142 research outputs found

    Implikasi Pemekaran Daerah Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung Pasca Reformasi

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    Abstract: This article discusses implication of regional expansion of with the creation of Pesawaran Regency, the Province of Lampung, which was legally created based on the Law No. 33/2007 and officially promulgated on 2nd of November 2007. Before becoming a separate regency, Pesawaran was part of South Lampung Regency. There are both positive and negative implications of this expansion. Among positive implications are more effective control, available positions in bureaucracy for locals, better service delivery, fiscal distribution to newly created regency for development and infrastructures. Whereas negative implications include dispute in the site of regency office, shortage in budget allocation, infrastructure limitation, worsening public services and deteriorating relationship among key regional executives. Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji tentang implikasi pemekaran daerah Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung pasca reformasi. Terbentuknya Kabupaten Pesawaran berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 33 tahun 2007 yang memekarkan diri dari Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, dan diresmikan pada 2 November 2007. Terdapat implikasi positif dan negatif yang timbul dari pemekaran kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung. Di antara implikasi positifnya adalah rentang kendali pemerintahan semakin dekat, terbukanya jabatan-jabatan (peluang kerja) baru untuk sebagian kecil masyarakat asli dan sekitar, terutama dalam sektor pemerintahan kabupaten, akses pelayanan publik semakin dekat, dan adanya distribusi fiskal ke daerah otonom baru sebagai upaya pembangunan dan penunjang struktur dan infrastruktur baru. Adapun implikasi negatifnya adalah terjadinya silang sengkarut lokasi kantor pemerintah kabupaten, keterbatasan anggaran sehingga terbengkalainya pemilukada perdana, keterbatasan infrastruktur, pelayanan publik yang semakin buruk, dan hubungan kerja yang kurang harmonis antar pimpinan dan pejabat daerah


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    This study aims to explore the construction of Village autonomy arrangements to realize people's welfare. As it is understood, the issuance of Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages has become a new chapter of autonomy regulation in Indonesia, which opens space for villages to be independent and autonomous. This research is juridical-normative research, which includes a descriptive-qualitative type—using secondary data from primary and secondary legal materials. This study applies statute, conceptual and hermeneutic approaches to data analysis. The findings of this study are that in realizing people's welfare, the construction of village autonomy arrangements is based on comprehensive and integrated planning based on each region's potential. So that each region gets benefits and benefits together. The realization of this welfare includes two components: the provision of essential services in the village and the development of the village economy based on local resources' potential

    Nomenklatur Dinamika Pemikiran Hukum Islam

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    Artikel ini akan mengulas tentang nomenklatur dinamika hukum Islam (Islamic Law) yang merupakan hasil dialektika antara syariah dan realitassosial atau ijtihad. Proses ijtihad ini menggiring pada Kenyataan adanya proses dialektika pemikiran sekaligus dialektika sosio-kultural sehingga melahirkan para mujtahid yang menumbuhkan keragaman fikih di berbagai tempat. Fikih menjadi sesuatu yang memiliki beragam varian di dalamnya. Ada banyak tawaran yang dimiliki dalam sebuah persoalan hukum. Kajian ini akan menuju konklusi pada bagaimana mekanisme dari metode dan teori yang diterapkan para mujtahid dalam menjawab persoalan umat dalam konteks ruang dan waktu yang berbeda hingga dewasa ini yang mengalami pasang surut.This article will discuss about nomenklature of Islamic law dynamics that is the result of it between syariah and social reality or ijtihad. This process of ijtihad brings into the reality that there are the processes of dialectic thinking and socio-cultural dialect at once so that it bears mujtahids who needs the diversity of fikihin many places. Fikih becomes the thing that has many variants inside. There are many things to discuss in a legal issues. This study will lead to conclusionson how the mechanism of method and theory applied mujtahid in answering the question of race in a different space and time to today that have ups and downs


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    The case of household violence physically or psychologically nowadays isoften we hear. That reality factually shows that the violence in the householdtoward wife, is the common phenomenon in the societal environment.This case is sure not away from the social construct which is developed inthe middle of society that s husband is the head of family and has a fullauthority to the part of family including wife. In that context this researchis making effort to peel off how the problem of protecting implementationtoward women in violence (KDRT) and Islam gives the answers.In the context of women protection in the household, Al-Quran texts give alot of answers which order to make the relationship of household as ma’rufin the meaning of equal, fair, and democratic. In the terminology of UshulFiqh, this concerning agrees with what the goals of law are, that is the lawtoward ive aspects (al-kulliyat al-khams), which one is soul protection (hifzan-nafs). This explains that Islamic law brings the mission of protection, itis as a God’s mercy to all humans in this world. It is also harmonization withthe law of women protecting in Indonesia.The case of household violence physically or psychologically nowadays isoften we hear. That reality factually shows that the violence in the householdtoward wife, is the common phenomenon in the societal environment.This case is sure not away from the social construct which is developed inthe middle of society that s husband is the head of family and has a fullauthority to the part of family including wife. In that context this researchis making effort to peel off how the problem of protecting implementationtoward women in violence (KDRT) and Islam gives the answers.In the context of women protection in the household, Al-Quran texts give alot of answers which order to make the relationship of household as ma’rufin the meaning of equal, fair, and democratic. In the terminology of UshulFiqh, this concerning agrees with what the goals of law are, that is the lawtoward ive aspects (al-kulliyat al-khams), which one is soul protection (hifzan-nafs). This explains that Islamic law brings the mission of protection, itis as a God’s mercy to all humans in this world. It is also harmonization withthe law of women protecting in Indonesia

    Konstruksi Model Wakaf Perusahaan Dalam Negara Hukum Indonesia

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    This study aims to explore the model of management and development of company waqf assets in Malaysia and Singapore, and their relevance to the development of company waqf construction in accordance with Indonesian waqf law and the wisdom of traditions that have developed. By using an interpretive explorative type qualitative approach, this research resulted in the finding, that the construction of the management model and development of corporate waqf assets in Indonesia in accordance with the context of Indonesian waqf law and traditional wisdom are business entities, banks, universities, foundations, hospitals, cooperative. So as to realize the strengthening of the holistic corporate waqf model in Indonesia, it is necessary to strengthen the regulatory stakeholders as well as an integrative and holistic understanding among scholars.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali model pengelolaan dan pengembangan aset-aset wakaf perusahaan di Malaysia dan Singapura, serta relevansinya bagi pengembangan konstruksi wakaf perusahaan yang sesuai dengan hukum wakaf Indonesia dan kearifan tradisi yang telah berkembang. Dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif tipe eksploratif interpretatif, penelitian ini mengasilkan temuan, bahwa konstruksi model pengelolaan dan pengembangan aset-aset wakaf perusahaan di Indonesia yang sesuai dengan konteks hukum wakaf Indonesia dan kearifan tradisi adalah badan usaha, bank, universitas, yayasan, rumah sakit, koperasi. Sehingga untuk mewujudkan penguatan model wakaf korporasi holistik di Indonesia diperlukan penguatan pada pemangku regulasi sekaligus pemahaman yang integratif dan holistik di kalangan ulama

    Proses Produksi dan Penjualan Batako dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Konsumen: Sebuah Kajian Hukum

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    Purpose- This article aims to review how to review Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws for the brick production process and how to review Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws for the brick sales process in Nguneng Village, Wonogiri. Methods- This research is a type of field research with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using observation and interviews related to the production and sale of the concrete block. Then conclude using theories of Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws. Findings- Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that 1) The process of brick production in Nguneng Village, Puhpelem District Wonogiri Regency is not following Islamic business ethics because it does not meet the principles of Islamic business ethics, because it pays little attention to honesty, balance, free will, responsibility, and virtue in making Concrete brick. According to the Law, consumer protection is not following Article 7 because business actors do not have good intentions in conducting their business. 2) The brick sales process is not following the principles of Islamic business ethics because it does not meet the principles of honesty, balance, responsibility, and virtue and violates several articles The consumer protection law is following article 8 and also does not comply with the obligations of business actors in article 7 because it does not guarantee the quality of goods and services produced. Consumers also have the right to consumer protection in Article 4 because consumer rights are not fulfilled


