24 research outputs found

    José Fernández Vega. Formas dominantes

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    Formas Dominantes. Diálogos sobre estética y Política con Arthur Danto, Hans Belting, Thierry de Duve, Gianni Vattimo y Alavoj Žižek, reúne las entrevistas que José Fernández Vega realizó a estos cinco intelectuales de relevancia en el ámbito de los estudios político-culturales. El subtítulo nos adelanta un ámbito de interés común que enlaza consideraciones acerca del arte de nuestra época y la política. Las reflexiones que se suscitan a partir de las entrevistas abarcan distintas áreas temáticas: teoría estética, teoría cultural, filosofía y sociología, impregnadas de las circunstancias sociopolíticas de hoy.Sardisco, Ana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Escuela de Bellas Artes; Argentina

    Nexus: Painting as a Link to a Primary Reality

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    Multi-Technique Analytical Approach to Quantitative Analysis of Spodumene

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    The aim of this study was to establish the capability of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) methods to determine different spodumene forms (α-, β- and γ-spodumene) occurring during heat treatment of lithium spodumene. It is essential to correctly identify and quantify the presence of different forms of spodumene after heat treatment to ensure optimum lithium extraction. A sample from the Haapaluoma lithium-pegmatite (western Finland) was used for this study. An experimental programme was initiated to model the progression of the mineral transformation at different stages through heat treatment. The specimen was broken down and split into five portions. One of the splits was analysed unheated with XRD, FTIR, XRF and ICP; the other four splits were analysed with XRD and FTIR after heat treatment at different temperatures from 850 to 1100 °C. In this study, we show that both laboratory-based XRD and portable FTIR methods are effective in identifying and quantifying α-, β- and γ-spodumene as well as impurities. The accuracy of the quantification of the minerals with XRD was established by using a mass balance calculation and was compared with the actual chemistry of the sample measured with ICP analysis. Fully quantitative XRD analysis of heat-treated spodumene is considered a challenge due to peak overlaps between the β-, and γ-spodumene forms, particularly when gangue minerals and amorphous content are present. The novelty of this study consists of the use of the XRD technique complemented by the Rietveld method to fully quantify the different forms of spodumene from one another: α-, β- and γ-spodumene, along with the gangue minerals and the amorphous content. It is also shown that reproducible systematic changes occur in the FTIR spectra that track the spodumene transformation during heat treatment. With more samples and cross-validation between the XRD results, the FTIR methodology could be developed further to provide semi-quantitative information on the different spodumene forms in the future. This would permit the use of a fast, cost-effective and portable technique for quality control of the spodumene forms, which would open opportunities across the Li value chain

    Multi-Platform Agent Systems with Dynamic Reputation Policy Management

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    Open, distributed multi-platform agent systems require new management approaches for resources and data secure access. In this paper a Jade-S based multi-platform agent system implementing dynamic reputation policy management is proposed. The implemented extension deals with biometrics, X-Security, DES cryptography and agent reputation. With more details, the proposed reputation management system helps to assess the agent's behavior and reliability, in order to select trusted agents. This is made possible by the knowledge that agents are able to acquire, over time, and that allows them to choose the best solution using own intelligence in total autonomy

    Multi-Technique Analytical Approach to Quantitative Analysis of Spodumene

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    The aim of this study was to establish the capability of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) methods to determine different spodumene forms (α-, β- and γ-spodumene) occurring during heat treatment of lithium spodumene. It is essential to correctly identify and quantify the presence of different forms of spodumene after heat treatment to ensure optimum lithium extraction. A sample from the Haapaluoma lithium-pegmatite (western Finland) was used for this study. An experimental programme was initiated to model the progression of the mineral transformation at different stages through heat treatment. The specimen was broken down and split into five portions. One of the splits was analysed unheated with XRD, FTIR, XRF and ICP; the other four splits were analysed with XRD and FTIR after heat treatment at different temperatures from 850 to 1100 °C. In this study, we show that both laboratory-based XRD and portable FTIR methods are effective in identifying and quantifying α-, β- and γ-spodumene as well as impurities. The accuracy of the quantification of the minerals with XRD was established by using a mass balance calculation and was compared with the actual chemistry of the sample measured with ICP analysis. Fully quantitative XRD analysis of heat-treated spodumene is considered a challenge due to peak overlaps between the β-, and γ-spodumene forms, particularly when gangue minerals and amorphous content are present. The novelty of this study consists of the use of the XRD technique complemented by the Rietveld method to fully quantify the different forms of spodumene from one another: α-, β- and γ-spodumene, along with the gangue minerals and the amorphous content. It is also shown that reproducible systematic changes occur in the FTIR spectra that track the spodumene transformation during heat treatment. With more samples and cross-validation between the XRD results, the FTIR methodology could be developed further to provide semi-quantitative information on the different spodumene forms in the future. This would permit the use of a fast, cost-effective and portable technique for quality control of the spodumene forms, which would open opportunities across the Li value chain

    Programmazione parallela strutturata per l'analisi di sequenze di immagini

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Capraia quarry's a precious marble (Apuan Alps, Tuscany).

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    E’ stato realizzato un rilevamento geologico di dettaglio dei marmi “storici” affioranti nel fianco dritto della sinclinale della Capraia nel versante occidentale delle Alpi Apuane (Toscana). Si tratta di materiali di gran pregio, oggetto di coltivazione presso la cava omonima ubicata nel Comune di Massa. La formazione geologica interessata dalla coltivazione è nota in letteratura con il nome di Breccia di Seravezza (Retico sup.), costituita da metabrecce caratterizzate da clasti calcarei e dolomitici di colore molto variabile dal rossastro al grigio al giallo crema, immersi in una matrice generalmente rossastra per la presenza di ossidi di ferro e ricca di cloritoide. Le varietà estratte sono commercializzate con nomi particolarmente fantasiosi: Fior di Pesco, Breccia Capraia, Breccia Madonn