1,510 research outputs found

    Visual Outcome and Intraocular Pressure Control in Lens induced Glaucomas following Surgery

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: To clinically analyse visual outcome and intraocular pressure control in surgically treated cases of lens induced glaucoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 patients with LENS INDUCED GLAUCOMA attending glaucoma services of Regional Institute of Ophthalmology and Government Ophthalmic Hospital were included in the study. Patients with presence of phacolytic, phacomorphic, lens particle, phaco anaphylaxis glaucoma and subluxated or dislocated lens with elevated intraocular pressure were included in the study. Patients with previous history of Primary Open Angle glaucoma and primary angle closure glaucoma, other secondary glaucomas, uncontrolled diabetes and IHD were excluded. All were subjected to detailed anterior segment examination, best corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure measurement either by Goldmann applanation tonometry or in cases with presence of corneal edema rebound tonometry reading was recorded, fundus examination, gonioscopic examination were done. Surgical procedures like SICS/ECCE or combined surgery in cases with peripheral anterior synechiae or lens removal with secondary iol implantation were done. Surgical complications were analysed in patients undergoing sics/ecce/lens removal with secondary IOL and combined surgery and followed up periodically with visual acuity and intraocular pressure measurements and gonioscopic examination. RESULTS: In our study, 52% cases were in the age group of 56 -60 years, there was a slight male preponderance (59%), 47% presented with an IOP of 28-32mmhg. 60% cases were phacolytic glaucomas, 29% were phacomorphic glaucomas, 10% were lens particle glaucomas, 1% was due to subluxated lens induced glaucoma. 72% cases had PCIOL in other eye, 57% had a visual acuity in 6/36-6/18 range in other eye. At the end of six weeks the visual acuity for maximum number of cases (55%) was in the range 6/36-6/18, 20% cases had vision of range 3/60-6/60, 20% cases had vision of range 6/12-6/9. Hence visual improvement occurred in 95% of cases at the end of sixth post-operative week. 68% of cases had striate keratopathy, Post-operative iritis was present in all cases (100%), zonular dehiscence occurred in 43% cases, 12% cases had posterior capsular rent and 5% cases had vitreous loss. Out of 10 lens particle glaucoma cases, 50% (5 cases) had a good vision of 6/12 when compared to other types of lens induced glaucoma. Intraocular pressure was in the range of 12-14mmhg in 60% cases, 16-18mmhg in 40% cases at the end of six weeks. CONCLUSION: In our study, most of the patients had good vision in fellow eye and PCIOL status. This shows that patients ignored the reduced vision in affected eye due to good vision in fellow eye so their daily life was not affected until they developed symptoms. In lens induced glaucoma, surgery is the main stay of treatment after adequate control of intraocular pressure and inflammation with medications. Following surgery, intraocular pressure reduction occurs in all cases and visual improvement occurs in 95% cases


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    Recent technological advances have facilitated the widespread use of wireless sensor networks in many applications such as battle field surveillance, environmental observations, biological detection and industrial diagnostics. In wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes are typically power-constrained with limited lifetime, and so it’s necessary to understand however long the network sustains its networking operations. We can enhance the quality of monitoring in wireless sensor networks by increasing the WSNs lifetime. At the same time WSNs are deployed for monitoring in a range of critical domains such as military, healthcare etc. Accordingly, these WSNs are vulnerable to attacks. Now this proposed work concentrate on maximizing the security of WSNs with the already existing approach (i.e. combination of A* and fuzzy approach) for maximizing the lifetime of WSNs. This paper ensures sensed data security by providing authenticity, integrity, confidentiality. So, this approach provides more effective and efficient way for maximizing the lifetime and security of the WSNs

    A Brief Survey on Cluster based Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in IoT based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of a large number of randomly distributed nodes capable of detecting environmental data, converting it into a suitable format, and transmitting it to the base station. The most essential issue in WSNs is energy consumption, which is mostly dependent on the energy-efficient clustering and data transfer phases. We compared a variety of algorithms for clustering that balance the number of clusters. The cluster head selection protocol is arbitrary and incorporates energy-conscious considerations. In this survey, we compared different types of energy-efficient clustering-based protocols to determine which one is effective for lowering energy consumption, latency and extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSN) under various scenarios


