212 research outputs found

    Studies upon chronic bovine haematuria: with special reference to the aspergillus flavus

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    The Thesis has been divided into two major sections: (I) The present position, and (II) The present investigation, and contains a Preface on veterinary problems in India.In support of the Thesis the writer submits some of his published work, and provides a list of his miscellaneous other publications. Among the published work are to be found the results of the writer's original researches in other directions, notably upon a group of common, but hitherto obscure animal diseases of India, the helminthic etiology of each of which was first demonstrated by the writer and later confirmed by others. The arrangement therefore is as follows: -THESIS: Preface. The Nature and Significance of Veterinary Problems in Ancient and Modern India. Studies upon Chronic Bovine Haematuria with special reference to the Aspergillus flavus series.ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS:(A) MYCOTIC DISEASE: A New Fungus, Eidamella actoni, parasitic to the Dog. Ind. Vet. J1., 1932, 8, 1 -10, Plates I & II. || (B) HELMINTHIC DISEASES: (1) New Researches on some Helminthic Diseases of India. XIIIth International Veterinary Congress. Zurich-Interlaken, 1938. || (2) The Etiology of Bovine Nasal Granuloma. Ind. Jl. Vet. Sc. & Ani. Husb., 1952, 2, 131-140, Plates IX -XI. || (3) Schistosoma indicum, Montgomery, 1906, as the Cause of a persistent debility in Equines in India with a description of the Lesions. Ibid, 1933, 3, 1-28, Plates I -VI. || (4) The Etiology of Bursati. Ibid, 3, 217 -236, Plates XIV -XIX. || (5) Microfilarial Pityriasis in Equines. (Lichen tropicus). Vet. J1., 1939, 95, 215 -222, Plates I -II. || LIST OF MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS: (1) An Unusual Case of Chronic Rinderpest with special reference to the Carrier Problem in this Disease (in collaboration with V.R. Rajagopalan) Ind. Ji. Vet. Sc. Ani. Husb., 1932, 2, pp. 131 -140. || (2) The Diagnosis and Treatment of Sterility in the Stallion and the Bull. Ibid, 1933, 3, 185 -197. || (3) Congenital Blindness in Calves. Ibid, 1933, 254 -270. || (4) Prevalence of Tuberculosis among Cattle in India. Ind. Vet. Ji., 1935, 12. || (5) Effects of Sterility and Impotence on Breeding Operations in India and Methods for their Diagnosis and Control. Ibid, 1935, 2. || (6) The Position of Tuberculosis and Johne's Disease in India with Suggestions for the Best Methods to Adopt for their Diagnosis and Control. Ibid, 1934, 11. || *(7) Johne's Disease and Tuberculosis. World's Tenth Dairy Congress, Rome-Milan, 1934. || (8) The Etiology of Enzootic Bovine Haematuria, Part I. Ind. J1. Vet. Sc. Ani. Husb., 1934, 4, pp. 341 -361. || *(9) "Khoojlee" or Lichen tropicus in Horses. Horse Breeding, Jl. of National Horse Breeding and Show Society of India. April, 1936, 57-58. || (10) Animal Diseases in relation to the Economy of Man and India. Agri. & Livestock in India, 1938, Vol. 8. || (11) How Far has the Study of Animals and their Diseases Influenced the Progress of Medical Research? Vet. Ji., 1939, 95, 25 -31. || *(12) To Review the Position of Bovine Mastitis in India and to Suggest Methods for its Diagnosis and Control. Proc. II Animal Husbandry Wing Meeting of the Board of Agriculture in India, Madras, 1936. || *(13) To Discuss the Practicability of adopting Artificial Insemination in India. Ibid. || *(14) Annual Reports of the Pathology Section of the Imperial Vet. Research Institute, Mukteswar, 1932-1937. || *(15) Annual Report of the Protozoological Section of the Imperial Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar, 1938. ________________________ *Publications marked with asterisks have not been submitted

    Real-time online fingerprint image classification using adaptive hybrid techniques

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    This paper presents three different hybrid classification techniques applied for the first time in real-time online fingerprint classification. Classification of online real time fingerprints is a complex task as it involves adaptation and tuning of classifier parameters for better classification accuracy. To accomplish the optimal adaptation of parameters of functional link artificial neural network (FLANN) for real-time online fingerprint classification, proven and established optimizers, such as Biogeography based optimizer (BBO), Genetic algorithm (GA), and Particle swarm optimizer (PSO) are intelligently infused with it to form hybrid classifiers. The global features of the real-time fingerprints are extracted using a Gabor filter-bank and then passed into adaptive hybrid classifiers for the desired classification as per the Henry system. Three hybrid classifiers, the optimized weight adapted Biogeography based optimized functional link artificial neural network (BBO-FLANN), Genetic algorithm based functional link artificial neural network (GA-FLANN) and Particle swarm optimized functional link artificial neural network (PSO-FLANN), are explored for real-time online fingerprint classification, where the PSO-FLANN technique  is showing superior performance as compared to GA-FLANN and BBO-FLANN techniques. The best accuracy observed by the application of PSO-FLANN, is 98% for real-time online fingerprint classification

    Relationship of Anthropometric Characteristics and Kinematic Variables with Spiking of Volleyball Players

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship of anthropometric characteristics and kinematics variables with spiking of volleyball players. The subjects were twelve male junior national volleyball players (average height 177.19 cm, weight 64.35 kg, age below19 years old). All subjects had participated in 39th Junior National Championship for boys and girls held at Shari Dungargarh, Bikaner; Rajasthan (India) from 22-12-2012 to 28-12-2012. 12 volleyball players from Uttrrakhand representing their states in under-19 national tournament were selected by purposive sampling method. In this study the spiking performance of the subject recorded by subjective judgment criterion. The performance of spike was recorded by the score in the spike which obtained by using three point scales by the three judges. Three spikes were recorded for each volleyball player and the recorded mean of the scores for trial was performance of spiker as there is no established standard test to test the spike.  The anthropometrics characteristics measured by anthropometry equipments (Rosscraft Innovations Company, Canada). Two High speed video camera with tripod (Sony Model- 3CCD and Casio Exilim EX-F1) used for videography of spike. Silicon coach Pro-7, motion analyzer software powered by Silicon coach Ltd. was used for video analysis. The results show that  the value of co-efficient of correlation of selected anthropometrics characteristics with off speed spike performance were  standing height(0.612), sitting height (0.343),and body weight (0.022), Where tabulated value at10 degree of freedom at .05 level of significance is 0.553. The value of co-efficient of correlation of selected angular kinematics variables at moment of ball contact in hitting phase spike were right ankle joint (-0.321), right Knee joint (0.564), right hip joint(-0.117), shoulder joint (-0.070), elbow joint (-0.641) and body inclination (-0.335), whereas tabulated value for 10 degree of freedom at .05 level of significance is 0.553. It is suggested that results from this study can provide useful information for coaches to train volleyball players in off speed spike. Keywords: Kinematic, Anthropometrics Characteristics and Off speed spik

    Life Consumption Monitoring for Electronics

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    Life consumption monitoring is a method to assess product's reliability based on its remaining life in a given life cycle environment. The life consumption monitoring process involves continuous or periodic measurement, sensing, recording, and interpretation of physical parameters associated with a system's life cycle environment to quantify the amount of degradation. This thesis explains a life consumption monitoring methodology for electronic products, which includes failure modes, mechanisms and effects analysis (FMMEA), virtual reliability assessment, monitoring product parameters, data simplification, stress and damage accumulation analysis and remaining life estimation. It presents two case studies to estimate the remaining life of identical circuit card assemblies in an automobile underhood environment using the life consumption monitoring methodology. Failure modes, mechanisms, and effects analysis along with virtual reliability assessment is used to determine the dominant failure mechanism in the given life cycle environment. Temperature and vibration are found to be the environmental factors, which could potentially cause malfunction of the circuit card assembly through solder joint fatigue. Temperature sensor and accelerometers are used along with a data logger to monitor and record the environmental loads during the experiment. A data simplification scheme is used to make the raw sensor data suitable for further processing. Stress and damage models are used to estimate the remaining life of the circuit card assembly based on the simplified data. Performances of the test board assemblies are monitored through resistance monitoring. The life cycle environment and results for the case studies are compared with each other. The estimated results are also compared with experimental life results

