65 research outputs found

    Covariant Spin Structure

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    Every Dirac spin structure on a world manifold is associated with a certain gravitational field, and is not preserved under general covariant transformations. We construct a composite spinor bundle such that any Dirac spin structure is its subbundle, and this bundle admits general covariant transformations.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Geometric quantization of mechanical systems with time-dependent parameters

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    Quantum systems with adiabatic classical parameters are widely studied, e.g., in the modern holonomic quantum computation. We here provide complete geometric quantization of a Hamiltonian system with time-dependent parameters, without the adiabatic assumption. A Hamiltonian of such a system is affine in the temporal derivative of parameter functions. This leads to the geometric Berry factor phenomena.Comment: 20 page

    Quantum mechanics with time-dependent parameters

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    Smooth composite bundles provide the adequate geometric description of classical mechanics with time-dependent parameters. We show that the Berry's phase phenomenon is described in terms of connections on composite Hilbert space bundles.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Supermetrics on supermanifolds

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    By virtue of the well-known theorem, a structure Lie group K of a principal bundle PP is reducible to its closed subgroup H iff there exists a global section of the quotient bundle P/K. In gauge theory, such sections are treated as Higgs fields, exemplified by pseudo-Riemannian metrics on a base manifold of P. Under some conditions, this theorem is extended to principal superbundles in the category of G-supermanifolds. Given a G-supermanifold M and a graded frame superbundle over M with a structure general linear supergroup, a reduction of this structure supergroup to an orthgonal-symplectic supersubgroup is associated to a supermetric on a G-supermanifold M.Comment: 17 page

    Noether's second theorem in a general setting. Reducible gauge theories

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    We prove Noether's direct and inverse second theorems for Lagrangian systems on fiber bundles in the case of gauge symmetries depending on derivatives of dynamic variables of an arbitrary order. The appropriate notions of reducible gauge symmetries and Noether's identities are formulated, and their equivalence by means of certain intertwining operator is proved.Comment: 20 pages, to be published in J. Phys. A (2005

    Transgression forms and extensions of Chern-Simons gauge theories

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    A gauge invariant action principle, based on the idea of transgression forms, is proposed. The action extends the Chern-Simons form by the addition of a boundary term that makes the action gauge invariant (and not just quasi-invariant). Interpreting the spacetime manifold as cobordant to another one, the duplication of gauge fields in spacetime is avoided. The advantages of this approach are particularly noticeable for the gravitation theory described by a Chern-Simons lagrangian for the AdS group, in which case the action is regularized and finite for black hole geometries in diverse situations. Black hole thermodynamics is correctly reproduced using either a background field approach or a background-independent setting, even in cases with asymptotically nontrivial topologies. It is shown that the energy found from the thermodynamic analysis agrees with the surface integral obtained by direct application of Noether's theorem.Comment: 28 pages, no figures. Minor changes in the introduction, final comments and reference
