23 research outputs found

    La Presència grega al litoral oriental de la península Ibèrica: els establiments colonials i els ritmes del comerç amb les societats ibèriques

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    La presència grega al litoral mediterrani de la península Ibèrica és un fenomen que podem resseguir des d'època arcaica fins al començament de l'època romana. Tot i que els primers contactes comercials grecs amb l'occident podrien datar ja del segle viii aC, no és fins al segle vi aC, amb les fundacions de Massàlia i d'Empòrion, quan les navegacions focees comencen a intensificar-se al nord-est i al llevant peninsular. Al llarg del segle v aC, els contactes comercials grecs amb el món ibèric i el paper d'Empòrion es van consolidant, fins a arribar a tenir un moment àlgid durant el segle iv, quan els productes grecs s'estenen massivament pel litoral en coincidència amb un auge del comerç púnic i una major implantació grega en el territori amb les fundacions massaliotes d'Alonis i Hemeroskopeion (conegudes només per les fonts) i de Rhode, que durant el segle iii exportarà les seves pròpies produccions ceràmiques

    Ethnic duality or social heterogeneity? Ceramic assemblages and everyday practices in Emporion's Neápolis, c. 425-375 BC

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    This paper analyses the ceramic assemblages in several stratigraphic units from domestic contexts or dumps related to everyday activities in the Neápolis of Emporion, dating ca. 425 to 375 bc. The main aim of the study is to examine the domestic ceramic assemblages –kitchen ceramics, tableware and domestic storage– and to analyse them focusing on their manufacturing traditions and their use in daily practices. The results of this study show the existence of strong cultural entanglements. This invites us to reject traditional interpretations, largely based on written classical sources, that have argued for the occurrence of a strict dual division in the enclave along ethnic lines, with two neatly segregated communities that never overlapped in this urban landscape. This study argues against the simplistic use of material culture as an ethnic marker, emphasising instead the role of some daily-use objects in the construction of social distinction, as well as other social, intersectional identities that go beyond ethnicity.Este trabajo examina los equipos cerámicos de distintas unidades estratigráficas correspondientes a contextos domésticos o zonas de vertido vinculadas a actividades cotidianas de la Neápolis de Emporion, fechadas en el periodo c. 425-375 a. C. El estudio se centra en el análisis de los equipos domésticos cerámicos –vasos de almacenamiento, cocina y consumo– y los analiza desde el punto de vista de sus tradiciones de manufactura y de su uso en prácticas cotidianas. Los resultados del análisis muestran la existencia de una fuerte imbricación cultural que invita a rechazar las interpretaciones tradicionales que propugnan la presencia de una estricta dualidad étnica en este enclave con la presencia de dos comunidades distintas y segregadas en el espacio, una interpretación basada fundamentalmente en informaciones transmitidas por las fuentes clásicas. Este trabajo rechaza el uso simplista de la cultura material como marcador étnico y enfatiza el rol jugado por algunos objetos cotidianos en estrategias sociales relacionadas con la construcción de la distinción social, así como con otras identidades que van más allá de la etnicidad

    Traditions and innovations: versatility of copper and tin bronze making recipes in Iron Age Emporion (L’Escala, Spain)

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    Funder: Institute for Archaeometallurgical StudiesAbstract: Established around 575 BC, Emporion was a Greek colonial enclave in north-east Iberia and hence constitutes a good context to study Mediterranean innovations and their adaptation with indigenous technologies. Here, we present an analytical study of the archaeometallurgical assemblage from a workshop context dated to the first occupational moment of Emporion’s Neapolis (second half of the sixth century BC), including slag and technical ceramics. We aimed at reverse engineering the copper and tin bronze metallurgical technologies at the site. The results allow the identification of copper smelting and melting, and a variety of bronze alloying techniques, together with iron smelting and forging. The use of Fe-rich copper ores with BaO, ZnO and PbO impurities is consistent with the exploitation of local sources, preceding the diversification of raw materials documented for later phases. The co-occurrence of co-smelting, cementation and co-melting as bronze making technologies is discussed with reference to parameters of efficiency and cost-effectiveness and contextualised in the broader colonial interaction, providing pointers for future comparative work and discussion. The early use of metallic tin for bronze production at the site supports a Mediterranean origin for this innovation in Iberia

    Distributed feedback lasers based on perylenediimide dyes for label-free refractive index sensing

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    The refractive index sensing capabilitity of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers based on highly photostable (under ambient conditions) perylenediimide-based active films, are reported. The sensor bulk sensitivity is determined from changes in the laser emission wavelength upon exposure to different liquids. The role of the active film thickness (hf) on the sensor sensitivity and on the laser parameters is studied. Sensors based on very thin films (hf = 160 nm) show the highest sensitivities, but their laser thresholds are relatively high and their operational durabilities moderate. The use of thicker films (hf = 850 nm) allows reducing the laser threshold and increasing the durability by two orders of magnitude. In this case, a higher sensitivity is achieved when the sensor operates at the wavelength corresponding to the first-order TE1 mode, instead of at the TE0 one. Finally, it is also shown that the inclusion of a high refractive index TiO2 layer on top of the sensor structure improves the sensitivity by around two times.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (MINECO) and the European Community (FEDER) through grant no. MAT-2011–28167-C02. This work was partially funded by the Basque Government within the framework of the Etortek Program (Grant No. IE13-360). M. Morales-Vidal has been partly supported by a MINECO FPI fellowship (no. BES-2009-020747)

    Two-dimensional distributed feedback lasers with thermally-nanoimprinted perylenediimide-containing films

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    Two-dimensional (2D) distributed feedback (DFB) lasers with gratings imprinted by thermal nanoimprint lithography on the active film are reported. They show thresholds for lasing of ∼10 kW/cm2, similar to the most efficient imprinted DFB lasers reported; and long operational lifetimes (under ambient conditions) of ∼12 × 104 pump pulses. The key for their successful operation has been the selection of a highly efficient and stable dye, perylene orange (PDI-O), and a proper matrix to host it, the fluoro-modified thermoplastic resist mr-I7030R, which has enabled 2D imprinting while preserving the dye optical properties. The use of the UV-curable resist SU8 as an alternative matrix for PDI-O to be imprinted by combined nanoimprint and photolithography was also investigated, and was concluded to be unsuccessful due to severe photoluminescence quenching. By replacing PDI-O with Rhodamine 6G, lasers with reasonable thresholds, but with significantly inferior operational lifetimes in comparison to PDI-O/mr-I7030R devices, were obtained.We thank support from the Spanish Government (MINECO) and the European Community (FEDER) through Grants MAT2011-28167-C02 and MAT2015-66586-R, as well as to the University of Alicante. M.M-V. has been partly supported by a MINECO FPI fellowship (no. BES-2009-020747) and by a Junta de Castilla y León grant (no. SA046U16)

    Improved performance of perylenediimide-based lasers

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    The aim of this work was to improve the laser performance, in terms of threshold and operational lifetime, of lasers based on polymer films doped with perylenediimide (PDI) derivatives as active media. For such purpose, we first investigated the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) properties of perylene orange (PDI-O), when doped into polystyrene (PS) films. Lower ASE thresholds and larger photostabilities than those of similar films containing another PDI derivative (PDI-C6), recently reported in the literature, have been measured. Results have been interpreted in terms of the photoluminescence efficiency of the films, which depends on the type of molecular arrangement, inferred with the help of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. We also show that PS films have a better ASE performance, i.e. lower thresholds and larger photostabilities, than those based on poly(methyl methacrylate), which was recently highlighted as one of the best matrixes for PDI-O. Finally, a one-dimensional second-order distributed feedback laser using PS doped with PDI-O was fabricated and characterized. This device has shown a threshold significantly lower (by around one order of magnitude) than that of a similar laser based on PDI-C6-doped PS.We thank support from the Spanish Government (MECC) and the European Community (FEDER) through grants MAT2008-06648-C02 and MAT-2011-28167-C02, as well as from the University of Alicante. MGR and MM are supported respectively by a CSIC fellowship within the program JAE and by MEC through a FPI fellowship

