71 research outputs found

    Micro-essential and toxic heavy metals in surface water of Harike wetland - India

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    Wetlands are consequential habitats with diverse flora and fauna. The overutilization of these habitats led to the implementation of conservational strategies which includes Ramsar convention. Harike wetland is the largest wetland in northern India, declared as a Ramsar site. However, the recent industrialization and anthropogenic activities may result in the ecological degradation of this wetland. The wetland is eminently polluted due to industrial discharges, therefore the present study was undertaken to investigate heavy metal status of Harike wetland. The analysis included bio-essential (chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc) and non-essential (arsenic, mercury, cadmium, lead) heavy metals. The concentration of heavy metals in the surface water was determined using inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry and the recovered values were compared to the global and national standards. Among all the heavy metals analysed the mean concentrations of iron (437.983 µg/l), mercury (4.011 µg/l) and lead (156.719 µg/l) were recorded to be alarming. The higher concentration of heavy metals may be directly related to the inlet from river Sutlej, as the water is contaminated by various industrial, domestic and agricultural sources. Therefore, continuous monitoring and adequate measures need to be implemented to improve the water quality of internationally recognized wetland

    Co-ingestion of black tea reduces the indispensable amino acid digestibility of hens’ egg in Indian adults

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    Background: Tea, a commonly consumed beverage, contains high amounts of polyphenols that can impair protein digestibility, as demonstrated in vitro. There are no human studies examining the inhibitory influence of tea polyphenols (TPP) on high-quality protein digestibility. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of black tea on the true indispensable amino acid (IAA) digestibility of whole boiled egg protein, in healthy adult humans, through use of a dual isotope tracer approach. Methods: The effect of black TPP (4.6 mg/mL, ingested as a beverage with the meal) on 2H-labeled whole boiled egg protein, administered with ghee rice and tomato curry, was measured with reference to 13C-spirulina protein in healthy Indian adults aged 20–27 y of both sexes with BMI of 22.0 ± 2.8 kg/m2. The results were then compared to previously determined whole egg mean IAA digestibility measured by the same method, without black tea, in the same subjects (n = 5). To correct for any independent effect of TPP on spirulina protein (used as a standard protein), the true IAA digestibility of 13C-spirulina protein was independently measured with reference to a 2H-amino acid mixture, with and without co-ingestion of black tea, in 3 of the same subjects. Results: The true IAA digestibility of whole boiled egg protein significantly decreased by 17% when co-ingested with black tea. However, there was no significant reduction in the true IAA digestibility of spirulina protein when co-ingested with black tea. Conclusions: TPP protein interactions reduced whole egg digestibility in healthy Indian adults but had minimal effect on spirulina protein digestibility. In populations who are at risk of dietary quality protein inadequacy, the consumption of tea during or after a meal can further increase the risk of inadequacy. This trial was registered at Clinical Trials Registry of India (http://ctri.nic.in) as CTRI/2018/03/012265

    True ileal digestibility of legumes determined by dual isotope tracer method in Indian adults

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    Background: Good-quality plant protein sources are important for protein adequacy in a balanced diet. Legumes are known to be a source of good quality plant protein, but the true ileal digestibility of indispensable amino acids (IAAs) of commonly consumed legumes is not known in humans. Objectives: In this study we measured the true ileal IAA digestibility of 2H-intrinsically labeled chickpea, yellow pea, and mung bean (hulled and dehulled) protein, using the dual-isotope tracer technique referenced to a standard protein ([U-13C] spirulina). The study also aimed to validate the use of [U-13C] spirulina as a reference protein in this method. Methods: 2H-intrinsically labeled legumes, obtained by watering plants with deuterium oxide (2H2O), were administered in a plateau feeding method to healthy Indian adults to measure their true ileal IAA digestibility with the dual-isotope tracer technique, using [U-13C] spirulina protein or a 13C-algal IAA mixture as the standard. Result: The true ileal IAA digestibilities (mean ± SD) of chickpea, yellow pea, and mung bean were 74.6 ± 0.8%, 71.6 ± 1.3%, and 63.2 ± 1.5%, respectively. The true mean ileal IAA digestibility of mung bean when referenced to [U-13C] spirulina protein or a 13C-algal IAA mixture did not differ significantly (63.2 ± 1.5% versus 64.0 ± 2.4%, P > 0.05). The true ileal IAA digestibility of mung bean improved to 70.9 ± 2.1% after dehulling. Conclusions: The true mean ileal IAA digestibility of legumes in healthy Indian adults was lower than expected. Traditional processing techniques such as dehulling improve protein digestibility by about 8%. This study was registered in the Clinical Trials Registry of India (CTRI): CTRI/2017/11/010468 (http://ctri.nic.in, accessed on 28/03/2019)

