501 research outputs found

    The Fair Open Access Breakdown of Publication Services and Fees

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    The Fair Open Access Alliance (FOAA) is pleased to present its Breakdown of Publication Services and Fees. A few years ago, FOAA invited several publishers and platforms in a consortium to formulate a response to the ORE call. Members of that group continued to meet informally to discuss the future of academic publishing in Fair Open Access. Specifically, discussions between FOAA and these individual publishers centered on identifying a set of service baskets that could group the various service components provided by an academic publisher, in the context of the price transparency requirement set forth by Plan S. Based on conversations with these publishers, FOAA developed the following breakdown

    The Transition to Open Access: The State of the Market, Offsetting Deals, and a Demonstrated Model for Fair Open Access with the Open Library of Humanities

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    In this article, we explore the state of the OA market and the current situation with respect to offsetting deals in the Netherlands. We then offer a case study of the LingOA model for a transition to open access, backed by a consortial funding mechanism: the Open Library of Humanities (OLH). We also suggest how this approach can be extended into new disciplinary spaces (in particular, mathematics and psychology, where there is already some willingness from editors)

    The Projective Field of a Retinal Amacrine Cell

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    In sensory systems, neurons are generally characterized by their receptive field, namely the sensitivity to activity patterns at the input of the circuit. To assess the role of the neuron in the system, one must also know its projective field, namely the spatiotemporal effects the neuron exerts on all of the outputs of the circuit. We studied both the receptive and projective fields of an amacrine interneuron in the salamander retina. This amacrine type has a sustained OFF response with a small receptive field, but its output projects over a much larger region. Unlike other amacrine cells, this type is remarkably promiscuous and affects nearly every ganglion cell within reach of its dendrites. Its activity modulates the sensitivity of visual responses in ganglion cells but leaves their kinetics unchanged. The projective field displays a center-surround structure: depolarizing a single amacrine suppresses the visual sensitivity of ganglion cells nearby and enhances it at greater distances. This change in sign is seen even within the receptive field of one ganglion cell; thus, the modulation occurs presynaptically on bipolar cell terminals, most likely via GABAB receptors. Such an antagonistic projective field could contribute to the mechanisms of the retina for predictive coding

    Retinal Ganglion Cells Can Rapidly Change Polarity from Off to On

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    Retinal ganglion cells are commonly classified as On-center or Off-center depending on whether they are excited predominantly by brightening or dimming within the receptive field. Here we report that many ganglion cells in the salamander retina can switch from one response type to the other, depending on stimulus events far from the receptive field. Specifically, a shift of the peripheral image—as produced by a rapid eye movement—causes a brief transition in visual sensitivity from Off-type to On-type for approximately 100 ms. We show that these ganglion cells receive inputs from both On and Off bipolar cells, and the Off inputs are normally dominant. The peripheral shift strongly modulates the strength of these two inputs in opposite directions, facilitating the On pathway and suppressing the Off pathway. Furthermore, we identify certain wide-field amacrine cells that contribute to this modulation. Depolarizing such an amacrine cell affects nearby ganglion cells in the same way as the peripheral image shift, facilitating the On inputs and suppressing the Off inputs. This study illustrates how inhibitory interneurons can rapidly gate the flow of information within a circuit, dramatically altering the behavior of the principal neurons in the course of a computation

    COVID-19 outbreaks among crew on commercial ships at the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2020 to 2021

