71 research outputs found


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    Bankruptcy which is a condition in which the debtor is unable to make payments on his debts to creditors. In the dispute process, there is a sequence of creditor levels which will affect the settlement of creditor receivables, namely preferential, separatist and concurrent creditors. Concurrent creditors who are at the last level make their position very vulnerable to not getting their receivables repaid. This requires further research in this regard. This study uses a normative legal method which will analyze legal sources and legal literature related to the topics discussed. This research will discuss 1) what is the position of concurrent creditors in bankruptcy disputes and 2) how is the proportionality of the judge's decision on the position of concurrent creditors in bankruptcy disputes as an effort to enforce the legal certainty of the parties? The results of this study indicate that the position of concurrent creditors in bankruptcy disputes is that creditors are the most recent in paying off their receivables. Then the proportionality of the judge's decision on concurrent creditors is given to the supervisory judge as the party who has the authority to distribute the proceeds from the sale of the bankrupt debtor's assets. Concurrent creditors will receive results based on Article 189 Paragraph (3) Law Number 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Suspension Obligations


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    Introduction: Avian Influenza is a kind of disease which has potentially threat towards human health and is deadly in nature so that it is necessary to pay a continuous attention to be research in order to break the Avian Influenza transmittal chain. One of the efforts is the change of community behavior through community nursing in terms of the Avian Influenza risk factor. Methods:The research design is explanatory research using a cross sectional approach conducted to 34 anak kandang as the samples. Regression test is applied as the statistical test component. Results: Simultaneous health cadre role, healthy life style perception, and anak kandang empowerment affect and give contribution towards the effort of breaking the chain of H5N1 transmittal (F count = 21.399 >F table= 4.45) as much as 68.2% and respectively each health cadre gives 11.4% of the contribution, healthy life style perception gives 0.1%, and anak kandang empowerment gives 56.7%. Discussion: The success of Avian Influenza control so that it will not be a new emerging disease and emerging disease is determined by the role and support of the community, mainly the role of health cadre, healthy life style perception, and anak kandang empowerment in the effort of breaking the chain of H5N1 transmittal. Keywords: perception, empowerment, health cadre rol

    Severity Renal Function Detection Through Critical Changes Glomerular Filtration Rate in Hemodialysis Patients

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    Introductions: Hemodialysis is often interpreted incorrectly. People assume that the action is an action that will cure the treatment of hemodialysis patients with renal failure after hemodialysis. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of critical changes in renal glomerular fi ltration rate in patients with hemodialysis nursing care. Method: The design is quasi-experimental study carried out 2 times the observation that pre-test and post-test with a retrospective approach. The study population was all patients who underwent hemodialysis with a sample size of 33 respondents. Analysis of the research data using the paired t test. Result: The results of this study indicate that the glomerular fi ltration rate fi xing Hemodialysis towards better able to detect and prevent the severity of renal function as evidenced by the value of P = 0.031 for change 9.18. Discussion: Hemodialysis fi x glomerular fi ltration rate towards better able to detect and prevent the severity of renal function with the ability to take into account the age and sex and weight stability. All the patients with chronic renal failure in the terminal stage are expected to follow and adhere to regular hemodialysisprogram with regard stabilization weight, age, and sex in order to avoid the severity of kidney function worse

    Model of Community Health Nursing Care to Accelerate MDGs on Health Sanitation Behavior Sector

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    Introduction: Health promotion have an important role in order to improve community's independency on health and healthy lifestyle which influenced by socio-cultural around them. The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of health volunteer activeness, family empowerment, and healthy lifestyle perception on health sanitation behavior sector, so that can help to accelerate MDGs acheivement. Method: This was explanatory research with cross sectional approach. Ninety nine people were recruited as research samples. Independent variables were health volunteer's activeness, family empowerment, and health lifestyle perception. While, the dependent variable was health sanitation behavior. Data were collected by using questionnaire. Data were then analyzed by using regression technique. Result: Result had showed that together health volunteer's activeness, family empowerment, and healthy lifestyle perception have positive contribution to health sanitation behavior (25.4%). While partially, health volunteer's activeness has result (0.2%), family empowerment (15.3%), and healthy lifestyle perception (9.9%). Discussion: The successfullness of health sanitation on community needs participation from family and community itself. Community health nurses should conduct health promotion as an effort to improve community's knowledge about health behavior

