121 research outputs found

    Regulation of two motor patterns enables the gradual adjustment of locomotion strategy in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    In animal locomotion a tradeoff exists between stereotypy and flexibility: fast long-distance travelling (LDT) requires coherent regular motions, while local sampling and area-restricted search (ARS) rely on flexible movements. We report here on a posture control system in C. elegans that coordinates these needs. Using quantitative posture analysis we explain worm locomotion as a composite of two modes: regular undulations versus flexible turning. Graded reciprocal regulation of both modes allows animals to flexibly adapt their locomotion strategy under sensory stimulation along a spectrum ranging from LDT to ARS. Using genetics and functional imaging of neural activity we characterize the counteracting interneurons AVK and DVA that utilize FLP-1 and NLP-12 neuropeptides to control both motor modes. Gradual regulation of behaviors via this system is required for spatial navigation during chemotaxis. This work shows how a nervous system controls simple elementary features of posture to generate complex movements for goal-directed locomotion strategies

    Simultaneous whole-animal 3D-imaging of neuronal activity using light field microscopy

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    3D functional imaging of neuronal activity in entire organisms at single cell level and physiologically relevant time scales faces major obstacles due to trade-offs between the size of the imaged volumes, and spatial and temporal resolution. Here, using light-field microscopy in combination with 3D deconvolution, we demonstrate intrinsically simultaneous volumetric functional imaging of neuronal population activity at single neuron resolution for an entire organism, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The simplicity of our technique and possibility of the integration into epi-fluoresence microscopes makes it an attractive tool for high-speed volumetric calcium imaging.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, incl. supplementary informatio

    Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in young swimmers

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    Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the impact of mental fatigue on heart rate variability (HRV), subjective measures of fatigue, and swimming performance in young athletes. Method: Sixteen swimmers (15.45 ± 0.51 years old, 7.35 ± 2.20 years of swimming experience) performed a 1500-m time trial on two occasions separated by an interval of at least 72 hours. The 1500-m swimming was preceded by a 30-min treatment that consisted of performing the Stroop Color-Word Test to induce mental fatigue (experimental trial), or watching an emotionally neutral video (control trial). Results: Participants reported higher ratings of mental fatigue and mental effort following the Stroop Test when compared to the control trial, but no differences in motivation were observed. The induction of mental fatigue impaired swimming performance, as evidenced by a slower performance (1.2%) to complete the 1500-m swimming trial. No inter-trial differences were identified for Rates of Perceived Exertion during the swimming test or in HRV after the Stroop and swimming tests. Conclusion: The results suggest that induction of mental fatigue impairs 1500-m swimming performance without changing HRV

    A Perspective on Future Research Directions in Information Theory

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    Information theory is rapidly approaching its 70th birthday. What are promising future directions for research in information theory? Where will information theory be having the most impact in 10-20 years? What new and emerging areas are ripe for the most impact, of the sort that information theory has had on the telecommunications industry over the last 60 years? How should the IEEE Information Theory Society promote high-risk new research directions and broaden the reach of information theory, while continuing to be true to its ideals and insisting on the intellectual rigor that makes its breakthroughs so powerful? These are some of the questions that an ad hoc committee (composed of the present authors) explored over the past two years. We have discussed and debated these questions, and solicited detailed inputs from experts in fields including genomics, biology, economics, and neuroscience. This report is the result of these discussions

    Promotion of IL-4- and IL-5-dependent differentiation of anti-μ-primed B cells by ascorbic acid 2-glucoside

