26 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Kewenangan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Mengenai Kebijakan Micro-prudential Terbentuknya Lembaga Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) melalui Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2011 memiliki kewenangan yang begitu luas yaitu mengawasi seluruh lembaga keuangan baik perbankan maupun non bank. Namun demikian, ada kewenangan khusus OJK sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 7 Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2011 yang membagi tugas pengawasan di bidang perbankan antara Lembaga OJK di bidang micro-prudential dan Bank Indonesia (BI) di bidang makroprudensial, sehingga memunculkan permasalahan yaitu apa yang dimaksud dengan kewenangan kategori micro-prudential dalam Pasal 7 UU OJK, karena pasal tersebut tidak menyebutkan pemahaman secara jelas mengenai micro-prudential. Permasalahan selanjutnya adalah apa akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan dari kewenangan OJK mengenai kebijakan micro-prudential. Dalam penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yaitu berupa pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach), pendekatan undang-undang (satatute approach), pendekatan komparatif (comparative approach). Kewenangan dari Pasal 7 mengenai micro-prudential adalah pertama pengaturan dan pengawasan mengenai kelembagaan bank, kedua pengaturan dan pengawasan mengenai kesehatan bank, ketiga pengaturan dan pengawasan mengenai aspek kehati-hatian bank dan yang terakhir adalah pemeriksaan bank, sedangkan untuk pengertian micro-prudential adalah lebih mengarah kepada perkembangan dalam individu lembaga keuangan dengan lebih menaruh perhatian pada problem individual lembaga keuangan dalam hal ini adalah melindungi kepentingan para deposan, tujuannya adalah untuk mencegah terjadinya krisis pada individu suatu lembaga keuangan yang dapat merugikan nasabah atau investor serta mencegah terjadinya risiko sistemik. Akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan dari kebijakan mikroprudensial adalah pengalihan fungsi pengawasan perbankan dari BI kepada OJK maka perlu dilakukan harmonisasi dan sinkronisasi antara BI dan Lembaga OJK, selain itu pemahaman mengenai micro-prudential harus lebih di jelaskan dan diberikan definisi secara jelas dalam UU OJK untuk menjamin adanya kepastian hukum khususnya menyangkut masalah kewenangan. Kata Kunci :Kewenangan OJK, Kebijakan Micro-prudential, akibat huku

    Stopping Powers and Inelastic Mean Free Path of 100 eV to 30 keV Electrons in Zirconium Silicates

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    We have determined the electron stopping power (SP) and inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of (ZrO2)x(SiO2)1-x (x=1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0) for electron energies from 100 eV to 30 keV by means of modified Born–Ochkur equations. The energy loss function (ELF) is required in the calculation of SP and IMFP. We used the electron energy losses from 0 to 80 eV obtained by quantitative analysis of reflection electron energy-loss spectroscopy (REELS) spectra. The values of SP and IMFP for high contents of ZrO2 (x=50% and x=75%) in Zr-silicates are similar to those of ZrO2, and similar to those of SiO2 for low contents of ZrO2 (x=25%) in Zr-silicates. There are small differences in the values of SP and IMFP for ZrO2 and SiO2.We found that the SP decreases while the IMFP increases with increasing electron energy. We have demonstrated that the ELF obtained from the quantitative analysis of REELS spectra provide us with a straightforward way to determine SP and IMFP for alloy materials by using modified Born-Ochkur equations. Received: 04 December 2012; Revised: 18 December 2012; Accepted: 19 December 201

    Karakteristik tekan, bending dan morphology komposit mortar ringan diperkuat serat limbah tekstil

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    The composites was made from a foam mortar matrix with Hydrolized protein reinforced textile waste fiber and the compressive strength, flexural strength and fracture morphology characteristics of the composite have been reported. This study investigated the effectiveness of adding textile fiber waste to lightweight mortar composites to improve the mechanical characteristics of the composites, reduce weight and minimize production costs of mortar composites. Mortar composites are fabricated by varying the volume fraction of textile waste fiber from 0 to 1.2% (of the composite density). The results revealed that the addition of textile waste fiber to the mortar composites decreased bending strength and bending modulus. The maximum compressive strength of the mortar composite was obtained at a volume fraction of 0.6% textile fiber waste (0.30167 MPa) and the lowest compressive strength of 0.149 MPa was owned by the mortar composite without textile fiber waste (composite BTA). This phenomenon caused by the fiber pull out, interface bond between textile waste fiber and matrix, as shown from the SEM photo. The addition of excess textile fiber waste from optimal conditions reduces mechanical performance due to increased voids in the mortar composite. However, this strategy helpful to reduce the weight of the concrete, reduce production costs and reduce textile waste

    Analisa surface defect pada baja slab (Studi kasus di slab steel plant PT. Krakatau Steel-Cilegon)

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    The purpose of this case study is to analyze the surface defects that occur in slab steel. Investigations and observations have been made on slab steel. Surface defects that were investigated were obtained based on survey data in slab handling. The results show that frequent surface defects are transverse crack, corner transverse crack, corner crack, longitudinal crack, porous / blow hole, and oscillation mark. Further, the type of surface defect that often occurs in steel slab is the type of corner crack. It is due to sulfur and phosphorus content on the slab steel grade are higher

