13 research outputs found

    Prenatal and early postnatal fatty acid status and neurodevelopmental outcome

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    The present review addresses the effect of pre- and postnatal supplementation of nutrition with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) on neurodevelopmental outcome. The few studies which addressed the effect of prenatal LCPUFA status or prenatal LCPUFA supplementation suggest that a better prenatal arachidonic acid (AA) and doxosahexaenoic acid (DHA) status might be related to a better neurodevelopmental outcome until at least 18 months of age. A review of the few randomized controlled trials on formula supplementation with LCPUFA in preterm infants did not provide evidence for a significant beneficial effect of LCPUFA on developmental outcome. A review of the trials on formula supplementation with LCPUFA in term infants revealed that supplementation with LCPUFA, in particularly supplementation with >= 0.30% DHA, has a beneficial effect on neurodevelopmental outcome until 4 months. The studies could not demonstrate a consistent positive effect beyond that age. It was concluded that the relatively subtle effects of LCPUFA supplementation on neurodevelopmental outcome do not only depend on dosage but also on the gestational period during which the nutritional components are supplied: supplementation prior to term seems to have more effect than that after term

    Maternal and fetal brain contents of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA) at various essential fatty acid (EFA), DHA and AA dietary intakes during pregnancy in mice

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    We investigated essential fatty acids (EFA) and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) in maternal and fetal brain as a function of EFA/LCP availability to the feto-maternal unit in mice. Diets varying in parent EFA, arachidonic acid (AA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were administered from day 3 prior to conception till day 15 of pregnancy. We concentrated on DHA, AA, Mead acid, and EFA-index [(omega-3+omega-6)/(omega-7+omega-9)] in maternal erythrocytes, maternal brain, and fetal brain. It was found that erythrocyte EFA/LCP sensitively reflects declining EFA/LCP status in pregnancy, although this decline was not apparent in maternal brain. Differences in erythrocyte EFA/LCP coincided with larger differences in fetal brain EFA/LCP as compared to EFA/LCP in maternal brain. Both maternal and fetal brains were affected by short-term EFA/LCP intake, but the developing fetal brain proved most sensitive. The inverse relationship between fetal brain AA and DHA suggests the need of a maternal dietary DHA/AA balance, at least in mice

    The development of peripartum depressive symptoms is associated with gene polymorphisms of MAOA, 5-HTT and COMT

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    Background: Polymorphisms of monoamine-related genes have been associated with depression following life events. The peripartum is a physiologically and psychologically challenging period, characterized by fluctuations in depressive symptoms, therefore facilitating prospective investigations in this gene x environment (G x E) interaction. Methods: Eighty nine pregnant women filled in two Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) questionnaires during pregnancy and two in the postpartum period. MAOA, COMT and 5-HTT polymorphisms were analyzed. Results: We found a significant interaction between the development of depressive symptoms in the course of pregnancy and polymorphisms in 5-HTT(p = 0.019): MAOA (p = 0.044) and COMT(p = 0.026), and MAOAxCOMT (p Conclusion: We found that MAOA in combination with COMT appears to regulate not only the stress response in laboratory experiments, but also seems to influence the stress-evoked onset of mood during normal, mild, stressful events, such as experienced in the peripartum period. These findings support the G x E concept for depression, but they underline the complexity of this concept as the cumulating effects of these polymorphic genes (i.e. MAOA + COMT) might be needed and the effects of these polymorphic genes becomes apparent in special environmental or physiological conditions (i.e. the peripartum period). We therefore suggest that G x E interactions become especially noticeable from longitudinal study designs in specific physiological or social challenging periods. (C)2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    DHA status is positively related to motor development in breastfed African and Dutch infants

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    Objectives: Docosahexaenoic (DHA) and arachidonic (AA) acids are important for neurodevelopment. We investigated the relation between erythrocyte (RBC) DHA and AA contents and neurological development, by assessment of General Movements (GMs), in populations with substantial differences in fish intakes. Methods: We included 3-month-old breastfed infants of three Tanzanian tribes: Maasai (low fish, n = 5), Pare (intermediate fish, n = 32), and Sengerema (high fish, n = 60); and a Dutch population (low-intermediate, fish, n = 15). GMs were assessed by motor optimality score (MOS) and the number of observed movement patterns (OMP; an MOS sub-score). RBC-DHA and AA contents were determined by capillary gas chromatography. Results: We found no between-population differences in MOS. OMP of Sengerema infants (high fish) was higher than OMP of Dutch infants (low-intermediate fish). MOS related to age. OMP related positively to infant age (P <0.001) and RBC-DHA (P = 0.015), and was unrelated to ethnicity and RBC-AA. Discussion: The positive relation between RBC-DHA and the number of observed movement patterns of 3-month old infants might reflect the connection of DHA with motor development

