4,810 research outputs found

    Misinformation in social interaction: Examining the role of discussion

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    Memory is a reconstructive process that is prone to intrusions and distortions. These processes can be amplified by the emergence and propagation of false information in the social environment. While the acceptance of misinformation is well documented in individual memory tasks, the production of false memories in social interaction contexts presents mixed findings. One factor that may contribute to these inconsistencies is the collaboration method used, which may vary in the opportunities they offer for more (free-for-all) or less (turn-taking) discussion. The current study contrasts these two collaboration methods in misinformation acceptance. Participants watched a video, followed by an individual recall task. Then, they completed a questionnaire containing true and misinformation about the video, individually or in pairs (using free-for-all or turn-taking methods). Finally, participants were given a new individual recall task. Results revealed that participants responding to the questionnaire using the free-for-all method were more accurate and accepted less misinformation (vs. turn-taking and individual conditions). Critically, in the second individual recall, these participants also recalled less misinformation from the questionnaire than those in the turn-taking condition. These results suggest that discussion opportunities during social interaction enhance correction and error-pruning and reduce misinformation acceptance.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Thermal inactivation of Byssochlamys nivea in pineapple nectar combined with preliminary high pressure treatments

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    Byssochlamys nivea is a thermal resistant filamentous fungi and potential micotoxin producer. Recent studies have verified the presence of ascospores of such microorganism in samples of pineapple nectars. Although the majority of filamentous fungi have limited heat resistance and are easily destroyed by heat, Byssochlamys nivea ascospores have shown high thermal resistance. The aim of this work was to evaluate the application of linear and Weibull models on thermal inactivation (70, 80 and 90ºC) of Byssochlamys nivea ascospores in pineapple nectar after pretreatment with high pressure (550MPa or 650MPa during 15min). Following the treatments, survival curves were built up for each processing temperature and adjusted for both models. It was observed that survival curves at 90°C after high pressure pretreatment at 550 MPa/15 min did not fit well to linear and Weibull models. For all the other treatments, the Weibull model presented a better fit. At 90ºC without pressure treatment, the Weibull model also showed a better adjustment, having a larger R2 and a smaller RMSE. Regarding the process effectiveness, a 5-log reduction (t5), as recommended for pasteurization, was only achieved for Byssochlamys nivea ascospores presented in pineapple nectar at 90ºC/10.7 min with previous high pressure treatment of 650 MPa for 15 min. Considering the high intensity and energy demanding process with possibly product damage, other preventive and alternative treatments are being investigated

    Does the linguistic expectancy bias extend to a second language?

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    The linguistic expectancy bias (LEB) reflects the tendency to describe expectancy-consistent behavior more abstractly than expectancy-inconsistent. The current studies replicate the LEB in Portuguese and examine it in a second language (English). Earlier studies found differences in processing a first language (L1) and a second language (L2) shaping affective and cognitive processes. We did not expect these differences to shape the LEB because controlled lexical decisions (e.g., use of verbs and adjectives) are unlikely, even when using L2. Participants wrote stereotypically male or female behavioral descriptions for male and female targets. A new group of participants read those descriptions and was asked about their causes. Expectancy-consistent behavior was described more abstractly and shaped more dispositional inferences in L1 and L2. Aside from replicating the LEB in a different language, these studies indicate that structural features of language preserve a linguistic bias with implications for social perception even when using a second language.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    High pressure pre-treatments promote higher rate and degree of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose

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    The effect of high pressure (HP) pre-treatments on the subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose from bleached kraft Eucalyptus globulus pulp by cellulase from Tricoderma viride was evaluated. Pressure pre-treatments of 300 and 400 MPa during 5–45 min, lead to both an increased rate and degree of hydrolysis, reaching values ranging from 1.5- to 1.9-fold, quantified by the formation of reducing sugars. Both the pressure and time under pressure influenced the enzymatic hydrosability of the cellulosic pulps, with the former being more important. The results indicate that the pressure pre-treatments promoted an increased accessibility of cellulose towards cellulase in the cell wall. The results obtained open promising possibilities, to contribute to overcome conventional limitations of enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis for the production of fermentable glucose, for the production of second generation bioethanol and chemicals by enhancement of both rate and yield of hydrolysis. The results are also of interest for the preparation of “pressure engineered” celullose with incremented tailored hydrolysis patterns

    Surviving in a second language: survival processing effect in memory of bilinguals

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    Human memory likely evolved to serve adaptive functions, that is, to help maximise our chances of survival and reproduction. One demonstration of such adaptiveness is the increased retention of information processed in survival contexts, the so-called Survival Processing Effect (SPE). This study examined this effect in a native (L1) and in a second language (L2). This comparison is relevant to explore if emotionality is involved in the SPE, as emotional activation seems to be larger in L1 than in L2. Following the original survival processing procedure, participants rated the relevance of information to the survival and moving scenarios and performed a recognition (Experiment 1) or a free recall (Experiment 2) task in L1 or L2. In both experiments, the SPE was replicated in L1 but not in L2. The absence of the effect when emotional activation is less likely suggests that emotionality might play a role in the survival processing effect; nevertheless, additional studies are needed to further investigate this hypothesis.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Clinical manifestations of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in the ambulatory setting

