831 research outputs found
Inclusive mobility solution for visually impaired people using Google Cloud Vision
Mobility in cities is of particular and growing importance nowadays due to the demographic increase and the existence of people with reduced mobility, as is the case of visually impaired people. Of the various situations where mobility represents a challenge, obtaining the notion of positioning, at times when the person loses track of where he is and becomes disoriented, can be extremely useful and a way to contribute to greater autonomy for this segment of people. This paper proposes a visual positioning system using the Google Cloud Vision API. The architecture includes a mobile application that captures an image via the mobile phone and sends it to a backend server that makes use of Google Cloud Vision to recognize the image, which may consist of text, logos or landmarks. In a first phase, the solution was evaluated individually and, in a second phase, on a route chosen in the city of Braga, in Portugal. Logo recognition achieved an accuracy of 98% and proved to be sensitive to image resolution. The frontal text recognition obtained an accuracy of 100% while the lateral recognition and at a 3 meters distance
obtained lower values, with worse results in images with more text and of reduced dimensions. Landmark recognition always returned the correct result, although the average accuracy is 82%. The processing time was around 3 seconds in tests done with Wi-Fi network and about 2 seconds in field tests made with mobile network. The obtained results prove the adequacy of using this solution to be adapted in a real scenario.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/
Delayed early life effects in the threespine stickleback
Early life conditions can have a decisive influence on viability later in life. However, the influence of embryo density within a nest or body cavity on subsequent viability has received little attention within an ecological setting. This is surprising given that embryos often compete for limited resources, such as nutrients and oxygen, and this could influence their viability later in life through carry-over and compensatory effects. We show that the density of fertilized eggs within the nests of threespine stickleback males (Gasterosteus aculeatus) influences their viability after hatching. Embryos from larger broods hatch earlier and at a smaller size than those from smaller broods, which reduces their survival until the age of four weeks. This indicates a trade-off between the number and viability of offspring that males can raise to the hatching stage, which could explain the high incidence of partial egg cannibalism in nest-brooding fishes-as a strategy to improve the survival of remaining offspring. These results highlight the importance of considering conditions at the embryonic stage when evaluating the impact of early life conditions on viability and the adaptive value of reproductive decisions.Peer reviewe
Assessing Cu impacts on freshwater diatoms: biochemical and metabolomic responses of Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kutzing
Metals are a recognised threat to aquatic organisms but the impact of metals such as copper (Cu) on benthic freshwater diatoms is poorly understood, even if diatoms are commonly used as water quality indicators. Our study aimed to elucidate the cellular targets of Cu toxicity and the mechanisms cells resort to counteract toxicity and to increase tolerance to Cu. A concerted approach analysing the biochemical, physiological and metabolome alterations in diatom cells was conducted by exposing the freshwater diatom Tabellaria flocattosa to 0, 0.3, 6 and 10 mu g Cu/L. Cu was already toxic to T. flocculosa at concentrations common in environments and which are not usually considered to be contaminated (0.3 mu g Cu/L). Under Cu impact, the metabolome of T. flocculosa changed significantly, especially at high concentrations (6 and 10 mu g Cu/L). Cu toxicity was counteracted by increasing extracellular immobilization (EPS, frustulins), antioxidant (SOD, CAT) and detoxifying (GSTs) enzymes activity and low molecular weight antioxidants (GSH). These mechanisms were fuelled by higher energy production (increased ETS activity). At the highest Cu concentration (10 mu g/L), these processes were specially enhanced in an attempt to restrain the oxidative stress generated by high intracellular Cu concentrations. However, these mechanisms were not able to fully protect cells, and damage in membranes and proteins increased. Moreover, the decrease of hydroxylamine and unsaturated fatty acids and the increase of saturated fatty acids, 2-palmiloylglycerol, glycerol and diterpenoid compounds should be tested as new specific markers of Cu toxicity in future studies. This information can support the prediction of diatom behaviour in different Cu contamination levels, including highly impacted environments, such as mining scenarios, and may assist in environmental risk assessment policies and restoration programs. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Cytoplasmic Redox Imbalance in the Thioredoxin System Activates Hsf1 and Results in Hyperaccumulation of the Sequestrase Hsp42 With Misfolded Proteins
Cells employ multiple systems to maintain homeostasis when experiencing environmental stress. For example, the folding of nascent polypeptides is exquisitely sensitive to proteotoxic stressors including heat, pH, and oxidative stress, and is safeguarded by a network of protein chaperones that concentrate potentially toxic misfolded proteins into transient assemblies to promote folding or degradation. The redox environment itself is buffered by both cytosolic and organellar thioredoxin and glutathione pathways. How these systems are linked is poorly understood. Here, we determine that specific disruption of the cytosolic thioredoxin system resulted in constitutive activation of the heat shock response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and accumulation of the sequestrase Hsp42 into an exaggerated and persistent juxtanuclear quality control (JUNQ) compartment. Terminally misfolded proteins also accumulated in this compartment in thioredoxin reductase (TRR1)-deficient cells, despite apparently normal formation and dissolution of transient cytoplasmic quality control (CytoQ) bodies during heat shock. Notably, cells lacking TRR1 and HSP42 exhibited severe synthetic slow growth exacerbated by oxidative stress, signifying a critical role for Hsp42 under redox-challenged conditions. Finally, we demonstrated that Hsp42 localization patterns in trr1∆ cells mimic those observed in chronically aging and glucose-starved cells, linking nutrient depletion and redox imbalance with management of misfolded proteins via a process of long-term sequestration
Detection of Simonsiellaspp. in the vagina of lions and leopard in oestrus
Reports of the vaginal flora of wild cats such as lions or leopards are scarce. The micro‐organisms most commonly found in the vagina of clinically healthy cats are aerobic bacteria such as coagulase‐negative Staphylococcus, Streptococcus canis, and Escherichia coli. Simonsiellaspp are large Gram‐negative bacteria belonging to the Neisseriaceae family, typically found in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract of many species. To date, there are no reports of the detection of Simonsiella spp in the vaginal flora of any felid. For a period of six months, daily behaviour monitoring was performed on six captive lionesses at a South African conservation centre, in parallel with the collection of vaginal swabs and interpretation of the resultant vaginal cytologies every other day. Oestrus was identified by typical female reproductive behaviours, as well as by enlarged and separated vulvar lips, and a predominant proportion of superficial cornified cells, clearing of the background, and high bacterial presence in the vaginal smear. Simonsiellaspp were identified by their characteristic morphology in 58% (60 of 103) of the vaginal samples collected during oestrus. They were also found in oral swabs of three out of three lions tested. Additionally, Simonsiellaspp were opportunistically found in a vaginal smear from a zoo housed female Sri Lankan leopard in oestrus, during a routine reproduction assessment. The finding of Simonsiella spp may be more common than previously suspected, transitory, and without detectable clinical relevance. A connection between occurrence of these bacteria and oestrus was apparent.The South African National Research Foundationhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1439-05312019-12-01hj2018Anatomy and PhysiologyMammal Research Institut
Decreased levels of stem cell factor in subjects with incident coronary events.
