19 research outputs found

    Assessment and technological forecasting in the textile industry : from first industrial revolution to the industry 4.0

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    Each Industrial Revolution played a key role in the production-consumption pattern of textile products. Given the complexity of the Textile and Apparel Industry, the production systems have varying degrees of conceptual and technological innovation. Thus, the objective of this research is to present a model that includes the projection of technological changes in the production and consumption of textiles from the contrast between the descriptions of patents, scientific articles, and trends and tools of the Industry 4.0. It was possible to infer that the components of the Textile and Apparel Industry are undergoing an evolutionary process, which includes the automation of machinery parts and processes. The technological tools that characterize the Industry 4.0 are not yet fully integrated into textile production, and the challenge for the textile industry is to keep up with these innovations that impact on production, on business models, on consumer habits, and on social aspects113193202COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESNão te

    Estudo da aplicação de técnicas artesanais de trançado manual no desenvolvimento de projeto de embalagem para hortifrútis

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    A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo indicar o uso de técnicas artesanais de trançado manual para o desenvolvimento de embalagens para produtos alimentícios, especificamente hortifrútis. Para tanto, a pesquisa é baseada na interface do estudo entre o trançado manual, projeto de embalagem e metodologia e ferramentas de projeto. O trançado manual tem como base características formais e geométricas, além dos contextos histórico, sociocultural e ambiental em que a produção está inserida. Além disso, a análise dos parâmetros comumente utilizados para o desenvolvimento de embalagem foi feita por meio de levantamento bibliográfico. Por fim, a metodologia de projeto direciona este estudo de temática multidisciplinar. Assim, o projeto de embalagem permite, ao mesmo tempo, o resgate da tradição, transferência de conhecimento e inovação do produto611135159CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESNão temNão te

    Assessment and technological forecasting in the textile industry: From first industrial revolution to the Industry 4.0

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    Each Industrial Revolution played a key role in the production-consumption pattern of textile products. Given the complexity of the Textile and Apparel Industry, the production systems have varying degrees of conceptual and technological innovation. Thus, the objective of this research is to present a model that includes the projection of technological changes in the production and consumption of textiles from the contrast between the descriptions of patents, scientific articles, and trends and tools of the Industry 4.0. It was possible to infer that the components of the Textile and Apparel Industry are undergoing an evolutionary process, which includes the automation of machinery parts and processes. The technological tools that characterize the Industry 4.0 are not yet fully integrated into textile production, and the challenge for the textile industry is to keep up with these innovations that impact on production, on business models, on consumer habits, and on social aspects.Keywords: textile and apparel industry, Industry 4.0, assessment, forecasting

    Assessment and technological forecasting in the textile industry: From first industrial revolution to the Industry 4.0

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    Each Industrial Revolution played a key role in the production-consumption pattern of textile products. Given the complexity of the Textile and Apparel Industry, the production systems have varying degrees of conceptual and technological innovation. Thus, the objective of this research is to present a model that includes the projection of technological changes in the production and consumption of textiles from the contrast between the descriptions of patents, scientific articles, and trends and tools of the Industry 4.0. It was possible to infer that the components of the Textile and Apparel Industry are undergoing an evolutionary process, which includes the automation of machinery parts and processes. The technological tools that characterize the Industry 4.0 are not yet fully integrated into textile production, and the challenge for the textile industry is to keep up with these innovations that impact on production, on business models, on consumer habits, and on social aspects.Keywords: textile and apparel industry, Industry 4.0, assessment, forecasting

    Prendas para atletas paralímpicos: desarrollo de uniformes para la práctica del goalball

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    Goalball es el único deporte paralímpico no adaptado, fue desarrollado específicamente para personas con discapacidad visual. Goalball is the only non-adaptive Paralympic sport, it was developed specifically for people with visual impairments.  O goalball é o único esporte paralímpico não adaptado, foi desenvolvido especificamente para pessoas com deficiência visual.&nbsp

    Nuevos paradigmas de la moda sustentable: soluciones práticas aplicadas em las ciudades de Bauru e Ibitinga (Brasil)

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    La cadena textil y de confecciones es una de las más extensas y complejas que existen, involucrando varios segmentos industriales autónomos cuya interacción es fundamental para su organización. The textile and apparel chain is one of the most extensive and complex existing, involving several autonomous industrial segments whose interaction is fundamental for its organization. A cadeia têxtil e de confecção é uma das mais extensas e complexas existentes, envolvendo diversos segmentos industriais autônomos cuja interação é fundamental para sua organização.&nbsp

