99 research outputs found

    Multifactorial Linear Regression Method For Prediction Of Mountain Rivers Flow

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    Long-term river flow forecasting methoods are used for the theoretical basis for the development of river basin water balance equation : the basins with high marks nascent river basin water balance should be organized according to higher zones . Spring flood water balance equation is used for the calculation of the measure or impossibillness to get through , so they are replaced by the flow and the approximate korelyatsion connections between the key factors , including the multifactorial flow prediction recommend using multifactorial linear regression method , which is believed to be the predicted size ( prediktant ) and the variables ( factors or prediktorner ) .There is a linear connection between the above mentioned method to calculate flow of the number of rivers of Armenia which are forecasts for 25 stations. The experimental and calculated results are about 80 %

    Study of fluid layer gravity motion over vertical surface

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    This paper presents the results of studying the motion of a liquid layer along the walls of a vertically installed pipe under the action of gravity. Two-dimensional boundary layer is formed by the fluid motion relative to the hard wall on surfaces of structures (pipes, turbines, heat-and-mass transfer equipment, aircrafts, ships, etc.), which are of positive interest in engineering practice. Further upgrading of the above-mentioned structures is possible only by increasing accuracy of momentum in the boundary layer, heat and mass transfer rates calculation. It is confirmed that in the boundary layer transfer phenomena intensity (perpendicular to the wall) is due to the fluid particles velocity distribution regularities in the cross-section of the layer. Fluid velocity distribution regularities in turn are conditioned by Reynolds number according to current notions. The principal method of quantitative analysis of turbulent flow in a boundary layer suggested by Reynolds continues to be the velocity and pressure fluctuations averaging method for some timespan. The suggested model of fluid movement enables to prognosticate conditions under which in cross-sections of the boundary layer reshaping of velocity profile takes place, to carry out analytic calculation of such hydrodynamic characteristics as mean velocity of motion, layer thickness and shearing stresses acting on the wall. The difference between the suggested methods developed for calculation of flow parameters from the well-known ones is in that that calculations are made based on an integrated approach regardless of such conceptual definitions as laminar and turbulent regimes widely used in modern hydrodynamics. Obtained results and design formulas known in the literature have been compared. It has been found that the thickness of the sliding layer, determine by the proposed calculation formula, 1.17 times smaller than that determined by the currently used formul

    Cardiotoxicity caused by gemcitabine

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    The use of anticancer drugs leads to the development of various adverse effects, particularly cardiovascular complications. Cardiotoxic effects are awaited, using pyrimidine antimetabolites. Gemcitabine, though being a representative of pyrimidine antagonist group, is considered to have minimal cardiotoxicity. We present the case of a patient with pancreatic cancer and takotsubo syndrome on gemcitabine monotherapy

    Spontaneous insertion of carbon nanotube bundles inside biomembranes: a hybrid particle-field coarse-grained molecular dynamics study

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    The processes of CNTs bundle formation and insertion/rearrangement inside lipid bilayers, as models of cellular membranes, is described and analyzed in details using simulations on the microsecond scale. Molecular Dynamics simulations employing hybrid particle-field models (MD–SCF) show that during the insertion process lipid molecules coat bundles surfaces. The distortions of bilayers are more pronounced for systems undergoing to insertion of bundles made of longer CNTs. In particular, when the insertion occurs in perpendicular orientation, adsorption of lipids on CNTs surfaces promotes a transient poration. This result suggests mechanism of membrane disruption operated by bundles causing the formation of solvent-rich pockets

