108 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Dampak Kerusakan Ekosistem Mangrove Terhadap Lingkungan Keamanan Maritim

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    Hutan Mangrove memberikan banyak manfaat untuk untuk kelangsungan hidup manusia di sektor lingkungan, hutan mangrove dapat menyerap karbon, mencegah intrusi laut, erosi dan abrasi pantai, peredam gelombang, filtrasi air dan nursery grown bagi beberapa jenis hewan terutama ikan. Di sisi ekonomi hutan mangrove dapat menjadi sumber penghidupan untuk masyarakat yang tinggal disekitarnya baik dengan eksploitasi sumberdaya yang ada dihutan mangrove maupun menjadikannya sebagai tempat wisata. Namun, total luas hutan mangrove yang luas dan iringi dengan berbagai manfaat hutan mangrove di ikuti dengan laju kerusakan hutan mangrove Indoesia yang termasuk tercepat di dunia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode menggunakan studi pustaka kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan Studi Literatur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan dampak kerusakan ekosistem mangrove terhadap lingkungan keamanan maritim

    Management Of National Resources Potential In The Context Of Supporting The State Defense

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    National defense is organized to defend state sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and the safety of the entire nation from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state. In preparing the national defense, it is necessary to manage national resources by increasing the potential and capacity of the national defense force through human resources, natural/artificial resources, and infrastructure. The literature study was conducted to understand the utilization of national resources in supporting national defense. The various problems faced make the management of national resources complex. The results of the literature study are expected so that in the future the government can utilize the enormous potential contained in the potential human resources prepared early on to strengthen the main components, natural/man-made resources, with effective and efficient use to support national defense and national facilities and infrastructure for the benefit of welfare and at the same time be utilized for the benefit of national defense. National resources can be utilized in a totally directed and integrated manner to support the interests of national defense

    Comparative Study on Maritime Security Theory of Mahan Alfred Thayer and Geoffrey Till on the Strategic and Practical Implications of Constructing a Sea Defense

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    Nowadays, the existence of maritime security had developed increasingly due to the threat of transnational crimes at sea. This security required countries to expand their maritime defense capabilities in preventing threats to national sovereignty and security. In developing maritime defense capabilities, maritime security theory was necessary to construct the basis of a country’s maritime defense strategy and policy. Thayer and Till were two maritime security theorists who made numerous contributions to expanding this concept. Therefore, this study was conducted to construct a comparison of their maritime security theory dealing with the strategic and practical implications for constructing the country’s maritime defense. To collect the data, a qualitative approach with a comparative descriptive method was employed in this study. The collected data were sourced from reliable sources such as books, journals, and articles related to the theory of maritime security and national sea defense. Finally, the results of this study indicated that the two theories hold several similarities in terms of the importance of sea power as an essential component in a maritime defense strategy. However, differences in the implications of both theories about geopolitics and national maritime defense policies were also revealed. The strategic and practical implications of both theories needed to consider in constructing a country’s maritime defense, particularly in confronting the increasingly complex maritime security challenge

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Bencana Hidrometeorologi di Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a country prone to hydrometeorological disasters. BNPB notes that every year Indonesia's disasters are dominated by hydrometeorological disasters, namely floods, landslides, extreme weather, karhutla and drought. The hydrometeorological disaster in Indonesia resulted in quite large economic losses. The application of TMC (Weather Modification Technology) in Indonesia has had good success. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method based on the description of the results of research that has been done previously regarding Weather Modification Technology in overcoming hydrometorological disaster efforts in Indonesia. TMC's efforts in tackling forest and land fires in 2020 and 2021 in provinces that are prone to forest fires are carried out during the rainy season transition period before the start of the dry season. Implementation of TMC in a timely manner, can shorten the time of forest and land fires in a number of areas that have high vulnerability, so that the number of karhutla incidents can be optimally suppressed. Flood control efforts in Jakarta in 2013 with TMC were carried out for 33 days in 2013 with two methods, namely the jumping process mechanism method and the competition mechanism method with the aim of accelerating the rain process before it arrives in Jakarta. The results from the TMC were a 20-50% reduction in rain in Jakarta. The application of TMC for drought management on plantations in 2014 in Riau, Central Kalimantan and North Sumatra for 120 days resulted in an additional rainfall of 198 mm/year, for the Central Kalimantan region by 254 mm/year and for the North Sumatra region by 233 mm/year. Disaster management efforts using TMC are considered effective in Indonesia. This effort is a reference for the government and policy makers for the prevention of hydrometeorological disasters in Indonesia.(Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca) di Indonesia memiliki keberhasilan yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif berdasarkan deskripsi dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya mengenai Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca dalam mengatasi upaya bencana hidrometorologi di Indonesia. Upaya TMC dalam penanggulangan bencana karhutla tahun 2020 dan 2021 di provinsi yang rentan karhutla dilaksanakan pada masa transisi musim hujan menjelang masuknya musim kemarau. Pelaksanaan TMC pada waktu yang tepat, dapat mempersingkat waktu kebakaran hutan dan lahan di sejumlah wilayah yang memiliki kerentanan tinggi, sehingga jumlah kejadian karhutla dapat ditekan secara optimal. Upaya penanggulangan banjir di Jakarta tahun 2013 dengan TMC dilaksanakan selama 33 hari pada tahun 2013 dengan dengan dua metode yaitu metode mekanisme proses lompatan (jumping process mechanism) dan metode mekanisme persaingan (competition mechanism) dengan tujuan mempercepat proses hujan sebelum tiba di Jakarta. Hasil dari TMC terjadi pengurangan hujan sebesar 20-50% di Jakarta. Penerapan TMC untuk penanggulangan bencana kekeringan pada perkebunan tahun 2014 di Riau, Kalimantan Tengah dan Sumatera Utara  selama 120 hari didapatkan penambahan curah hujan sebesar 198 mm/tahun, wilayah Kalimantan Tengah sebesar 254 mm/tahun dan wilayah Sumatera Utara sebesar 233 mm/tahun. Upaya penanggulangan bencana menggunakan TMC dinilai efektif di Indonesia. Upaya ini rujukan bagi pemerintah dan pengambil kebijakan untuk pencegahan bencana hidrometeorologi di Indonesia

    National Character Development and Character Education in Schools Malaysia

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    ABSTRACK - Character building in schools in Malaysia has been carried out since the British colonial period. The rapid economic growth in Malaysia has brought about changes in the structure of society and its behavior, which has resulted in character education becoming a mandatory lesson to anticipate social change and the implementation of character education in schools for students. Starting in the 1980s, sixteen pure values were introduced, understood by students, and became the main theme for teachers, which is applied in various lessons and aspects of life. Education must be based on core values rooted in social life. Basic education has implemented character education both in curriculum and educational practice. Educational institutions responsible for developing and implementing education of national character in order to promote national civilization. The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of character education in the school curriculum in Malaysia. This type of research is qualitative research using the descriptive analysis method of literature study.

    The Concept of Defense Management in the 21st Century within Indonesia Maritime Security Framework

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    Conflict of Maritime Security in the Asia Pacific region, especially South China Sea is a conflict that has long occurred and a problem that is often raised both in a regional and international level. Related to the conflict takes Strategy and Management of the State's defense to anticipate the impact of the conflict situations on defense and security of the region. The purpose of this study is to analyze the concept of Defence Management Indonesia in the 21st century in the context of Indonesian Maritime Security, Case Studies U.S Rebalancing in Asia Pacific and South China Sea conflict, as well as to determine the readiness of Defence Management capabilities in the face of threats. The method used is a qualitative method of data collection methods through in-depth interview to the informant. The results showed that in order to improve maritime security in Indonesia has not been implemented in a structured and comprehensive defense in accordance with the management perspective of the countries more advanced, especially on defense preparedness in logistics management as a managing and defense equipment avaible owned by Indonesia government. Based on these results it is suggested the need for socialization implementation of Defense Management in Asia Pacific by Indonesia government in the context of Maritime Security comprehensively

    Rainfall Variability in East Kalimantan from Impact of El Nino and La Nina for Effort Disaster Prevention to Support National Security

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    Rainfall has an important influence on human life. One of the global influences that have an impact on rainfall conditions in Indonesia is the El Nino and La Nina phenomena which can result in disasters. Efforts to reduce disaster risk require good disaster management to protect the entire nation from all threats, especially non-military threats in the disaster aspect in East Kalimantan. One effort is to recognize East Kalimantan's rainfall variability in La Nina and El Nino conditions. This study uses rainfall data for 1991 – 2020 at three locations at the Sepinggan Meteorological Station, Balikpapan, Samarinda and Kalimarau Berau, East Kalimantan. El Nino conditions in East Kalimantan show the influence of rainfall during the dry season, rainfall is less than normal conditions. Reduced rainfall from normal conditions can result in drought. La Nina conditions in East Kalimantan show the influence of the dry season, there is an increase in rainfall compared to normal conditions. Increased rainfall from normal conditions can cause flooding. La Nina and El Nino  conditions affect rainfall in East Kalimantan which can have an impact on disasters. This condition must be anticipated in order to  reduce the risk of an impending disaster. Anticipation efforts can guarantee the safety and welfare of citizens, communities, La Nina and El Nino conditions affect rainfall in East Kalimantan which can have an impact on disasters. This condition must be anticipated in order to reduce the risk of an impending disaster. Anticipation efforts can guarantee the safety and welfare of citizens, communities, La Nina and El Nino conditions affect rainfall in East Kalimantan which can have an impact on disasters. This condition must be anticipated in order to reduce the risk of an impending disaster. Anticipation efforts can guarantee the safety and welfare of citizens