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    Objective: Casuarina equisetifolia is an important multipurpose exotic forest tree species widely cultivated in the coastal regions of Tamil Nadu that serves as a warehouse of essential secondary metabolites. Identification of these bioactive compounds in this forest tree species might lead to the discovery and development of a new drug to treat various diseases. Methods: The present study was carried out with an objective to analyse the phytochemicals qualitatively and quantitatively. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis was performed to evaluate the presence of various volatile compounds. An in vitro antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of aqueous and organic solvents of C. equisetifolia bark was studied.Results: The preliminary qualitative screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, carbohydrates, proteins, flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids, and tannins. The quantitative analysis revealed the presence of maximum phenols (71.2±0.51 mg/g), flavonoids (35.12±0.34 mg/g), tannins (77.59±0.21) and terpenoids (6%) in methanolic root extract with respective standards. Several peaks were obtained in the GC-MS analysis which indicates the presence of different secondary metabolites. Antibacterial activity showed a maximum zone of inhibition against Escherichia coli (23±0.24 mm) and Proteus vulgaris (23±0.32 mm). The antioxidant potential of various extracts was compared with the standard ascorbic acid. Anti-inflammatory activity was compared with standard diclofenac sodium and the extract showed activities significantly in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion: From this study, it is revealed that C. equisetifolia bark extract possesses efficient antibacterial property, the potential in scavenging free radical, effective antioxidant, powerful anti-inflammatory source that can be employed in the development of a novel drug to treat various diseases

    Expression of Stage Specific Embryonic Antigen-4 (SSEA-4), in Dental Pulp Isolated from Human Permanent Teeth: An Immunocytochemical study

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    BACKGROUND: Dental Pulp Cells (DPCs) are unique and viable source of adult mesenchymal stem cells. These cells have a capacity to differentiate into multiple lineage. AIM OF THE STUDY: To isolate and characterize mesenchymal stem cells from dental pulp in α-Modified Minimum essential medium (α-MEM) and to study the expression of Stage Specific Embryonic Antigen-4 (SSEA-4) - an embryonic marker in their 1st, 2nd and 3rd passages. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Isolation of pulp tissue was done from 30 permanent teeth samples. Among 30 samples, growth characteristics and morphology was assessed and immunocytochemistry was also done for SSEA-4 for two different samples in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd passages of the culture. RESULTS: 4 successful cultures yielded sufficient cells for characterization. Among 4, growth characteristics and morphology was assessed for 2 samples. There was gradual increase in the mitotic to post mitotic phenotype. The average Population Doubling Time (PDT) and seeding efficiency was 3.26 (days) and 70.15% respectively. Immunocyotochemical analysis was done using SSEA-4 which showed negative expression in the cells of all the passages. CONCLUSION: Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSCs) are the excellent source of stem cells. The stem cells were successfully isolated from dental pulp of 4 different third molars. The growth characteristics and morphology was assessed for two samples. SSEA-4 expression was not seen in all the 3 passages of the two samples. But the expression was seen in positive controls. We believe that cells of the later passages could turn out to be positive for SSEA-4, which would comprise of differentiated cells

    Significance of HER-2/neu Overexpression in Oesophageal Carcinomas and It’s Correlation with the Histopathological Grading

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    INTRODUCTION: Oesophageal carcinomas are one of the most aggressive human malignancies which are associated with a poor prognosis because most of the cases are in stage 2 or 3 at the time of diagnosis with a high frequency of lymph node metastases. It is important to know what prognostic factors can facilitate diagnosis, optimize therapeutic decisions, and improve the survival of these patients. A member of EGFR family, HER-2/neu is a very useful antigenic marker shown to be expressed in oesophageal carcinomas with increasing evidence of it’s therapeutic implications. AIM OF THE STUDY : Aim is to determine immunological expression of HER-2/neu in oesophageal carcinomas and correlate it with the histopathological grading. MATERIALS AND METHODS : This is a prospective study undertaken for a period of one year .Thirty cases of histologically proven oesophageal carcinomas were subjected for HER-2/neu immunoexpression. Membranous staining was considered as positive, intensity of staining was scored and compared with various histopathological parameters. RESULTS : HER-2/neu was positive in 41% of SCC and 67% of ADC.HER 2/neu positivity was observed in 66% of poorly differentiated SCCs , 58% in moderately differentiated SCCs and 11% in well differentiated SCCs. With respect to adenocarcinomas, 100% positivity in grade III tumours and 60% in grade II tumours was observed. There was significant correlation with grading, staging and lymph node metastases . Higher grade tumours had higher level of expression of HER-2/neu. CONCLUSION : It is concluded that HER-2/neu immunoexpression is significantly higher with progression of tumour grade . Hence, such patients with high grade and lymph node metastases could be benefitted with targeted therapy

    Biological Screening Methods of Ethanol and Aqueous Extracts of Leaves of Albizia Lebbeck (L.) Benth. in Albino Mice