    A study of the microwave amplification in MILO with the flat interaction space

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    The magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) is the crossed field device developed for generation of microwave power at gigawatt level. We have used a numerical simulation method to investigate electromagnetic oscillations in MILO where a plane region of interaction between the flow of electrons and the field of the slow-wave structure is installed. The system under study is a segment of the plane transmitting line of an infinite width. The slow-wave structure in the form of a comb is placed on one of the electrodes (anode). The other electrode (cathode) is an explosive electron-emitting source. The line areas on the left and on the right of the slow-wave structure are filled with absorbent to prevent the electromagnetic wave reflection. After the voltage application to the transmission line, an electron flow magnetic self-insulation mode is installed. The slow-wave structure is exited by an external signal. The results obtained for this model were used to calculate the transfer ratio as a function of the exciting signal amplitude and signal frequency detuning with respect to the slow-wave structure principal mode. The spectral characteristics of output signals have been estimated for different excitation modes. The spectral characteristics of output signals have been estimated for different excitation modes.Осцилятор на магнітній самоізольованій передавальній лінії (MILO) - це пристрій на схрещених полях, розроблений для генерації надвисокочастотної потужності гігаватного рівня. Методом чисельного моделювання ми досліджували посилення електромагнітних коливань у MILO з плоскою областю взаємодії електронного потоку з полем уповільнюючої структури. Досліджувана система є відрізком плоскої передавальної лінії нескінченної ширини. На одному з електродів (аноді) поміщена уповільнююча структура у вигляді гребінки. Інший електрод (катод) є розподіленим джерелом електронів за рахунок ефекту вибухової емісії. Області лінії ліворуч і праворуч від уповільнюючої структури заповнені поглиначем для відвертання відображення електромагнітної хвилі. Після подання на лінію напруги в ній встановлюється режим магнітної самоізоляції електронного потоку. Система може збуджуватися зовнішнім струмом високої частоти. За результатами дослідження такої моделі отримані залежності коефіцієнта передачі від амплітуди збуджуваного сигналу і параметра розладу частоти сигналу відносно основної моди уповільнюючої структури. Визначені спектральні характеристики вихідних сигналів для різних режимів збудження.Осциллятор на магнитоизолированной передающей линии (MILO) - это устройство на скрещенных полях, разработанное для генерации сверхвысокочастотной мощности гигаваттного уровня. Методом численного моделирования мы исследовали усиление электромагнитных колебаний в MILO с плоской областью взаимодействия электронного потока с полем замедляющей структуры. Исследуемая система представляет собой отрезок плоской передающей линии бесконечной ширины. На одном из электродов (аноде) помещена замедляющая структура в виде гребенки. Другой электрод (катод) является распределенным источником электронов за счет эффекта взрывной эмиссии. Области линии слева и справа от замедляющей структуры заполнены поглотителем для предотвращения отражения электромагнитной волны. После подачи на линию напряжения в ней устанавливается режим магнитной самоизоляции электронного потока. Система может возбуждаться внешним током высокой частоты. По результатам исследования такой модели получены зависимости коэффициента передачи от амплитуды возбуждающего сигнала и параметра расстройки частоты сигнала относительно основной моды замедляющей структуры. Определены спектральные характеристики выходных сигналов для различных режимов возбуждения

    Study of sediment deposition processes and assessment of the change in the W-H characteristics of the madaghis reservoir

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    The accumulation of sediments in reservoir is always a problem. Over time, these accumulations occupy the volume meant for water management, dramatically reducing the reservoir's effectiveness. The environment of the river basin below the reservoir undergoes significant changes. In this regard, assessing changes in volumetric W-H characteristics, particularly in reservoirs built on high turbidity rivers, is critical. The Mataghis Reservoir on Tartar River was chosen as the object of study. The quantity of accumulated sediments was established by original measurements and was calculated in three hydrologic ways at distinct stages of operation. The actual graphs showing the reservoir's W-H volumetric characteristics were made two decades after commissioning and are still in use. According to the findings, over 70 per cent of the reservoir volume has been filled with sediments over the course of the reservoir's thirty-year operation. A theoretical model of the sediment buildup process in basins has been created. Separate parameters have been created for the deposition of bottom sediments entering the reservoir and suspended particles in the flow. Based on them, the patterns of distribution of accumulated sediments according to the length and height of the reservoir were drawn out. The vertical pulsation velocity and the results of studies for determining the minimum rate of soil particle flow were used. To solve sedimentation problems in operating and newly constructed reservoirs, a methodology for evaluating changes in the amount of collected water and changes in the volume of water control, as well as a theoretical method for projecting their future behavior, can be applie

    Plane-Parallel Laminar Flow of Viscous Fluid in the Transition Zone of the Inlet Section

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    A study was conducted to analyze how hydrodynamic parameters change in the entrance region of plane-parallel flow under stationary flow conditions, with an initial arbitrary distribution of velocities in the entrance section. This study was based on boundary layer equations, and a boundary problem was formed under the conditions of plane-parallel flow. The boundary conditions were chosen to reflect the pattern of arbitrary velocity distribution in the entrance section. A general solution of the approximating Navier-Stokes equations is provided, which depends on the initial conditions and the Reynolds number. The boundary conditions are established based on the nature of the motion, and the boundary value problem is described. A method for integrating the boundary value problem has been developed, and regularities for the change in velocities along the length of the inlet section have been obtained for both constant and parabolic velocity distributions in the entrance sections. Analytical solutions have been derived to obtain patterns of velocity and pressure changes in any given flow direction. Through computer analysis, velocity change patterns in various sections along the inlet transition area have been constructed, allowing for the determination of fluid velocity at any point on the section and an estimation of the length of the transition area. These proposed solutions provide a framework for accurately constructing individual units of hydromechanical equipment

