304 research outputs found

    Crop-Livestock Farming Systems Varying with Different Altitudes in Southern Ethiopia

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    In Sub-Saharan Africa, rangeland is increasingly converted to cropland,  creating diverse crop-livestock practices in different environments. As these practices lead to highly adapted livestock production systems using  resources that vary locally and seasonally, not much is known about their similarities and differences. We assessed different crop-livestock systems through 60 semistructured interviews in lowlands (<1700 m.a.s.l),  mid-altitude ranges (~2000 masl), and highlands (>2400 m.a.s.l) around the Rift Valley, Ethiopia. Average livestock numbers per household were higher in lowlands (43) and highlands (18), where access to communal grazing lands was possible. Cattle dominated at all sites, draught oxen  numbers increased with available cropping land per household. All sites used crop residues as supplemental feed. Dung was used as manure in most households, as fuel is used only in higher regions. Our study showed that crop-livestock practices and livestock numbers can be explained by altitude but also by the availability of private and communally used land. Further practices should include growing fodder legumes, crop rotations, and intercropping, which might support a reduced-tillage system and  reduce numbers of environmentally costly draught oxen

    Linking weather data, satellite imagery and field observations to household food production and child undernutrition: an exploratory study in Burkina Faso

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    Worldwide, 50 million children under five are acutely malnourished, while 16 million amongst them suffer from severe wasting. Chronic malnutrition is more common and accounts for an estimated 159 million children, meaning that approximately 23.8% of all children under five worldwide are stunted. The proportion of stunted children has decreased worldwide between 1990 (39.6%) and 2014 (23.8%), but the progress has been unequal. While Asia as a whole reduced stunting by half (-47.0%) between 1990 and 2014, there are still 78 million stunted children in South Asia alone. Unlike Asia, the African continent has reduced stunting by just one quarter (24.0%). In contrast, the absolute number of stunted children in Africa has still increased, from 47 million in 1990, to 58 million in 2014. Under-nutrition is caused by a complex web of interdependent environmental/climatic, agricultural and socio-economic factors. Climate change has recently been identified as a major risk factor for childhood undernutrition. However, the scientific evidence base for this is weak. No study has so far simultaneously combined of the well-known drivers of undernutrition with climate change while being grounded in one population in one-time and in one location. Such studies are prerequisite for the relative attribution of the various risk factors, including climate chance, as causes of childhood undernutrition. In this exploratory study, methods from multiple sectors were applied to 20 randomly selected households in Bourasso in rural Burkina Faso, where more than 80% of the population are subsistence farmers, i.e. live off their fields. Well tested methods, such as household-level agricultural and nutritional surveys, anthropometric measurement of undernutrition with innovative methods, measuring household level-crop yields, were combined. This was done by participatory mapping of each household’s plots. Remote sensing algorithms were applied to RapidEye satellite scenes covering the study area in order to map the actual cultivated area and to derive qualitative harvest estimates for the surveyed micro-fields. Weather data were obtained from a research meteorological field station, about 20 km away from Bourasso. In addition to bringing field methods from different sectors together through the lens of a household, one further advanced method was integrated: The linkage between each household plot limits and their integration into the satellite scene making it possible to estimate crop yields at the plot level for each household and linking this to the nutritional status of that specific household. Thus the exploratory study produced the following results: High-resolution remote sensing data can assist studies on malnutrition in Burkina Faso; RapidEye is a promising data source in regard to the spatial resolution for micro-field assessments; The strong inter-annual variation of malnutrition is suggestive that climate is a casual factor in the absence of other explanatory factors (political unrest, price shocks of inputs, epidemics). Population-based studies replicating the described multi-sectoral toolbox should be upscaled to larger sample sizes and longer observational time series. This could contribute to generating crucial climate health impact functions, in this case for malnutrition

    Theoretical and Experimental Investigations Regarding Open Volumetric Receivers of CRS

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    AbstractConcentrated sunlight is absorbed in solar thermal power plants by heat resistant absorbers and converted into usable heat which is transferred to a carrier medium. In solar tower power plants such as the plant in Jülich porous absorbers can reach temperatures up to 1000°C and higher. At this power plant air as heat transfer medium is sucked in through the absorber and heated up to about 700°C. The absorber is composed of highly porous ceramic or metal wire structures. The SIJ investigates the optimization of solar absorption and the convective heat transfer to the air using thermo and fluid mechanical calculations. In such simulations the key quantities are the penetration depth of solar radiation κ and the volumetric heat transfer coefficient αv, which indicates how much energy - depending on the volume and temperature difference - is transferred by convection between solid and fluid. The attenuation of the radiation into the depth of the absorber is described generally by an exponential function with parameter κ. This is accompanied by heat transfer to the structure. Existing models of the key quantities have been validated by experimental data

