39 research outputs found

    Statistical Description for Assumption-free Single-shot Measurement of Femtosecond Laser Pulse Parameters via Two-photon-induced Photocurrents

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    Through examining the product of the mathematical variance of intensity with respect to time and frequency, we arrive at a temporal characterization of laser pulses through parameters for pulse duration, group delay dispersion and temporal form. These statistics, which are sufficient to predict subsequent pulse behavior, are recoverable in a simple experiment, measuring the two-photon-induced photocurrents in three nonlinear diodes. With only two photodiodes, we demonstrate that pulse durations as low as several tens of femtoseconds can be easily measured in a single shot if the usual assumptions of pulse form and dispersion are made as in the more difficult autocorrelation setup

    Production, by co-grinding in a media mill, of porous biodegradable polylactic acid-apatite composite materials for bone tissue engineering

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    This paper presents the results of a study of the production of porous biodegradable composite materials by co-grinding, followed by scaffolding. Dry powders of polylactic acid and nanocrystalline carbonated apatite, analogous to bone mineral were co-ground in a tumbling ball mill in order to disperse the mineral filler within the polymer. Porous scaffolds were then made by hot moulding the mixture of the two components along with a pore-forming agent which was subsequently eliminated by washing. The mechanical resistance of the scaffolds was evaluated in order to determine the best operating conditions to produce implants offering optimised properties for use as bone substitutes. It was shown that 30 wt.% of filler and 70 wt.% of pore-forming agent produce scaffolds which are sufficiently porous and resistan

    Novel contributions on luminescent apatite-based colloids intended for medical imaging

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    The setup of colloidal hybrid nanosystems based on biomimetic calcium phosphate apatites doped with europium ions has recently raised great interest in the pharmacological community, especially due to their bio-inspired character. This is especially relevant in relation with medical imaging for cancer diagnosis. Questions however remain in relation to a number of applicability aspects, some of which have been examined in this contribution. In a first part of this work, we explored further the luminescence properties of such colloidal nanoparticles. We pointed out, upon excitation of europium, the existence of some non-radiative de-excitation via the vibration of O-H oscillators located at the vicinity of the Eu3þ luminescent centers. The replacement of Eu3þ by Tb3þ ions, less prone to non-radiative de-excitation, was then tested in a preliminary way and can be seen as a promising alternative. In a second part of this work, we inspected the possibility to store these colloids in a dry state while retaining a re-suspension ability preserving the nanometer size of the initial nanoparticles, and we propose a functional protocol involving the addition of glucose prior to freeze-drying. We finally showed for the first time, based on titrations of intracellular Ca2þ and Eu3þ ions, that folic acid-functionalized biomimetic apatite nanoparticles were able to target cancer cells that overexpress folate receptors on their membrane, which we point out here in the case of T-47-D breast carcinoma cells, as opposed to ZR-75-1 cells that do not express folate receptors. This contribution thus opens new exciting perspectives in the field of targeted cancer diagnosis, thus confirming the promise of biomimetic apatites-based colloidal formulations

    Biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites: Emerging perspectives in cancer diagnosis and treatment

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    Nanocrystalline calcium phosphate apatites constitute the mineral part of hard tissues, and the synthesis of biomimetic analogs is now wellmastered at the labscale. Recent advances in the fine physicochemical characterization of these phases enable one to envision original applications in the medical field along with a better understanding of the underlying chemistry and related pharmacological features. In this contribution, we specifically focused on applications of biomimetic apatites in the field of cancer diagnosis or treatment. We first report on the production and first biological evaluations (cytotoxicity, proinflammatory potential, internalization by ZR751 breast cancer cells) of individualized luminescent nanoparticles based on Eudoped apatites, eventually associated with folic acid, for medical imaging purposes. We then detail, in a first approach, the preparation of tridimensional constructs associating nanocrystalline apatite aqueous gels and drugloaded pectin microspheres. Sustained releases of a fluorescein analog (erythrosin) used as model molecule were obtained over 7 days, in comparison with the ceramic or microsphere reference compounds. Such systems could constitute original bonefilling materials for in situ delivery of anticancer drug