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    BackgroundDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, international shipping activity was disrupted as movement of people and goods was restricted. The Port of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe, remained operational throughout.AimWe describe the burden of COVID-19 among crew on sea-going vessels at the port and recommend improvements in future infectious disease event notification and response at commercial ports.MethodsSuspected COVID-19 cases on sea-going vessels were notified to port authorities and public health (PH) authorities pre-arrival via the Maritime Declaration of Health. We linked data from port and PH information systems between 1 January 2020 and 31 July 2021, derived a notification rate (NR) of COVID-19 events per arrival, and an attack rate (AR) per vessel (confirmed cases). We compared AR by vessel type (workship/tanker/cargo/passenger), during wildtype-, alpha- and delta-dominant calendar periods.ResultsEighty-four COVID-19 events were notified on ships, involving 622 cases. The NR among 45,030 new arrivals was 173 per 100,000 impacting 1% of vessels. Events per week peaked in April 2021 and again in July 2021, when the AR was also highest. Half of all cases were notified on workships, events occurring earlier and more frequently than on other vessels.ConclusionNotification of COVID-19 events on ships occurred infrequently, although case under-ascertainment was likely. Pre-agreed protocols for data-sharing between stakeholders locally and across Europe would facilitate more efficient pandemic response. Public health access to specimens for sequencing and environmental sampling would give greater insight into viral spread on ships.</p

    The analysis of longitudinal quality of life measures with informative drop-out: a pattern mixture approach

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    The analysis of longitudinal health-related quality of life measures (HRQOL) can be seriously hampered due to informative drop-out. Random effects models assume Missing At Random and do not take into account informative drop-out. We therefore aim to correct the bias due to informative drop-out. Analyses of data from a trial comparing standard-dose and high-dose chemotherapy for patients with breast cancer with respect to long-term impact on HRQOL will serve as illustration. The subscale Physical Function (PF) of the SF36 will be used. A pattern mixture approach is proposed to account for informative drop-out. Patterns are defined based on events related to HRQOL, such as death and relapse. The results of this pattern mixture approach are compared to the results of the commonly used random effects model. The findings of the pattern mixture approach are well interpretable, and different courses over time in different patterns are distinguished. In terms of estimated differences between standard dose and high dose, the results of both approaches are slightly different, but have no consequences for the clinical evaluation of both doses. Under the assumption that drop-out is at random within the patterns, the pattern mixture approach adjusts the estimates to a certain degree. This approach accounts in a relatively simple way for informative drop-out

    A physically active lifestyle is related to a lower level of skin autofluorescence in a large population with chronic-disease (LifeLines cohort)

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) has substantial health benefits and is important in combatting chronic diseases, which have been associated with elevated levels of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs). AGEs play a role in the aging process, and an association between PA and AGEs has been reported. We aimed to investigate the relationship between PA and AGE accumulation in a general population and in a population with chronic diseases. Methods: This large cross-sectional population study used data from adult participants in the LifeLines project, with participant information drawn from the LifeLines database as well data from patients with diabetes mellitus or renal and/or cardiovascular diseases. Tissue AGE accumulation was assessed non-invasively by skin-autofluorescence (SAF) using an AGE reader (DiagnOptics Technologies BV, Groningen, the Netherlands). PA was assessed using the short questionnaire to assess health-enhancing physical activity (SQUASH). Multivariate linear regression analyses were adjusted for age, body mass index, sex, and smoking status. Results: Data from 63,452 participants (general population n = 59,177, chronic disease n = 4275) were analyzed. The general population was significantly younger (43.58 +/- 11.77 years, mean +/- SD) and had significantly lower SAF (1.90 +/- 0.42 arbitrary units (AU)) compared to the population with chronic disease (age: 55.51 +/- 12.07 years; SAF: 2.27 +/- 0.51 AU). In the group with chronic disease, more hours of moderate to vigorous physical activities per week were associated with lower SAF (beta= -0.002, 95% confidence interval (95%CI): -0.002 to -0.001). For the general population, there was no association between hours of moderate to vigorous activity and SAF (beta= 3.2 x 10(-5), 95%CI: 0.000-0.001, p = 0.742). However, there was an association in the general population between total hours of PA per week and SAF (beta= 4.2 x 10(-4), 95%CI: 0.000-0.001, p < 0.001), but this association was not found in the chronic disease population (beta = -3.2 x 10(-4), 95%CI: -0.001 to 0.000, p = 0.347). Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that an inverse relationship exists between PA and AGE accumulation in the population with chronic disease. More hours of moderate to vigorous activity is associated with a significantly decreased SAF. More PA is associated with a lower SAF, even after adjusting for the established predictors (age, body mass index, smoking status, and sex). Our findings could help to promote health and prolong longevity