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    The stable ascorbic acid derivative 2-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-L-ascorbic acid (AA-2G) was used to investigate the role of ascorbic acid (AA) in B cell differentiation in vitro. AA-2G is stable in a solution unlike AA but is hydrolyzed by cellular alpha-glucosidase to release AA. Mouse spleen B cells were primed for 2 days with an anti-mu antibody in the presence of interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-5 and then washed and recultured with AA-2G in the presence of IL-4 and IL-5. AA-2G, but not AA, dose-dependently increased IgM production, the greatest enhancement being 150% at concentrations of more than 0.5 mM. In the absence of IL-4 and IL-5, primed B cells produced a negligible amount of IgM, and AA-2G had no effect. AA-2G-induced IgM production in the presence of IL-4 and IL-5 was inhibited by the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor castanospermine. Intracellular AA content, depleted during the priming period, increased by adding AA-2G at the start of reculture. Treatment of B cells with AA-2G resulted in an increase in the number of IgM-secreting cells, CD138-positive cells and CD45R/B220-negative cells. The number of viable cells in untreated cultures decreased gradually, but the decrease was significantly attenuated by AA-2G, resulting in about 70% more viable cells in AA-2G-treated cultures. AA-2G caused a slight but reproducible enhancement of DNA synthesis and a slight decrease in the number of cells with a sub-G1 DNA content. These results demonstrated that AA released from AA-2G enhanced cytokine-dependent IgM production in anti-mu-primed B cells and suggest that its effect is caused through promoting the differentiation of B cells to plasma cells and attenuating the gradual decrease in the number of viable cells

    Sleep is required to consolidate odor memory and remodel olfactory synapses

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    Animals with complex nervous systems demand sleep for memory consolidation and synaptic remodeling. Here, we show that, although the Caenorhabditis elegans nervous system has a limited number of neurons, sleep is necessary for both processes. In addition, it is unclear if, in any system, sleep collaborates with experience to alter synapses between specific neurons and whether this ultimately affects behavior. C. elegans neurons have defined connections and well-described contributions to behavior. We show that spaced odor-training and post-training sleep induce long-term memory. Memory consolidation, but not acquisition, requires a pair of interneurons, the AIYs, which play a role in odor-seeking behavior. In worms that consolidate memory, both sleep and odor conditioning are required to diminish inhibitory synaptic connections between the AWC chemosensory neurons and the AIYs. Thus, we demonstrate in a living organism that sleep is required for events immediately after training that drive memory consolidation and alter synaptic structures

    Plasmodium berghei Circumvents Immune Responses Induced by Merozoite Surface Protein 1- and Apical Membrane Antigen 1-Based Vaccines

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    BACKGROUND: Two current leading malaria blood-stage vaccine candidate antigens for Plasmodium falciparum, the C-terminal region of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1(19)) and apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1), have been prioritized because of outstanding protective efficacies achieved in a rodent malaria Plasmodium yoelii model. However, P. falciparum vaccines based on these antigens have had disappointing outcomes in clinical trials. Discrepancies in the vaccine efficacies observed between the P. yoelii model and human clinical trials still remain problematic. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS: In this study, we assessed the protective efficacies of a series of MSP1(19)- and AMA1-based vaccines using the P. berghei rodent malarial parasite and its transgenic models. Immunization of mice with a baculoviral-based vaccine (BBV) expressing P. falciparum MSP1(19) induced high titers of PfMSP1(19)-specific antibodies that strongly reacted with P. falciparum blood-stage parasites. However, no protection was achieved following lethal challenge with transgenic P. berghei expressing PfMSP1(19) in place of native PbMSP1(19). Similarly, neither P. berghei MSP1(19)- nor AMA1-BBV was effective against P. berghei. In contrast, immunization with P. yoelii MSP1(19)- and AMA1-BBVs provided 100% and 40% protection, respectively, against P. yoelii lethal challenge. Mice that naturally acquired sterile immunity against P. berghei became cross-resistant to P. yoelii, but not vice versa. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to address blood-stage vaccine efficacies using both P. berghei and P. yoelii models at the same time. P. berghei completely circumvents immune responses induced by MSP1(19)- and AMA1-based vaccines, suggesting that P. berghei possesses additional molecules and/or mechanisms that circumvent the host's immune responses to MSP1(19) and AMA1, which are lacking in P. yoelii. Although it is not known whether P. falciparum shares these escape mechanisms with P. berghei, P. berghei and its transgenic models may have potential as useful tools for identifying and evaluating new blood-stage vaccine candidate antigens for P. falciparum

