6,565 research outputs found

    Extensions and block decompositions for finite-dimensional representations of equivariant map algebras

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    Suppose a finite group acts on a scheme XX and a finite-dimensional Lie algebra g\mathfrak{g}. The associated equivariant map algebra is the Lie algebra of equivariant regular maps from XX to g\mathfrak{g}. The irreducible finite-dimensional representations of these algebras were classified in previous work with P. Senesi, where it was shown that they are all tensor products of evaluation representations and one-dimensional representations. In the current paper, we describe the extensions between irreducible finite-dimensional representations of an equivariant map algebra in the case that XX is an affine scheme of finite type and g\mathfrak{g} is reductive. This allows us to also describe explicitly the blocks of the category of finite-dimensional representations in terms of spectral characters, whose definition we extend to this general setting. Applying our results to the case of generalized current algebras (the case where the group acting is trivial), we recover known results but with very different proofs. For (twisted) loop algebras, we recover known results on block decompositions (again with very different proofs) and new explicit formulas for extensions. Finally, specializing our results to the case of (twisted) multiloop algebras and generalized Onsager algebras yields previously unknown results on both extensions and block decompositions.Comment: 41 pages; v2: minor corrections, formatting changed to match published versio

    Neurogenic Fever after Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Qualitative Systematic Review.

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    STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review. OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence, pathogenesis, and clinical outcomes related to neurogenic fevers following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was performed on thermodysregulation secondary to acute traumatic SCI in adult patients. A literature search was performed using PubMed (MEDLINE), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Scopus. Using strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, seven relevant articles were obtained. RESULTS: The incidence of fever of all origins (both known and unknown) after SCI ranged from 22.5 to 71.7% with a mean incidence of 50.6% and a median incidence of 50.0%. The incidence of fever of unknown origin (neurogenic fever) ranged from 2.6 to 27.8% with a mean incidence of 8.0% and a median incidence of 4.7%. Cervical and thoracic spinal injuries were more commonly associated with fever than lumbar injuries. In addition, complete injuries had a higher incidence of fever than incomplete injuries. The pathogenesis of neurogenic fever after acute SCI is not thoroughly understood. CONCLUSION: Neurogenic fevers are relatively common following an acute SCI; however, there is little in the scientific literature to help physicians prevent or treat this condition. The paucity of research underscored by this review demonstrates the need for further studies with larger sample sizes, focusing on incidence rate, clinical outcomes, and pathogenesis of neurogenic fever following acute traumatic SCI

    Classification of irreducible quasifinite modules over map Virasoro algebras

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    We give a complete classification of the irreducible quasifinite modules for algebras of the form Vir \otimes A, where Vir is the Virasoro algebra and A is a Noetherian commutative associative unital algebra over the complex numbers. It is shown that all such modules are tensor products of generalized evaluation modules. We also give an explicit sufficient condition for a Verma module of Vir \otimes A to be reducible. In the case that A is an infinite-dimensional integral domain, this condition is also necessary.Comment: 25 pages. v2: Minor changes, published versio

    The Relationship Between Galaxies and Low Redshift Weak Lyman alpha Absorbers in the Directions of H1821+643 and PG1116+215

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    To study the nature of low z Lya absorbers in the spectra of QSOs, we have obtained high signal-to-noise UV spectra of H 1821+643 (z = 0.297) and PG 1116+215 (z = 0.177) with the GHRS on the HST. The spectra have minimum S/N of 70-100 and 3 sigma limiting equivalent widths of 50-75 mA. We detect 26 Lya lines with Wr > 50 mA toward H1821+643 and 13 toward PG1116+215, which implies a density of 102+/-16 lines per unit redshift. The two-point correlation function shows marginal evidence of clustering on ~500 km/s scales, but only if the weakest lines are excluded. We have also used the WIYN Observatory to measure galaxy redshifts in the ~1 degree fields centered on each QSO. We find 17 galaxy-absorber pairs within projected distances of 1 Mpc with velocity separations of 350 km/s or less. Monte Carlo simulations show that if the Lya lines are randomly distributed, the probability of observing this many close pairs is 3.6e-5. We find that all galaxies with projected distances of 600 kpc or less have associated Lya absorbers within 1000 km/s, and the majority of these galaxies have absorbers within 350 km/s. We also find that the Lya equivalent width is anticorrelated with the projected distance of the nearest galaxy out to at least 600 kpc, but this should be interpreted cautiously because there are potential selection biases. Statistical tests using the entire sample also indicate that the absorbers are not randomly distributed. We discuss the nature of the Lya absorbers in light of the new data.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 17 pages plus 11 tables and 17 figure

    The Role of a Hot Gas Environment on the Evolution of Galaxies

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    Most spiral galaxies are found in galaxy groups with low velocity dispersions; most E/S0 galaxies are found in galaxy groups with relatively high velocity dispersions. The mass of the hot gas we can observe in the E/S0 groups via their thermal X-ray emission is, on average, as much as the baryonic mass of the galaxies in these groups. By comparison, galaxy clusters have as much or more hot gas than stellar mass. Hot gas in S-rich groups, however, is of low enough temperature for its X-ray emission to suffer heavy absorption due to Galactic HI and related observational effects, and hence is hard to detect. We postulate that such lower temperature hot gas does exist in low velocity dispersion, S-rich groups, and explore the consequences of this assumption. For a wide range of metallicity and density, hot gas in S-rich groups can cool in far less than a Hubble time. If such gas exists and can cool, especially when interacting with HI in existing galaxies, then it can help link together a number of disparate observations, both Galactic and extragalactic, that are otherwise difficult to understand.Comment: 16 pages with one figure. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Gate fidelity and coherence of an electron spin in a Si/SiGe quantum dot with micromagnet