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    INTRODUCTION: In June 2009, the World Health Organization declared an influenza pandemic associated with the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 strain. It was summer in the northern hemisphere, and therefore travelling and vacation time, which also provided an increased opportunity for the dissemination of respiratory diseases. METHODOLOGY: We reviewed the paper case report forms from all the patients with influenza-like illnesses with nasopharyngeal samples submitted for laboratory diagnosis of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 infection during the first wave of pandemic influenza that occurred between June and August 2009, in the central region of Portugal. RESULTS: From all the patients with influenza-like illnesses, one third was found positive for pandemic (H1N1) 2009. Individuals under the age of 29 (75%) were the most affected. Most of the patients (91%) presented with fever. A group of symptoms were positively correlated with the probability of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 infection: cough, epistaxis, lack of dyspnea or vomiting, fever, headache and myalgia. CONCLUSIONS: During the first wave of the pandemic influenza, young individuals were the most affected, and in the ambulatory setting, presentation was of a mild febrile illness without complications

    Complications of endomyocardial biopsy in heart transplant patients: a retrospective study of 2117 consecutive procedures

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    BACKGROUND: Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of graft rejection after heart transplantation (HT). Our purpose was to evaluate the rate of complications of this invasive procedure. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 175 patients, who were transplanted between November 2003 and October 2010 and survived more than 1 month after surgery. We evaluated the number of inconclusive EMB and described the incidence, nature, and subsequent management of several complications associated with this procedure. RESULTS: Over a period of approximately 7 years, we performed 2217 EMB yielding 4972 specimens, namely, an average of 2.3 fragments per procedure. The majority of EMBs (95.3%) were performed by the femoral approach. Only 12 EMB (0.57%) were inconclusive. The overall complication rate was 0.71%. During puncture, one patient experienced a vasovagal reaction and another one, a femoral artery false aneurysm. During the biopsy, there was one case of cardiac perforation with tamponade, two cases of supraventricular tachycardia, and three atrioventricular conduction abnormalities. In 19 patients, histological analysis revealed chordal tissue, but only two patients developed mild tricuspid regurgitation. We observed five cases of coronary artery fistulae. The clinical outcomes were favorable in all cases. CONCLUSION: EMB proved to be a suitable, safe method to monitor rejection after HT

    Resultados de pesquisa da Embrapa Soja 2005.

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    Avaliação de populações de minhocas (Annelida: Oligochaeta) em sistemas agrícolas e naturais, e seu potencial como bioindicadores ambientais; Avaliação das populações de minhocas como bioindicadores ambientais no Norte e no Leste do Estado do Paraná; Sistema do melhor método de amostragem para avaliação de populações de minhocas como bioindicadores; Aperfeiçoamento, aferição e regionalização das normas estabelecidas pelo Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS) para a soja no estado do Paraná; Reinoculação e adubação nitrogenada na cultura de soja; Transferência de tecnologia para a Região Meridional do Brasil; Transferência de tecnologia para uso da soja na alimentação humana; Transferência de tecnologias em fitossanidade para culturas de verão: soja, girassol, milho, sorgo, milheto, arroz e feijão; Transferência de tecnologias nas culturas de inverno envolvendo cultivares de trigo, aveia, triticale, cevada e milho safrinha; transferência de tecnologias em fitossanidade para culturas de verão: soja, girassol, milho, milheto, sorgo, arroz e feijão; Transferência de tecnologias em prevenção de perdas na colheita na cultura de soja; Transferência de tecnologias para gestão do agronegócio da soja; Transferência de tecnologias em manejo, fertilidade e biologia de solo para cultivo da soja, do girassol e de culturas associadas; Transferência de tecnologias em qualidade física, fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de soja; Transferência de tecnologias}: comunicação e marketing para negócios; Melhoramento Genético de trigo para competitividade do agronegócio brasileiro; Desenvolvimento de linhagens e de cultivares de trigo de ciclo precoce e médio, das classes Pão e Melhorador, adaptadas à Região Centro-Sul Subtropical (Paraná, São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul); Avaliação (VCU), caracterização (DHE) e produção de sementes de linhagens e de cultivares de trigo.bitstream/CNPSO-2010/28945/1/Doc296.pd

    RealPic: Picture norms of real-world common items

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    Pictures are often used as stimuli in several fields, such as psychology and neuroscience. However, co-occurring image-related properties might impact their processing, emphasizing the importance of validating such materials to guarantee the quality of research and professional practices. This is particularly relevant for pictures of common items because of their wide applicability potential. Normative studies have already been conducted to create and validate such pictures, yet most of them focused on stimulus without naturalistic elements (e.g., line drawings). Norms for real-world pictures of common items are rare, and their normative examination does not always simultaneously assess affective, semantic and perceptive dimensions, namely in the Portuguese context. Real-world pictures constitute pictorial representations of the world with realistic details (e.g., natural color or position), thus improving their ecological validity and their suitability for empirical studies or intervention purposes. Consequently, the establishment of norms for real-world pictures is mandatory for exploring their ecological richness and to uncover their impact across several relevant dimensions. In this study, we established norms for 596 real-world pictures of common items (e.g., tomato, drum) selected from existing databases and distributed into 12 categories. The pictures were evaluated on nine dimensions by a Portuguese sample. The results present the norms by item, by dimension and their correlations as well as cross-cultural analyses. RealPic is a culturally based dataset that offers systematic and flexible standards and is suitable for selecting stimuli while controlling for confounding effects in empirical tasks and interventional applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio