109 research outputs found

    The role of sexually dimorphic skin colour and shape in attractiveness of male faces

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    This research was supported by funding from Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the POPH/FSE Program (grant reference SFRH/BD/77592/2011).Evidence for attraction to sexually dimorphic features in male faces is inconsistent in the literature. Mixed results regarding facial masculinity and male attractiveness may arise partly from different influences of face shape and face colouration depending on whether colour was controlled. Recent research suggests that masculinity in face colour, namely darker skin, and femininity in shape are attractive in male faces. Here we examine the influence of sexual dimorphism in skin colour and face shape on attractiveness in 3 experiments. We allowed female participants to manipulate male and female face images along axes of sexual dimorphism in skin colour and/or shape in order to optimise attractiveness. Participants searching for the most attractive appearance chose to masculinise the colour of male faces more than the colour of female faces (although not reaching significance in Experiment 3; p = .16). We found a clear preference for feminine shape in male faces supporting predictions of recent research. These results help to clarify the influence of facial masculinity in women’s attractiveness preferences.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Metodologia do processo de elaboração de cartilha informativa para orientar feirantes quanto à prevenção do novo coronavírus e da Covid-19

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    As feiras-livres promovem aglomeração pelo encontro entre feirantes e fregueses, onde ambos conversam e tocam os produtos à venda, o que se constitui um meio de contaminação e proliferação do novo coronavírus. A pandemia da Covid-19 provocou mudanças significativas expondo as desigualdades sociais existentes e, particularmente dos trabalhadores informais como os feirantes, expostos ao risco de contaminação pelo novo coronavírus por trabalharem em serviço essencial. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o caminho percorrido para a elaboração, colaborativa e de forma remota, de uma cartilha informativa com orientações aos feirantes. O trabalho foi realizado através do NUPEC/UEFS, que desenvolve projeto de extensão nas feiras-livres de Feira de Santana, Bahia, com enfoque na educação em saúde. Em tempos de distanciamento social a cartilha foi escolhida para reforçar a prevenção à Covid-19, por tratar-se de uma estratégia adequada, com enfoque num grupo específico, linguagem objetiva, ilustrada e de fácil entendimento. A recepção do material pelos feirantes demonstrou a relevância da educação em saúde desenvolvida pelo projeto de extensão, bem como a importância da extensão universitária para a comunidade e para a formação acadêmica


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    The article presents a case study developed in the context of a Nursing graduate programme within a Nursing School in Portugal, with the purpose of understanding the processes of building professional competences in the context of students’ internship. The data were collected through a questionnaire to the 2nd year students, and semi-structured interviews to a group of students and two supervisors, one from the training school and another from the hospital. Results highlight the existence of tensions related to the theory-practice relationship and to the articulation between the two training contexts. They signal the need to reinforce reflective, dialogic supervisory practices, as well as interinstitutional collaboration. Key words: nursing; practicum; competences; supervisionEl artículo presenta un estudio de caso desarrollado en el ámbito de una Licenciatura en Enfermería en una Escuela Superior de Enfermería en Portugal, con la finalidad de comprender procesos de construcción de competencias profesionales en contexto de pasantía. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de un cuestionario a los estudiantes del 2º año del curso y entrevistas semiestructuradas a un grupo de estudiantes y dos supervisoras, una de la escuela de formación y otra del hospital. Los resultados presentados señalan la existencia de tensiones en la relación teoría-práctica y en la articulación entre los dos contextos de formación, apuntando la necesidad de reforzar modalidades de supervisión reflexiva y dialógica, así como la colaboración interinstitucional. Palabras clave: enfermería; práctica clínica; competencias; supervisiónO artigo apresenta um estudo de caso desenvolvido no âmbito de uma Licenciatura em Enfermagem numa Escola Superior de Enfermagem em Portugal, com a finalidade de compreender processos de construção de competências profissionais em contexto de estágio. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário aos estudantes do 2º ano do curso e entrevistas semiestruturadas a um grupo de estudantes e duas supervisoras, uma da escola de formação e outra do hospital. Os resultados apresentados sinalizam a existência de tensões na relação teoria-prática e na articulação entre os dois contextos de formação, apontando a necessidade de reforçar modalidades de supervisão reflexiva e dialógica, assim como a colaboração interinstitucional. Palavras chave: enfermagem; estágio clínico; competências; supervisã