    The Economic Viability of Smart Home Investments: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

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    This study report performed a thorough data-driven analysis to evaluate the economic sustainability of smart home investments in the quickly changing residential living scene. The research provided a comprehensive view of the financial ramifications of implementing smart home technology by taking into account initial investment costs, energy savings, maintenance and operating expenditures, and user satisfaction. The results show a considerable potential for improved user happiness and energy savings, which supports the financial viability of smart home investments. The findings highlight the multifarious significance of these technologies in establishing more practical and efficient living environments and provide insightful information for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and homeowners

    Impact of Online Communities on Civic Engagement: An Inclusivity Assessment Using the Civic Engagement Test

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    With a mean age of 32.4 years and a balanced gender distribution (55% male, 45% female), we present findings based on a diverse participant sample in this data-intensive study evaluating the "Impact of Online Communities on Civic Engagement: An Inclusivity Assessment Using the Civic Engagement Test," demonstrating the inclusivity of these digital spaces. In online communities, users demonstrated active participation, with an average of 45 posts, 60 likes, and 18 comments. Furthermore, a solid grasp of civic concerns was demonstrated by the civic engagement test results (average score of 82), with 40% exhibiting advanced civic knowledge. The results of inclusiveness evaluations showed that various kinds of communities exhibited variable degrees of inclusivity, highlighting the significance of community design in fostering diversity. These observations highlight the transformational power of online networks in promoting knowledgeable civic involvement and stress the significance of inclusion for the advancement of digital civic engagement

    Physiological studies and nutrient accumulation in mustard varieties in response to fertilizer doses under saline condition in semi-arid region of northwestern Haryana

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    The present study was conducted to find out the salt tolrant mustard variety for semi-arid region because this region has higher amount of poor quality water for irrigation and nutrient accumulation under saline environment is the most limiting factor in the sustainable crop production. For this four mustard varieties in main plots (Kranti, Giriraj, CS-54, and CS-58) and three fertilizer doses in sub-plots (100, 125 and 150% RDF). During the experimentation, saline water irrigation (7 dS m-1) was applied. The physiological parameters like RWC (75.54 to 80.34 %), total chlorophyll content (1.60 to 1.91 mg g-1 FW), and photosynthetic rate (10.09 to 14.79 µmol CO2 m-2s-1) were significantly increased with increasing dose of fertilizers. Yield stability index was highest with the application of 150% RDF. HI index showed a decline trend with the increasing dose of fertilizers, whereas oil content decreased non-significantly. Irrespective of fertilizer doses, variety CS-58 recorded maximum seed yield (22.89 q ha-1), biological yield (11.22 q ha-1); and other physiological parameters followed by CS-54, Giriraj, and Kranti mustard varieties. Variety CS-58 had the highest nutrient content (N, P, and K) in straw, with reaching to 125% RDF being at par with 150% RDF, followed by CS-54, Giriraj, and Kranti, respectively. The salt ratio (Na+:K+) decreased non-significantly with fertilizer doses, its mean value was however lowest in CS-58

    Evaluation of health status of Kankrej cattle using mini compton metabolic profile test and correlation with production status

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    The present study aimed to assess the changes in metabolite after adaptation of Kankrej breed of cattle from draught to milch purpose. The result showed the resistance power of alteration in metabolic values even after adaptation. Metabolic parameters can be measured to evaluate the health status of individual animal in herd by using mini compton metabolic profile test. Feeding management can be adjusted as per the data of metabolic profile to avoid incidence of metabolic diseases. Indigenous cattle breed is tough enough which resist the alteration in different metabolic parameters

