1,311 research outputs found

    Design and control of a multi-fingered robot hand provided with tactile feedback

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    The design, construction, control and application of a three fingered robot hand with nine degrees of freedom and built-in multi-component force sensors is described. The adopted gripper kinematics are justified and optimized with respect to grasping and manipulation flexibility. The hand was constructed with miniature motor drive systems imbedded into the fingers. The control is hierarchically structured and is implemented on a simple PC-AT computer. The hand's dexterity and intelligence are demonstrated with some experiments

    Prevalence of Hypertension in School and College Students

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    In Indonesia, the onset of hypertension has been observed in younger populations. Previous studies showed that hypertension occurred in adolescence, even in childhood. This cross sectional study aimed to provide a population-based estimation of hypertension prevalence and risk factors among school and college students in Surabaya, Indonesia. Using mercu-ry sphygmomanometer blood pressure was measured in 335 participants grouped into 5-9, 10- 14, 15- 19, and 20-26 years of age. The prevalence data was linked to sex, age, body mass index (BMI), and a family history of diabetes and/ or cardiovascular disease. Hypertension in children was determined according to the Update on the Task Force Report (2004) and to the JNC-7 for other participants. Thirty one (9.3%) participants had developed hypertension. Hypertension prevalence tended to increase with age from 0% at 5-9 years and 8.1% at 10-14 years to 15.2% at 20-26 years. Hypertension developed in 18 males and 13 females. Aged more than 20 years and family history of heart disease were significant risk fac-tors for hypertension. Other factors, such as BMI and a family history of di-abetes, were not significant. Malnutrition among children in golden age (0-5 years) plays major role in increasing future risk of hypertension. Routine hypertension screening should be done in young adults aged 20 years in this country.Di Indonesia, timbulnya hipertensi telah diamati pada populasi lebih muda. Studi sebelumnya menemukan bahwa hipertensi dapat terjadi pada masa remaja, bahkan masa kecil. Tujuan penelitian potong lintang ini adalah memberikan estimasi berbasis populasi prevalensi dan faktor risiko hipertensi pada pelajar dan mahasiswa di Surabaya, Indonesia. Dengan sfignomanometer merkuri diukur tekanan darah pada 335 partisipan yang dikelompokkan ke dalam kelompok usia 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, dan 20-26 tahun. Data prevalensi dikaitkan dengan jenis kelamin, usia, indeks massa tubuh (IMT), dan riwayat diabetes dan/atau penyakit kardiovaskular pada keluarga. Hipertensi pada anak ditentukan sesuai dengan the Update on the Task Force Report (2004). Partisipan lain dikelompokkan menurut JNC-7 untuk diagnosis hipertensi. Peserta sebanyak 31 (9,3%) didapatkan telah mengalami hipertensi. Prevalensi hipertensi cenderung meningkat sejalan usia dari 0% pada 5-9 tahun dan 8,1% pada 10-14 tahun men-jadi 15,2% pada 20-26 tahun. Hipertensi terjadi pada 18 laki-laki dan 13 perempuan. Usia lebih 20 tahun dan riwayat penyakit jantung pada keluar-ga merupakan faktor risiko signifikan untuk hipertensi. Faktor-faktor lain, seperti IMT dan riwayat keluarga diabetes, tidak signifikan. Gizi buruk pada anak di usia emas (0-5 tahun) berperan utama meningkatkan risiko hipertensi di masa depan. Di Indonesia, skrining hipertensi rutin harus di-lakukan pada dewasa muda usia 20 tahun

    Peningkatan Hasil Dan Aktivitas Belajar Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Dengan Metode Resitasi Pra-pembelajaran

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    The background of this research was the study result of Accounting subject was unsatisfactory, thus it was needed an appropriate learning strategy. The objective of the research was to improve Accounting's study result and learning activities through Pre-learning Recitation method. The subjects of the research were XI grade students of IPS 2. It was a class action research with two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four stages; planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The data were collected by tests and analyzed by comparative descriptive and reflection. The result of the study showed that the pre-learning Recitation could improve students' activities and achievement in both; score and completeness. Based on the first condition of pre-cycle with the KKM (minimum score) 75, it was 51.73% of 29 students for the completeness and the mean was 74.70. After implementing the method, it was 78.57% of 28 students who completed and the mean was 83.23 in the 1st cycle. Then, it was 92.86% for the completeness and the mean was 89.23 in the 2nd cycle

    Upaya Harmonisasi Hukum dalam Bidang HKI dan Dampaknya Bagi Pembangunan Nasional

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    The effort oflawhamionizatior} ontheright isintended tocreatethestrong law. That is the law with two goals: first is for International interest in which through this harmonization, the trade handicaps on the right field can be omitted and automatically it gives the competition power to national business takers and the second isfor national interestlike economy, politics as well as social achivable. By this reason, the effort oflaw harmonization is able to support national economical development

    Kesantunan Berbahasa Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastraindonesia Angkatan 2008--2011 dengan Karyawan Unesa