    Building professional competences in the context of Nursing Internship

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    El artículo presenta un estudio de caso desarrollado en el ámbito de una Licenciatura en Enfermería en una Escuela Superior de Enfermería en Portugal, con la finalidad de comprender procesos de construcción de competencias profesionales en contexto de pasantía. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de un cuestionario a los estudiantes del 2º año del curso y entrevistas semiestructuradas a un grupo de estudiantes y dos supervisoras, una de la escuela de formación y otra del hospital. Los resultados presentados señalan la existencia de tensiones en la relación teoría-práctica y en la articulación entre los dos contextos de formación, apuntando la necesidad de reforzar modalidades de supervisión reflexiva y dialógica, así como la colaboración interinstitucional.The article presents a case study developed in the context of a Nursing graduate programme within a Nursing School in Portugal, with the purpose of understanding the processes of building professional competences in the context of students’ internship. The data were collected through a questionnaire to the 2nd year students, and semi-structured interviews to a group of students and two supervisors, one from the training school and another from the hospital. Results highlight the existence of tensions related to the theory-practice relationship and to the articulation between the two training contexts. They signal the need to reinforce reflective, dialogic supervisory practices, as well as interinstitutional collaboration.O artigo apresenta um estudo de caso desenvolvido no âmbito de uma Licenciatura em Enfermagem numa Escola Superior de Enfermagem em Portugal, com a finalidade de compreender processos de construção de competências profissionais em contexto de estágio. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário aos estudantes do 2º ano do curso e entrevistas semiestruturadas a um grupo de estudantes e duas supervisoras, uma da escola de formação e outra do hospital. Os resultados apresentados sinalizam a existência de tensões na relação teoria-prática e na articulação entre os dois contextos de formação, apontando a necessidade de reforçar modalidades de supervisão reflexiva e dialógica, assim como a colaboração interinstitucionalpeerReviewe

    Antifungal Activities of Essential Oils from Protium ovatum Engl. Against Malassezia furfur and Candida Species

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    Fungal opportunistic infections have increased in recent decades due to the increase in the immunosuppressed patients and the indiscriminate use of antifungals. In Brazil, a country with the greatest biodiversity in the world, studies that seek new antifungals from natural sources have been stimulated. Protium ovatum Engl., belongs to the Burseraceae family and is a shrub tree found mainly in Brazil, in the Cerrado biome, and has medicinal, food and aromatic uses. This study aims to investigate the chemical composition and the anti-Malassezia furfur and anticandidal activities of essential oils (EOs) from Protium ovatum ripe fruit (RF-EO) and unripe fruit (UF-EO). The EOs antifungal activities were determined by microdilution broth methodology. GC-FID and GC-MS analyses showed that limonene, α-pinene and myrcene were the major components of both EOs. MIC values of RF-EO and UF-EO against M. furfur were 375 and 1500 µg/mL, respectively. RF-EO exhibited MIC values between 62.5 and 250 µg/mL while UF-EO was slightly active (> 1000 µg/mL) against Candida species. In addition, RF-EO showed antibiofilm activity against Candida species and was not toxic to C. elegans larvae. This study suggests that EOs from P. ovatum could be an alternative therapeutic option for infectious diseases caused by M. furfur and Candida species

    Production of lettuce crop under foliar organo-mineral fertilization and environment

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    The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the organo-mineral foliar fertilization and the environment in the lettuce crop. The work was carried out in a soil classified as Quartzipsamments, with loam texture and low initial availability of nutrients. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with a factorial arrangement 2 x 2 x 5, corresponding to two cultivars of lettuce (Crisp Vanda and Crisp Lucy Brown), two environments (with and without shading mesh at 35%) and five concentrations of Ferti Garden liquid fertilizer multipurpose via foliar, (0; 5; 10; 15 and 20% of the product in the solution), with 4 repetitions, containing 20 plants. Soil preparation was done manually and fertilized with 30 m3 hectare-1 of bovine manure, dead cover was also used. The foliar fertilizer was applied three times, at intervals of seven days, through a constant pressure sprayer, from 12 days after transplanting the seedlings. At 33 days after the transplant the plants were harvested and evaluated in the variables of head diameter, number of leaves, fresh matter and productivity. The cultivar Crisp Lucy Brown proved to be more demanding in terms of luminosity and mineral nutrition in relation to the cultivar Crisp Vanda. Therefore, the highest development and productivity of the Crisp Lucy Brown cultivar is obtained without shading mesh, with fertilization before sowing of 30 kg ha-1 of fowl bed and fertilization with 9.1% of the foliar fertilizer. While for the cultivar Crisp Vanda the highest productivity is obtained with shading mesh, and only with fertilization before sowing

    Naturally Acquired Humoral Immunity against Malaria Parasites in Non-Human Primates from the Brazilian Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest.

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    Plasmodium - Plasmodium brasilianum - P. malariae - P. malariae - P. falciparum - P. vivax - Plasmodium content: - "Non-human primates (NHPs) have been shown to be infected by parasites of the genus " - ", the etiological agent of malaria in humans, creating potential risks of zoonotic transmission. " - ", a parasite species similar to " - " of humans, have been described in NHPs from Central and South America, including Brazil. The merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1), besides being a malaria vaccine candidate, is highly immunogenic. Due to such properties, we tested this protein for the diagnosis of parasite infection. We used recombinant proteins of " - " MSP1, as well as of " - " and " - ", for the detection of antibodies anti-MSP1 of these parasite species, in the sera of NHPs collected in different regions of Brazil. About 40% of the NHP sera were confirmed as reactive to the proteins of one or more parasite species. A relatively higher number of reactive sera was found in animals from the Atlantic Forest than those from the Amazon region, possibly reflecting the former more intense parasite circulation among NHPs due to their proximity to humans at a higher populational density. The presence of " - " positive NHPs in the surveyed areas, being therefore potential parasite reservoirs, needs to be considered in any malaria surveillance program.

    Effect of the Combined Intervention with Passive Whole-Body Vibration and Auriculotherapy on the Quality of Life of Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis Assessed by the WHOQOL-Bref: A Multi-Arm Clinical Trial

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect on the quality of life of two non-pharmacological interventions isolated or in combination: (i) passive whole-body vibration exercise (WBVE), and (ii) auriculotherapy (AT). One hundred three participants with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) were allocated to: (a) a vibration group (WBVEG; n = 17) that performed WBVE (peak-to-peak displacement: 2.5 to 7.5 mm, frequency: 5 to 14 Hz, Peak acceleration: 0.12 to 2.95 g), two days/weekly for five weeks, (b) an AT group (ATG; n = 21), stimulation of three specific auriculotherapy points (Kidney, Knee and Shenmen) in each ear pavilion, (c) WBVE + AT (WBVE + AT; n = 20) and (d) respective control groups (WBVE_CG, n = 15; AT_CG, n = 12; WBVE + AT_CG, n = 18). The participants filled out the WHOQOL-bref Questionnaire before the first and after the last sessions. Statistical differences in the various domains of the WHOQOL-bref were not found. In conclusion, WBVE or AT alone or combined did not contribute in altering the quality of life of individuals exposed to these interventions

    Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of Canine Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Mast Cell Tumors

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    Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are hematopoietic neoplasms composed of mast cells. It is highly common in dogs and is extremely important in the veterinary oncology field. It represents the third most common tumor subtype, and is the most common malignant skin tumor in dogs, corresponding to 11% of skin cancer cases. The objective of this critical review was to present the report of the 2nd Consensus meeting on the Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Canine Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Mast Cell Tumors, which was organized by the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology (ABROVET) in August 2021. The most recent information on cutaneous and subcutaneous mast cell tumors in dogs is presented and discussed


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    Este artigo apresenta problematizações construídas a partir de uma pesquisa sobre os significados da docência em reportagens da mídia digital durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Fundamenta-se nos Estudos Culturais, em específico nas análises de inspiração Pós-Estruturalista, compreendendo o significado como cultural e socialmente produzido e a mídia como instância produtora de formas de comunicar e de sujeitos. A pesquisa foi operacionalizada a partir da busca on-line de notícias sobre professores(as) e ensino remoto, publicadas na internet entre junho e setembro de 2020. O exercício analítico empreendido levou à identificação de recorrências nos modos de significar a docência durante a pandemia, com destaque para a caracterização da atividade docente, realizada de forma emergencial e improvisada, como um exercício de reinvenção da identidade profissional e a representação da docência em tempos de distanciamento social a partir da ênfase no amor e no afeto