7 research outputs found


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    La presente investigación está dirigida a las instituciones de educación básica. El propósito de la misma fue proponer un plan Estratégico en TIC basado en la Gestión del Conocimiento, permitiendo con esto conformar líneas o planes estratégicos que incorporen a los docentes en el uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación, y lograr que ellos mismos sean capaces de incentivar a los estudiantes en el logro de los objetivos educativos. En cuanto a la metodología empleada en la investigación, se trabajó con un estudio de campo descriptivo, con un diseño no experimental de enfoque cuantitativo, donde se tuvo una muestra de 24 profesores. De igual manera se emplearon diversas técnicas de recolección de datos como la entrevista y encuesta, obteniendo como resultado que el plan demuestra gran efectividad para una efectiva gestión del conocimiento

    El sistema de onboarding y el desempeño laboral en los docentes a tiempo completo de una universidad privada de Villa El Salvador, Lima 2021 – II

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la relación entre onboarding y desempeño docente de una universidad privada de Villa El Salvador. La presente investigación es de tipo básica, con un diseño no experimental, correlacional y de corte transversal. Se aplicó una encuesta como técnica para onboarding y para desempeño docente a toda la población, conformada por 67 docentes a tiempo completo. Adicionalmente se utilizó una ficha de autopercepción, actualización de syllabus y portafolio, encuesta de satisfacción del estudiante y ficha de evaluación del director y cumplimiento de tareas administrativas. En los resultados de la presente investigación se encontró que el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman entre onboarding y desempeño del docente a tiempo completo es de -0.058 con una significancia (p-valor=0.639) superior al 0.05. Asimismo, el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de la dimensión Preonboarding y el desempeño del docente a tiempo completo es de 0.064 con una significancia (p-valor=0.610) superior al 0.05. Adicionalmente, el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de la dimensión de del Proceso de onboarding para un buen recibimiento del primer día del docente a tiempo completo y el de desempeño del docente a tiempo completo es de -0.035 con una significancia (p-valor=0.778) superior al 0.05. Además, el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de la dimensión del proceso de onboarding de mentoring o acompañamiento del docente y el desempeño del docente a tiempo completo es de -0.137 con una significancia (p-valor=0.267) superior al 0.05. Por último, el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de la dimensión de onboarding continuo o seguimiento y el desempeño del docente a tiempo completo es de -0.243 con una significancia (p-valor=0.047) inferior al 0.05. Se concluye que no existe relación significativa entre el proceso de onboarding y el desempeño del docente a tiempo completo de una universidad privada de Villa el Salvador. Adicionalmente, solo la dimensión de onboarding continuo o seguimiento y el desempeño del docente a tiempo completo tienen una relación significativa.The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between onboarding and teaching performance at a private university in Villa El Salvador. It was a basic research, non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional design. A survey for onboarding and teaching performance was applied to the entire population, which consisted of 67 full-time teachers. Additionally, a self-perception form, syllabus and portfolio update, student satisfaction survey and evaluation form of the director and fulfillment of administrative tasks were used. In the results of the present research it was found that the Spearman correlation coefficient between onboarding and full-time faculty performance is -0.058 with a significance (p-value=0.639) higher than 0.05. Likewise, the Spearman correlation coefficient of the Preonboarding dimension and full-time teacher performance is 0.064 with a significance (p-value=0.610) higher than 0.05. Additionally, the Spearman's correlation coefficient of the Onboarding Process dimension for a good reception of the first day of the full-time teacher and that of full-time teacher performance is -0.035 with a significance (p-value=0.778) higher than 0.05. In addition, the Spearman correlation coefficient of the onboarding process dimension of mentoring and full-time teacher performance is -0.137 with a significance (p-value=0.267) greater than 0.05. Finally, the Spearman correlation coefficient of the continuous onboarding or follow-up dimension and full-time teacher performance is -0.243 with a significance (p-value=0.047) lower than 0.05. It is concluded that there is no significant relationship between the onboarding process and the performance of full-time teachers at a private university in Villa el Salvador. In addition, only the dimension of continuous onboarding or follow-up and the performance of full-time teachers have a significant relationship.Trabajo de investigació

    Design, synthesis and study of organic and organometallic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells

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    Le principal objectif de ce travail de thèse était d’imaginer, de synthétiser et de caractériser de nouveaux chromophores «push-pull» pour finalement évaluer leurs propriétés photovoltaïques en cellules solaires à colorant. Deux approches distinctes ont été développées : i) la première consiste en l’élaboration de chromophores tout-organiques de type « push-pull » basés sur un motif électro-donneur carbazole à potentiel d’oxydation élevé. Ces nouveaux colorants ont été conçus dans le but d’être utilisés avec des électrolytes à potentiel standard supérieur à celui du couple rédox I-/I3- ; ii) la seconde approche est basée sur un nouveau concept de chromophores organométalliques de type ruthénium-acétylure. Ces chromophores ont été développés dans le but de combiner à la fois les propriétés avantageuses d’une structure de type « push-pull » et les transferts de charges (MLCT) impliquant le motif [Ru(dppe)2], également connu pour constituer un excellent relai électronique.The aim of this PhD research work was to design, synthesize and characterize new push-pull chromophores and finally to determine their photovoltaic properties in dye-sensitized solar cells. Two different approaches were developed: i) the first one consists in the preparation of metal-free organic push-pull chromophores based on a carbazole electron-donor part presenting high oxidation potential. These new chromophores were designed in view of being used with electrolytes showing standard potential superior to that of I-/I3-; redox couple ii) the second approach is based on a new concept of ruthenium-diacetylide organometallic complex dyes. These chromophores were developed in order to combine the advantageous properties of a push-pull structure and the charge transfer processes (MLCT) due to the [Ru(dppe)2] metal fragment, also known as an excellent electron relay

