46 research outputs found

    Desempeño a largo plazo de secciones de pavimentos existentes de concreto asfáltico

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    RESUMEN: Los pavimentos de carreteras están diseñados para soportar las cargas proyectadas del tr·Æ co y a la vez proporcionar alta calidad para los niveles de servicio. Las grandes cargas que los pavimentos experimentan durante su existencia en conjunto con las condiciones variables de clima y humedad aceleran el proceso de deterioro y podrían causar fallas prematuras a los pavimentos. En esta investigación se realiza un estudio de patología para evaluar el desempeño actual de varios concretos asfálticos. La condición estructural de secciones de concreto asfáltico, localizados en el Estado de Ohio, Estados Unidos, se realizan por medio del método de ensayo del DeØ ectómetro de Impacto (FWD). La interpretación de los ensayos con FWD permite la evaluación de potenciales rehabilitaciones a corto y mediano plazo. La metodología de análisis e interpretación de resultados presentados en este artículo para el caso de los 110 km de pavimento de concreto asfáltico en el Estado de Ohio, se muestra como una técnica valiosa en el caso colombiano para determinar, con mediciones reales de campo, la condición y potencial rehabilitación del sistema de infraestructura que se requiere para garantizar el desarrollo económico sostenible del país.ABSTRACT: Highway pavements are designed to withstand the projected trafÆ c loads while providing a high quality level of service. The large loads that pavements experience during the design life in conjunction with variable climate and moisture conditions accelerate the deterioration process and might cause premature failure of the pavements. In this research, a forensic study to assess the current performance of several asphalt concrete (AC) pavements is conducted. The structural condition of the AC sections, located in the State of Ohio, United States, was determined by means of the Falling Weight DeØ ectometer (FWD) testing method. The evaluation and interpretation of the FWD tests permit the assessment of potential short or medium-term rehabilitation projects. The methodology of analysis and data interpretation presented in this paper for the case of 110 km of asphalt concrete pavement in the State of Ohio, stands as a valuable technique in Colombia to determine, with actual Æ eld measurements, the condition and potential rehabilitation of the infrastructure system that is required to guarantee the sustainable economic development of the country

    Pavement performance testing

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    "December, 2001."; Includes bibliographical references.; Final report.; Prepared in cooperation with Ohio Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration under state job no.; Harvested from the web on 1/13/06The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of aggregate gradation and polymer modification on rutting and fatigue resistance of Superpave mixes. Asphalt mixes were prepared using three different gradations (above, through, and below the restricted zone) and three PG 70-22 binders (unmodified, SBS and SBR modified), and were evaluated using a triaxial repeated load test, a static creep, the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer, and the flexural beam fatigue test. When aggregates meeting Superpave angularity requirements was used, the effects of gradation on the rut and fatigue resistance of Superpave mixes were relatively small and the effects of the restricted zone was not significant. Even though binders used in this study had similar dynamic shear moduli, mixes containing polymer modified binders showed significantly lower resilient moduli than the unmodified mixes when measured in the indirect tensile and triaxial compressive modes. All laboratory test results indicated that the polymer modified mixes were significantly more rut resistant and fatigue resistant than the unmodified mixes with the same PG grading. Improvement in rut resistance due to polymer modification was shown to be most significant in the triaxial repeated load test, especially at a higher-temperature. Accelerated Pavement Load test results showed the similar trends regarding rutting performance. At higher test temperature or at a fast wheel speed, mixes with polymer modified binder performed better than mixes with an unmodified binder.The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of aggregate gradation and polymer modification on rutting and fatigue resistance of Superpave mixes. Asphalt mixes were prepared using three different gradations (above, through, and below the restricted zone) and three PG 70-22 binders (unmodified, SBS and SBR modified), and were evaluated using a triaxial repeated load test, a static creep, the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer, and the flexural beam fatigue test. When aggregates meeting Superpave angularity requirements was used, the effects of gradation on the rut and fatigue resistance of Superpave mixes were relatively small and the effects of the restricted zone was not significant. Even though binders used in this study had similar dynamic shear moduli, mixes containing polymer modified binders showed significantly lower resilient moduli than the unmodified mixes when measured in the indirect tensile and triaxial compressive modes. All laboratory test results indicated that the polymer modified mixes were significantly more rut resistant and fatigue resistant than the unmodified mixes with the same PG grading. Improvement in rut resistance due to polymer modification was shown to be most significant in the triaxial repeated load test, especially at a higher-temperature. Accelerated Pavement Load test results showed the similar trends regarding rutting performance. At higher test temperature or at a fast wheel speed, mixes with polymer modified binder performed better than mixes with an unmodified binder

