52 research outputs found

    Distilling the role of ecosystem services in the Sustainable Development Goals

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    Achieving well-being for all, while protecting the environment, is one of the most pressing global challenges of our time, and a central idea in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe that integrating ecosystem services, the benefits nature provides to people, into strategies for meeting the SDGs can help achieve this. Many development goals are likely underpinned by the delivery of one or more ecosystem services. Understanding how these services could support multiple development targets will be essential for planning synergistic and cost-effective interventions. Here we present the results of an expert survey on the contributions of 16 ecosystem services to achieving SDG targets linked to environment and human well-being, and review the capacity of modelling tools to evaluate SDG-relevant ecosystem services interactions. Survey respondents judged that individual ecosystem services could make important contributions to achieving 41 targets across 12 SDGs. The provision of food and water, habitat & biodiversity maintenance, and carbon storage & sequestration were perceived to each make contributions to >14 SDG targets, suggesting cross-target interactions are likely, and may present opportunities for synergistic outcomes across multiple SDGs. Existing modelling tools are well-aligned to support SDG-relevant ecosystem service planning. Together, this work identifies entry points and tools to further analyze the role of ecosystem services to support the SDGs

    Sequential treatment of ADHD in mother and child (AIMAC study): importance of the treatment phases for intervention success in a randomized trial

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    Background: The efficacy of parent-child training (PCT) regarding child symptoms may be reduced if the mother has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The AIMAC study (ADHD in Mothers and Children) aimed to compensate for the deteriorating effect of parental psychopathology by treating the mother (Step 1) before the beginning of PCT (Step 2). This secondary analysis was particularly concerned with the additional effect of the Step 2 PCT on child symptoms after the Step 1 treatment. Methods: The analysis included 143 mothers and children (aged 6–12 years) both diagnosed with ADHD. The study design was a two-stage, two-arm parallel group trial (Step 1 treatment group [TG]: intensive treatment of the mother including psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy; Step 1 control group [CG]: supportive counseling only for mother; Step 2 TG and CG: PCT). Single- and multi-group analyses with piecewise linear latent growth curve models were applied to test for the effects of group and phase. Child symptoms (e.g., ADHD symptoms, disruptive behavior) were rated by three informants (blinded clinician, mother, teacher). Results: Children in the TG showed a stronger improvement of their disruptive behavior as rated by mothers than those in the CG during Step 1 (Step 1: TG vs. CG). In the CG, according to reports of the blinded clinician and the mother, the reduction of children’s disruptive behavior was stronger during Step 2 than during Step 1 (CG: Step 1 vs. Step 2). In the TG, improvement of child outcome did not differ across treatment steps (TG: Step 1 vs. Step 2). Conclusions: Intensive treatment of the mother including pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy may have small positive effects on the child’s disruptive behavior. PCT may be a valid treatment option for children with ADHD regarding disruptive behavior, even if mothers are not intensively treated beforehand. Trial registration: ISRCTN registry ISRCTN73911400. Registered: 29 March 2007

    Early variations in white matter microstructure and depression outcome in adolescents with subthreshold-depression

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    Objective: White matter microstructure alterations have recently been associated with adolescence depressive episodes, but it is unknown whether they predate depression. We investigated whether subthreshold-depression in adolescence is associated with white matter microstructure variations and whether they relate to depression outcome.Method: Adolescents with subthreshold-depression (n=96) and healthy controls (n=336), drawn from a community-based cohort, were compared using diffusion tensor imaging and whole-brain tractbased spatial statistics (TBSS) at age 14 to assess white matter microstructure. They were followedup at age 16 to assess depression. Probabilistic tractography was used to reconstruct white matter streamlines from the TBSS analysis resulting regions, and along bundles implicated in emotion regulation, the uncinate fasciculus and the cingulum. We searched for mediating effects of white matter microstructure on the relationship between baseline subthreshold-depression and depression at follow-up, and then explored the specificity of the findings.Results: Lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and higher radial diffusivity were found in the anterior corpus callosum in the adolescents with subthreshold-depression. Tractography analysis showed that they also had lower FA in the right cingulum streamlines, along with lower FA and higher mean diffusivity in tracts connecting the corpus callosum to the anterior cingulate cortex. The relation between baseline subthreshold-depression and follow-up depression was mediated by FA values in the latter tracts, and lower FA values in those tracts distinctively predicted higher individual risk for depression.Conclusions: Early FA variations in tracts projecting from the corpus callosum to the anterior cingulate cortex might denote higher risk of transition to depression in adolescents

    Lateralized behaviour as indicator of affective state in dairy cows

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    In humans, there is evidence that sensory processing of novel or threatening stimuli is right hemisphere dominated, especially in people experiencing negative affective states. There is also evidence for similar lateralization in a number of non-human animal species. Here we investigate whether this is also the case in domestic cattle that may experience long-term negative states due to commonly occurring conditions such as lameness. Health and welfare implications associated with pain in lame cows are a major concern in dairy farming. Behavioural tests combining animal behaviour and cognition could make a meaningful contribution to our understanding of disease-related changes in sensory processing in animals, and consequently enhance their welfare. We presented 216 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows with three different unfamiliar objects which were placed either bilaterally (e.g. two yellow party balloons, two black/white checkerboards) or hung centrally (a Kong™) within a familiar area. Cows were individually exposed to the objects on three consecutive days, and their viewing preference/eye use, exploration behaviour/nostril use, and stop position during approach was assessed. Mobility (lameness) was repeatedly scored during the testing period. Overall, a bias to view the right rather than the left object was found at initial presentation of the bilateral objects. More cows also explored the right object rather than the left object with their nose. There was a trend for cows appearing hesitant in approaching the objects by stopping at a distance to them, to then explore the left object rather than the right. In contrast, cows that approached the objects directly had a greater tendency to contact the right object. No significant preference in right or left eye/nostril use was found when cows explored the centrally-located object. We found no relationship between lameness and lateralized behaviour. Nevertheless, observed trends suggesting that lateralized behaviour in response to bilaterally located unfamiliar objects may reflect an immediate affective response are discussed. Further study is needed to understand the impact of long-term affective states on hemispheric dominance and lateralized behaviour

    Early variations in white matter microstructure and depression outcome in adolescents with subthreshold-depression

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    Objective: White matter microstructure alterations have recently been associated with adolescence depressive episodes, but it is unknown whether they predate depression. We investigated whether subthreshold-depression in adolescence is associated with white matter microstructure variations and whether they relate to depression outcome. Method: Adolescents with subthreshold-depression (n=96) and healthy controls (n=336), drawn from a community-based cohort, were compared using diffusion tensor imaging and whole-brain tractbased spatial statistics (TBSS) at age 14 to assess white matter microstructure. They were followedup at age 16 to assess depression. Probabilistic tractography was used to reconstruct white matter streamlines from the TBSS analysis resulting regions, and along bundles implicated in emotion regulation, the uncinate fasciculus and the cingulum. We searched for mediating effects of white matter microstructure on the relationship between baseline subthreshold-depression and depression at follow-up, and then explored the specificity of the findings. Results: Lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and higher radial diffusivity were found in the anterior corpus callosum in the adolescents with subthreshold-depression. Tractography analysis showed that they also had lower FA in the right cingulum streamlines, along with lower FA and higher mean diffusivity in tracts connecting the corpus callosum to the anterior cingulate cortex. The relation between baseline subthreshold-depression and follow-up depression was mediated by FA values in the latter tracts, and lower FA values in those tracts distinctively predicted higher individual risk for depression. Conclusions: Early FA variations in tracts projecting from the corpus callosum to the anterior cingulate cortex might denote higher risk of transition to depression in adolescents

    Towards the Validation of Novel Cognitive and Physiological Indicators of Affective State in Horses (Equus caballus)