    Regularity of natural oscillations characteristics change of tall earth dams

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    A preliminary assessment of the strength of earth dams under dynamic loads is one of the most important tasks associated with the design of such massive hydraulic structures. The present study is devoted to predicting the deformation of earth dams under the influence of strong earthquakes, which are possible in the immediate vicinity of the dam location. Recently, a number of large earthquakes have occurred in the world, which led to severe destruction and indicate high seismic risks associated with the potential instability of existing large earth dams. Under intense seismic impacts, the response of the dam depends on various factors, including its geometric dimensions, as well as the type of structure. A number of existing dams, which were designed and built according to the normative rules of their time, do not take into account modern real operating conditions, in particular, potential seismic loads. This article examines the influence of these factors on the stability and strength of earth dams, taking into account the real properties of the soils of the dam body and the base of the bottom of the hydraulic structure in accordance with the new regulatory requirements. On the basis of the proposed mathematical model, verification calculations for the strength and stability of such earth dams located in the seismic zone were carried out. To assess seismic safety of high earth dams built and operating in regions of complex climatic conditions, including frequent earthquakes, the proof of the method choice capable of reliable and valid results in terms of adopted assessment criteria is required. Correct mathematical model choice ensures, on the basis of computations, strength indices of the hydraulic structure under study. In particular, comparison and analysis of calculated date obtained in case of the plane calculation model and spatial model with the field measurements results and spectral analyses of the Sarsang dam accelerograms showed the suggested calculation models provided reliable strength indices results for the earth dams in the operating reservoirs. The use of more complex models of the physical and mechanical properties of the dams’ soil leads to reliable results that are in good agreement with real field tests

    Dostignuća u istraživanju na vaviloviji (Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.), samoniklom srodniku gajenih mahunarki

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    Vavilovia (Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.) belongs to the tribe Fabeae along with peas, vetchlings, vetches and lentils. It prefers high mountain areas in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Russia, Syria and Turkey. A true success in the ex situ conservation has recently been achieved, within the display plot Flora and Vegetation of Armenia in the Yerevan Botanic Garden. The hybridization between vavilovia and other Fabeae was done in the N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry with F1 seeds and F1 plants that did not produce the next generation. The recent molecular research showed that vavilovia belongs to a Lathyrus-Pisum-Vavilovia clade with a clearly distinct status.Vavilovija (Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.) pripada tribusu Fabeae, zajedno sa graškovima, grahorima, grahoricama i sočivima. Vavilovija raste u visokoplaninskim oblastima Jermenije, Azerbejdžana, Gruzije, Iraka, Irana, Libana, Rusije, Sirije i Turske. Pravi uspeh u ex situ konzervaciji postignut je nedavno u okviru izložbenog polja 'Flora i vegetacija Jermenije' u botaničkoj bašti u Jerevanu. Hibridizacija između vavilovije i graška izvršena je u institutu Vavilov, sa F1 semenima i F1 biljkama koje nisu uspele da daju sledeće pokoljenje. Skorašnja molekularna istraživanja pokazala su da vavilovija pripada grupi Lathyrus - Pisum - Vavilovia sa jasno izraženim posebnim statusom

    Software JimenaE allows efficient dynamic simulations of Boolean networks, centrality and system state analysis

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    The signal modelling framework JimenaE simulates dynamically Boolean networks. In contrast to SQUAD, there is systematic and not just heuristic calculation of all system states. These specific features are not present in CellNetAnalyzer and BoolNet. JimenaE is an expert extension of Jimena, with new optimized code, network conversion into different formats, rapid convergence both for system state calculation as well as for all three network centralities. It allows higher accuracy in determining network states and allows to dissect networks and identification of network control type and amount for each protein with high accuracy. Biological examples demonstrate this: (i) High plasticity of mesenchymal stromal cells for differentiation into chondrocytes, osteoblasts and adipocytes and differentiation-specific network control focusses on wnt-, TGF-beta and PPAR-gamma signaling. JimenaE allows to study individual proteins, removal or adding interactions (or autocrine loops) and accurately quantifies effects as well as number of system states. (ii) Dynamical modelling of cell–cell interactions of plant Arapidopsis thaliana against Pseudomonas syringae DC3000: We analyze for the first time the pathogen perspective and its interaction with the host. We next provide a detailed analysis on how plant hormonal regulation stimulates specific proteins and who and which protein has which type and amount of network control including a detailed heatmap of the A.thaliana response distinguishing between two states of the immune response. (iii) In an immune response network of dendritic cells confronted with Aspergillus fumigatus, JimenaE calculates now accurately the specific values for centralities and protein-specific network control including chemokine and pattern recognition receptors