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    In fact, in humans, it is a common emotion intimately associated with proper fear and probably functions as a mechanism to adapt the environment psychologically. Worldwide, one in five people meet with clinical criteria of anxiety disorder at least once in their lives. The study of anxiety has developed into a key area of psychopharmacological research during this decade. It has been observed that people who suffer from anxiety often accompanied with sleep disorder. The most common sleep disorder is a subjective complaint that it has an inability to initiate or maintain sleep, or the sleep is non-restorative with poor quality and quantity. It is estimated that about 9 to15% of the people in the world suffer from insomnia which causes severe after effects in the day time. Anxiety disorders affect over 18 percent of people in the United States every year. Over the years, treatment options for anxiety disorders have widened to include both prescription medications and natural alternatives. Research trusted source suggests that several herbal supplements may be helpful for conditions such as anxiety, depression, and more. Scientific studies indicate that certain herbs may help to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety. As with the evidence the present study provides valuable information of Phrmacognostical, Pphysicochemical, Phytochemical, Cytotoxic and Pharmacological values of the selected plant extract Albizia lebbeck. The Pharmacognostical studies provide the morphological characters that could be useful to identify and evaluate these plants from adulteration. The Phytochemical studies confirmed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, phenols, triterphenoids, saponins and flavanoids in the ethanolic extract of AL and the Present flavonoid Quercetin has confirmed from the TLC study. The in vitro studies includes antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxicity was carried out for the EH and aqueous extracts of AL. In vitro antioxidant activity of EH extract of AL was clearly evident from the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity. The antimicrobial studies were carried out against selected bacterial and fungal strains by disc diffusion method. The EH extract posses moderate activity than that of aqueous extract, The EH extract of leaves of AL was non toxic, and it was confirmed by Cytotoxicity study on 3T3 cell lines. Acute toxicity studies for EH extract of AL was carried out upto 2000mg/kg, and they did not cause any mortality in experimental animals. The pharmacological studies confirmed that EH extract leaves of AL possesses significant anti anxiety activity confirmed with the screened parameters. The mechanism of action of anti anxiety activity of these plant extract is yet to be explored in future studies

    Study of Ocular Motor Cranial Nerve Palsies in Diabetes Mellitus

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    AIM AND OBJECTIVES: To study the ocular motor nerve palsy pattern in diabetes mellitus, relationship of glycemic status in oculomotor nerve palsies, the association of diabetic retinopathy in case of ocular motor nerve palsies and the recovery pattern. METHODOLOGY: Fifty patients with diabetes mellitus presenting with infranuclear ocular motor nerve palsies were registered. All supranuclear and nuclear nerve palsies were excluded. General examination and detailed ophthalmic examination including head posture, facial symmetry, any deviation of eyeball noted. A detailed fundus examination, refraction and diplopia charting were done. Patients were followed up at regular intervals. RESULTS: The diabetic ocular motor nerve palsies were more common in the age group of 51 to 60 yrs with slightly more male predominance. The patients presented mostly with diplopia due to a more common involvement of sixth cranial nerve. Fourth nerve involvement was less frequent. It has been found that the involvement of ocular motor cranial nerves in diabetic patients has been associated with glycemic status. There was a positive correlation between HbA₁c values and degree of retinopatic changes in diabetes mellitus. Ninety percent of patients had either complete or partial recovery from ocular motor nerve palsies. SUMMARY: Ocular motor nerve palsies are associated with diabetes mellitus. Glycemic status has a positive correlation to retinopathic changes. Ninety percent of patients had a complete or partial recovery from ocular motor nerve palsies. CONCLUSION: • The diabetic ocular motor nerve palsies occur in a wide range of age but are more common in the age group of 51 to 60 yrs with mean age of 55.34 years. • The males were more affected than females in our study • Our study has shown more of left eye involvement • The patient population presented more frequently with diplopia in our study which was due to a slightly more common involvement of sixth cranial nerve. • Fourth nerve palsy associated with diabetes mellitus is less frequent than third and sixth nerve involvements and no patient in our study presented with fourth cranial nerve palsy. • It has been found that the involvement of ocular motor cranial nerves in diabetic patients has been associated with the glycemic status. • There was a positive correlation between HbA₁c values and degree of retinopathic changes in diabetes mellitus. • Ninety percent of patients in our group had either a complete or partial recovery from the ocular motor nerve palsies due to diabetes mellitus


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    Concrete plays a vital role in the design and construction of the nation’s infrastructure. Almost three quarters of the volume of concrete is composed of aggregates. The current studies involved in the replacement of fine aggregate with Ecosand. In this study an attempt is made to use Ecosand which is a commercial by-product of cement manufacturing process introduced by ACC Cements, as fine aggregate replacement and crushed coconut shell as coarse aggregate. M20 grade of concrete is used. Different percentage addition of replacement materials are prepared for conducting the test. The strength characteristic in concrete with replacement of eco sand and crushed coconut shell was studied in detail. Rich mineral silica (Ecosand) being waste material generated from manufacture of cement from industry. It can be used to increases efficiency in concrete. Experimental results are also shows that the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and structural behavior of concrete of rich mineral silica (Ecosand) and natural sand such that the combination of two aggregate can be increased efficiency in concrete. The project paper aims at analyzing the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. The main objective is to encourage the use of these ‘seemingly’ waste products as construction materials in low-cost housing