7 research outputs found

    Models of Latent Tuberculosis: Their Salient Features, Limitations, and Development

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    Latent tuberculosis is a subclinical condition caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which affects about one-third of the population across the world. To abridge the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, it is necessary to have active drugs against latent form of M. tuberculosis. Therefore, it is imperative to devise in vitro and models of latent tuberculosis to explore potential drugs. In vitro models such as hypoxia, nutrient starvation, and multiple stresses are based on adverse conditions encountered by bacilli in granuloma. Bacilli experience oxygen depletion condition in hypoxia model, whereas the nutrient starvation model is based on deprivation of total nutrients from a culture medium. In the multiple stress model dormancy is induced by more than one type of stress. In silico mathematical models have also been developed to predict the interactions of bacilli with the host immune system and to propose structures for potential anti tuberculosis compounds. Besides these in vitro and in silico models, there are a number of in vivo animal models like mouse, guinea pig, rabbit, etc. Although they simulate human latent tuberculosis up to a certain extent but do not truly replicate human infection. All these models have their inherent merits and demerits. However, there is no perfect model for latent tuberculosis. Therefore, it is imperative to upgrade and refine existing models or develop a new model. However, battery of models will always be a better alternative to any single model as they will complement each other by overcoming their limitations

    Determination of the activity of standard anti-tuberculosis drugs against intramacrophage Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in vitro: MGIT 960 as a viable alternative for BACTEC 460

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    BACTEC 460 has now been phased out, so the search for an alternative is imperative. We have determined the activity of standard anti-tuberculosis drugs against intramacrophage Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in vitro, by using BACTEC 460 and MGIT 960 methods. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and streptomycin against intracellular M. tuberculosis H37Rv were found to be 0.2, 0.8, 8.0, and 5.0 μg/mL, respectively, by both methods. These results show a significant (p < 0.001) concordance between minimum inhibitory concentrations obtained by these two different methods. MGIT 960 system uses a robust florescence quenching-based oxygen sensor, requires no radioisotope, is safe, and relatively easy to operate. Apparently, this is the first report wherein MGIT 960 has been validated for anti-tubercular susceptibility testing against intracellular M. tuberculosis H37Rv. Our preliminary data thus clearly demonstrate that the MGIT 960 method can be considered as a promising alternative to BACTEC 460 method. Keywords: BACTEC 460, Macrophages, MGIT 960, Mycobacterium tuberculosi

    Cell wall permeability assisted virtual screening to identify potential direct InhA inhibitors of <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> and their biological evaluation

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    <p>The arising cases of isoniazid-resistance have motivated research interests toward new class of molecules known as direct InhA inhibitors. Here, a combine approach of shape-based pharmacophore and descriptor-based 2D QSAR was used to identify the potential direct InhA inhibitors. The approach is duly assisted with <i>in vitro</i> testing and molecular dynamics simulations. A combination of empirical parameters was derived to use as a filter for cell wall permeability while 2D QSAR was used as another filter to predict the biological activity. Both filters were applied to prioritize the molecules for biological evaluation against anti-TB activity. It led to 6 potential molecules which showed > 90% inhibition of H37Rv strain of <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> in BACTEC assay. Further, MMGBSA binding free energy of identified molecules was compared with available highly potent molecule, 5-hexyl-2-(2-methylphenoxy) phenol (IC<sub>50</sub> = 5nM) using molecular dynamics simulations. It showed two molecules with comparatively higher affinity toward InhA as compared to potent molecule. It indicated the candidature of identified molecules to be further considered in anti-TB drug development pipeline.</p