    Invited Editorial: Health as a crucial driver for climate policy

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    Health impacts of climate change and the need to prevent them should be at centre stage of the ongoing debate on climate policies (1). We have specifically prepared this series of papers to be available for the COP151 conference in Copenhagen, to which the world looks to agree on targets and procedures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on the basis of fair burden-sharing between high and low-income countries

    The Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in Nouna, Burkina Faso, 1993–2007

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    The Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) is located in rural Burkina Faso and has existed since 1992. Currently, it has about 78,000 inhabitants. It is a member of the International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and Their Health in Developing Countries (INDEPTH), a global network of members who conducts longitudinal health and demographic evaluation of populations in low- and middle-income countries. The health facilities consist of one hospital and 13 basic health centres (locally known as CSPS). The Nouna HDSS has been used as a sampling frame for numerous studies in the fields of clinical research, epidemiology, health economics, and health systems research. In this paper we review some of the main findings, and we describe the effects that almost 20 years of health research activities have shown in the population in general and in terms of the perception, economic implications, and other indicators. Longitudinal data analyses show that childhood, as well as overall mortality, has significantly decreased over the observation period 1993–2007. The under-five mortality rate dropped from about 40 per 1,000 person-years in the mid-1990s to below 30 per 1,000 in 2007. Further efforts are needed to meet goal four of the Millennium Development Goals, which is to reduce the under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015

    A Model of the Potential Distribution of Striga hermonthica in the African Continent and its Prospection under Climate Change

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    The genus Striga (Orobanchaceae) comprises parasitic weeds recognised as a major problem for crop production in sub-Saharan Africa. Striga hermonthica is an obligate parasite of pearl millet, sorghum and other important crops in semi-arid and arid regions of the tropics, producing millions of hectares of yield loses and a great impact on human welfare in the rural areas where it occurs. Under the present situation and the possible scenarios within the framework of climate change Striga hermonthica’s current and future distribution needs to be estimated urgently, in order to efficiently target available prevention and management strategies. Using the maximum entropy (Maxent) approach for modelling species’ distributions, our research focuses on better describe the present distribution of Striga hermonthica and to predict potential future areas where this dangerous parasite could spread in the African continent

    Healthy Firms: Constraints to Growth among Private Health Sector Facilities in Ghana and Kenya

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    Background: Health outcomes in developing countries continue to lag the developed world, and many countries are not on target to meet the Millennium Development Goals. The private health sector provides much of the care in many developing countries (e.g., approximately 50 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa), but private providers are often poorly integrated into the health system. Efforts to improve health systems performance will need to include the private sector and increase its contributions to national health goals. However, the literature on constraints private health care providers face is limited. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analyze data from a survey of private health facilities in Kenya and Ghana to evaluate growth constraints facing private providers. A significant portion of facilities (Ghana: 62 percent; Kenya: 40 percent) report limited access to finance as the most significant barrier they face; only a small minority of facilities report using formal credit institutions to finance day to day operations (Ghana: 6 percent; Kenya: 11 percent). Other important barriers include corruption, crime, limited demand for goods and services, and poor public infrastructure. Most facilities have paper-based rather than electronic systems for patient records (Ghana: 30 percent; Kenya: 22 percent), accounting (Ghana: 45 percent; Kenya: 27 percent), and inventory control (Ghana: 41 percent; Kenya: 24 percent). A majority of clinics in both countries report undertaking activities to improve provider skills and to monitor the level and quality of care they provide. However, only a minority of pharmacies report undertaking such activities

    Factors influencing the utilization of research findings by health policy-makers in a developing country: the selection of Mali's essential medicines

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    BACKGROUND: Research findings are increasingly being recognized as an important input in the formation of health policy. There is concern that research findings are not being utilized by health policy-makers to the extent that they could be. The factors influencing the utilization of various types of research by health policy-makers are beginning to emerge in the literature, however there is still little known about these factors in developing countries. The object of this study was to explore these factors by examining the policy-making process for a pharmaceutical policy common in developing countries; an essential medicines list. METHODS: A study of the selection and updating of Mali's national essential medicines list was undertaken using qualitative methods. In-depth semi-structured interviews and a natural group discussion were held with national policy-makers, most specifically members of the national commission that selects and updates the country's list. The resulting text was analyzed using a phenomenological approach. A document analysis was also performed. RESULTS: Several factors emerged from the textual data that appear to be influencing the utilization of health research findings for these policy-makers. These factors include: access to information, relevance of the research, use of research perceived as a time consuming process, trust in the research, authority of those who presented their view, competency in research methods, priority of research in the policy process, and accountability. CONCLUSION: Improving the transfer of research to policy will require effort on the part of researchers, policy-makers, and third parties. This will include: collaboration between researchers and policy-makers, increased production and dissemination of relevant and useful research, and continued and improved technical support from networks and multi-national organizations. Policy-makers from developing countries will then be better equipped to make informed decisions concerning their health policy issues