205 research outputs found

    Vulnerability and adaptation to climate extremes in the Americas (VACEA)

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    Farming communities are the first source of information on threats posed by climate change, and adaptations. The programme of the Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in the Americas (VACEA) aims to improve the understanding of the vulnerability of rural agricultural and indigenous communities to shifts in climate variability and to the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events. As well, VACEA works to engage governance institutions in Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia in enhancing their adaptive capacity to reduce rural community vulnerability. Farmers in the VACEA network actively participate in adaptation initiatives

    Age of Rotational Landslides in the Cypress Hills, Alberta-Saskatchewan

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    The topography of the west block of the Cypress Hills indicates that fluvial dissection of the plateaux and subsequent rotational landsliding of valley sides have been the dominant Quaternary geomorphic processes. This paper presents a preliminary chronology of rotational landslides based on the relative ages of 17 landslides and on 3 absolute dates. Four indices of relative age were used: organic content in Ah and B soil horizons, the size and coverage of lichens and weathering rind thickness on boulders exposed by landsliding, and the concavity and gradient of gullies in landslide debris, One landslide occurred in 1965. Organic materials collected from buried soil horizons beneath depressions on 3 other landslides were radiocarbon dated at 1235 ± 105, 1635 ± 105 and 7259 ± 165 yrs. BP. Microscopic analysis of the organic material revealed that the oldest sample was contaminated with older carbon. Cluster analysis of the relative age data in conjunction with 3 acceptable absolute dates suggests that the landslides under study have occurred during late Holocene time.La topographie du secteur ouest des Cypress Hills révèle qu'au Quaternaire les principaux processus géomorphologiques ont été l'érosion fluviatile, sur les plateaux, et les glissements de terrain par rotation, sur les versants. Le présent article propose une chronologie des glissements de terrain, 17 ayant une datation relative, et 3, une datation absolue. Quatre indices ont été utilisés pour déterminer l'âge relatif: la teneur en matière organique des horizons pédologiques Ah et B, la concavité et la pente des ravins creusés dans les matériaux, la taille des lichens et Ia surface qu'ils occupent sur des blocs mis au jour par les glissements de terrain, ainsi que l'épaisseur de la couche altérée sur ces blocs. Il y eut un glissement en 1965. À la suite du prélèvement de matière organique dans des horizons pédologiques enfouis, on a pu dater au radiocarbone trois autres glissements (1235 ± 105; 1635 ± 105; 7259 ± 165 BP). L'analyse des échantillons au microscope révèle que Ia matière organique la plus ancienne renfermait du carbone. Une analyse d'ensemble (datations relatives et absolues) laisse penser que les glissements de terrain se sont produits à la fin de l'Holocène.Die Topographie des Westteils der Cypress Hills IaBt erkennen, daB die fluviatile Gliederung der Plateaus und anschlieBende Erdrutsche der Talseiten die wichtigsten geomorphologischen Prozesse im Quaternâr gewesen sind. Dieser Artikel gibt eine vorlâufige Chronologie der Erdrutsche, gestùtzt auf die relative Datierung von 17 Erdrutschen und auf drei absolute Datierungen. Vier Anhaltspunkte wurden fur die relative Datierung benutzt: Der organische Gehalt in den Ah und B Boden-Horizonten, die GrôBe und Ausdehnung der Flechten und die Dicke der Verwitterungskruste auf den durch die Erdrutsche bloBgelegten Blôcken und die Hôhlung und Neigung der Rinnen in den Erdrutsch-Gesteinstrùmmern. Ein Erdrutsch ereignete sich 1965. Organisches Material, das aus vergrabenen Boden-Horizonten unterhalb der Senken von drei anderen Erdrutschen stammt, wurde mit Radiokarbon auf 1235 ± 105, 1635 ± 105 und 7259 ± 165 Jahre BP datiert. Die mikroskopische Analyse des organischen Materials lieB erkennen, daB die àlteste Probe àlteren Kohlenstoff enthielt. Eine Block-Analyse der relativen Datierungen im Zusammenhang mit den drei annehmbaren absoluten Datierungen legt nahe, daB die untersuchten Erdrutsche wâhrend des spâten Holozàn stattgefunden haben

    Limitations of Water Resources Infrastructure for Reducing Community Vulnerabilities to Extremes and Uncertainty of Flood and Drought

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    Debate and deliberation surrounding climate change has shifted from mitigation toward adaptation, with much of the adaptation focus centered on adaptive practices, and infrastructure development. However, there is little research assessing expected impacts, potential benefits, and design challenges that exist for reducing vulnerability to expected climate impacts. The uncertainty of design requirements and associated government policies, and social structures that reflect observed and projected changes in the intensity, duration, and frequency of water-related climate events leaves communities vulnerable to the negative impacts of potential flood and drought. The results of international research into how agricultural infrastructure features in current and planned adaptive capacity of rural communities in Argentina, Canada, and Colombia indicate that extreme hydroclimatic events, as well as climate variability and unpredictability are important for understanding and responding to community vulnerability. The research outcomes clearly identify the need to deliberately plan, coordinate, and implement infrastructures that support community resiliency.Fil: McMartin, Dena W.. University of Regina; CanadáFil: Hernani Merino, Bruno H.. University of Regina; CanadáFil: Bonsal, Barrie. Environment Canada; CanadáFil: Hurlbert, Margot. University of Regina; CanadáFil: Villalba, Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Cientifícas y Tecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Ocampo, Olga L.. Universidad Autónoma de Manizales; ColombiaFil: Upegui, Jorge Julián Vélez. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Poveda, Germán. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Sauchyn, David J.. University of Regina; Canad

