417 research outputs found

    Concluding Athletic Careers: Post-Athletic Transitions in the Atlantic Coast Conference

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    Due to the pervasiveness of athletic role engulfment and a salient athletic identity, collegiate athletes often experience difficulties upon conclusion of their competitive athletic career. Such engulfment and fixed athletic identity are detrimental to an athlete’s post-athletic transition. Given the role of athletic department institutional members (e.g., administrators, coaches, staff) in the formative development of collegiate athletes’ lives, athletic departments occupy an integral position to assist athletes in their post-athletic transition. To examine the practices currently implemented among National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic departments relative to holistic athlete development, semi-structured interviews were conducted with institutional members at nine (n = 9) Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) athletic departments. Findings reveal thematic emphases on athletic department specific programming and intra-institutional collaboration to ensure a variety of resources and educational opportunities are consistently available to collegiate athletes during their college experience. Implications and actionable items are discussed in detail. Disclosure: This research was funded by the Atlantic Coast Conference – Center for Research in Intercollegiate Athletics (ACC-CRIA) Innovation Initiative Grant Program

    Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Contexts: A Rapid Scoping Review Protocol

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    This paper presents a protocol with methodological considerations for a rapid scoping review on academic integrity and artificial intelligence in higher education. This protocol follows Joanna Brigg Institute’s (JBI) updated manual for scoping reviews and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) reporting standards. This rapid scoping review aims to identify the breadth of the literature reflecting the intersection of academic integrity and artificial intelligence in higher education institutions. The included studies in the review will be analyzed for insight concerning this emerging area, particularly its ethical implications. Our findings will be relevant for academic staff, administration, and leadership in higher education and academic integrity researchers

    Screening for in vitro systematic reviews: a comparison of screening methods and training of a machine learning classifier

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    Objective: Existing strategies to identify relevant studies for systematic review may not perform equally well across research domains. We compare four approaches based on either human or automated screening of either title and abstract or full text, and report the training of a machine learning algorithm to identify in vitro studies from bibliographic records. Methods: We used a systematic review of oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) in PC-12 cells to compare approaches. For human screening, two reviewers independently screened studies based on title and abstract or full text, with disagreements reconciled by a third. For automated screening, we applied text mining to either title and abstract or full text. We trained a machine learning algorithm with decisions from 2000 randomly selected PubMed Central records enriched with a dataset of known in vitro studies. Results: Full-text approaches performed best, with human (sensitivity: 0.990, specificity: 1.000 and precision: 0.994) outperforming text mining (sensitivity: 0.972, specificity: 0.980 and precision: 0.764). For title and abstract, text mining (sensitivity: 0.890, specificity: 0.995 and precision: 0.922) outperformed human screening (sensitivity: 0.862, specificity: 0.998 and precision: 0.975). At our target sensitivity of 95% the algorithm performed with specificity of 0.850 and precision of 0.700. Conclusion: In this in vitro systematic review, human screening based on title and abstract erroneously excluded 14% of relevant studies, perhaps because title and abstract provide an incomplete description of methods used. Our algorithm might be used as a first selection phase in in vitro systematic reviews to limit the extent of full text screening required.</p

    A comparison of course-related stressors in undergraduate problem-based learning (PBL) versus non-PBL medical programmes

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    Background: Medical students report high levels of stress related to their medical training as well as to other personal and financial factors. The aim of this study is to investigate whether there are differences in course-related stressors reported by medical students on undergraduate problem-based learning (PBL) and non-PBL programmes in the UK. Method: A cross-sectional study of second-year medical students in two UK medical schools (one PBL and one non-PBL programme) was conducted. A 16-question self-report questionnaire, derived from the Perceived Medical Student Stress Scale and the Higher Education Stress Inventory, was used to measure course-related stressors. Following univariate analysis of each stressor between groups, multivariate logistic regression was used to determine which stressors were the best predictors of each course type, while controlling for socio-demographic differences between the groups. Results: A total of 280 students responded. Compared to the non-PBL students (N = 197), the PBL students (N = 83) were significantly more likely to agree that: they did not know what the faculty expected of them (Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.38, p = 0.03); there were too many small group sessions facilitated only by students resulting in an unclear curriculum (OR = 0.04, p < 0.0001); and that there was a lack of opportunity to explore academic subjects of interest (OR = 0.40, p = 0.02). They were significantly more likely to disagree that: there was a lack of encouragement from teachers (OR = 3.11, p = 0.02); and that the medical course fostered a sense of anonymity and feelings of isolation amongst students (OR = 3.42, p = 0.008). Conclusion: There are significant differences in the perceived course-related stressors affecting medical students on PBL and non-PBL programmes. Course designers and student support services should therefore tailor their work to minimise, or help students cope with, the specific stressors on each course type to ensure optimum learning and wellbeing among our future doctors

    The Na+/Glucose Cotransporter Inhibitor Canagliflozin Activates AMPK by Inhibiting Mitochondrial Function and Increasing Cellular AMP Levels

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    Canagliflozin, dapagliflozin and empagliflozin, all recently approved for treatment of Type 2 diabetes, were derived from the natural product phlorizin. They reduce hyperglycemia by inhibiting glucose re-uptake by SGLT2 in the kidney, without affecting intestinal glucose uptake by SGLT1. We now report that canagliflozin also activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an effect also seen with phloretin (the aglycone breakdown product of phlorizin), but not to any significant extent with dapagliflozin, empagliflozin or phlorizin. AMPK activation occurred at canagliflozin concentrations measured in human plasma in clinical trials, and was caused by inhibition of Complex I of the respiratory chain, leading to increases in cellular AMP or ADP. Although canagliflozin also inhibited cellular glucose uptake independently of SGLT2, this did not account for AMPK activation. Canagliflozin also inhibited lipid synthesis, an effect that was absent in AMPK knockout cells and that required phosphorylation of ACC1 and/or ACC2 at the AMPK sites. Oral administration of canagliflozin activated AMPK in mouse liver, although not in muscle, adipose tissue or spleen. As phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase by AMPK is known to lower liver lipid content, these data suggest a potential additional benefit of canagliflozin therapy compared to other SGLT2 inhibitors

    The State of Theory in LGBTQ Aging: Implications for Gerontological Scholarship

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    Social research in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) aging is a rapidly growing field, but an examination of the use of theory has not yet been conducted for its impact on the field’s direction. We conducted a systematic review of empirical articles published in LGBTQ aging in the years 2009–2017 (N = 102). Using a typology of theory use in scholarly articles, we analyzed these articles for the types of theories being used, the degree to which theories were used in each article, and the analytical function they served. We found that 52% of articles consistently applied theory, 23% implied or partially applied theory, and 25% presented as atheoretical. A wide range of theories were used and served multiple analytical functions such as concept development and explanation of findings. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of theory use in this body of literature, especially with respect to implications for future knowledge development in the field

    Ibrutinib Unmasks Critical Role of Bruton Tyrosine Kinase in Primary CNS Lymphoma.

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    Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) links the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) and Toll-like receptors with NF-κB. The role of BTK in primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma (PCNSL) is unknown. We performed a phase I clinical trial with ibrutinib, the first-in-class BTK inhibitor, for patients with relapsed or refractory CNS lymphoma. Clinical responses to ibrutinib occurred in 10 of 13 (77%) patients with PCNSL, including five complete responses. The only PCNSL with complete ibrutinib resistance harbored a mutation within the coiled-coil domain of CARD11, a known ibrutinib resistance mechanism. Incomplete tumor responses were associated with mutations in the B-cell antigen receptor-associated protein CD79B

    Detection of the abnormal GIST in the prior mammograms even with no overt sign of breast cancer

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    Can radiologists distinguish prior mammograms with no overt signs of cancer from women who were later diagnosed with breast cancer from the prior mammograms of women reported as normal and subsequently confirmed to be cancerfree? Twenty-three radiologists and breast physicians viewed 200 craniocaudial mammograms for a half-second and rated whether the woman would be recalled on a scale of 0 (clearly normal) to 100 (clearly abnormal). The dataset included five categories of mammograms, with each category containing 40 cases. The categories were Cancer (current cancer-containing mammograms), Prior-Vis (prior mammograms with visible cancer signs), Contra (current âñormal' mammograms contralateral to the cancer), Prior-Invis (priors without visible cancer signs), and Normal (priors of normal cases). For each radiologist, four pairs of analyses were performed to evaluate whether the radiologists could distinguish mammograms in each category from the normal mammograms: Cancer vs Normal, Prior-Vis vs Normal, Contra vs Normal, and Prior-Invis vs Normal. The Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic curves (AUC) was calculated for each paired grouping and each radiologist. Wilcoxon Signed Rank test showed the AUC values were above-chance for all comparisons: Cancer (z=4.20, P<0.001); Prior-Vis (z=4.11, P<0.001); Contra (z=4.17, P<0.001); Prior-Invis (z=3.71, P<0.001). The results suggest that radiologists can distinguish patients who were diagnosed with cancer from individuals without breast cancer at an above-chance level based on a half-second glimpse of mammogram even before the lesion becomes apparently visible (Prior-Invis). Apparently, something about the breast parenchyma can look abnormal before the appearance of a localized lesion

    Global processing provides malignancy evidence complementary to the information captured by humans or machines following detailed mammogram inspection

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    The information captured by the gist signal, which refers to radiologists’ first impression arising from an initial global image processing, is poorly understood. We examined whether the gist signal can provide complementary information to data captured by radiologists (experiment 1), or computer algorithms (experiment 2) based on detailed mammogram inspection. In the first experiment, 19 radiologists assessed a case set twice, once based on a half-second image presentation (i.e., gist signal) and once in the usual viewing condition. Their performances in two viewing conditions were compared using repeated measure correlation (rm-corr). The cancer cases (19 cases × 19 readers) exhibited non-significant trend with rm-corr = 0.012 (p = 0.82, CI: −0.09, 0.12). For normal cases (41 cases × 19 readers), a weak correlation of rm-corr = 0.238 (p < 0.001, CI: 0.17, 0.30) was found. In the second experiment, we combined the abnormality score from a state-of-the-art deep learning-based tool (DL) with the radiological gist signal using a support vector machine (SVM). To obtain the gist signal, 53 radiologists assessed images based on half-second image presentation. The SVM performance for each radiologist and an average reader, whose gist responses were the mean abnormality scores given by all 53 readers to each image was assessed using leave-one-out cross-validation. For the average reader, the AUC for gist, DL, and the SVM, were 0.76 (CI: 0.62–0.86), 0.79 (CI: 0.63–0.89), and 0.88 (CI: 0.79–0.94). For all readers with a gist AUC significantly better than chance-level, the SVM outperformed DL. The gist signal provided malignancy evidence with no or weak associations with the information captured by humans in normal radiologic reporting, which involves detailed mammogram inspection. Adding gist signal to a state-of-the-art deep learning-based tool improved its performance for the breast cancer detection
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