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    The gate fidelity and the coherence time of a qubit are important benchmarks for quantum computation. We construct a qubit using a single electron spin in a Si/SiGe quantum dot and control it electrically via an artificial spin-orbit field from a micromagnet. We measure an average single-qubit gate fidelity of \approx 99%\% using randomized benchmarking, which is consistent with dephasing from the slowly evolving nuclear spins in substrate. The coherence time measured using dynamical decoupling extends up to \approx 400 μ\mus for 128 decoupling pulses, with no sign of saturation. We find evidence that the coherence time is limited by noise in the 10 kHz - 1 MHz range, possibly because charge noise affecting the spin via the micromagnet gradient. This work shows that an electron spin in a Si/SiGe quantum dot is a good candidate for quantum information processing as well as for a quantum memory, even without isotopic purification

    Characterization of thermal effects in the Enhanced LIGO Input Optics

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    We present the design and performance of the LIGO Input Optics subsystem as implemented for the sixth science run of the LIGO interferometers. The Initial LIGO Input Optics experienced thermal side effects when operating with 7 W input power. We designed, built, and implemented improved versions of the Input Optics for Enhanced LIGO, an incremental upgrade to the Initial LIGO interferometers, designed to run with 30 W input power. At four times the power of Initial LIGO, the Enhanced LIGO Input Optics demonstrated improved performance including better optical isolation, less thermal drift, minimal thermal lensing and higher optical efficiency. The success of the Input Optics design fosters confidence for its ability to perform well in Advanced LIGO

    Hot Gas in the Galactic Thick Disk and Halo Near the Draco Cloud

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    This paper examines the ultraviolet and X-ray photons generated by hot gas in the Galactic thick disk or halo in the Draco region of the northern hemisphere. Our analysis uses the intensities from four ions, C IV, O VI, O VII, and O VIII, sampling temperatures of ~100,000 to ~3,000,000 K. We measured the O VI, O VII and O VIII intensities from FUSE and XMM-Newton data and subtracted off the local contributions in order to deduce the thick disk/halo contributions. These were supplemented with published C IV intensity and O VI column density measurements. Our estimate of the thermal pressure in the O VI-rich thick disk/halo gas, p_{th}/k = 6500^{+2500}_{-2600} K cm^{-3}, suggests that the thick disk/halo is more highly pressurized than would be expected from theoretical analyses. The ratios of C IV to O VI to O VII to O VIII, intensities were compared with those predicted by theoretical models. Gas which was heated to 3,000,000 K then allowed to cool radiatively cannot produce enough C IV or O VI-generated photons per O VII or O VIII-generated photon. Producing enough C IV and O VI emission requires heating additional gas to 100,000 < T < 1,000,000 K. However, shock heating, which provides heating across this temperature range, overproduces O VI relative to the others. Obtaining the observed mix may require a combination of several processes, including some amount of shock heating, heat conduction, and mixing, as well as radiative cooling of very hot gas.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Discovery of the first tau Sco analogues: HD 66665 and HD 63425

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    The B0.2 V magnetic star tau Sco stands out from the larger population of massive OB stars due to its high X-ray activity, peculiar wind diagnostics and highly complex magnetic field. This paper presents the discovery of the first two tau Sco analogues - HD 66665 and HD 63425, identified by the striking similarity of their UV spectra to that of tau Sco. ESPaDOnS spectropolarimetric observations were secured by the Magnetism in Massive Stars CFHT Large Program, in order to characterize the stellar and magnetic properties of these stars. CMFGEN modelling of optical ESPaDOnS spectra and archived IUE UV spectra showed that these stars have stellar parameters similar to those of tau Sco. A magnetic field of similar surface strength is found on both stars, reinforcing the connection between the presence of a magnetic field and wind peculiarities. However, additional phase-resolved observations will be required in order to assess the potential complexity of the magnetic fields, and verify if the wind anomalies are linked to this property.Comment: 6 pages, 2 tables, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The definitive version will be available at www.blackwel-synergy.co

    Participatory Militias: An Analysis of an Armed Movement's Online Audience

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    Armed groups of civilians known as "self-defense forces" have ousted the powerful Knights Templar drug cartel from several towns in Michoacan. This militia uprising has unfolded on social media, particularly in the "VXM" ("Valor por Michoacan," Spanish for "Courage for Michoacan") Facebook page, gathering more than 170,000 fans. Previous work on the Drug War has documented the use of social media for real-time reports of violent clashes. However, VXM goes one step further by taking on a pro-militia propagandist role, engaging in two-way communication with its audience. This paper presents a descriptive analysis of VXM and its audience. We examined nine months of posts, from VXM's inception until May 2014, totaling 6,000 posts by VXM administrators and more than 108,000 comments from its audience. We describe the main conversation themes, post frequency and relationships with offline events and public figures. We also characterize the behavior of VXM's most active audience members. Our work illustrates VXM's online mobilization strategies, and how its audience takes part in defining the narrative of this armed conflict. We conclude by discussing possible applications of our findings for the design of future communication technologies.Comment: Participatory Militias: An Analysis of an Armed Movement's Online Audience. Saiph Savage, Andres Monroy-Hernandez. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 201