    Production par co-broyage de matériaux composites poreux biodégradables à usage orthopédique

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    L’article présente les résultats d’une étude sur la production de matériaux composites poreux biodégradables par co-broyage suivi d’une mise en forme. De l’acide polylactique et une apatite nanocristalline carbonatée analogue au minéral osseux, sous forme de poudres, ont été cobroyés dans un broyeur à boulets afin de disperser la charge minérale dans le polymère. Des implants poreux ont ensuite été réalisés en moulant à chaud le mélange des deux constituants et un agent porogène qui a ensuite été éliminé par lessivage. La résistance mécanique des implants a enfin été caractérisée. Il a été montré que des pourcentages de 30 % de charge et 70 % d’agent porogène permettent de produire des implants suffisamment poreux et résistants

    Biomimetic Apatite-Based Functional Nanoparticles as Promising Newcomers in Nanomedicine: Overview of 10 Years of Initiatory Research

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    Biomimetic calcium phosphate apatites, analogous to bone mineral, may now be produced synthetically. Their intrinsic biocompatibility and the nanometer dimensions of their constitutive crystals not only allow one to envision applications in bone tissue regeneration, but also in other medical fields such as nanomedicine, and in particular in view of cell diagnosis. In this mini-review, we look back at 10 years of our dedicated research, and summarize the main advances made in terms of preparation, physical-chemical characterizations and biological evaluations of colloidal formulations of biomimetic apatite-based nanoparticles, which we illustrate here with the angle of cancer diagnosis. The confirmed exceptional biocompatibility of these engineered nanoparticles, associated to the possibility to confer them luminescence properties by way of controlled lanthanide doping, and their capacity to be internalized by cells, including with cancer cell addressing abilities (shown here as a proof of concept), underline that biomimetic apatite-based colloidal nanoparticles are particularly promising for nanomedicine applications, for example related to diseased cells diagnosis. Multidisciplinary research on these functional nanoparticles, initiated as described here, has now generated emulation in the scientific community where the concept of apatite nanoparticles for nanomedicine is being, gratifyingly, appropriated

    Optical components nonlinear characterization of a high power laser line

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    Ce travail porte sur la réalisation de prototypes de mesure des propriétés optiques non linéaires de verres dans le proche infrarouge et dans le visible. Les montages réalisés sont des expériences pompe sonde colinéaires résolues en temps dans lesquelles la susceptibilité non linéaire est déduite des variations de l'intensité du faisceau sonde induites par un couplage entre les faisceaux pompe et sonde dans le matériau. La sensibilité de ces expériences ont permis entre autre d'observer des variations inattendues, supérieures à 30%, des indices non linéaires de différentes silice fondue, d'analyser les origines de la non linéarité de verres d'oxydes prometteurs pour les applications tout optique et de comprendre et mesurer les processus non linéaire dans les diodes dites « à deux photons ». Enfin, une architecture originale pour la mesure d'indice non linéaire en configuration non dégénérée par une approche de mesure de phase de l'impulsion sonde à l'aide d'un interféromètre de Sagnac est proposée et analysée.This work concerns the realisation of non linear properties measurement prototypes in glasses in the near infrared and in the visible range. The various devices are time resolved collinear pump probe experiments in which the non linear susceptibility is deduced by the probe beam intensity variations induced by the pump probe coupled in the material. The sensitivity of these experiments allows us to observe unexpected variations, greater than 30%, of several fused silica non linear indexes. As well, this allow us to analyse the origin of the promising oxide glasses non linearity for all optical applications and to understand and measure non linear processes in the two photons photodiodes. Finally, an original structure for the non linear index measurement in non degenerated configuration by a probe pulse phase measurement approach with a Sagnac interferometer is demonstrated and analysed