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    Kegiatan berkomunikasi secara santun sangat diperlukan oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa danSastra Indonesia dalam berinteraksi dengan karyawan karena lingkungan kampus merupakan lingkungan pendidikandan mahasiswa sebagai pelajar harus menggunakan bahasa yang santun sebagai rasa hormat terhadapkaryawan.Penelitian ini, membahas dua rumusan masalah yaitu (1) Bagaimana kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswajurusan pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia angkatan 2008--2011 dengan karyawan Unesa dalam bentuk tuturan, (2)Bagaimana penyimpangan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswa Unesa jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan SastraIndonesia angkatan 2008--2011 dengan karyawan Unesa dalam bentuk tuturan.Sesuai dengan permasalahan di atas,tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah (1) Mendeskripsikan kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswa Unesa JurusanPendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia angkatan 2008--2011 dengan karyawan Unesa dalam bentuk tuturan. (2)Mendeskripsikan penyimpangan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswa unesa jurusan pendidikan bahasa dan sastraIndonesia angkatan 2008--2011 dalam bentuk tuturan.Kajian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah prinsipkesantunan Leech. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pengolahandata menunjukkan bahwa (1) Tuturan santun yang sering muncul dan sering digunakan mahasiswa dalamberkomunikasi dengan karyawan adalah maksim kebijaksanaan.(2) tuturan tidak santun yang sering muncul adalahtuturan yang melanggar prinsip maksim kebijaksanaaan dan maksim pujian

    Karakteristik Bioekologi Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus) Di Perairan Dusun Ujung Lombok Timur

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    This study aims to assess the size of the crabs are caught, analyzing the ratio of male and female, and analyze the habitat characteristics (salinity, temperature, pH, and form of the substrate waters) in crab fishing area in the Ujung Vilage of East Lombok District.This research is a descriptive study using survey methods in data collection.The parameters studied are biological and ecological parameters. Biological parameters measured were sex and carapace width, while the ecological parameters are temperature, salinity, and pH of the water and the form of the substrate.The results showed that the water quality in the study area were very feasible for the life of crab, with a distribution of temperature between 290C - 300C.Salinity waters in the study area ranged from 31 to 32 ppt, and water pH value in the study site ranged from 7.2 to 7.5.Karaps wide distribution crab dominated by width exceeding 100 mm in both males and females. The proportion of carapace width of male crabs are caught with a width exceeding 100 mm is 41.7% and females at 48.3% of the total sample.Rajungan sex ratio between males and females was 0.8: 1. This shows that the male crab can fertilize more than one female crabs

    Need Assessment Pengembangan Keprofesionalan Berkelanjutan Guru Smk Teknik Audio Video

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    The objectives of the study were to (1) analyse the competence of Audio Video Engineering teachers of Vocational High Schools in Yogyakarta, Sleman and Kulonprogro; (2) assess the teachers' continuing professional development (CPD) needs and (3) identify CPD programmes to accomodate the needs. The study employed a survey approach. The results of this study revealed the following: (1) the teachers' competence in good, fair, and poor categories were 43.33%, 40%, and 16.67% respectively, thus it is crucial for the stakeholders to promote CPD ; (2) the teachers' CPD needs in very good, good, and fair categories were 36.67%, 36.67%, and 26.66% respectively. It should be the basis for the stakeholders in planning the CPD programmes, since the teachers were planning to initiate their professional development; and (3) the CPD programmes prioritized by the teachers were training, internet-based learning, collaborative works with relevant universities, and self- development in terms of professional competencies

    Potensi Lestari Dan Status Pemanfaatan Ikan Kakap Merah Dan Ikan Kerapu Di Selat Alas Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    For fisheries management which is based on the concept of efficiency to achieve comparative and competitive advantages is to determine utilization status of fish catch, particularly fish of economically important. The aim of this study is to determine utilization and potentian status of grouper and red snapper fish in the Alas Strait of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The method has been used to determine the level of utilization of fish by using the maximum sustainable yield of Schaefer.The study was conducted in the fishing villages around the Alas Strait West Nusa Tenggara Province. Sustainable yield (MSY) of grouper (Ephinephelus sp) is 259,1 ton/year, while red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) is 205,8 ton/year. Utilization status grouper (Ephinephelus sp) is 197,2 in the state of over exploited. While the utilization of status of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) is 65,7% in the state of moderately exploited

    Model Pengelolaan Perikanan Tangkap Berbasis Kawasan Konservasi Perairan (KKP) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Tangkapan Nelayan - suatu Pendekatan Teoritis

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    Kawasan Konservasi Perairan (KKP) atau Marine Protected Area (MPA) merupakan suatu kawasan di wilayah perairan laut yang dilindungi secara hukum atau cara lain yang efektif. Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) bertujuan untuk mengusahakan terwujudnya kelestarian sumber daya alam dan keseimbangan ekosistemnya, sehingga mendukung upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat serta mutu kehidupan manusia. Terdapat bukti yang kuat dan meyakinkan bahwa melindungi daerah dari penangkapan ikan membuat bertambahnya jumlah, besarnya ukuran, dan biomasa dari jenis organisme yang dieksploitasi