    Legal Arrangements of Law Enforcement in the Defense of the State to Strengthen the Defense of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia

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    One of the functions of the state of being very important state on guarantees is a function the defense of the country. Function the defense of the country intended especially for preserves and maintain the country of the list of possibilities under attack by one of the outside and from within. Research methods that were used with the approach is normative juridical approach for legislation statue approach) based on the data found so some conclusion can be drawn as follows: 1.strategy state-defense to strengthen the system which can ensure the defense of the country it has stood the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia (NKRI): a. manifesting the form of the implementation of education state-defense through the activities of education education of citizenship , basic military training , devotion as a soldier tni and devotion befitting a profession . b. realize the implementation of the system of the sense of state-defense through the socialization of the program state-defense to all levels of society. c. create software containing legislation to support the implementation of the program state-defense. Software used as a reference a legal right in carried out a state-defense. d. create the necessary to support the program state-defense, especially to give the consequences to the left temporarily work. The defense of the country strategy which can ensure it has stood the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia (NKRI) , at the same time to respond to the challenges the defense of the country in the future , is the application of the system of the defense a strategy of defense in a padded menyinergiskan lapis military defense with layers non-military defense . 2 .The implementation of the policy to strengthen the defense system the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia (NKRI), regulated in the law of no. 13 years 2002 on the defense of the country .Where explained above that bela of the country is the attitudes and behavior a citizen who imbued by take one to the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia that based upon Pancasila and the constitution of 1945 at sustained concern only the survival of the entire nation and the country .The state should know is the right and responsibilities of citizens

    Pendampingan Manfaat Pendaftaran Tanah bagi Pemegang Hak Atas Tanah di Serang

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    Pendaftaran tanah meliputi pengukuran, perpetaan dan pembukuan tanah, pendaftaran hak-hak atas tanah dan peralihan haknya serta pemberian surat tanda bukti hak atau sertifikat yang berlaku sebagai alat pembuktian yang kuat. Sertifikat hak atas tanah menjadi dambaan dari setiap pemegang hak atas tanah. Masih adanya kekurangan bila pemilikan atau penguasaan atas tanah itu belum disertai bukti pemilikan berupa sertifikat, sudah selayaknya setiap orang mengusahakan agar ia memperoleh sertifikat karena hak dari setiap pemegang hak atas tanah untuk memperoleh sertifikat. Pendaftaran tanah atas sebidang tanh yang menimbulkan pemberian surat tanda bukti hak atau sertifikat bagi pemegang hak atas tanah, selain memberikan kepastian hukum juga memiliki banyak fungsi bagi pemiliknya. Tetapi masih banyaknya masyarakat yang belum mengetahui tentang proses-proses pendaftaran tanah dan manfaat-manfaatnya dikemudian hari. Pendaftaran tanah yang menghasilkan Sertifikat Hak Atas Tanah, masih belum benar-benar dipahami oleh masyarakat. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini akan dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab kepada warga masyarakat khalayak sasaran. Agar ceramah dapat berjalan dengan baik dan mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan maka akan dilakukan pencatatan data di wilayah Serang untuk mencatat jumlah warga masyarakat khalayak sasaran. Selanjutnya data tersebut akan digunakan sebagai dasar mengundang khalayak sasaran dalam rangka mengikuti Program pendampingan Manfaat Pendaftaran Tanah Bagi Pemegang Hak Atas Tanah

    Using An Electrical Toothache Salvadora Perisca To Increasing Oral Health Quality: A Manikin Trial

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    Background: The most effective way of oral care in patients with decreased consciousness is not yet known. Electrical toothace salvadora perisca has the potential to improve oral hygiene because it has an antibiotic effect, and is easy to use. Aim of study is to know the effect of electrical toothace salvadora perisca on oral health quality. Methods: A pre-experimental study in a laboratory using manikins in 2021. The study was conducted by 6 respondents in which each respondent performed 2 oral treatments using an electrical toothace salvadora perisca on the mouth of a manikin that had been dirty make-up using Ky Jelly. The toothbrush was operated for 1 minute evenly on the teeth, and foam sticks are used to clean the lips and oral mucosa. Oral hygiene was measured with a modified Beck Oral Assessment Scale (BOAS) instrument, and the scores of conditions before and after oral care were compared using the Wilcoxon test. Results: Wilcoxon test showed a value of 0.002, which means that there was a difference in the BOAS score between before and after treatment. Electric toothbrushes clean teeth better, and foam sticks are able to clean the inside and soft of the patient's mouth. Conclusion: Electrical toothace salvadora perisca can increasing oral health quality. The implication is need to find and try out the most effective way of doing oral care