    Coordination of load response instrumentation of SHRP pavements-- Ohio University

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    "May, 1999."; Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-206).; Final report.; Performed in cooperation with the Ohio Dept. of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration under; Harvested from the web on 12/16/05The Ohio Department of Transportation constructed an experimental pavement for the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) on U.S. 23 north of Columbus, which included 40 asphalt and concrete test sections in the SPS-1, 2, 8 and 9 experiments. These sections controlled various combinations of structural parameters known to affect performance. To enhance the value of this pavement, sensors were installed in 18 test sections to continuously monitor temperature, moisture and frost within the pavement structure, and 33 test sections were instrumented to monitor strain, deflection and pressure generated by environmental cycling and dynamic loading. Also, two weigh-in motion systems and a weather station were installed to continuously gather the necessary traffic and climatic information required to properly interpret the performance data. Six universities, including Ohio University, which coordinated this effort, were responsible for installing and monitoring the instrumentation. Nondestructive testing conducted with the FWD and Dynaflect, and five series of controlled vehicle tests were performed between 1995 and 1998 to assess the response of these test sections to dynamic loading. This report documents how the instrumentation was installed and monitored, provides details of controlled vehicle tests, and summarizes results of the nondestructive testing

    Working review of available non-nuclear equipment for determining in-place density of asphalt

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    Rev.; "July 2004, Revised August 2005."; "December 2005."; Includes bibliographical references (p. 44).; Final technical report.; Prepared by Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment in cooperation with the Ohio Dept. of Transportation, Office of Research and Development, and U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration under state job no. 147960; Harvested from the web on 3/23/06Current non-nuclear methods of measuring asphalt pavement density use electrical properties of asphalt. Two known instruments, the PaveTrackerTM and the PQI Model 300, estimate pavement density by inferring the relative proportion of air-filled voids in the asphalt from a measure of dielectric permittivity. Under this project, currently available and new methods of determining in-place asphalt density were investigated. The investigation included a laboratory study of the PaveTrackerTM's ability to accurately measure density under a variety of conditions, including coarse or fine aggregate in mix, presence of internal and/or surface moisture, sample area, and sample depth. Both the PaveTrackerTM and the PQI Model 300 were evaluated in the field by measuring density of measurement locations at each of 24 project sites and comparing to corresponding values measured by a nuclear gauge and laboratory tests. Recommendations for practice, including expected payoff results in using them, are given.Current non-nuclear methods of measuring asphalt pavement density use electrical properties of asphalt. Two known instruments, the PaveTrackerTM and the PQI Model 300, estimate pavement density by inferring the relative proportion of air-filled voids in the asphalt from a measure of dielectric permittivity. Under this project, currently available and new methods of determining in-place asphalt density were investigated. The investigation included a laboratory study of the PaveTrackerTM's ability to accurately measure density under a variety of conditions, including coarse or fine aggregate in mix, presence of internal and/or surface moisture, sample area, and sample depth. Both the PaveTrackerTM and the PQI Model 300 were evaluated in the field by measuring density of measurement locations at each of 24 project sites and comparing to corresponding values measured by a nuclear gauge and laboratory tests. Recommendations for practice, including expected payoff results in using them, are given.Rev