    Safety and Immunogenicity of a Malaria Vaccine, Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1/MSP-1 Chimeric Protein Formulated in Montanide ISA 720 in Healthy Adults

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    The P. falciparum chimeric protein 2.9 (PfCP-2.9) consisting of the sequences of MSP1-19 and AMA-1 (III) is a malaria vaccine candidate that was found to induce inhibitory antibodies in rabbits and monkeys. This was a phase I randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the PfCP-2.9 formulated with a novel adjuvant Montanide ISA720. Fifty-two subjects were randomly assigned to 4 dose groups of 10 participants, each receiving the test vaccine of 20, 50, 100, or 200 µg respectively, and 1 placebo group of 12 participants receiving the adjuvant only.The vaccine formulation was shown to be safe and well-tolerated, and none of the participants withdrew. The total incidence of local adverse events (AEs) was 75%, distributed among 58% of the placebo group and 80% of those vaccinated. Among the vaccinated, 65% had events that were mild and 15% experienced moderate AEs. Almost all systemic adverse reactions observed in this study were graded as mild and required no therapy. The participants receiving the test vaccine developed detectable antibody responses which were boosted by the repeated vaccinations. Sixty percent of the vaccinated participants had high ELISA titers (>1∶10,000) of antigen-specific antibodies which could also recognize native parasite proteins in an immunofluorescence assay (IFA).This study is the first clinical trial for this candidate and builds on previous investigations supporting PfCP-2.9/ISA720 as a promising blood-stage malaria vaccine. Results demonstrate safety, tolerability (particularly at the lower doses tested) and immunogenicity of the formulation. Further clinical development is ongoing to explore optimizing the dose and schedule of the formulation to decrease reactogenicity without compromising immunogenicity.

    Mosquito ingestion of antibodies against mosquito midgut microbiota improves conversion of ookinetes to oocysts for Plasmodium falciparum, but not P. yoelii

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    The mosquito midgut is a site of complex interactions between the mosquito, the malaria parasite and the resident bacterial flora. In laboratory experiments, we observed significant enhancement of Plasmodium falciparum oocyst production when Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes were membrane-fed on infected blood containing gametocytes from in vitro cultures mixed with sera from rabbits immunized with A. gambiae midguts. To identify specific mechanisms, we evaluated whether the immune sera was interfering with the usual limiting activity of gram-negative bacteria in An. gambiae midguts. Enhancement of P. falciparum infection rates occurred at some stage between the ookinete and oocyst stage and was associated with greater numbers of oocysts in mosquitoes fed on immune sera. The same immune sera did not affect the sporogonic development of P. yoelii, a rodent malaria parasite. Not only did antibodies in the immune sera recognize several types of midgut-derived gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas spp. and Cedecea spp.), but gentamicin provided in the sugar meal 3. days before an infectious P. falciparum blood meal mixed with immune sera eliminated the enhancing effect. These results suggest that gram-negative bacteria, which normally impair P. falciparum development between the ookinete and oocyst stage, were altered by specific anti-bacterial antibodies produced by immunizing rabbits with non-antibiotic-treated midgut lysates. Because of the differences in developmental kinetics between human and rodent malaria species, the anti-bacterial antibodies had no effect on P. yoelii because their ookinetes leave the midgut much earlier than P. falciparum and so are not influenced as strongly by resident midgut bacteria. While this study highlights the complex interactions occurring between the parasite, mosquito, and midgut microbiota, the ultimate goal is to determine the influence of midgut microbiota on Plasmodium development in anopheline midguts in malaria endemic settings.Peer reviewedEntomology and Plant Patholog
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