    Reconstruction Of Paleo-Hydrologic Data For Vulnerability Assessment Of Water Resources Systems

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    Tree-ring chronologies are a rich source of information of past climate-driven non-stationarities in hydrologic variables. They are typically directly related to available water in respective years, thereby providing a basis for paleo-hydrology reconstruction. This study investigates the time series of tree-ring chronologies, with the objective of identifying the spatiotemporal patterns and extents of non-stationarities, which are essentially representations of past “climate changes”. This study also generates ensembles of moving-average streamflow time series for the centuries prior to the period of observational record. The major headwater tributaries of the Saskatchewan River basin (SaskRB), the main source of surface water in the Canadian Prairie Provinces, are used as the case study. This extended abstract gives a brief summary of the methodology and some examples of the results. The analyses and results show how the reconstruction of paleo-hydrology broadens the understanding of hydrologic characteristics of a basin beyond the limited observational records, and therefore, provides a basis for more reliable assessment and management of available water resources

    Comparing Approaches for Reconstructing Groundwater Levels in the Mountainous Regions of Interior British Columbia, Canada, Using Tree Ring Widths

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    Observed groundwater level records are relatively short (<100 years), limiting long-term studies of groundwater variability that could provide valuable insight into climate change effects. This study uses tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Database (ITRDB) and groundwater level data from 22 provincial observation wells to evaluate different approaches for reconstructing groundwater levels from tree ring widths in the mountainous southern interior of British Columbia, Canada. The twenty-eight reconstruction models consider the selection of observation wells (e.g., regional average groundwater level vs. wells classified by recharge mechanism) and the search area for potential tree ring records (climate footprint vs. North American Ecoregions). Results show that if the climate footprint is used, reconstructions are statistically valid if the wells are grouped according to recharge mechanism, with streamflow-driven and high-elevation recharge-driven wells (both snowmelt-dominated) producing valid models. Of all the ecoregions considered, only the Coast Mountain Ecoregion models are statistically valid for both the regional average groundwater level and high-elevation recharge-driven systems. No model is statistically valid for low-elevation recharge-driven systems (rainfall-dominated). The longest models extend the groundwater level record to the year 1500, with the highest confidence in the later portions of the reconstructions going back to the year 1800

    Coherent streamflow variability in Monsoon Asia over the past eight centuries—links to oceanic drivers

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    Ten of the world's biggest rivers are located entirely within the Asian Monsoon region. They provide water, energy, and food for 1.7 billion people. To manage these critical resources, we need a better understanding of river discharge—how does it change over a long time? Are there common variation patterns among rivers? To answer these questions, we use information derived from tree rings to reconstruct average annual river discharge history at 62 gauges in 16 Asian countries. Our reconstruction reveals the riparian footprint of megadroughts and large volcanic eruptions over the past eight centuries. We show that simultaneous droughts and pluvials have often occurred at adjacent river basins in the past, because Asian rivers share common influences from the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. We also show how these oceanic teleconnections change over space and time. Our findings can inform big decisions made on water-dependent infrastructure, thus benefiting the riparian people of the Asian Monsoon region

    Газификация древесины в электродуговом плазменном реакторе в атмосфере воздуха и азота

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    Organic mass plasma gasification investigations were carried out for nitrogen and air media in plasma reactor. Thermo­dynamic calculations were made for different regimes. The calculations were checked experimentally with plasma reactor.Проведены исследования в области газификации органической массы для азотной и воздушной среды в плазменном реакторе. Выполнены термодинамические расчеты различных режимов работы реактора. Про­ ведено сравнение экспериментальных и расчетных данных

    Summary Document

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    This summary is based on the following larger document: Sauchyn, Dave; Barrow, Elaine; Fang, X; Henderson, Norm; Johnston, Mark; Pomeroy, John; Thorpe, Jeff; Wheaton, Elaine; Williams, B. 2009. Saskatchewan’s Natural Capital in a Changing Climate: An Assessment of Impacts and Adaptation, PARC, Regina, 162pp. The full report is viewable on the PARC website at www.parc.caSummary edited by Dave Sauchyn and Norm Henderson.PARC acknowledges the funding support of Saskatchewan Environment.Non-Peer ReviewedClimate change impacts in Saskatchewan are already evident and will become increasing significant over time. This report draws on the expertise of top climate change researchers and a large body of previous work to create a state-of-knowledge synthesis of key biophysical impacts and adaptation options specific to Saskatchewan. The focus is Saskatchewan’s ecosystems and water resources and the sectors of our economy, agriculture, and forestry, which are most dependent on these natural resources. The purpose of this report is to 1) document the expected impacts of climate change on Saskatchewan’s natural resources and dependent industries, and 2) outline options for adaptation of resource management practices, policies and infrastructure to minimize the risks associated with the impacts of climate change and to take advantage of opportunities provided by a warming climate