    Financial Decisions and their Impact on Value Creation in the CMAC Peru System

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    The general objective of the research is to analyze and determine to what extent financial decisions have contributed to the creation of value in the System of Municipal Savings and Credit Banks (CMAC) in Peru. To achieve this, the scientific method was used, a non-experimental design study was carried out with an explanatory level, longitudinal or evolutionary type of study, through documentary analysis of secondary sources concerning the 11 CMACs operating in Peru. Econometrics was used to determine the influence between the variables under study so that an econometric model of panel data was estimated. The estimation model used was Ordinary Least Squares-Pool Sample and Fixed Effects. The results of the research showed that not all the financial decisions taken by the CMACs contributed to the generation of value in the study period, having a decreasing behavior of EVA. In addition, the explanatory variables for ROA and ROE explained 89%. The study concluded that the financial decisions contributed to the generation of value in the CMAC system, but it was decreasing. In 2006, the EVA was S/64,627.78 and in 2019 it had an EVA of - S/363,720.92, having a loss of value of 662.79%. The decreasing trend of the ROA and ROE were symptoms of loss of value in the CMAC system. The EVA model was successfully developed. The EVA model was successfully developed, and the EVA of the CMAC system was decreasing.                    &nbsp

    Undamped, Damped and Forced Motion, Physical Simulation with the Geogebra Tool

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    Currently due to the pandemic situation that has affected the world community without distinction of languages, customs and creeds, technology was incorporated massively to achieve the continuity of progress in research, and development of culture and academic education, through this progress. As an introduction we can mention that this research is achieved by the need to do physics using other tools easy to manipulate with basic programming knowledge, likewise in the repositories there are many other studies that applied computationally the development of simulations of different physical phenomena. The method to use is the GeoGebra tools applying the basic syntax that is obtained by entering the equations in the input bar of the GeoGebra software already preset, being these equations calculated many times by students using differential equations, which obtains the solution equation dependent on mass and time, in this way the simulation, undamped, damped and forced motion are achieved, with the aim to show in this research that physics can be done using tools for academic use, due to this software is not exactly a research tool, but it can simulate phenomena that have already been shown in experimental and computational laboratories. The results obtained are very interesting since they present an originality in its simulation in an objective way showing dynamically the oscillation and the appearance of the functions that correspond to it in the development of the movement of the spring mass system

    Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Computer Science Learning: Systematic Review Article

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    Until the present, the technology has made students and teachers to object in its use, the quick development of it in engineering has been possible by the appearance of the covid-19, the objective of this investigation is to respond to the following question: why engineering and computer science students would have to learn artificial intelligence? It can be said that the students learning of these disciplines study or develop competences like the creation of: A.I. in mechanics, robotics, biological sciences, physical sciences, etc., from where they could develop, such as the advanced neural networks. The method used for this research is the PRISMA which allowed through the keyword of A.I. and Computer Science in the database of Scopus, Wos, World Wide Science, Scielo, Dialnet, from where we then have a large number of research articles that will have to be filtered, having as a result in the first search 321 952 articles, which were then filtered at various times until reaching the number of 320 429 filtered articles leaving us with 37 of them related or linked to research on A.I. and computer science. In conclusion, A.I. applied by engineering schools of all specialties has granted the development for companies and technological contributions to the new digital culture. &nbsp

    Current Intensity Conductivity, Resistance and EMF in Electrical Circuit Systems Using Geogebra

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    The COVID 19 pandemic spread worldwide, having considerable consequences in education, interrupting learning and increasing the great challenge that exists in the educational culture of building learning and teaching experiences that impact the learning results of the students more educated, vulnerable and disadvantaged. To do this, it seeks to link theoretical learning with real life through the use of digital tools that solve problems in science learning. The method used is simulation, it has been chosen to simulate electrical conductivity, the flow of electrical charges from electrical resistance, resistivity and Ohm's law through GeoGebra and the link it has with JavaScript to perform a simulation totally dynamic. As a result, it was possible to build a simple and combined electrical circuit to obtain the passage of the flow of electrical charges through the circuit and the intensity of the electrical current; Combinations of resistivity and resistance connected to a power source that is fed with a potential difference. Demonstrating that the electric charges move generating the intensity of continuous electric current and that they vary due to the variation of the electric potential generated by the battery. Arriving at the discussion in front of other research works by simulation that with GeoGebra it is also possible to obtain good results, which contributes to understanding the difference in electrical potential through simulations that promote quality education, equitable and that produces relevant learning results to improve theoretical and practical knowledge that promotes sustainable development