356 research outputs found


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    Avena sativa is a specie which can be cultivated on soils with a high amount of heavy metals or with some radionuclids, it being phytoextractive for some elements (zinc, copper, cadmium, uranium, a/o). On the sterile waste dumps from the middle Jiu river basin (Gorj district), and on neighbour area, this species is cultivated more than 20 years ago. The landraces of Avena sativa present adaptation at the presence in soil of a high content in heavy metals and/or radionuclides. From the population farmsteads situated in this area, were harvested 23 landraces of Avena sativa, which were cultivated ex situ in the Experimental Research Station of USAMVB-Timişoara (Timiş district). The analysis of the main quantitative features of these landraces, in comparison with Mureş sort (Control), point out significant differences (notable in some cases), which underlined the variability in this species and the adaptation to environmental conditions. The best oat genotypes, can be used further in a breeding program, in order to obtain for culture on the degraded soils (with a high content in heavy metals and radionuclides), the most proper sorts

    Psychological response and quality of life after transplantation: a comparison between heart, lung, liver and kidney recipients

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    PRINCIPLES: Various non-specific questionnaires were used to measure quality of life and psychological wellbeing of patients after organ transplantation. At present cross-organ studies dealing specifically with the psychological response to a transplanted organ are non-existent in German-speaking countries. METHODS: The Transplant Effects Questionnaire TxEQ-D and the SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire were used to examine the psychological response and quality of life of 370 patients after heart, lung, liver or kidney transplantation. The organ groups were compared with regard to psychosocial parameters. RESULTS: 72% of patients develop a feeling of responsibility for the received organ and its function. This feeling is even stronger towards the patient's key relationships i.e. family, friends, the treatment team and the donor. 11.6% worry about the transplanted organ. Heart and lung patients report significantly fewer concerns than liver and kidney patients. Overall, only a minority of patients report feelings of guilt towards the donor (2.7%), problems in disclosing their transplant to others (2.4%), or difficulties in complying with medical orders (3.5%). Lung transplant patients show significantly better adherence. CONCLUSIONS: A feeling of responsibility towards those one is close to and towards the donor is a common psychological phenomenon after transplantation of an organ. Conscious feelings of guilt and shame are harboured by only a minority of patients. The fact that heart and lung patients worry less about their transplant might have primarily to do with the greater medical and psychosocial support in this group

    Soft Magnetic Properties and Electromagnetic Shielding Performance of Fe40Ni40B20 Microfibers

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    Fi(40)Ni(40)B(20) metallic glass is a key material among the many amorphous systems investigated thus far, owing to its high strength and appealing soft magnetic properties that make it suitable for use as transformer cores. In this study, Fi(40)Ni(40)B(20) microfibers are fabricated down to 5 mu m diameter. Three different melt-spinning wheel velocities: approximate to 51 m s(-1), approximate to 59 m s(-1), and approximate to 63 m s(-1) (MG1, MG2, MG3) are used. Their fully amorphous structure is confirmed using X-ray diffraction, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) traces reveal a larger relaxation profile for the higher-quenched microfiber. Vibrating sample magnetometer measurements showed a higher saturation magnetization of 136 emug(-1) for annealed metallic glass microfibers with a wheel velocity of 59.66 ms(-1). Cylindrical magnetic field shields are obtained by aligning and wrapping the fibers around a cast. The observed anisotropic static field shielding behavior is in accordance with the microfibers' anisotropic nature. Composite samples are also produced by embedding the microfibers in an epoxy matrix to investigate their electromagnetic properties at GHz frequencies. Inclusion of the microfibers increase the composite's attenuation constant by 20 to 25 times, making it an ideal candidate for applications in the communications frequency range

    Optic disc and retinal nerve fibre layer changes in parkinson's disease

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    This study was conducted to assess optic nerve and peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) changes in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) and its correlation with disease duration and severity. Optic nerve parameters and RNFL thickness were measured in 24 PD patients and 25 age-gender-matched controls by Heidelberg Retinal Tomography II (Heidelberg Engineering, Dossenheim, Germany). Patients with visual acuity below 20/25 were excluded. The mean RNFL in the temporal sector was significantly thinner in the study group than the control group (p = 0.020). Additionally, disease severity and duration negatively correlated with optic disc parameters in some sectors. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved

    Kemijski sastav endemske biljke Centaurea austro-anatolica i ispitivanje antimikrobnog djelovanja protiv multi-rezistentnih bakterija

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    Hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethanolic extracts of the aerial parts of C. austro-anatolica Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae) were evaluated against microorganisms, including multi-resistant bacteria, using a paper disc diffusion method. The chloroform extract exhibited significant antibacterial activity toward all bacteria tested. The chemical composition of the chloroform extract was determined by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The major compounds of the extract were caryophyllene oxide (21.32 %), spathulenol (10.86 %), n-tricosanol (9.58 %) and geranyl isovalerate (8.71 %).Heksanski, kloroformski, etil-acetatni i etanolni ekstrakti vršnih dijelova biljke C. austro-anatolica Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae) ispitivani su na antimikrobno djelovanje protiv multi-rezistentnih bakterija, koristeći difuzijsku metodu na papirnom disku. Kloroformski ekstrakt pokazao je značajno antibakterijsko djelovanje protiv svih testiranih bakterija. Kemijski sastav tog ekstrakta određivan je plinskom kromatografijom (GC) i plinskom kromatografijom-spektrometrijom masa (GC-MS). Najvažniji sastojci ekstrakta bili su kariofilen oksid (21,32 %), spatulenol (10,86 %), n-trikozanol (9,58 %) i geranil izovalerat (8,71 %)

    European Medicines Agency review of ixazomib (Ninlaro) for the treatment of adult patients with multiple myeloma who have received at least one prior therapy

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    On 21 November 2016, the European Commission issued a marketing authorisation valid throughout the European Union for ixazomib in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone for the treatment of adult patients with multiple myeloma who have received at least one prior therapy. Ixazomib was evaluated in one, randomised, double-blind, phase III study comparing ixazomib plus lenalidomide and dexamethasone (n=360; ixazomib arm) versus placebo plus lenalidomide and dexamethasone (n=362; placebo arm) in adult patients with relapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma who had received at least one prior therapy. The median progression-free survival (PFS) in the intent-to-treat population was 20.6 months in patients treated with ixazomib compared with 14.7 months for patients in the placebo arm (stratified HR=0.742, 95% CI 0.587 to 0.939, stratified p-value=0.012). The most frequently reported adverse reactions (≥20%) within the ixazomib and placebo arms were diarrhoea (42% vs 36%), constipation (34% vs 25%), thrombocytopaenia (28% vs 14%), peripheral neuropathy (28% vs 21%), nausea (26% vs 21%), peripheral oedema (25% vs 18%), vomiting (22% vs 11%) and back pain (21% vs 16%). The scientific review concluded that the gain in PFS of 5.9 months observed with ixazomib was considered clinically meaningful. Concerning the possible uncertainty about the magnitude of the effect, this uncertainty was acceptable given the favourable toxicity profile, and considering that ixazomib is the first agent to allow oral triple combination therapy in this patient population which represents a therapeutic innovation in terms of convenience for patients. Therefore, the benefit-risk for ixazomib in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone was considered positive, although the efficacy evidence was not as comprehensive as normally required

    Stress distribution patterns at mini-implant site during retraction and intrusion - a three-dimensional finite element study

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    Abstract Background The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress patterns produced in mini-implant and alveolar bone, for various implant dimensions, under different directions of simulated orthodontic force, using a three-dimensional finite element method. Methods Eight finite element (FE) models of mini-implant and bone were generated with insertion angles of 30° and 60°, diameters of 1 and 1.3 mm, and lengths of 6 and 8 mm. A simulated constant orthodontic force of 2 N was applied to each of these FE models in three directions simulating anterior retraction, anterior intrusion and retraction, and molar intrusion. Results Comparison of the maximum von Mises stress in the mini-implant showed that the 1-mm diameter produced significantly high stress, and the amount of stress produced was more for a mini-implant inserted at an angle of 60°. The cortical bone showed that high stresses were generated for the 1-mm-diameter mini-implant and on increasing the insertion angulation from 30° to 60°, the stress produced increased as well. The comparison of von Mises stress in the cancellous bone was insignificant as the amount of stress transmitted was very low. Conclusions The 1-mm-diameter mini-implants are not safe to be used clinically for orthodontic anchorage. The 1.3 × 6 mm dimension mini-implants are recommended for use during anterior segment retraction and during simultaneous intrusion and retraction, and the 1.3 × 8 mm dimension mini-implant is recommended for use during molar intrusion. All mini-implants should be inserted at a 30° angle into the bone for reduced stress and improved stability

    Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis hormones and cortisol in both menstrual phases of women with chronic fatigue syndrome and effect of depressive mood on these hormones

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disease which defined as medically unexplained, disabling fatigue of 6 months or more duration and often accompanied by several of a long list of physical complaints. We aimed to investigate abnormalities of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis hormones and cortisol concentrations in premenopausal women with CFS and find out effects of depression rate on these hormones. METHODS: We examined follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol, progesterone and cortisol concentrations in 43 premenopausal women (mean age: 32.86 ± 7.11) with CFS and compared matched 35 healthy controls (mean age: 31.14 ± 6.19). Patients were divided according to menstrual cycle phases (follicular and luteal) and compared with matched phase controls. Depression rate was assessed by Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and patients with high BDI scores were compared to patients with low BDI scores. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in FSH, LH, estradiol and progesterone levels in both of menstrual phases of patients versus controls. Cortisol levels were significantly lower in patients compared to controls. There were no significant differences in all hormone levels in patients with high depression scores versus patients with low depression scores. CONCLUSION: In spite of high depression rate, low cortisol concentration and normal HPG axis hormones of both menstrual phases are detected in premenopausal women with CFS. There is no differentiation between patients with high and low depression rate in all hormone levels. Depression condition of CFS may be different from classical depression and evaluation of HPG and HPA axis should be performed for understanding of pathophysiology of CFS and planning of treatment