    Image-based Skin Disease Detection and Classification through Bioinspired Machine Learning Approaches

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    A self-learning disease detection model will be useful for identifying skin infections in suspected individuals using skin images of infected patients. To detect skin diseases, some AI-based bioinspired models employ skin images. Skin infection is a common problem that is currently faced due to various reasons, such as food, water, environmental factors, and many others. Skin infections such as psoriasis, skin cancer, monkeypox, and tomato flu, among others, have a lower death rate but a significant impact on quality of life. Neural Networks (NNs) and Swarm intelligence (SI) based approaches are employed for skin disease diagnosis and classification through image processing. In this paper, the convolutional neural networks-based Cuckoo search algorithm (CNN-CS) is trained using the well-known multi-objective optimization technique cuckoo search. The performance of the suggested CNN-CS model is evaluated by comparing it with three commonly used metaheuristic-based classifiers: CNN-GA, CNN-BAT, and CNN-PSO. This comparison was based on various measures, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. These measures are calculated using the confusion matrices from the testing phase. The results of the experiments revealed that the proposed model has outperformed the others, achieving an accuracy of 97.72%

    A workflow for the automatic segmentation of organelles in electron microscopy image stacks.

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    Electron microscopy (EM) facilitates analysis of the form, distribution, and functional status of key organelle systems in various pathological processes, including those associated with neurodegenerative disease. Such EM data often provide important new insights into the underlying disease mechanisms. The development of more accurate and efficient methods to quantify changes in subcellular microanatomy has already proven key to understanding the pathogenesis of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, as well as glaucoma. While our ability to acquire large volumes of 3D EM data is progressing rapidly, more advanced analysis tools are needed to assist in measuring precise three-dimensional morphologies of organelles within data sets that can include hundreds to thousands of whole cells. Although new imaging instrument throughputs can exceed teravoxels of data per day, image segmentation and analysis remain significant bottlenecks to achieving quantitative descriptions of whole cell structural organellomes. Here, we present a novel method for the automatic segmentation of organelles in 3D EM image stacks. Segmentations are generated using only 2D image information, making the method suitable for anisotropic imaging techniques such as serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBEM). Additionally, no assumptions about 3D organelle morphology are made, ensuring the method can be easily expanded to any number of structurally and functionally diverse organelles. Following the presentation of our algorithm, we validate its performance by assessing the segmentation accuracy of different organelle targets in an example SBEM dataset and demonstrate that it can be efficiently parallelized on supercomputing resources, resulting in a dramatic reduction in runtime

    The Non-Perturbative N=2{\cal N} = 2 SUSY Yang-Mills Theory from Semiclassical Absorption of Supergravity by Wrapped D Branes

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    The imaginary part of the two point functions of the superconformal anomalous currents are extracted from the cross-sections of semiclassical absorption of dilaton, RR-2 form and gravitino by the wrapped D5 branes. From the central terms of the two point functions anomalous Ward identity is established which relates the exact pre-potential of the N=2{\cal N}=2 SUSY Yang-Mills theory with the vacuum expectation value of the anomaly multiplet. From the Ward identity, WDVV (Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde) equation can be derived which is solved for the exact pre-potential.Comment: 11 pages, late

    O(a) Perturbative improvement for Wilson fermions

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    The coefficient of the O(a)-improved Sheikholeslami-Wohlert action for Wilson fermions are perturbatively determined at one-loop level and estimated at two-loop level.Comment: 8-pages + (two pages of Fig.s) MPI-ph/93-2