dipole resonances. We reveal that the electromagnetic energy can be efficiently guided through sharp corners by means of the mode polarization conversion at waveguide bends. We confirm experimentally the guidance through a 90° bend in the microwave frequency range.This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Project 11.G34.31.0020, GOSZADANIE 2014/190, Zadanie No. 3.561.2014/K, 14.584.21.0009 10), by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Dynasty Foundation (Russia), the Australian Research Council via Future Fellowship Program (No. FT110100037), and the Australian National University

    EVRAZ Corporate Accelerator: in Search of Success

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    В работе представлены результаты проведения кооперативного акселератора в металлургической и горнодобывающей компании ЕВРАЗ. Внедрение технологических стартапов на предприятиях черной металлургии требует адаптации проекта под металлургическое предприятие, значительных финансовых и временных затрат. Предлагаемые решения оказались не готовы к использованию «здесь и сейчас» из-за консервативности отрасли, но корпоративный акселератор ЕВРАЗ позволяет справиться с «боязнью изменений» и осуществлять поиск и внедрение инноваций в черной металлургии.The paper presents the results of a cooperative accelerator at multinational steel manufacturing and mining company EVRAZ Group. The implementation of technological start-ups at ferrous metallurgy industry requires adaptation of the project to the iron and steel enterprise, significant financial and time costs. The proposed solutions were not ready for use “here and now” due to the conservatism of the industry, but the EVRAZ corporate accelerator makes it possible to cope with the “fear of change” and search for and implement innovations in the ferrous metallurgy

    Case report of pulmonary ossification

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    In our report we represent rare clininal case of Pulmonary Ossification. We submit data of functional, roentgenological, pathomorphological examinations and description of diagnostic surgical intervention.Рассмотрен клинический случай остеопластической пневмопатии. Представлены данные лабораторных, лучевых, патоморфологических исследований


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    The article presents the archaeological and paleosoil findings from the settlements dated 18th – 19th century. Imsyak-Tau-1 settlement is situated in the narrow strand of mountain steppes in the Southern Transurals (currently Abzelilovsky District, the Republic of Bashkortostan) on the bank of Bolshoy Kizil River. The monument was first discovered in 2000. The area was closely researched in 2022. The research shows remains of a permanent settlement with linear layouts and two key functional areas. The research totally registered 23 items. Most of them were reconstructed as above-ground housings based on their appearance. A significant amount of remains was collected from the surface. Mainly they were fragments of cast iron pots, various household items, single pottery and porcelain fragments. Pits reveal the cultural deposit within the top horizon only. Coins make the findings date back to the middle 18th century. Paleosoil research allows to determine that locally within the monument there is a lot porcelain (P2O5). It is evident of high anthropogenic load caused by substantial number of cattle. The analysis of 18th – 19th centuries map and historical resources shows that this settlement is an ‘old place’ (Bashkir: Iske uryn) for the contemporary village Ishkulovo (Bashkir tribe of Tangaurs). It had been abandoned by 1784. However, the analysis of the existing coins, including samples discovered in 2022, allows to date the monument within 1740s – 1860s. The studied cast iron pots prove their high chronological and partly ethnocultural significance. To date Imsyak-Tau-1 settlement is one of the few monuments in the Southern Urals to help describe the archaeologically registrable artefacts of Transurals Bashkirs of 18th – 19th century. © The Author(s) 2023.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 22-28-00815Keywords: Southern Transurals, mountain steppe, Modern Age, Bashkirs, settlement layout, ethnos artefacts, soil science, historical cartography Citation.SavelevN.S., NikolaevS.Yu., RumyantsevM.M., RuslanovE.V., SavelevaA.G., SuleymanovR.R., KhurmaevA.A., KungurtsevA.Ya., 2023. Complex of Artefacts of Southern Urals Bashkirs of 18th – 19thCenturies (According to Data from Imsyak-Tau-1 Settlement in Mountain-Steppe Transurals). Ufimskij arkheologiches-kiy vestnik [Ufa Archaeological Herald]. Vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 300–319. (In Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31833/ uav/2023.23.2.009 Acknowledgements. The article was prepared with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-28-00815 “Comprehensive reconstruction of the development of the mountain steppes of the Southern Urals from the Stone Age to Modern times (socio-cultural and natural transformations)”

    Energy fluctuations in a biharmonically driven nonlinear system

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    We study the fluctuations of work done and dissipated heat of a Brownian particle in a symmetric double well system. The system is driven by two periodic input signals that rock the potential simultaneously. Confinement in one preferred well can be achieved by modulating the relative phase between the drives. We show that in the presence of pumping the stochastic resonance signal is enhanced when analyzed in terms of the average work done on the system per cycle. This is in contrast to the case when pumping is achieved by applying an external static bias, which degrades resonance. We analyze the nature of work and heat fluctuations and show that the steady state fluctuation theorem holds in this system.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, revised manuscrip