    Tecnologia da malharia: : processos e principais produtos

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    Currently, the uses and applications of textile products include those intended for domestic use (decorative textiles, furniture, etc.), passing through the wide field of clothing, on the one hand linked to the great social and cultural phenomena of fashion, and, on the other , to professional or sports clothing, including the specialized segment of technical fabrics, with its great influence on technological innovations, with an exponential growth in its applications and in its global technological demand. Within the textile activity, the knitting segment is one of the oldest, recovering its origin to the manual knitting process. Knitting technology is always evolving, and improvements in machine software systems and graphic design give technicians, designers and engineers more options for making technical fabrics. On the other hand, technological innovations in knitting machines are gradually making fashion more sustainable, through new forms of textile production that are more efficient, avoiding the waste of water, energy and raw materials in addition to eliminating pollution. Actualmente, los usos y aplicaciones de los productos textiles incluyen los destinados al uso doméstico (textiles decorativos, muebles, etc.), pasando por el amplio campo de la confección, por un lado ligados a los grandes fenómenos sociales y culturales de la moda, y, por otro, a la indumentaria profesional o deportiva, incluido el segmento especializado de tejidos técnicos, con su gran influencia en las innovaciones tecnológicas, con un crecimiento exponencial en sus aplicaciones y en su demanda tecnológica global. Dentro de la actividad textil, el segmento del tejido es uno de los más antiguos, recuperando su origen al proceso de tejido manual. La tecnología de tejido siempre está evolucionando y las mejoras en los sistemas de software de la máquina y el diseño gráfico brindan a los técnicos, diseñadores e ingenieros más opciones para fabricar tejidos técnicos. Atualmente, os usos e aplicações dos produtos têxteis compreendem os destinados ao uso doméstico (têxteis para decoração, móveis, etc.), passando pelo amplo campo dos vestuários, de um lado ligado aos grandes fenômenos social e cultural da moda, e, de outro, ao vestuário profissional ou esportivo, incluindo o especializado segmento dos tecidos técnicos, com sua grande influência nas inovações tecnológicas, com um crescimento exponencial em suas aplicações e em sua demanda tecnológica global. Dentro da atividade têxtil, o segmento de malharia é dos mais antigos, resgatando sua origem ao processo manual de tricotagem. A tecnologia de confecção de malhas está sempre evoluindo, e melhorias nos sistemas de software das máquinas e design gráfico proporcionam aos técnicos, designers e engenheiros mais opções para fazer tecidos técnicos. Por outro lado, as inovações tecnológicas nas máquinas de malharia estão aos poucos tornando a moda mais sustentável, através de novas formas de produção têxtil que sejam mais eficientes, evitando o desperdício de água, energia e matéria-prima além de eliminar a poluição

    Propuesta de aplicación del concepto de upcycling en los residuos sólidos textiles posconsumo desechados por comerciantes de Vila María

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    The textile and clothing chain industries, driven by the fast fashion model, which makes consumers buy and discard products at an accelerated rate, are the main responsible for the increase in the volume of clothing production. Las industrias de la cadena textil y de confección, impulsadas por el modelo fast fashion, que hace que los consumidores compren y desechen productos a un ritmo acelerado, son las principales responsables del aumento en el volumen de producción de prendas de vestir. As indústrias da cadeia têxtil e de confecções, impulsionadas pelo modelo fast fashion, que faz com que os consumidores comprem e descartem produtos de forma acelerada, são as principais responsáveis pelo aumento do volume da produção de vestuário.&nbsp

    Ethnobotany of natural fibres - Bactris setosa (tucum) in a traditional rural community

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    This work aimed to study the characteristics of the fibres of the species Bactris setosa ('tucum') used by close-knit social groups, located in Sorocaba - Sao Paulo - Brazil, in basket-making techniques, for possible applications in textile activity. Optical microscopy (NBR 13 538:1995) and Tensile Properties (ASTM D 3 822-2001) were used to assess properties such as the fibre structre, linear density, breaking force, elongation at break and breaking tenacity of each species. Bactris setosa showed a longitudinal view similar to that of sisal; an average linear density of 41.2 tex, a tenacity average of 11.96 cN/tex, closer to fiberglass, and an elongation ranging between 1.35 and 3.87%. It is important to clarify the delicacy and detail of the tests, and from this we highlight the importance of carrying out these studies, based on which science and technology must be linked with socio-environmental aspects