    Continued monitoring of instrumented pavement in Ohio

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    "December 2002."; Final report.; Performed by Dept. of Civil Engineering, Ohio University in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration for Ohio Dept. of Transportation under state job no.; Harvested from the web on 12/19/05Performance and environmental data continued to be monitored throughout this study on the Ohio SHRP Test Road. Response testing included three new series of controlled vehicle tests and two sets of nondestructive tests. Cracking in two SPS-2 sections with lean concrete base confirmed observations elsewhere that PCC pavement may not perform well when placed on rigid base. Of the five types of base material used on LOG 33 and evaluated for their effect on AC pavement performance, deflection measurements on the asphalt treated base fluctuated most with changes in temperature. None of the other bases were sensitive to temperature. Cement treated base had the lowest deflection. On unbound material, bases containing large size stone gave the lowest deflection. The preponderance of data collected in the laboratory and at the ERI/LOR 2 site suggests that PCC pavement performs poorly on 307 NJ and CTFD bases. All sections with 25-foot slabs, except those with ATFD base, and the section with 13-foot slabs on 307 NJ base had significant transverse cracking. The 13-foot long slabs with 307 NJ base also had some longitudinal cracking. Considering the relatively short time these pavement sections had been in service, this level of performance was considered unacceptable. The ATFD base appeared to be performing best. On JAC/GAL 35, subgrade stiffness had a significant effect on dowel bar response. Looseness around dowel bars affected their ability to transfer load. Larger diameter and stiffer dowel bars provided better load transfer across PCC joints. The most effective dowel bar in these tests was the 1.5" diameter steel bar. The performance of 1" steel dowel bars were similar to 1.5" fiberglass bars. One-inch diameter fiberglass dowel bars were not recommended for PCC pavement. While undercutting PCC joint repairs initially reduced the forces in dowel bars, the effectiveness of the undercut diminished over time. Dowel bar forces were about the same in the Y and YU types of joint repairs after some time.Performance and environmental data continued to be monitored throughout this study on the Ohio SHRP Test Road. Response testing included three new series of controlled vehicle tests and two sets of nondestructive tests. Cracking in two SPS-2 sections with lean concrete base confirmed observations elsewhere that PCC pavement may not perform well when placed on rigid base. Of the five types of base material used on LOG 33 and evaluated for their effect on AC pavement performance, deflection measurements on the asphalt treated base fluctuated most with changes in temperature. None of the other bases were sensitive to temperature. Cement treated base had the lowest deflection. On unbound material, bases containing large size stone gave the lowest deflection. The preponderance of data collected in the laboratory and at the ERI/LOR 2 site suggests that PCC pavement performs poorly on 307 NJ and CTFD bases. All sections with 25-foot slabs, except those with ATFD base, and the section with 13-foot slabs on 307 NJ base had significant transverse cracking. The 13-foot long slabs with 307 NJ base also had some longitudinal cracking. Considering the relatively short time these pavement sections had been in service, this level of performance was considered unacceptable. The ATFD base appeared to be performing best. On JAC/GAL 35, subgrade stiffness had a significant effect on dowel bar response. Looseness around dowel bars affected their ability to transfer load. Larger diameter and stiffer dowel bars provided better load transfer across PCC joints. The most effective dowel bar in these tests was the 1.5" diameter steel bar. The performance of 1" steel dowel bars were similar to 1.5" fiberglass bars. One-inch diameter fiberglass dowel bars were not recommended for PCC pavement. While undercutting PCC joint repairs initially reduced the forces in dowel bars, the effectiveness of the undercut diminished over time. Dowel bar forces were about the same in the Y and YU types of joint repairs after some time

    Re-rounding of deflected thermoplastic conduit. Phase 1

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    "Interim Report, March 2017"--Title page.; "FHWA/OH-2017-12"--Technical report documentation page.; Includes bibliographical references (page 8).; Phase 1 Interim report.; Sponsored by: Ohio Department of Transportation; State job No. 135322This study investigated the potential benefits of re-rounding of thermoplastic pipe, a process for reducing the deflection of installed pipes by drawing a vibrating mandrel through the pipe. A survey of state DOTs revealed that practice is used rarely, if ever, and the literature on the topic is very sparse, limited to reports on vendor demonstrations. Two contractors were contacted and results of the interviews are included. A plan for a detailed study under controlled conditions and in the field is presented

    Structural response of high performance concrete pavement

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    Executive summary laid in.; "March, 2002."; Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-94.).; Final report.; Prepared in cooperation with Ohio Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration under state job nos.; Harvested from the web on 12/28/05Rigid pavements make up a significant percentage of highway systems in the United States and abroad. Concrete pavements provide an economical and durable solution for highway systems, because the pavements last longer and require less maintenance. Recently, there has been great interest in the construction of a higher quality concrete pavement, referred to as High Performance Concrete Pavements (HPCP), which could be in service longer and have lower maintenance and life cycle costs. General criteria were established by federal and state highway agencies to help in the design of these more durable and economical concrete pavements. This higher quality concrete pavement should incorporate recycled waste products, and utilize innovative construction equipment and procedures. These pavements should also have a shorter construction time and an ultra-smooth ride quality surface. With these criteria in mind, investigations have been launched to discover methods for improving the quality of concrete pavements. One area of interest involves the use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) as cementitious material in concrete pavement.Rigid pavements make up a significant percentage of highway systems in the United States and abroad. Concrete pavements provide an economical and durable solution for highway systems, because the pavements last longer and require less maintenance. Recently, there has been great interest in the construction of a higher quality concrete pavement, referred to as High Performance Concrete Pavements (HPCP), which could be in service longer and have lower maintenance and life cycle costs. General criteria were established by federal and state highway agencies to help in the design of these more durable and economical concrete pavements. This higher quality concrete pavement should incorporate recycled waste products, and utilize innovative construction equipment and procedures. These pavements should also have a shorter construction time and an ultra-smooth ride quality surface. With these criteria in mind, investigations have been launched to discover methods for improving the quality of concrete pavements. One area of interest involves the use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) as cementitious material in concrete pavement