    Caractérisation non linéaire de composants optiques d'une chaîne laser de forte puissance

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    Jean Michel NUNZI, Professeur, Université d'Angers, Rapporteur Christian SAUTERET, Directeur Technique, LULI (Ecole polytechnique) , Rapporteur Gilles LE FLEM ,Directeur de Recherche, Université de Bordeaux I, Président Claude ROUYER, Ingénieur de Recherche, (CEA/CESTA) Bruno LE GARREC ,Assistant Scientifique, (CEA/CESTA) Kathleen RICHARDSON,Professeur, (University of Central Florida)This work concerns the realisation of non linear properties measurement prototypes in glasses in the near infrared and in the visible range. The various devices are time resolved collinear pump probe experiments in which the non linear susceptibility is deduced by the probe beam intensity variations induced by the pump probe coupled in the material. The sensitivity of these experiments allows us to observe unexpected variations, greater than 30%, of several fused silica non linear indexes. As well, this allow us to analyse the origin of the promising oxide glasses non linearity for all optical applications and to understand and measure non linear processes in the two photons photodiodes. Finally, an original structure for the non linear index measurement in non degenerated configuration by a probe pulse phase measurement approach with a Sagnac interferometer is demonstrated and analysed.Ce travail porte sur la réalisation de prototypes de mesure des propriétés optiques non linéaires de verres dans le proche infrarouge et dans le visible. Les montages réalisés sont des expériences pompe sonde colinéaires résolues en temps dans lesquelles la susceptibilité non linéaire est déduite des variations de l'intensité du faisceau sonde induites par un couplage entre les faisceaux pompe et sonde dans le matériau. La sensibilité de ces expériences ont permis entre autre d'observer des variations inattendues, supérieures à 30%, des indices non linéaires de différentes silice fondue, d'analyser les origines de la non linéarité de verres d'oxydes prometteurs pour les applications tout optique et de comprendre et mesurer les processus non linéaire dans les diodes dites « à deux photons ». Enfin, une architecture originale pour la mesure d'indice non linéaire en configuration non dégénérée par une approche de mesure de phase de l'impulsion sonde à l'aide d'un interféromètre de Sagnac est proposée et analysée

    Optical components nonlinear characterization of a high power laser line

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    Ce travail porte sur la réalisation de prototypes de mesure des propriétés optiques non linéaires de verres dans le proche infrarouge et dans le visible. Les montages réalisés sont des expériences pompe sonde colinéaires résolues en temps dans lesquelles la susceptibilité non linéaire est déduite des variations de l'intensité du faisceau sonde induites par un couplage entre les faisceaux pompe et sonde dans le matériau. La sensibilité de ces expériences ont permis entre autre d'observer des variations inattendues, supérieures à 30%, des indices non linéaires de différentes silice fondue, d'analyser les origines de la non linéarité de verres d'oxydes prometteurs pour les applications tout optique et de comprendre et mesurer les processus non linéaire dans les diodes dites « à deux photons ». Enfin, une architecture originale pour la mesure d'indice non linéaire en configuration non dégénérée par une approche de mesure de phase de l'impulsion sonde à l'aide d'un interféromètre de Sagnac est proposée et analysée.This work concerns the realisation of non linear properties measurement prototypes in glasses in the near infrared and in the visible range. The various devices are time resolved collinear pump probe experiments in which the non linear susceptibility is deduced by the probe beam intensity variations induced by the pump probe coupled in the material. The sensitivity of these experiments allows us to observe unexpected variations, greater than 30%, of several fused silica non linear indexes. As well, this allow us to analyse the origin of the promising oxide glasses non linearity for all optical applications and to understand and measure non linear processes in the two photons photodiodes. Finally, an original structure for the non linear index measurement in non degenerated configuration by a probe pulse phase measurement approach with a Sagnac interferometer is demonstrated and analysed