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    This article aims to examine the limitations of the freedom of contract in conventional contract and Islamic contracts. In an agreement which establishes the basic principles of an agreement, the pacta sunt servanda principle, which has the sense that the agreement should be implemented by the parties to an agreement. And in an agreement there is a basis which is often used in a treaty as the basis of freedom of contract which provides for the freedom to determine whether someone will do or not do anything, with anyone one would conclude an agreement, as well as the content and form of an agreement. Freedom in the agreement does not mean freedom from regulation that applies. Independent free here means that it still remains under the control of law and norms applicable in a conventional agreement or treaty law. So that the agreement made by the parties do not violate the terms and conditions of existing agreements.Keywords: Kebebasan Berkontrak, Kontrak Konvensional, Kontrak Syaria

    Bukti Empiris Fenomena Underpricing dan Pengaruh Mekanisme Corporate Governance

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    This research is based on the phenomenon underlying initial public offering (IPO), underpricing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the existence of underpricing phenomena and the affect of corporate governance mechanism on underpricing. Corporate governance has three areas, which are ownership structure, board structure, and transparency. Managerial ownership and institutional ownership are used as proxy of ownership structure, board of commissioner size is used as proxy of board structure, and audit quality is used as proxy of transparency. It is hypothesized that corporate governance mechanism has influence on underpricing. Independent sample t-test and multiple regression is used to test hypothesis developed in this study. The evidence shows there is significant underpricing phenomena following IPO. Corporate governance mechanism is found not significantly influence underpricing phenomena


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    Ahmadiyya has a different concept of kafā’ah in marriage compared to several Muslims communities. The majority of Muslim scholars agree the main factor of kafā’ah in marriage is religiosity which is interpreted as theistic and moral, but Ahmadiyya interprets it as religious commonality. As a result, an Ahmadi woman is forbidden to marry a non-Ahmadi man. Meanwhile, an Ahmadi man is allowed to marry a non-Ahmadi woman, even a non-Muslim woman. Any adherent who violates the provision will be removed from the sect as an organizational sanction. Related to the facts, this paper aims to discuss the motivation, strategy, and goal of the provision. It uses a descriptive-analytic approach to analyze kafā’ah provision in Ahmadiyya literature with homogamy and heterogamy concepts. The results of this study show that the provision is motivated by historical and social factors, such as group discrimination, operational prohibitions, physical and non-physical violence. In addition, Ahmadiyya implements a homogamous-heterogamy concept in the provision as a strategy to preserve its teachings and resist its adherents from other religious affiliations. The provision has been preserving the existence of Ahmadiyya from its establishment to the present. Keywords: Ahmdiyya, Kafā’ah, Homogamy, Heterogam

    Pentahelix's Collaboration In The Development of Halal Tourism For Sustainable Regional Economic Development

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    This paper aims to explore the implementation of the pentahelix collaboration policy in the development of halal tourism in the region, as well as to design an ideal synergy model for the development of sustainable halal tourism. They use the qualitative methodology and a comparative approach to two halal tourism development areas, Malang city and Banyuwangi regency. This research discovered comparative advantages to implementing the penta-helix collaboration policy in establishing halal tourism in the two locations where there are variances and diversity in implementing the pentahelix collaboration in halal tourism. Each region has advantages that multi-sector and multi-stakeholder institutions complement. The development of halal tourism in Malang and Banyuwangi is further stymied by the absence of rules as a legal framework for development. However, the two regions are working to assure and expedite the development of halal tourism following local wisdom. This research helps to fill gaps in the development of halal tourism in Malang and Banyuwangi. Furthermore, this research contributes to the region's role as a paradigm for developing sustainable halal tourism