    Investigation of in-situ strength of various construction/widening methods utilized on local roads

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    "Final Report, February 2016."; Includes bibliographical references (pages 35-37).; Technical report.; Sponsoring Agency: Ohio Department of Transportation, Office of Research and Development; State Job No.: 134991Appendix E: Light weight deflectometer : pavement evaluation, Ohio University / prepared by Resource International, Inc.This project goal was to develop and verify a low-cost, repeatable, non-destructive methodology to characterize the load carrying capacity of materials used in road widening and construction when established values are not available, and establish a range of structural coefficients and moduli for these materials. A total of 99 test sites were selected from 68 projects in seven participating counties across Ohio, which were grouped into five clusters. These sites included 19 different widening treatments. Each site was visited and tests were conducted and specimens gathered using the following techniques: Falling weight deflectometer (FWD), portable seismic properties analyzer (PSPA), light weight deflectometer (LWD), coring, and dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP). The data and specimens collected were used to measure layer thicknesses, the modulus, effective structural numbers, and layer coefficients applicable to each treatment. At least seven approaches were used to obtain these numbers from the data collected. The results were plotted in box plot and cumulative frequency format for each material and each analysis method. For each material, there is a wide variability of values both within one section and between different sections. There are many sources for this variability, however a range of numbers for moduli and layer coefficients can be identified for most treatments which can be utilized by local engineering personnel to design future projects. The procedure based on the Section 2.3.5 of the 1993 AASHTO pavement design guide using FWD data provided the best estimate of published layer coefficients. It is recommended the layer coefficients for the study materials estimated using this procedure be used. But note, the use of the coefficients in other areas without validation is not recommended. Accurate layer coefficients for multiple materials can only be determined by the construction of test sections and monitoring the performance under known loadings. For materials which will be widely used and the economics are justified, it is recommended test sections, with controls, be constructed at a common location to eliminate extraneous factors which confound the analysis

    Other title: Validation of Ohio Department of Transportation shallow cover rating factor methodology for metal pipe & arch culverts (Structures Research Services Task 4); Other title: Structures Research Services. Task 4

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    On unnumbered 1: Eric P. Stein, Ohio University; Richard A. Miller, University of Cincinnati; Douglas K. Nims, University of Toledo; Kevin White, E.L. Robinson.; Pages 6 and 7 are blank.; DOCX file received as e-mail attachment.; Includes bibliographical references (page 5)

    Forensic study of early failures with unbonded concrete overlays

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    "November 2017."; Includes bibliographical references (pages 133-135).; Final report;; Sponsored by: Ohio Department of Transportation, Office of Statewide Planning and Research; State Job No. 134888Final report (xiv, 234 pages : illustrations (some color)) -- [Fact sheet] (1 unnumbered page).A forensic investigation was conducted to identify failure mechanisms responsible for early failures of unbonded concrete overlays on selected projects in Ohio, including I-70 in Madison County, I-77 in Washington and Noble Counties, and I-90 in Lake County, plus a project in US Route 30 in Ashland County that was one of the better performing jointed plain concrete (JPC) overlays in Ohio. Standard NCHRP procedures (Report 747) were generally followed. Field inspections included visual assessment; distress survey; falling weight deflectometer; MITScan; and collection of core specimens. Laboratory testing included core dimensions, material mechanical properties, and petrographic analysis. HIPERPAV analysis was conducted to evaluate the concrete strength development in early stage. A finite element analysis was conducted to evaluate structural failure mechanisms. Recommendations were made for ODOT to improve performance and prevent similar failures in the future