1,058 research outputs found

    Ileovesicostomy Update: Changes for the 21st Century

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    Objectives. To review the literature regarding ileovesicostomy and evaluate our patient population for clinical characteristics. Methods. Various surgical reconstructive techniques allow management of difficult clinical scenarios involving patients with neurogenic bladder, irretraceable lower urinary tract symptoms, lower urinary tract disaster, and urethrocutaneous fistulae. One such reconstructive technique employed is the ileovesicostomy. This procedure provides patients with a low-pressure urinary conduit utilizing the ileum and native bladder that empties without catheterization. We describe our patient population who underwent ileovesicostomy for 5 consecutive years ending 2007 at Detroit Receiving Hospital. Results. Most common diagnosis was neurogenic bladder secondary to spinal cord injury. Our population and clinical outcomes are similar to those previously reported in the literature. Conclusions. Based on our experience, we suggest that patients with severe lower urinary tract symptoms and who are unable to perform clean intermittent catheterization and/or refractory to medical therapy ileovesicostomy should be the procedure of choice

    Treatment of Adult-Acquired Buried Penis

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    Upgrades of beam diagnostics in support of emittance-exchange experiments at the Fermilab A0 photoinjector

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    The possibility of using electron beam phase space manipulations to support a free-electron laser accelerator design optimization has motivated our research. An on-going program demonstrating the exchange of transverse horizontal and longitudinal emittances at the Fermilab A0 photoinjector has benefited recently from the upgrade of several of the key diagnostics stations. Accurate measurements of these properties upstream and downstream of the exchanger beamline are needed. Improvements in the screen resolution term and reduced impact of the optical system's depth-of-focus by using YAG:Ce single crystals normal to the beam direction will be described. The requirement to measure small energy spreads (<10 keV) in the spectrometer and the exchange process which resulted in bunch lengths less than 500 fs led to other diagnostics performance adjustments and upgrades as well. A longitudinal to transverse exchange example is also reported.Comment: 16 p

    Sobre uma coluna vertebral de um titanossaurĂ­deo (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) do grupo Bauru, NeocretĂĄceo do Brasil

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    A new titanosaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous continental deposits of the Bauru Group is described. Trigonosaurus pricei n.gen., n.sp., is based on two specimens, both collected at the Caieira Quarry near Peirópolis, Minas Gerais. The holotype consists of the five most posterior cervical vertebrae, 10 dorsals, six sacrals and the left ilium (MCT 1488-R). The second specimen (paratype) consists of 10 caudal vertebrae that according to a quarry map, were found isolated but show a similar morphology and compatible size suggesting that they belonged to one individual (MCT 1719-R). Trigonosaurus pricei is diagnosed by a combination of characters such as elongated cervicals and middorsals, dorsal vertebrae 9 and 10 with incipient postzygodiapophyseal lamina and transverse processes well developed throughout the sequence formed by anterior and medial caudals. The occurrence of this new taxon indicates a higher diversity of titanosaurids in the Brazil during the Cretaceous period.Um novo titanossaurídeo procedente dos depósitos continentais do grupo Bauru (Neocretáceo) é descrito. Trigonosaurus pricei n.gen., n.sp. é baseado em dois exemplares coletados na localidade Caieira na região de Peirópolis, Minas Gerais. O holótipo é composto das últimas cinco vértebras cervicais, 10 vértebras dorsais, seis sacrais e o ílio esquerdo (MCT 1488-R). O segundo exemplar (parátipo) é formado por 10 vértebras caudais que, de acordo com um mapa da escavação, foram encontradas isoladas, mas apresentam o mesmo padrão morfológico e um tamanho compatível, sendo, deste modo, consideradas como pertencentes a um mesmo indivíduo (MCT 1719-R). Trigonosaurus pricei é diagnosticado por uma combinação de caracteres tais como vértebras cervicais e dorsais médias alongadas, vértebras dorsais 9 e 10 com uma incipiente lâmina diapopós-zigapofisiária e processos transversos bem desenvolvidos por toda seqüência anterior e média da série caudal. A ocorrência deste novo táxon demonstra a existência de uma maior diversidade de titanosaurídeos no Brasil durante o período Cretáceo