    Perancangan bilah tipe taperless pada kincir angin: Studi kasus di PT. Lentera Bumi Nusantara Tasikmalaya

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    The studies related to new renewable energy are still being developed. This study aims to design taperless blades on wind turbines, case studies at PT. Lentera Bumi Nusantara. The wind speed conditions in Tasikmalaya which are considered relatively moderate can be designed efficiently by the appropriate wind characteristics in Tasikmalaya. Microsoft Excel, Qblade, Solid Works, and aerodynamic equations have been used to design a blade. The result shows that the blades have a solid, easy to make and affordable structure that can produce mechanical power at low wind speeds with a radius, diameter hub and chord length of 0.8 m, 0.19 m and 0.12 m, respectively. A twisting angle at the base and at the end of the blade are 11.14° and 7.17°. respectively. The conclusion of this design exhibited that the blade design with the same edge blade can be applied to moderate wind speeds to produce efficient, compact and affordable wind turbines with wind characteristics in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

    Sifat tekan komposit sandwich dengan inti beton cellular diperkuat pin bambu sebagai bahan panel ringan

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    Cellular lightweight concrete as sandwich composite core has the advantage of its density, with the presence of foam which makes it lighter. However, the presence of foam reduces its strength. Reinforcement with bamboo pins was carried out to increase the compressive strength of the sandwich composite. Bamboo pins connecting the composite skin reinforce the cellular lightweight concrete at an angle of 900, 700,650 to the composite skin. With the addition of bamboo pins, it increases the compressive strength of the sandwich composite in both flat and edge directions

    Studi eksperimental terhadap porositas dan hambat alir udara pada komposit penyerap suara

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    In this paper, we present a comprehensive analytical and experimental investigation for the determination of the air flow resistivity and porosity of sound absorber composite. The ratio of the volume fraction of fiber and polyester resin is 15, 25, 35, 55 and 65 (%).The dimensions of the absorbent composite sample are 29 mm x 20 cm (diameter x thickness). Porosity and Air flow resistivity of composites have been investigated. The results showed that the porosity of the composites increased with increasing amount of fiber due to the interface between fiber and resinless dense. In contrast, the air flow resistivity values are lower with a denser resin and fiber interface

    Methadone Flexi Dispensing (MFlex) Intelligence System utilizing the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System

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    Patients who are participating in the methadone flexi dispensing (MFlex) program are obliged to provide their blood samples for various testing, such as lipid profiles. A doctor evaluates three parameters, including cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol to determine whether or not the patient has a lipid issue. Since, the current structure lacks an ideal atmosphere for classification and optimization caused by inaccuracies in measurement methodologies and a lack of explanation for significant aspects that have an effect on the accuracy of diagnostics. The objective is to implement the Mahalanobis Taguchi system (MTS) in the MFlex program. Utilizing a total of 34 parameters, there are two different types of MTS techniques used for classification and optimization: the RT method and T method. The average Mahalanobis distance (MD) for healthy conditions is 1.0000 whereas for unhealthy is 79.5876. As a result, there is 19 parameters indicate a positive degree of contribution. 15 unknown samples were diagnosed with a variety of positive and negative degree of contribution to achieving a lower MD. Type 5 of 6 alterations was chosen as the best suggested possibility. In conclusion, MTS is able to be applied in medical environment

    Application of Mahalanobis-Taguchi System in Rainfall Trends at UMP Gambang Campus

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    Rainfall is a variable meteorological phenomenon that exhibits spatial variability across different locations. Weather stations collect a wide range of parameters to monitor and analyze rainfall patterns. However, not all parameters are equally significant or efficient in performing classification and optimization tasks. In this study, we propose the use of the Mahalanobis-Taguchi system (MTS) method to classify rainfall occurrences by RT-Method and optimize the parameter selection process by T-Method. The data were collected by weather station Vantage Pro2 in UMP Gambang. By applying RT- Method, we can classify the data sample in term of MD for November, May and April while reducing the number of parameters to only those that significantly contribute to the classification, which from 16 parameters to 8 parameters using T-Method. This approach provides a streamlined and efficient methodology for analyzing rainfall patterns and optimizing weather station data collection processes

    Application of Mahalanobis-Taguchi system in Rainfall Distribution

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    The rainfall time series is often nonlinear and multi-time scale because of hydrology, meteorological, and human activity. Weather stations gather information on a diverse set of parameters on order to monitor and analyses patterns of rainfall. Nevertheless, not all parameters are created equal in terms of its significance or effectiveness in carrying out classification and optimization actions. The objective is to classify rainfall occurrences by the RT method and optimize the parameter selection process by the T method using Mahalanobis-Taguchi system (MTS). The data was collected using Vantage Pro2 weather station at UMPSA Gambang campus and it consists of 16 various parameters. As a results, RT method can classify the data samples in terms of MD for the months of June, October and December by utilizing the, while simultaneously the number of parameters is reduced to only those that substantially contribute to the classification. This brings the total number of parameters decrease from 16 to 8 when compared to the T method. So, this research methods offer a simplified and effective way for analyzing rainfall patterns and optimizing the data gathering processes at weather stations