12 research outputs found

    Reliability of the resonance frequency analysis values in new prototype transepithelial abutments: A prospective clinical study

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    Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) requires abutment disconnection to monitor implant stability. To overcome this limitation, an experimental transepithelial abutment was designed to allow a SmartPeg to be screwed onto it, in order to determine the prototype abutments repeatability and reproducibility using Osstell ISQ and to assess whether implant length and diameter have an influence on the reliability of these measurements. RFA was conducted with a SmartPeg screwed directly into the implant and onto experimental abutments of different heights of 2, 3.5 and 5 mm. A total of 32 patients (116 implants) were tested. RFA measurements were taken twice for each group from mesial, distal, buccal and palatal/lingual surfaces. Mean values and SD were calculated and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) (p < 0.05, IC 95%). The implant stability quotient (ISQ) mean values were 72.581 measured directly to implant and 72.899 (2 mm), 72.391 (3.5 mm) and 71.458 (5 mm) measured from the prototypes. ICC between measurements made directly to implant and through 2-, 3.5-and 5-mm abutments were 0.908, 0.919 and 0.939, respectively. RFA values registered through the experimental transepithelial abutments achieved a high reliability. Neither the implant length nor the diameter had any influence on the measurements’ reliability

    Comparison of two recombinant erythropoietin formulations in patients with anemia due to end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis: A parallel, randomized, double blind study

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    BACKGROUND: Recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) is used for the treatment of last stage renal anemia. A new EPO preparation was obtained in Cuba in order to make this treatment fully nationally available. The aim of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and safety properties of two recombinant EPO formulations in patients with anemia due to end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. METHODS: A parallel, randomized, double blind study was performed. A single 100 IU/Kg EPO dose was administered subcutaneously. Heberitro (Heber Biotec, Havana, formulation A), a newly developed product and Eprex (CILAG AG, Switzerland, formulation B), as reference treatment were compared. Thirty-four patients with anemia due to end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis were included. Patients had not received EPO previously. Serum EPO level was measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) during 120 hours after administration. Clinical and laboratory variables were determined as pharmacodynamic and safety criteria until 216 hours. RESULTS: Both groups of patients were similar regarding all demographic and baseline characteristics. EPO kinetics profiles were similar for both formulations; the pharmacokinetic parameters were very close (i.e., AUC: 4667 vs. 4918 mIU.h/mL; Cmax: 119.1 vs. 119.7 mIU/mL; Tmax: 13.9 vs. 18.1 h; half-life, 20.0 vs. 22.5 h for formulations A and B, respectively). The 90% confidence intervals for the ratio between both products regarding these metrics were close to the 0.8 – 1.25 range, considered necessary for bioequivalence. Differences did not reach 20% in any case and were not determined by a formulation effect, but probably by a patients' variability effect. Concerning pharmacodynamic features, a high similitude in reticulocyte counts increments until 216 hours and the percentage decrease in serum iron until 120 hours was observed. There were no differences between formulations regarding the adverse events and their intensity. The more frequent events were pain at injection site (35.3%) and hypertension (29%). Additionally, further treatment of the patients with the study product yielded satisfactory increases in hemoglobin and hematocrit values. CONCLUSION: The formulations are comparable. The newly developed product should be acceptable for long-term application

    Conductance Quantization in Resistive Random Access Memory

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    In vitro fermentation of different types of α-amylase resistant corn starches

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    Three types of α-amylase resistant corn starches were in vitro fermented (72 h) using cecal content of rat as inoculum. Resistant starches were prepared from native (NCS), retrograded (RSA), and retrograded and boiled (RSB) corn starch by treatment with α-amylase to remove digestible starch. Short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production, molar ratios (acetate: propionate: butyrate), fermentability with respect to lactulose and dry matter disappearance were measured. SCFA production was significantly correlated with non-fermented residue (P < 0.001). The three starches showed a similar fermentability, although the rate of SCFA production and disappearance of substrate were slower for retrograded starches. NCS was fermented early while RSA and RSB prolonged their degradation to 72 h. There were slight differences in the molar ratios of acetate, propionate and butyrate. Structural changes in the materials were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In summary, commonly utilised domestic cooking and technological treatments modified the in vitro fermentative characteristics of resistant corn starches probably due to structural changes. © Springer-Verlag 2000.Peer Reviewe

    Nutritional and physiological properties of grape pomace as a potential food ingredient

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    Grape pomace (GP) is a polyphenols (PP) and dietary fiber (DF) rich material. Although its composition is well known, its physiological effects and bioavailability are poorly understood. Male Wistar rats were fed a standard diet supplemented with 10% GP over an eight-week period. The GP-fed rats showed higher fresh and dry stool weights and increased fat, protein and mineral excretion in feces as compared to the control group. Sixty-eight percent of soluble PP were absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, while almost all of (99%) of insoluble PP were excreted undegraded in feces improving the high bulking capacity of dietary fiber. These results could be taken into account in potential applications of this by-product as a food ingredient.Peer Reviewe