    Indonesian nurses’ perception of disaster management preparedness

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    Purpose: Using a quantitative approach, this study aims to assess Indonesian nurses’ perception of their knowledge, skills, and preparedness regarding disaster management. Methods: This study was a descriptive comparison in design. The research samples are Indonesian nurses working in medical services and educational institutions. The variables of nurses’ preparedness to cope with disaster victims were measured using the Disaster Preparedness Evaluation Tool (DPET), which was electronically distributed to all nurses in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using a statistical descriptive one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test with a significance level of 95%. Results: In total,1341 Indonesian nurses completed this survey. The average scores of preparedness to cope with disasters, the ability to recover from disaster, and evaluation of disaster victims were 3.13, 2.53, and 2.46, respectively. In general, nurses surveyed in this study are less prepared for disaster management, and do not understand their roles either during the phase of disaster preparedness or in coping with a postdisaster situation. Conclusion: Nurses’ preparedness and understanding of their roles in coping with disasters are still low in Indonesia. Therefore, their capacity in preparedness, responses, recovery, and evaluation of disasters needs improvement through continuing education. The efforts needed are significant due to potential disasters in Indonesia. © 2019 Chinese Medical Association. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licens

    Effect Light-Intensity on Sleep Quality in Elderly

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    Background: Bedroom lighting is accused of being one of the factors causing changes in the quality of sleep in the elderly. Modifying the power of room lighting is an alternative to improving the sleep quality of the elderly. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of lighting intensity on the sleep quality of elderly.  Methods: A quantitative study with a quasi-experimental control group design. Amount of sample is 40 responden and choosen used random sampling. Quality of sleep measure by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and light-intensity measure used a luxmeter. the intervention group received lights with an intensity of 5, 10, 15, 20 watts, where the respondents were treated every day for 4 days with these light intensities. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test the normality of the data, while paired T test used to analyze the conditions before and after in the control and treatment groups. Independent sample t-test used to compare the sleep quality of the control and treatment groups.  Results: There was no difference in sleep quality in the control group (0.15) between before and after the study, but there was a difference in sleep quality in the intervention group (0.00). There were differences in sleep quality between the control and treatment groups after the intervention was given (0.01).  Conclusion: The intensity of the light has an effect on the sleep quality of the elderly, where the lower the intensity of the light, the better the quality of sleep. Elderly should sleep on level lighting intensity less than 5 watt

    Deteksi Dini Derajat Kesadaran Menggunakan Pengukuran Nilai Kritis Mean Artery Pressure

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    Introduction: The Impact of the trauma cranio cerebral can affect the volume autoregulation disorders any intracranial disease that consists of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid and the blood in the veins. The changes one of the volume without followed the response of compensation from the other factors will cause overt increased intracranial pressure changes and the amount of blood flow from the systemic circulation required to give oxygen and glucose intake to the metabolism of the brain. One of the things that is very important in nursing nursery on patients with injury head is to maintain the adequacy of Mean Artery Pressure cerebral. This research aims to know the adequacy of critical value mean artery pressure in detecting the level of consciousness in patients who suffered injury on the head. Method: This research using explanatory design research with cross sectional approach that explains the influence and the prediction of the adequacy of the critical value mean arteria pressure against the degree of awareness in patients with injury head which numbered 34 samples. This research statistics tests using simple regression. Result: The results of the study showed that there is a positive influence critical value mean artery pressure against the degree of awareness that indicated the value of p=0.00<0.05 and value of mean artery pressure is able to detect the level of consciousness patients injury head of 77.8%. Discussion: Increased critical value mean arterial pressure is more than 65 mmHg can improve mikrosirkulasi and autoreglasi brain, so that prevent the decline of awareness in patients with wounds of the head
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