    Label-free sensors based on perylenediimide-doped polystyrene distributed feedback lasers

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    Distributed feedback (DFB) laser sensors with active films consisting of a highly efficient and photostable perylenediimide dye (perylene orange, PDI-O) dispersed in polysytrene (PS), used as passive matrix, are reported. PDIdoped- PS DFB lasers show an excellent operational durability under ambient conditions, superior to those of previously reported DFBs used for sensing purposes. Their bulk refractive index sensing capabilities, under exposure to liquids of different refractive index, have been determined from changes in their emission wavelength. The role of the active film thickness on both, the laser and the sensing performance, has been explored. The use of a thick active film (850 nm) allows obtaining the lowest possible threshold and highest operational lifetime for this type of device although the sensor sensitivity is lower than that achievable with a thin film (160 nm). It is also shown that the inclusion of a high refractive index TiO2 layer on top of the sensor structure allows improving the sensor sensitivity by around two times.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (MINECO) and the European Community (FEDER) through grant no. MAT-2011–28167-C02. M.M-V. has been partly supported by a MINECO FPI fellowship (no. BES-2009-020747)

    Solution-processable, photo-stable, low-threshold, and broadly tunable thin film organic lasers based on novel high-performing laser dyes

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    Thin film organic lasers (TFOLs) represent a new generation of inexpensive, mechanically flexible devices with demonstrated applicability in numerous applications in the fields of spectroscopy, optical communications and sensing requiring an organic, efficient, stable, wavelength-tunable and solution-processable laser material. A distributed feedback (DFB) laser is a particularly attractive TFOL because it shows single mode emission, low pump energy, easy integration with other devices, mechanical flexibility and potentially low production cost. Here, amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) and DFB laser applications of novel high performing perylene dyes and p-phenylenevinylene (PV) oligomers, both dispersed in thermoplastic polymers, used as passive matrixes, are reported. Second-order DFB lasers based on these materials show single mode emission, wavelength tunability across the visible spectrum, operational lifetimes of >105 pump pulses, larger than previously reported PV oligomers or polymers, and thresholds close to pumping requirements with light-emitting diodes.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (MINECO) and the European Community (FEDER) through grant no. MAT-2011–28167-C02. M. Morales-Vidal has been partly supported by a MINECO FPI fellowship (no. BES-2009-020747)

    Organic distributed feedback laser for label-free biosensing of ErbB2 protein biomarker

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    The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (ErbB2) protein plays an important role in human malignancies. Its overexpression has been recognized as a feature of a malignant cancerous phenotype in breast cancer cell lines, and has become one of the most widely investigated clinical indicators of breast, ovarian, gastrointestinal and lung cancers. In this work a vertically emitting organic distributed feedback (DFB) laser has been used to detect the ErbB2 protein. This DFB laser consists of a polystyrene (PS) film containing a perylenediimide laser dye, deposited over a second-order one dimensional grating fabricated on fused silica by thermal-nanoimprint lithography and subsequent reactive ion etching processes. Specificity of the system to ErbB2 protein biomarker, achieved by functionalizing the PS with anti-ErbB2 monoclonal antibodies, is demonstrated. A concentration limit of detection for ErbB2 protein of 14 ng/mL has been obtained, and no cross-reactivity has been observed with bovine serum albumin (BSA) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) proteins. These findings open the possibility of using this type of biosensors in clinical applications.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (MINECO) and the European Community (FEDER) through grant no. MAT-2011–28167-C02. This work was partially funded by the Basque Government within the framework of the Etortek Program (Grant No. IE13-360). M. Morales-Vidal has been partly supported by a MINECO FPI fellowship (no. BES-2009-020747)