    Protein-quality evaluation of complementary foods in Indian children

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    Background: The types of food in complementary feeding of infants and young children are important for growth and development. Food protein quality, as measured by the Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS), requires the determination of true ileal digestibility of indispensable amino acids (IAAs) in children. Objectives: First, the aim of this study was to measure the true ileal IAA digestibility of 4 (rice, finger millet, mung bean, and hen egg) commonly consumed complementary foods in children aged <2 y using the dual-isotope tracer method. Second, we calculated the DIAAS of complementary feeding diets and their relation to stunting in a representative Indian rural population. Design: Rice, finger millet, and mung bean were intrinsically labeled with deuterium oxide (2H2O), whereas egg was labeled through oral dosing of hens with a uniformly 2H-labeled amino acid mixture. True ileal IAA digestibility was determined by the dual-isotope tracer technique. The DIAAS of complementary food protein was calculated in children aged 1–3 y from a nationally representative survey to evaluate its relation with stunting. Results: True ileal IAA digestibility was lowest in mung bean (65.2% ± 7.1%), followed by finger millet (68.4 %± 5.3%) and rice (78.5% ± 3.5%), and was highest for egg (87.4% ± 4.0%). There was a significant inverse correlation of complementary food DIAAS with stunting in survey data (r = −0.66, P = 0.044). The addition of egg or milk to nationally representative complementary diets theoretically improved the DIAAS from 80 to 100. Conclusions: The true ileal IAA digestibility of 4 foods commonly consumed in complementary diets showed that the DIAAS was associated with stunting and reinforces the importance of including animal source food (ASF) in diets to improve growth. This trial was registered at http://ctri.nic.in/clinicaltrials/login.php as CTRI/2017/02/007921

    Expedient Structures for Safeguarding Aircraft Parking Areas from Climatic Impact: An In-depth Exploration

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    This research delves into the study and analysis of diverse expedient structures designed to protect aircraft parking areas from the influence of various climatic conditions. The article scrutinizes tent, arched, and rigid constructions, outlining their primary advantages, drawbacks, and application domains. Special emphasis is placed on achieving a balance between costs and requirements, as well as selecting the optimal construction type based on climatic conditions and economic factors. Matters of durability, strength, and stability of the constructions are discussed, accompanied by recommendations for making informed decisions when choosing a structure for safeguarding aircraft parking areas. In conclusion, the authors underscore the significance of conducting additional research and evaluating the long-term effectiveness of each construction type for a more qualitative and well-informed decision-making process. This article provides essential recommendations and conclusions that can prove valuable for engineers, designers, and specialists in the field of aviation infrastructure

    In-Vitro Evidences for the Formulation, Development, and Evaluation of Budesonide Oral Nano-sponges

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    Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease is quite common, with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease being the most common forms. Due to its high receptor affinity and quick diversion, the anti-inflammatory effects of the glucocorticoid budesonide are limited, but it is nevertheless useful in some situations. A unique BUD nano-sponges was developed by employing quasi-solvent diffusion and Eudragit S-100 as the polymer to address the problem of low efficacy and accessibility. Material and Methods: Drug release profile and percentage of drug entrapment in BUD Nano sponges were also measured and analyzed. Clinical activity score, colon/body weight ratio, and macroscopic ulceration activity were among the criteria used in an in vivo investigation of the formulation in male Wistar rats. Finally, histological investigation was done on colon tissue samples. Results: When compared to other BUD formulations on the market, this one performed exceptionally well, suggesting that the designed nanosponges are highly effective. The Wistar rats' clinical activity score was reduced when treated with the formed nanosponges. When compared to the placebo group, those who took this supplement saw a dramatic decrease in their colon weight ratio. Nanosponge colon histology revealed healthy colon anatomy and architecture. Conclusion: The findings of this study have substantiated the efficacy of BUD nano-sponges as innovative carriers in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseas