1,196 research outputs found

    The commodity chain of the household: from survey design to policy and practice

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    Data collection and analysis and policy formulation all require a social unit to be defined, generally called the household. Multidisciplinary evidence shows that households as defined by survey practitioners often bear little resemblance to lived socio-economic units. This study examines how a shared language, the 'household', can generate misunderstandings because different groups with distinctive understandings of the term 'household' are often unaware that others may be using ‘household’ differently. Results from 4 interlinked and iterative methods are presented: review of household survey documentation (1950s-present); ethnographic ground-truthing fieldwork; in-depth key informant interviews; and modelling. Results show that whereas data collectors have a clear idea of what a `household` is, data users are often unaware of the nuances of the constraints imposed by data collection. This has implications for policy planning and practice. What interviewees consider when they think of their household can differ systematically from data collectors' definitions

    Na-O Anticorrelation And HB I. The Na-O anticorrelation in NGC 2808

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    We derived atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances of Fe, O and Na for about 120 red giant stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 2808. Our results are based on the analysis of medium-high resolution (R=22000-24000) GIRAFFE spectra acquired with the FLAMES spectrograph at VLT-UT2 as a part of a project aimed at studying the Na-O anticorrelation as a function of physical parameters in globular clusters. We present here the anticorrelation of Na and O abundances in NGC 2808, and we discuss the distribution function of stars along this relation. Besides a bulk of O-normal stars, with composition typical of field halo stars, NGC 2808 seems to host two other groups of O-poor and super O-poor stars. In this regard, NGC 2808 is similar to M 13, the template cluster for the Na-O anticorrelation. However, at variance with M 13, most stars in NGC 2808 are O-rich. This might be related to the horizontal branch morphologies which are very different in these two clusters. The average metallicity we found for NGC 2808 is [Fe/H]=-1.10 (rms=0.065 dex, from 123 stars). We also found some evidence of a small intrinsic spread in metallicity, but more definitive conclusions are hampered by the presence of a small differential reddening.Comment: 12 pages, 6 tables, 7 figures. Accepted for publication on A&

    When vicarious learning rewards the originating firm: Exploring the learning opportunities available to the licensor

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    Why should companies engage in licensing-out? While conventional wisdom mostly focuses on the financial and commercial benefits available to the licensor, this paper points to the learning opportunities entailed in licensing agreements. We develop an exploratory study built around a longitudinal cross-industry database of 558 licensing deals and we apply the vicarious learning framework to analyze the learning opportunities exploited by the licensor, as a result of engaging with a particular licensee in the first place. We investigate the licensor-licensee dyads on several dimensions, capturing their profiles and the different learning opportunities exploited; we also compare dyads that invert their role in a subsequent round to dyads that do not to understand whether there are difference in terms of learning patterns. Findings offer several insights consistent with a learning scenario, thus prompting further empirical research

    Il ruolo dell’autoefficacia sugli atteggiamenti dei docenti verso l’inclusione degli alunni con disabilità: un confronto tra insegnanti curricolari e insegnanti di sostegno

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    In educational contexts, teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion are considered crucial elements for the implementation of effective inclusive practices. Teachers’ self-efficacy is considered one of the most relevant factors underlying their intention to implement different teaching strategies for including all students, in particular students with disabilities and special educational needs. Although the literature indicates that teachers have positive attitudes towards inclusion, studies focusing on such attitudes show inconsistent finding on the role and correlation between the different factors that determine them. The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ attitude by taking into account, as determining factors, teachers’ role (curricular or support teacher) and self-efficacy, with further analysis on the relationship between the two factors. Results show significant differences on the role of these two factors in determining teachers’ attitudes.Nei contesti educativi, gli atteggiamenti dei docenti verso l’inclusione sono considerati elementi cruciali per l’implementazione di effettive pratiche inclusive. Il senso di autoefficacia degli insegnanti Ăš ritenuto uno dei fattori piĂč rilevanti alla base delle loro intenzioni di attuare diverse strategie didattiche per l’inclusione di tutti gli studenti, in particolare degli alunni con disabilitĂ  e bisogni educativi speciali. Sebbene la letteratura indichi che gli insegnanti hanno atteggiamenti positivi verso l’inclusione, gli studi incentrati su tali atteggiamenti mostrano risultati incoerenti rispetto al ruolo e alla correlazione tra i diversi fattori che li determinano. Lo scopo del presente studio Ăš quello di indagare gli atteggiamenti degli insegnanti prendendo in considerazione, come fattori determinanti, il ruolo ricoperto (insegnante curricolare o di sostegno) e l’autoefficacia, con un’ulteriore analisi sulla relazione che lega i due fattori. I risultati mostrano differenze significative rispetto al ruolo che hanno questi due fattori nel determinare gli atteggiamenti dei docenti

    Enhancement of 5-FU sensitivity by the proapoptotic rpL3 gene in p53 null colon cancer cells through combined polymer nanoparticles

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    Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death worldwide and the therapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is mainly limited due to resistance. Recently, we have demonstrated that nucleolar stress upon 5-FU treatment leads to the activation of ribosome-free rpL3 (L3) as proapoptotic factor. In this study, we analyzed L3 expression profile in colon cancer tissues and demonstrated that L3 mRNA amount decreased with malignant progression and the intensity of its expression was inversely related to tumor grade and Bcl-2/Bax ratio. With the aim to develop a combined therapy of 5-FU plus plasmid encoding L3 (pL3), we firstly assessed the potentiation of the cytotoxic effect of 5-FU on colon cancer cells by L3. Next, 10 ÎŒM 5-FU and 2 ÎŒg of pL3 were encapsulated in biocompatible nanoparticles (NPs) chemically conjugated with HA to achieve active tumor-targeting ability in CD44 overexpressing cancer cells. We showed the specific intracellular accumulation of NPs in cells and a sustained release for 5-FU and L3. Analysis of cytotoxicity and apoptotic induction potential of combined NPs clearly showed that the 5-FU plus L3 were more effective in inducing apoptosis than 5-FU or L3 alone. Furthermore, we show that the cancer-specific chemosensitizer effect of combined NPs may be dependent on L3 ability to affect 5-FU efflux by controlling P-gp (P-glycoprotein) expression. These results led us to propose a novel combined therapy with the use of 5-FU plus L3 in order to establish individualized therapy by examining L3 profiles in tumors to yield a better clinical outcomes

    The choreography of the chemical defensome response to insecticide stress: insights into the Anopheles stephensi transcriptome using RNA-Seq

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    Animals respond to chemical stress with an array of gene families and pathways termed "chemical defensome". In arthropods, despite many defensome genes have been detected, how their activation is arranged during toxic exposure remains poorly understood. Here, we sequenced the transcriptome of Anopheles stephensi larvae exposed for six, 24 and 48 hours to the LD50 dose of the insecticide permethrin to monitor transcriptional changes of defensome genes across time. A total of 177 genes involved in insecticide defense were differentially expressed (DE) in at least one time-point, including genes encoding for Phase 0, I, II, III and antioxidant enzymes and for Heat Shock and Cuticular Proteins. Three major patterns emerged throughout time. First, most of DE genes were down-regulated at all time-points, suggesting a reallocation of energetic resources during insecticide stress. Second, single genes and clusters of genes turn off and on from six to 48 hours of treatment, showing a modulated response across time. Third, the number of up-regulated genes peaked at six hours and then decreased during exposure. Our results give a first picture of how defensome gene families respond against toxicants and provide a valuable resource for understanding how defensome genes work together during insecticide stress

    Sulfur and fluorine degassing from Deccan Traps lavas inferred from pyroxene chemistry: potential for end-Cretaceous volcanic winters

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    The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction was a pivotal event in Earth's history and is attributed to the interplay of two major events—the Deccan Traps volcanism and the Chicxulub asteroid impact. We contribute to refine of our understanding of the volcanic stressor for this extinction by investigating the sulfur and fluorine budgets of Deccan lavas from the Western Ghats (India), spanning the K-Pg boundary. Sulfur and fluorine concentrations were analyzed in clinopyroxene phenocrysts from Deccan Traps lavas, by Synchrotron-light X-ray fluorescence (beamline I18, Diamond Light Source, U.K.), and ion probe (CAMECA IMS 1280 at Nordsim Laboratory, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, SE), respectively. The results were divided by experimentally determined partition coefficients to calculate melt concentrations. Our analyses reveal variable magmatic volcanic fluorine concentrations ranging from 400 to 3000 parts per million, suggesting the potential for regional environmental impact. The highest sulfur concentrations, reaching up to 1800 parts per million, are observed in Deccan lavas emplaced just prior to the extinction interval, within a timeframe of 0.1 million years. In contrast, later basalts generally exhibit lower sulfur concentrations, only up to 750 parts per million. Independent evidence supports that eruption of the Deccan flood basalts occurred in multiple voluminous eruptive pulses each lasting on the order of centuries, as typical of continental flood basalts. Our findings propose that the volcanic sulfur degassing associated with such activity may have led to repeated, short-lived global temperature drops, too short to be recorded by global paleotemperature record, albeit coupled with a global cooling trend. Sulfur-induced cold snaps likely imposed stress on ecosystems long before the decisive impact of the Chicxulub bolide at the end of the Cretaceous

    Cytokine-Induced Killer (CIK) Cells, In Vitro Expanded under Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) Conditions, Remain Stable over Time after Cryopreservation

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    Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells are advanced therapy medicinal products, so their production and freezing process has to be validated before their clinical use, to verify their stability as a drug formulation according to the good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines. We designed a stability program for our GMP-manufactured CIK cells, evaluating the viability, identity and potency of cryopreserved CIK cells at varying time periods from freezing, and compared them with fresh CIK cells. We evaluated the effects of the cryopreservation method, transportation, and the length of time of different process phases (pre-freezing, freezing and post-thawing) on the stability of CIK cells. This included a worst case for each stage. The expanded CIK cells were viable for up to 30 min from the addition of the freezing solution, when transported on dry ice within 48 h once frozen, within 60 min from thawing and from 12 months of freezing while preserving their cytotoxic effects. The reference samples, cryopreserved simultaneously in tubes and following the same method, were considered representative of the batch and useful in the case of further analysis. Data obtained from this drug stability program can inform the accurate use of CIK cells in clinical settings