    Human milk arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid contents increase following supplementation during pregnancy and lactation

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    Introduction: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA) are important for neurodevelopment. Maternal diet influences milk DHA, whereas milk AA seems rather constant. We investigated milk AA, DHA and DHA/AA after supplementation of AA plus DHA, or DHA alone during pregnancy and lactation. Subjects and methods: Women were supplemented with AA+DHA (220 mg each/day), DHA (220 mg/day) or placebo during pregnancy and lactation. Milk samples were collected at 2 (n = 86) and 12 weeks (n = 69) postpartum. Results: Supplementation of AA+DHA elevated milk AA (week 2,14%; week 12, 23%) and DHA (43% and 52%) as compared to placebo. DHA tended to decrease milk AA and vice versa. Milk AA, DHA and DHA/AA decreased from 2 to 12 weeks postpartum. Conclusions: Milk AA and in particular DHA are sensitive to maternal supplementation. It seems that maternal AA and notably DHA status decline with advancing lactation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in maternal and infant nutrition

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    Homo sapiens has evolved on a diet rich in alpha-linolenic acid and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP). We have, however, gradually changed our diet from about 10,000 years ago and accelerated this change from about 100 to 200 years ago. The many dietary changes, including lower intake of omega 3-fatty acids, are related to 'typically Western'. diseases. After a brief introduction in essential fatty acids (EFA), LCP and their functions, this contribution discusses our present low status of notably LCP omega 3 in the context of our rapidly changing diet within an evolutionary short time frame. It then focuses on the consequences in pregnancy, lactation and neonatal nutrition, as illustrated by some recent data from our group. We discuss the concept of a 'relative' EFA/LCP deficiency in the fetus as the outcome of high transplacental glucose flux. This flux may in the fetus augment de novo synthesis of fatty acids, which not only dilutes transplacentally transported EFA/LCP, but also causes competition of de novo, synthesized oleic acid with linoleic acid for delta-6 desaturation. Such conditions were encountered by us in mothers with high body mass indices, diabetes mellitus and preeclampsia. The unifying factor might be compromised glucose homeostasis. In search of the milk arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contents of our African ancestors, we investigated women in Tanzania with high intakes of freshwater fish as only animal lipid source. These women had milk AA and DHA contents that were well above present recommendations for infant formulae. Both studies stimulate rethinking of 'optimal homeostasis'. Subtle signs of dysbalanced maternal glucose homeostasis may be important and observations from current Western societies may not provide us with an adequate basis for dietary recommendations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Mildly Increased Renin Expression in the Absence of Kidney Injury in the Murine Transverse Aortic Constriction Model

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    Cardiorenal syndrome type 2 is characterized by kidney failure as a consequence of heart failure that affects >50% of heart failure patients. Murine transverse aortic constriction (TAC) is a heart failure model, where pressure overload is induced on the heart without any systemic hypertension or its consequences. Whether renal function is altered in this model is debated, and if so, at which time post-TAC renal dysfunction starts to contribute to worsening of cardiac function. We therefore studied the effects of progressive heart failure development on kidney function in the absence of chronically elevated systemic blood pressure and renal perfusion pressure. C57BL/6J mice (N = 129) were exposed to TAC using a minimally invasive technique and followed from 3 to 70 days post-TAC. Cardiac function was determined with 3D ultrasound and showed a gradual decrease in stroke volume over time. Renal renin expression and plasma renin concentration increased with progressive heart failure, suggesting hypoperfusion of the kidney. In addition, plasma urea concentration, a surrogate marker for renal dysfunction, was increased post-TAC. However, no structural abnormalities in the kidney, nor albuminuria were present at any time-point post-TAC. Progressive heart failure is associated with increased renin expression, but only mildly affected renal function without inducing structural injury. In combination, these data suggest that heart failure alone does not contribute to kidney dysfunction in mice