It has been proposed that vascular progenitor cells play an important role in vascular repair, but their possible clinical importance in cardiovascular disease has not been fully characterized. Vascular endothelial growth factor A, placental growth factor and stem cell factor (SCF) are three growth factors that are important in recruiting vascular progenitor cells. In this study, we investigated the association between the plasma levels of these growth factors and incident coronary events (CEs)
Grid impact and power quality assessment of wave energy parks: Different layouts and power penetrations using energy storage
Power fluctuations induced by wave energy converters (WECs) may reflect negative impact on the power quality of the power grid. Assessing their impact is an important step to ensure the grid compliance level of the energy park. The IEC 61000-4-15 standard classifies the allowable disturbances in the grid. This study analysed and assessed the grid impact in terms of flicker, harmonic distortion and voltage variations. The assessments were performed without energy storage and compared when using the energy storage. A single WEC is emulated as an irregular power output of a real WEC using a combined model of power take-off in the Simulink model. Time series based on data obtained in earlier offshore experiments, conducted at the Lysekil research site in Sweden, is used to emulate a wave energy park (WEP) power in a land-based test rig in real-time power hardware-in-the-loop simulations. A total of three and ten WECs are emulated by introducing a time delay in the time series to investigate the grid impact in each layout. Flicker emissions, voltage variations, individual and total harmonics of the voltage at the connection point in each layout are studied and compared with the limits to be grid compliant for layouts of the WEP. In addition, voltage and current harmonics for the single WEC and individual harmonics in each phase of the voltage are measured and analysed to assess the compliance level of the WEP
Towards the construction of an educational model for dual career parenting:the EMPATIA project
The European Union supports innovative transnational cooperation and practices between Member States on relevant issues in the field of sports, including a balanced combination of higher education and sporting careers of talented and elite athletes (dual career). Ten European academic and sport institutions aimed to construct an educational programme for parents supporting the dual career of their elite athletes. The innovative methodological approach to the co-construction of a parent education based on evidence and eminence of the actual needs of parents in relation to the age, sex, sport typology, competition and academic levels of student-athletes is described. Finally, the potentially far-reaching effects of digital technologies on adult learning and the innovative aspects of a multi-lingual and demand-driven dual career parenting education are envisaged.</p
Bullying in Ticino’s healthcare contexts: Impact on employee’s well being and organization
INTRODUCTION: Bullying in health care setting has a globally prevalence between 1% and 87% and it’s in constant increase described by ”WHO” as: “Bullying is a major public health problem”. It is defined as a repeated ill-treatment, harmful for the health of one or more individuals by one or more people. There are different types of behaviours and they vary from verbal abuse, offensive conduct, humiliating and intimidating attitudes. Those attitudes won’t help you doing your job. Different are the outcomes that those actions have on victims: anxiety, sleep disturbances, generalized pain and reduced attention. The objective of the study was to investigate the presence of the phenomenon within the Ticino (Swiss Canton) on healthcare contexts and to explain its experiences.
METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted on a sample of healthcare professionals who are active in the Ticino (Switzerland) healthcare context through 18 semi-structured interviews and their thematic analysis.
RESULTS: The results that emerged shows how the problem is also relevant in Ticino`s healthcare contexts, sometimes with different modalities and outcomes, moreover, experiencing these situations during one's working career leads to re-proposing such behaviours, as it is considered a rite of passage.
What emerges in a predominant way is the lack of programs or structures aimed to prevent and support the victim and the perpetrator.
CONCLUSION: It has emerged that the presence of bullying in Ticino healthcare’s sector is relevant and it has a negative impact on the bullied care staff and on the outcome of quality care to patients. INTRODUZIONE: Il bullismo nel settore sanitario ha una prevalenza, a livello mondiale, che varia dal 1% al 87%, ed è in continuo aumento, descritto dalla WHO come un “grave problema di salute pubblica”.
Viene definito come ripetuti maltrattamenti dannosi per la salute di uno o più individui da parte di una a più persone. Diverse sono le tipologie di comportamenti e variano da abusi verbali, condotte offensive, atteggiamenti umilianti e intimidatori che impediscono di svolgere il proprio lavoro. Come diversi sono gli esiti che tali azioni hanno sulle vittime: ansia, disturbi del sonno, dolori generalizzati e ridotta attenzione.
L’obiettivo dello studio è stato indagare la presenza del fenomeno all’interno dei contesti sanitari ticinesi ed esplicitarne i vissuti.
METODI: È stato condotto uno studio di tipo qualitativo ad un campione di professionisti attivi nel contesto sanitario ticinese (Svizzera) attraverso 18 interviste semi-strutturate e l’analisi tematica delle stesse.