    Reduction in serum total and LDL cholesterol concentrations by a dietary fiber and polyphenol-rich grape product in hypercholesterolemic rats

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    The cholesterol lowering effect of a dietary fiber and polyphenols rich product (DFPP) was evaluated in normo- and hypercholesterolemic rats. Four groups of six adult male Wistar rats were fed a purified cholesterol-free diet and 1g/100 g cholesterol-added diets, containing 5 g/100 g diet cellulose or 10 g/100 g diet DFPP as a source of dietary fiber for 4 weeks. Feeding the cholesterol-free diets supplemented with DFPP had no effect on serum cholesterol nor in LDL-cholesterol concentrations. On the contrary, HDL-cholesterol concentration was significantly higher in rats fed DFPP than in the unsupplemented group. In hypercholesterolemic rats, serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations were significantly lower in the DFPP-supplemented group than in the unsupplemented group. HDL-cholesterol concentrations were not affected by feeding of DFPP in hypercholesterolemic diets. No effect of DFPP on serum triglycerides was observed. In both diets, HDL:LDL ratio tended to be higher and atherogenic index ([Total cholesterol - HDL-cholesterol] x HDL-cholesterol-1) lower in the DFPP-fed groups as compared to their controls. These results indicate that the DFPP reduce serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, as well as the atherogenic index, in hypercholesterolemic rats.Authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Comunidad de Madrid (CAM 066/048/96) and the concession of a scholarship from the Universidad Complutense de MadridPeer Reviewe

    Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica y Bioingeniería 2023: Libro de actas

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    Las Jornadas de Robótica y Bioingeniería de 2023 tienen lugar en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de IVIadrid, entre los días 14 y 16 de junio de 2023. En este evento propiciado por el Comité Español de Automática (CEA) tiene lugar la celebración conjunta de las XII Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica y el XIV Simposio CEA de Bioingeniería. Las Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica es un evento promovido por el Grupo Temático de Robótica (GTRob) de CEA para dar visibilidad y mostrar las actividades desarrolladas en el ámbito de la investigación y transferencia tecnológica en robótica. Asimismo, el propósito de Simposio de Bioingeniería, que cumple ahora su decimocuarta dicción, es el de proporcionar un espacio de encuentro entre investigadores, desabolladores, personal clínico, alumnos, industriales, profesionales en general e incluso usuarios que realicen su actividad en el ámbito de la bioingeniería. Estos eventos se han celebrado de forma conjunta en la anualidad 2023. Esto ha permitido aunar y congregar un elevado número de participantes tanto de la temática robótica como de bioingeniería (investigadores, profesores, desabolladores y profesionales en general), que ha posibilitado establecer puntos de encuentro, sinergias y colaboraciones entre ambos. El programa de las jornadas aúna comunicaciones científicas de los últimos resultados de investigación obtenidos, por los grupos a nivel español más representativos dentro de la temática de robótica y bioingeniería, así como mesas redondas y conferencias en las que se debatirán los temas de mayor interés en la actualidad. En relación con las comunicaciones científicas presentadas al evento, se ha recibido un total de 46 ponencias, lo que sin duda alguna refleja el alto interés de la comunidad científica en las Jornadas de Robótica y Bioingeniería. Estos trabajos serán expuestos y presentados a lo largo de un total de 10 sesiones, distribuidas durante los diferentes días de las Jornadas. Las temáticas de los trabajos cubren los principales retos científicos relacionados con la robótica y la bioingeniería: robótica aérea, submarina, terrestre, percepción del entorno, manipulación, robótica social, robótica médica, teleoperación, procesamiento de señales biológicos, neurorehabilitación etc. Confiamos, y estamos seguros de ello, que el desarrollo de las jornadas sea completamente productivo no solo para los participantes en las Jornadas que podrán establecer nuevos lazos y relaciones fructíferas entre los diferentes grupos, sino también aquellos investigadores que no hayan podido asistir. Este documento que integra y recoge todas las comunicaciones científicas permitirá un análisis más detallado de cada una de las mismas

    Do tourism applications' quality and user experience influence its acceptance by tourists?

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    The aim of the present study is to improve the understanding regarding the acceptance of tourism apps available for the marketing and tourism destination. For this purpose, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) was adapted to investigate the determinants of users' behavioral intention for mobile tourism applications according to the quality and user experience of tourism applications. In order to understand whether the design of and user experience with tourist applications influence those apps' use and acceptance, the variable Trust in the Internet operator was added to UTAUT2 as an external variable, as well as App Quality and App User Experience. To investigate the determinants of the users' behavioral intention, a survey of 552 users was performed, and the data were analyzed using the partial least squares path modeling in Spain and Portugal. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of user needs when they decide whether to download a mobile tourism app and whether to use it at their destination.FCT - Foundation for Science and TechnologyPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [UIDB/04470/2020 CiTUR]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio