13 research outputs found

    High-extinction-ratio resonant cavity polarizer for quantum-optics measurements

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    The use of a high-finesse Fabry-Perot ring cavity with an odd number of reflections as a high-extinction-ratio resonant polarizer is shown. Experimental results from quantum-noise measurements using resonant cavities as spatial and spectral filters and precision polarizers are presented

    Method for fabricating zig-zag slabs for solid state lasers

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    A method for batch manufacturing of slabs for zig-zag lasers including steps of bonding two non-active media to either side of an active medium to form a sandwich, dicing the sandwich to provide slices, rendering two surfaces of each slice into total-internal-reflection (TIR) surfaces, and then dicing the slices perpendicular to the TIR surfaces to provide a plurality of zig-zag slabs

    Generation of a stable low-frequency squeezed vacuum field with periodically-poled KTiOPO4_4 at 1064 nm

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    We report on the generation of a stable continuous-wave low-frequency squeezed vacuum field with a squeezing level of 3.8±0.13.8\pm0.1 dB at 1064 nm, the wavelength at which laser interferometers for gravitational wave (GW) detection operate, using periodically poled KTiOPO4_4 (PPKTP) in a sub-threshold optical parametric oscillator. PPKTP has the advantages of higher nonlinearity, smaller intra-crystal and pump-induced seed absorption, user-specified parametric down-conversion temperature, wider temperature tuning range, and lower susceptibility to thermal lensing over alternative nonlinear materials such as MgO doped or periodically poled LiNbO3_3, and is, therefore, an excellent material for generation of squeezed vacuum fields for application to laser interferometers for GW detection


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    UV-LED is part of a small satellite technology demonstration mission that will demonstrate non-contacting charge control of an isolated or floating mass using new solid-state ultra-violet light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs). Integrated to the Saudisat-4 spacecraft and launched onboard the Dnepr in June 19, 2014, the project is a collaboration between the NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), Stanford University, and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). This technology demonstration will validate a novel method of charge control that will improve the performance of drag-free spacecraft allowing for concurrent science collection during charge management operations as well as reduce the mass, power and volume required while increasing lifetime and reliability of a charge management subsystem. These improvements are crucial to the success of ground breaking missions such as LISA and BBO, and demonstrate the ability of low cost small satellite missions to provide technological advances that far exceed mission cost

    2D simulation of test mass capture

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    This video shows the 2D simulation of the test mass (TM) capture using the 3 axis micro-Newton thrusters that would be on the spacecraft to move the beams until they are affected by the TM