RISULTATI: I risultati emersi evidenziano che la problematica è presente anche nei contesti sanitari ticinesi con modalità ed esiti talvolta differenti, inoltre che sperimentare queste situazioni durante la propria carriera lavorativa porta a riproporre tali comportamenti, in quanto ritenuto un rito di passaggio.
Ciò che è emerge in maniera preponderante è la mancanza di programmi o strutture volte alla prevenzione e al sostengo sia della vittima che del carnefice.
CONCLUSIONE: Le esperienze emerse hanno confermato la presenza del bullismo nel settore sanitario ticinese e come le conseguenze abbiano un impatto negativo sia sul personale curante bullizzato sia sulla qualità delle cure erogate ai pazienti.
Teletrabalho na Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e a inovação na anuência de importação de produtos para saúde
Introduction: The insertion of teleworking for the import process of medical devices, brought innovation to all actors involved in this process. The improvement in the quality of life of the patients, added to the centralized monitoring of the processes, were points sought by the management. Method: We used the trimesters from 03/01/2018 to 08/31/2018, when the harmonizations and operational procedures were already in force at the Virtual Post. We made a comparative analysis based on parameters inherent to the flow of importation of health products, such as: deadline of the analysis of the importation process and qualification of the reasons of non-compliance in the importation processes (product irregularity or procedural instruction error) to show the main results achieved in telecommuting. Objective: The purpose of this report is to show the main results achieved in teleworking, from 01/03/2018 to 08/31/2018, through the evaluation of indicators of the analysis period and the quality of the instruction of the import processes. Results: The centralization of the consenting parties in teleworking sought as a result harmonizing the consent procedures as well as guaranteeing to those involved the predictability of the analysis of the import processes; a productivity increase that was beneficial to Anvisa’s efficiency was also sought. As a result, predictability was the most representative. The centralization of the processes in a virtual post, managed by a leader, has brought significant results regarding the harmonization and the possibility of data extraction. Conclusions: The extremely positive results of the survey brought other issues; it was verified that the constant improvement in the process is necessary. It is also necessary to formalize the import as an effective control of pre-market, using these data to guide sectoral policies.Introdução: A inserção do teletrabalho para os anuentes de processos de importação de produtos para saúde trouxe inovação a todos os envolvidos na importação. A melhoria na qualidade de vida dos anuentes somada ao acompanhamento centralizado dos processos foram pontos almejados pela gestão. Método: Utilizou-se o corte temporal de 1o de março a 31 de agosto de 2018 trimestre no qual as harmonizações e procedimentos operacionais já estavam vigentes no Posto Virtual. Assim, procedemos a análise comparativa baseada em parâmetros inerentes ao fluxo de importação de produtos para saúde, como: prazo de análise do processo de importação e qualificação das motivações de não anuência nos processos de importação (irregularidade de produtos ou erro de instrução processual) para mostrar os principais resultados alcançados no teletrabalho. Objetivo: Mostrar os principais resultados alcançados no teletrabalho, no período de 1o de março a 31 de agosto de 2018, por meio da avaliação de indicadores de prazo de análise e de qualidade da instrução dos processos de importação. Resultados: A centralização dos anuentes no teletrabalho buscava como resultados a harmonização dos procedimentos de anuência bem como garantir aos envolvidos a previsibilidade da análise dos processos de importação, além do incremento de produtividade benéfica à eficiência da Anvisa. Como resultado, a previsibilidade foi a mais representativa. A centralização dos processos em um posto virtual, gerenciado por um líder, trouxe resultados significativos quanto à harmonização e a possibilidade de extração de dados. Conclusões: Os resultados extremamente positivos do levantamento trouxeram outras questões e foi verificado que a melhoria constante no processo é necessária. Há de se propiciar a formalização da importação como um controle efetivo de pré-mercado, utilizando-se destes dados para direcionar políticas setoriais
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