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    Assessing animal emotions reliably is crucial for making accurate decisions about animal welfare, but subjective affective (emotional) states are inaccessible for direct measurement. We know that negative affect modulates attention in humans and some animals. The overarching aim of this thesis is to investigate if the preferential attention allocation towards certain information (i.e. attention bias, AB) could be a potential proxy measure of affective valence in horses. First, I provide an overview of the theoretical background to attention and AB by reviewing the literature on AB in humans and animals (Chapter 2). I examine which methodological aspects need consideration when translating AB tests to animals, before describing my general methods in Chapter 3 and presenting the development of a visual attention bias test in horses using on-screen images of conspecific faces in Chapter 4. For a more informed interpretation of horses’ response in the AB test, I further investigated horses’ image recognition ability in Chapter 5. As well as cognitive measures, I explored changes in heart rate variability (HRV) and surface temperature via infrared thermography (IRT) as additional measures of affective valence in Chapter 6. Reviewing the literature, I conclude that AB is a promising novel proxy of affect, but its assessment requires further refinement for reliable application in animals. Testing horses’ attention to conspecific faces showing differently valenced facial expressions indicated no significant evidence of AB. This is possibly because artificial stimuli might not be appropriate test stimuli, as image recognition ability might not be generalizable across individual horses. Changes in physiological parameters indicated shifts in arousal but not valence, contributing to my conclusion that measuring emotional valence from indirect parameters like AB, HRV and IRT needs more refinement, which I discuss in my final chapter (Chapter 7)

    Do you see what I see? Testing horses’ ability to recognise real-life objects from 2D computer projections

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    The use of 2-dimensional representations (e.g. photographs or digital images) of real-life physical objects has been an important tool in studies of animal cognition. Horses are reported to recognise objects and individuals (conspecifics and humans) from printed photographs, but it is unclear whether image recognition is also true for digital images, e.g. computer projections. We expected that horses trained to discriminate between two real-life objects would show the same learnt response to digital images of these objects indicating that the images were perceived as objects, or representations of such. Riding-school horses (N = 27) learnt to touch one of two objects (target object counterbalanced between horses) to instantly receive a food reward. After discrimination learning (three consecutive sessions of 8/10 correct trials), horses were immediately tested with on-screen images of the objects over 10 image trials interspersed with five real object trials. At first image presentation, all but two horses spontaneously responded to the images with the learnt behaviour by contacting one of the two images, but the number of horses touching the correct image was not different from chance (14/27 horses, p > 0.05). Only one horse touched the correct image above chance level across 10 image trials (9/10 correct responses, p = 0.021). Our findings thus question whether horses recognise real-life objects from digital images. We discuss how methodological factors and individual differences (i.e. age, welfare state) might have influenced animals' response to the images, and the importance of validating the suitability of stimuli of this kind for cognitive studies in horses

    Results of the 2014–2015 Canadian Society of Nephrology Workforce Survey

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    Background: Nephrology was previously identified as a subspecialty with few Canadian employment opportunities, and in recent years, fewer trainees are choosing nephrology. Objective: The objective of this study is to better understand the current Canadian adult nephrology workforce and the expected workforce trends over the next 5 years. Design: This is an online self-administered survey. Setting: This study is set in Canada. Survey participants: Survey participants are Canadian adult nephrologists, including self-identified division heads. Measurements: The measurements of this study are demographics, training, current practice characteristics, work hours, and projected workforce needs. Methods: Survey questions were based on previous workforce surveys. Ethics approval was obtained through the University of Saskatchewan. The survey was piloted in both English and French and modified based on the feedback to ensure that responses accurately reflected the information desired. It was circulated to all identified Canadian nephrologists via an anonymous e-mail link for self-administration. Categorical data was aggregated, and free-text answers were thematically analyzed. Additional descriptive analysis was conducted by all authors. Results: Five hundred ninety-two Canadian nephrologists were contacted and 48 % responded, with representation from all Canadian provinces. One third of the respondents were female, and the largest age cohort was 41–50 years. Most nephrologists are trained in Canada and 61 % completed additional training. The majority of the respondents (69.1 %) began working as a nephrologist immediately upon completion of fellowship training. Younger nephrologists reported more challenges in finding a job. Eighty percent of responding nephrologists were satisfied with their current work hours, 13.1 % will reduce work hours within 3 years, an additional 8.2 % will reduce work hours within 5 years, and a further 14.2 % will reduce work hours within 10 years. Nephrology division heads forecasted the number of clinical and academic nephrologists needed for the next 3 and 5 years. Limitations: The response rate was 48 %. Forecasted workforce needs are not indicative of guaranteed future positions. Conclusions: This Canadian Society of Nephrology workforce survey demonstrated the current workforce demographics, individual nephrologist future workforce plans, and projected nephrology division requirements for the next 3 and 5 years. Further work will need to be done to refine Canadian nephrology workforce planning with the development of a robust strategy that encompasses both societal and nephrologists' needs with the realities of employment
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