10 research outputs found

    Influence of growth rate on the epitaxial orientation and crystalline quality of CeO2 thin films grown on Al2O3(0001)

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    Growth rate-induced epitaxial orientations and crystalline quality of CeO2 thin films grown on Al2O3(0001) by oxygen plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy were studied using in situ and ex situ characterization techniques. CeO2 grows as three-dimensional (3D) islands and two-dimensional layers at growth rates of 1-7 angstrom/min and \u3e = 9 angstrom/min, respectively. The formation of epitaxial CeO2(100) and CeO2(111) thin films occurs at growth rates of 1 angstrom/min and \u3e = 9 angstrom/min, respectively. Glancing-incidence x-ray diffraction measurements have shown that the films grown at intermediate growth rates (2-7 angstrom/min) consist of polycrystalline CeO2 along with CeO2(100). The thin film grown at 1 angstrom/min exhibits six in-plane domains, characteristic of well-aligned CeO2(100) crystallites. The content of the poorly aligned CeO2(100) crystallites increases with increasing growth rate from 2 to 7 angstrom/min, and three out of six in-plane domains gradually decrease and eventually disappear, as confirmed by XRD pole figures. At growth rates \u3e = 9 angstrom/min, CeO2(111) film with single in-plane domain was identified. The formation of CeO2(100) 3D islands at growth rates of 1-7 angstrom/min is a kinetically driven process unlike at growth rates \u3e = 9 angstrom/min which result in an energetically and thermodynamically more stable CeO2(111) surface

    Self-Assembly of Cerium Oxide Nanostructures in Ice Molds

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    The formation of nanorods, driven by the physicochemical phenomena during the freezing and after the aging of frozen ceria nanoparticle suspensions, is reported. During freezing of a dilute aqueous solution of CeO2 nanocrystals, some nuclei remain in solution while others are trapped inside micro- and nanometer voids formed within the growing ice front. Over time (2–3 weeks) the particles trapped within the nanometer-wide voids in the ice combine by an oriented attachment process to form ceria nanorods. The experimental observations are consistent with molecular dynamics simulations of particle aggregation in constrained environments. These observations suggest a possible strategy for the templated formation of nanostructures through self-assembly by exploiting natural phenomena, such as voids formed during freezing of water. This research suggests a very simple, green chemical route to guide the formation of one- and three-dimensional self-assembled nanostructures

    Aqueous Medium Induced Optical Transitions In Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles

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    Experimental and theoretical investigations were performed to investigate the effect of water on optical properties of nanoceria as a function of Ce3+ concentration. Theoretical studies based on density functional plane-wave calculations reveal that the indirect optical transitions in bare ceria nanoparticles are red-shifted with an increase in the concentration of Ce3+. However, ceria nanoparticles model with adsorbed water molecules show a blue shift in the indirect optical spectra under identical conditions. Direct optical transitions are almost independent of Ce3+ concentration but show a pronounced blue shift in the aqueous environment relative to the bare nanoparticles. The theoretical study is consistent with our experimental observation in difference of shift behaviour in bare and aqueous suspended ceria nanoparticles. This change from red- to blue-shift in indirect optical transitions is associated with the polarization effect of water molecules on f-electron states. This journal i

    Surface characterization of nanomaterials and nanoparticles: Important needs and challenging opportunities

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    This review examines characterization challenges inherently associated with understanding nanomaterials and the roles surface and interface characterization methods can play in meeting some of the challenges. In parts of the research community, there is growing recognition that studies and published reports on the properties and behaviors of nanomaterials often have reported inadequate or incomplete characterization. As a consequence, the true value of the data in these reports is, at best, uncertain. With the increasing importance of nanomaterials in fundamental research and technological applications, it is desirable that researchers from the wide variety of disciplines involved recognize the nature of these often unexpected challenges associated with reproducible synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, including the difficulties of maintaining desired materials properties during handling and processing due to their dynamic nature. It is equally valuable for researchers to understand how characterization approaches (surface and otherwise) can help to minimize synthesis surprises and to determine how (and how quickly) materials and properties change in different environments. Appropriate application of traditional surface sensitive analysis methods (including x-ray photoelectron and Auger electron spectroscopies, scanning probe microscopy, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy) can provide information that helps address several of the analysis needs. In many circumstances, extensions of traditional data analysis can provide considerably more information than normally obtained from the data collected. Less common or evolving methods with surface selectivity (e.g., some variations of nuclear magnetic resonance, sum frequency generation, and low and medium energy ion scattering) can provide information about surfaces or interfaces in working environments (operando or in situ) or information not provided by more traditional methods. Although these methods may require instrumentation or expertise not generally available, they can be particularly useful in addressing specific questions, and examples of their use in nanomaterial research are presented

    Mapping Nanostructure: A Systematic Enumeration of Nanomaterials by Assembling Nanobuilding Blocks at Crystallographic Positions

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    Nanomaterials synthesized from nanobuilding blocks promise size-dependent properties, associated with individual nanoparticles, together with collective properties of ordered arrays. However, one cannot position nanoparticles at specific locations; rather innovative ways of coaxing these particles to self-assemble must be devised. Conversely, model nanoparticles can be placed in any desired position, which enables a systematic enumeration of nanostructure from model nanobuilding blocks. This is desirable because a list of chemically feasible hypothetical structures will help guide the design of strategies leading to their synthesis. Moreover, the models can help characterize nanostructure, calculate (predict) properties, or simulate processes. Here, we start to formulate and use a simulation strategy to generate atomistic models of nanomaterials, which can, potentially, be synthesized from nanobuilding block precursors. Clearly, this represents a formidable task because the number of ways nanoparticles can be arranged into a superlattice is infinite. Nevertheless, numerical tools are available to help build nanoparticle arrays in a systematic way. Here, we exploit the “rules of crystallography” and position nanoparticles, rather than atoms, at crystallographic sites. Specifically, we explore nanoparticle arrays with cubic, tetragonal, and hexagonal symmetries together with primitive, face centered cubic and body centered cubic nanoparticle “packing”. We also explore binary nanoparticle superlattices. The resulting nanomaterials, spanning CeO2, Ti-doped CeO2, ZnO, ZnS, MgO, CaO, SrO, and BaO, comprise framework architectures, with cavities interconnected by channels traversing (zero), one, two and three dimensions. The final, fully atomistic models comprise three hierarchical levels of structural complexity: crystal structure, microstructure (i.e., grain boundaries, dislocations), and superlattice structure