    Education and articulation: Laclau and Mouffe’s radical democracy in school

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    This paper outlines a theory of radical democratic education by addressing a key concept in Laclau and Mouffe’s Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: articulation. Through their concept of articulation, Laclau and Mouffe attempt to liberate Gramsci’s theory of hegemony from Marxist economism, and adapt it to a political sphere inhabited by a plurality of struggles and agents none of which is predominant. However, while for Gramsci the political process of hegemony formation has an explicit educational dimension, Laclau and Mouffe ignore this dimension altogether. My discussion starts with elaborating the concept of articulation and analysing it in terms of three dimensions: performance, connection and transformation. I then address the role of education in Gramsci’s politics, in which the figure of the intellectual is central, and argue that radical democratic education requires renouncing that figure. In the final section, I offer a theory of such education, in which both teacher and students articulate their political differences and identities

    Nanoparticle-Delivered Multimeric Soluble CD40L DNA Combined with Toll-Like Receptor Agonists as a Treatment for Melanoma

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    Stimulation of CD40 or Toll-Like Receptors (TLR) has potential for tumor immunotherapy. Combinations of CD40 and TLR stimulation can be synergistic, resulting in even stronger dendritic cell (DC) and CD8+ T cell responses. To evaluate such combinations, established B16F10 melanoma tumors were injected every other day X 5 with plasmid DNA encoding a multimeric, soluble form of CD40L (pSP-D-CD40L) either alone or combined with an agonist for TLR1/2 (Pam3CSK4 ), TLR2/6 (FSL-1 and MALP2), TLR3 (polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid, poly(I:C)), TLR4 ( monophosphoryl lipid A, MPL), TLR7 (imiquimod), or TLR9 (Class B CpG phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide, CpG). When used by itself, pSP-D-CD40L slowed tumor growth and prolonged survival, but did not lead to cure. Of the TLR agonists, CpG and poly(I:C) also slowed tumor growth, and the combination of these two TLR agonists was more effective than either agent alone. The triple combination of intratumoral pSP-D-CD40L + CpG + poly(I:C) markedly slowed tumor growth and prolonged survival. This treatment was associated with a reduction in intratumoral CD11c+ dendritic cells and an influx of CD8+ T cells. Since intratumoral injection of plasmid DNA does not lead to efficient transgene expression, pSP-D-CD40L was also tested with cationic polymers that form DNA-containing nanoparticles which lead to enhanced intratumoral gene expression. Intratumoral injections of pSP-D-CD40L-containing nanoparticles formed from polyethylenimine (PEI) or C32 (a novel biodegradable poly(B-amino esters) polymer) in combination with CpG + poly(I:C) had dramatic antitumor effects and frequently cured mice of B16F10 tumors. These data confirm and extend previous reports that CD40 and TLR agonists are synergistic and demonstrate that this combination of immunostimulants can significantly suppress tumor growth in mice. In addition, the enhanced effectiveness of nanoparticle formulations of DNA encoding immunostimulatory molecules such as multimeric, soluble CD40L supports the further study of this technology for tumor immunotherapy

    Semantic Segmentation of Histopathological Slides for the Classification of Cutaneous Lymphoma and Eczema

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    Mycosis fungoides (MF) is a rare, potentially life threatening skin disease, which in early stages clinically and histologically strongly resembles Eczema, a very common and benign skin condition. In order to increase the survival rate, one needs to provide the appropriate treatment early on. To this end, one crucial step for specialists is the evaluation of histopathological slides (glass slides), or Whole Slide Images (WSI), of the patients' skin tissue. We introduce a deep learning aided diagnostics tool that brings a two-fold value to the decision process of pathologists. First, our algorithm accurately segments WSI into regions that are relevant for an accurate diagnosis, achieving a Mean-IoU of 69% and a Matthews Correlation score of 83% on a novel dataset. Additionally, we also show that our model is competitive with the state of the art on a reference dataset. Second, using the segmentation map and the original image, we are able to predict if a patient has MF or Eczema. We created two models that can be applied in different stages of the diagnostic pipeline, potentially eliminating life-threatening mistakes. The classification outcome is considerably more interpretable than using only the WSI as the input, since it is also based on the segmentation map. Our segmentation model, which we call EU-Net, extends a classical U-Net with an EfficientNet-B7 encoder which was pre-trained on the Imagenet dataset.Comment: Submitted to https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-52791-4_
