47 research outputs found

    Regularities for stark widths of spectral lines of singly ionized aluminum

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    A dependence for evaluating Stark widths of spectral lines of singly ionized aluminum atoms is proposed. On the basis of linewidths calculated by this dependence, experimental data available in the literature are analyzed

    Regularities in the stark widths and shifts of spectral lines of singly-ionized aluminium

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    Based on semiclassical calculations the dependencies for singly-ionized aluminium enabling one to estimate the unknown values of the Stark line widths and shifts with an accuracy no less than 10-30% are obtained. Literature experimental data are analysed based on the AlII line widths and shifts calculated according to these dependencies. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

    Synthesis optimization of photonic crystals based on silicon and vanadium dioxides

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    The photonic crystal is the material which structure is characterized by periodic distribution of refraction index in the spatial directions, which have the photonic band gaps in a spectrum of own electromagnetic states. There are numerous approaches of the creation of photonic crystals. In the present the optimal conditions of synthesis of photonic crystals based on silicon dioxide as well as the inverse photonic crystals based on vanadium dioxide are investigated. It is known that the synthesis process is influenced by many different factors. We have studied the dependence of the particle size on the concentration of reagents, as well as on the duration of the reaction. These studies are important for the production of samples of photonic crystals with a definite structure. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Regularities for stark widths of spectral lines of singly ionized aluminum

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    A dependence for evaluating Stark widths of spectral lines of singly ionized aluminum atoms is proposed. On the basis of linewidths calculated by this dependence, experimental data available in the literature are analyzed

    Regularities in the stark parameters of spectral lines of neutral magnesium

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    Regularities in the Stark parameters of spectral lines of magnesium atoms are discovered. Based on proposed dependencies the Stark line widths and shifts of a series of spectral lines of magnesium atoms are calculated and literature experimental data are analysed. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Experimental determination of the Stark parameters of PbI, PbII, and CuII spectral lines in a plasma of the pulse capillary discharge

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    This paper demonstrates the feasibility of using an impulsive capillary light-source for measuring the Stark parameters of atomic and ionic spectral lines. The diagnostics of this source have been carried out. The electron density has been measured using the Hα line (Ne=1018cm-3), the temperature by the method of relative intensities of copper ionic lines and the source function (T=2.4·104K). The Stark parameters of a number of lines of lead and copper atoms and ions have been determined from non-self-absorbed spectral lines. Our results are compared with the data in available literature. © 1994

    Regularities in the distribution of oscillator strengths of lines in spectra of alkali metal atoms and their isoelectronic ions

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    Regularities in the distribution of oscillator strengths of lines in spectra of alkali metal atoms and their isoelectronic ions are established. It is established that the linear dependence described the oscillator strengths of transitions, for which the principal quantum numbers of the upper and lower states are simultaneously changed by unity. © 1995

    Regularities in the distribution of oscillator strengths of lines in spectra of group II atoms: BeI, MgI, and CaI

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    Regularities in the distribution of oscillator strengths of lines in spectra of II group atoms of the periodic table of elements BeI, MgI, and CaI are established. It is established that the linear dependence described the oscillator strengths of transitions, for which the principal quantum numbers of the upper and lower states are simultaneously changed by unity. For BeI, MgI, and CaI atoms 98 linear dependencies having a high correlation coefficient (as a rule R > 0.99) were established. It is shown the influence configuration interaction on being linear dependencies. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. † To whom all correspondence should be addressed

    Regularities in the Stark widths of spectral lines of ns - n′p and np - n′s transitions for a series of neutral atoms

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    Dependencies enabling one to estimate the Stark widths of spectral lines due to s-p and p-s transitions of neutral atoms with an accuracy of about 30% are proposed. A simple parameter being a criterion of applicability of these dependencies is introduced. It is shown that these dependencies can be used to calculate the line widths of some heavy elements. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V

    Computer diagnostics of an optically dense plasma from absorption spectra

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    An algorithm is constructed for solving the problem of diagnostics of an optically dense plasma from the absorption spectra of isolated self-reversed spectral lines. The basic parameters taken are the width of the absorption line at the level 0.8Jo, where Jo is the intensity of the transmitted radiation, and the asymmetry of the absorption profile. The problem is solved by computer with the iteration method on the basis of the transverse pattern of the spectra. The radial variation of the concentration of absorbing atoms, of the electron concentration, and of the thin layer profile is determined. The method is applied to a low-voltage pulsed discharge, 2 msec in length, with a time resolution of 0.10 msec. © 1982 Plenum Publishing Corporation