602 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Politik Pasangan Independen Herman Nazar- Defi Warman pada Pemilihan Walikota Pekanbaru Periode 2017-2022

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    The presence of independent partner is a new thing in local election (pemilukada) of Pekanbaru city. For the first time in history of local election (pemilukada) in Pekanbaru city a parter from independent candidate has passed and can fill all of the requirements for the election. This research aims to know the strategy of Politic Communication and the used of media campaigns by independent partner In Pekanbaru Mayor Election Period 2017 – 2022.This research used descriptive qualitative method. The research subject involved independent partner Herman Nazar – Defi Warman, the leader of winning team, vice secretary and inhabitants. The technique of collecting data used interview, observation, and documentation.The result from this research showed that strategy of politic communication used by the independent partner, Herman Nazar – Defi Warman, if we see from SWOT analysis is have the power from social capital and economic capital. They also have a weakness in having network and strong basic massa. Using the opportunities by getting support from copy of id card which given by the inhabitants. The treaths are coming from incumbent partner and less participation from the inhabitants in the election. The Independent partner , Herman Nazar – Defi Warman used face to face media by joining the direct campaign with the inhabitants. They also used social media such as facebook and youtube to post all of their activities during the campaign . The outside media were also used , such as street banner and billboard that put in strategic places. And also small format like booklet, brochure, poster, stciker, calender and pin which given away to the inhabitants

    Field Screening of Lentil Genotypes Against Aphid Infestation in Inner Tarai of Nepal

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    Twenty lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) genotypes received from Grain Legumes Research Program, Khajura, Banke were screened for relative tolerance against aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch.) at the research field of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan during winter seasons of two consecutive years 2016 and 2017. The design of the experiment was Randomized Complete Block having three replications. The unit plot size was 4m × 1 m with 25cm row to row spacing and continue plant to plant spacing was maintained and net harvested plot was 4 square meters. The recommended dose of fertilizer was 20:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg/ha and seed rate 30 kg/ha. Insect data were collected based on aphid population found at apical twigs (10 cm) per plant and scoring was done during flowering and pod formation stage. The grain yield was recorded. All screened genotypes differed significantly (p<0.05) on aphid population and grain yield.  Genotypes, ILL 9924, RL 83, ILL 10856, ILL 6458 and RL 67 were less susceptible with higher grain yield. These results have important implications for the development of aphid tolerant high yielding lentil variety in inner Tarai of Nepal

    Hubungan Kerapatan Lamun dengan Kelimpahan Larva Ikan di Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta

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    Larval stage is the early phase of the life cycle for the fish. The larvae are aquatic biota that are planktonic and included into the type meroplankton. Seagrass ecosystems in Pramuka Island, has important ecological functions in coastal areas, where the ecosystem is one of the nursery ground and feeding ground for fish larvae. The big difference the density of seagrass and the presence of food can influence abundance of fish larvae. Thus, it will be the base for doing this research on The relations between Seagrass Density and Fish Larvae Abundance in Pramuka, Seribu Island Jakarta. This research aims to determine the abundance of fish larvae in different seagrass densities and determine the influence of the seagrass density on the abundance of fish larvae. The method used is survey method in determining the point of sampling using purposive sampling method. The results obtained are at station I the densities in dense seagrass (34156 individuals/100m2) abundance of fish larvae value at 756 individuals/200m2 consisting of eight families. Station II medium density (26410 individuals/100m2) the value of the abundance of fish larvae is 579 individuals/200m2 consisting of 6 families, and station III precision rarely (6321 individuals/100m2) the value of fish larvae abundance at 426 individuals/200m2 consisting of 4 families. The correlation values between the abundance of fish larvae with the density of seagrass in the amount of r = 0,772. Based on the above, we can conclude that there is a close relationship between the abundance and composition of fish larvae families with seagrass density. The higher the density of seagrass, the higher the families abundance and composition of fish larvae. Similarly, the lower the density value then the value of seagrass abundance and composition of fish larvae are also lower

    Implementasi Hak Tersangka Untuk Memperoleh Bantuan Hukum Pada Tingkat Penyidikan Di Wilayah Hukum Polda Bali

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    Legal aid is very essential in creating a fair life and protect human rights, legal aid which aims to protect the rights of the community in terms of legal issues to avoid snagging of all kinds of actions that may harm or arbitrary action officers law enforcement. Based on the theory of the legal system (Legal System Theory) of Lawrence M. Friedman that the enactment of the law is affected by elements such as legal structures (legal structure), the substance of the law (a legal substance), and the culture of law (legal culture), so that the implementation of the right of the accused to obtain legal aid at the level of investigation can be seen from the legal system itself . The procedure to grant legal aid to the accused can be seen in Article 54, Article 55, Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Based on the results of research in the field, the investigator always offer the right of suspects to legal counsel and accompanied, but the suspect did not use his right so that the investigator make an official report signed by the suspect showed the suspect the reason is not accompanied by legal counsel

    Development of Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Embryo

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    This experiment was conducted to determine the development of Japanese quail embryo (Coturnix coturnix japonica), through observation and measurement of embryo organ development from the age of one day until hatching. The study used 15 female quails and 5 male quails. 15 female quails were divided into 5 cages, each cage containing 3 quails females and 1 male quail. Eggs which are inserted into an egg incubator is produced when the quail began the age of 3 months. Descriptive observation has been made ​​towards the development of organs in the embryo. Based on the results of the study, the growth and development of quail embryo organs occur in stages until hatching occurred during the 16 days

    Pemodelan dan Analisa Energi Listrik yang Dihasilkan Mekanisme Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gelombang Air (PLTG-AIR) Tipe Pelampung Silinder dengan Cantilever Piezoelectric

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    Gelombang laut merupakan pergerakan naik dan turunnya muka air laut yang membentuk lembah dan bukit. Pemanfaatan energi gelombang laut untuk sumber energi alternatif sangat cocok diterapkan di Indonesia, dimana luas lautannya mencapai 2/3 dari keseluruhan luas Indonesia. Salah satu cara memanfaatkan energi gelombang laut adalah untuk menghasilkan listrik, atau yang biasa disebut pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang laut (PLTGL). Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat simulasi mekanisme PLTGA tipe pelampung silinder dengan cantilever piezoelectric sebagai pengkonversi energi mekanik dari gearbox menjadi energi listrik. Cantilever piezoelectric material merupakan material yang memiliki kemampuan untuk membangkitkan potensial listrik sebagai respon dari tegangan mekanik yang diberikan pada material tersebut. Blade akan dipasang pada poros keluaran dari gearbox. Blade inilah yang nantinya akan memukul cantilever piezoelectric sehingga menyebabkan cantilever piezoelectric mengalami defleksi. Defleksi dari cantilever piezoelectric inilah yang menimbulkan voltase atau energi listrik pada cantilever piezoelectric. Variasi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui energi bangkitan optimum yang akan dihasilkan oleh mekanisme ini berupa frekuensi gelombang laut (1Hz, 2Hz, dan 3Hz), dan jumlah cantilever piezoelectric ( 1, 3, dan 5). Didapatkan hasil simulasi berupa grafik respon perpindahan cantilever piezoelectric dan voltase terhadap fungsi frekuensi gelombang laut dan grafik respon perpindahan cantilever piezoelectric dan voltase terhadap fungsi jumlah cantilever piezoelectric. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan nilai daya bangkitan maksimal yang dihasilkan 4.92E-06 Watt dengan menggunakan 5 cantilever piezoelectric pada frekuensi 1H
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