5,271 research outputs found

    Introducing the Learning Scorecard: a tool to improve the student learning experience

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    Improving the student learning experience is an essential aspect of teaching. This paper presents the Learning Scorecard (LS), a tool designed to monitor and manage the learning experience of students in a course. The LS has a student view and a faculty (or course coordinator) view. The student view essentially focuses on time management and uses gamification to engage students with the course’s activities. In the faculty view, data is aggregated from the student’s view, enabling the course coordinator to monitor the average progress of students in the different classes of the course he/she is lecturing. The Learning Scorecard has been developed using Business Intelligence and performance management techniques. It includes a Balanced Scorecard and dashboards for the visualization and monitoring of the student learning experience. In this paper the design of the LS will be presented as well as some initial results with an ongoing experiment in a course lectured in different Higher Education programs within the same university.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Introducing the Learning Scorecard: a tool to improve the student learning experience

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    Improving the student learning experience is an essential aspect of teaching. This paper presents the Learning Scorecard (LS), a tool designed to monitor and manage the learning experience of students in a course. The LS has a student view and a faculty (or course coordinator) view. The student view essentially focuses on time management and uses gamification to engage students with the course’s activities. In the faculty view, data is aggregated from the student’s view, enabling the course coordinator to monitor the average progress of students in the different classes of the course he/she is lecturing. The Learning Scorecard has been developed using Business Intelligence and performance management techniques. It includes a Balanced Scorecard and dashboards for the visualization and monitoring of the student learning experience. In this paper the design of the LS will be presented as well as some initial results with an ongoing experiment in a course lectured in different Higher Education programs within the same university.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Learning scorecard: Monitor and foster student learning through gamification

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    This paper presents the Learning Scorecard (LS), a platform that enables students to monitor their learning progress in a Higher Education course during the semester, generating the data that will also support the ongoing supervision of the class performance by the course coordinator. The LS uses gamification techniques to increase student engagement with the course. Business Intelligence best practices are also applied to provide an analytical environment for student and faculty to monitor course performance. This paper describes the initial design of the LS, based on a Balanced Scorecard approach, and the prototype version of the platform, currently in use by graduate and undergraduate students in the fall semester of 2016-2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo da resposta de um dosímetro eletrónico individual

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    Introdução – A monitorização da exposição ocupacional a doses de radiação ionizante pode ser complementada por dosímetros eletrónicos individuais que permitem uma leitura direta da dose de radiação recebida. Dada a dependência energética e de débito de dose já reportada para estes dosímetros, este trabalho pretende determinar a linearidade da resposta de um dosímetro eletrónico individual e estudar o comportamento da sua resposta em função da energia de radiação e do débito de dose. Metodologia – Para estudar a dependência da energia da radiação do dosímetro eletrónico pessoal Vertec Bleeper Sv procedeu‑se à sua irradiação com um equivalente de dose individual, Hp(10), de 500 μSv de radiação gama do Cobalto – 60 (60C) e Césio – 137 (137Cs) e das qualidades de radiação X da série Narrow (N): N‑30, N‑40, N‑60, N‑80, N‑100 e N‑120. Para investigar a dependência da resposta em função do débito de dose aplicaram‑se à ampola de raios X as intensidades de corrente elétrica de 1 mA, 5 mA, 10 mA, 15 mA e 20 mA. Resultados – Não existe uma relação entre a resposta do detetor e a energia de radiação a que este é exposto. Ocorre uma subestimação superior a 50% na grandeza medida para energias inferiores a 33 keV, mas ostenta uma medida relativamente linear da grandeza Hp(10) para doses inferiores a 100 μSv. Também se constata que, à medida que o débito de dose aumenta, existe uma diminuição na resposta do dosímetro. O menor decréscimo na resposta deste dosímetro eletrónico individual dá‑se para as qualidades de radiação N‑30 (1,1%), N‑40 (4,1%) e N‑120 (20,0%). Conclusão – Verifica‑se que a resposta do dosímetro individual Vertec Bleeper Sv depende fortemente da energia da radiação e do débito de dose. ABSTRACT: Introduction – The measurement of occupational exposure to radiation doses can be completed with an electronic personal dosemeter that allows a direct reading and alarm function of the received radiation dose. Due to the energy and dose rate dependence already reported for this type of dosemeter, it is intended, with this work, to determine the response linearity of an Electronic Personal Dosemeter and to study its response behavior to the dose rate and radiation energy. Methodology – The electronic personal dosemeter Vertec Bleeper Sv energy dependency was evaluated by its irradiation with 500 μSv from the radionuclides Cobalt – 60 (60C) and Cesium – 137 (137Cs) as well as by the radiation qualities of the Narrow (N) series: N‑30, N‑40, N‑60, N‑80, N‑100 e N‑120. To investigate the dose rate dependency, the intensities of electric current of 1 mA, 5 mA, 10 mA, 15 mA and 20 mA were applied to the X‑ray tube. Results – There is no relationship between the response of the detector and the radiation energy. For energies below 33 keV there is an underestimation over 50% of the radiation dose measured but the detector presents a linear response for energies under 100 μSv. A dependency on the dose rate is perceived since as the dose rate increases, the response of the individual monitor decreases. There is a smaller decrease for the radiation qualities of N‑30 (1.1%), N‑40 (4.1%) and N‑120 (20.0%). Conclusion – It is concluded that there is a strong dependence of radiation energy and dose rate on the response of an electronic personal dosemeter

    Study of the detection efficiency of a surface contamination monitor according to the distance and the surface emission rate

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    Introdução – No caso de uma eventual contaminação radioativa esta deve ser quantificada, pelo que é necessário garantir que as condições de funcionamento de um monitor de contaminação de superfícies se encontrem adequadamente caracterizadas, através da determinação da sua eficiência de deteção. Este estudo tem como objetivo determinar a eficiência de deteção de um monitor de contaminação e analisar a influência da distância e da atividade. Metodologia – O monitor de contaminação Thermo Mini 900E e as fontes radioativas planas de referência de Carbono – 14 (C-14), Césio – 137 (Cs-137), Estrôncio – 90 (Sr-90), Cloro – 36 (Cl-36) e Amerício – 241 (Am-241) com débito de emissão superficial rastreável ao Physikalish Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB) foram utilizadas. Fontes de Sr-90 e C-14 com dois débitos de emissão distintos para cada e distâncias de 1 a 20mm foram usados para estudar a sua influência na eficiência de deteção. Resultados – Verificou-se que as fontes radioativas emissoras de partículas de maior energia apresentam uma maior eficiência de deteção e que esta diminui com o aumento da distância do detetor à fonte, sendo que os radioisótopos de maior energia apresentam um decréscimo na eficiência de 15% ao longo de 20mm, enquanto os radioisótopos de menor energia apresentam um decréscimo de 10%. Não se verificou uma influência expressiva do débito de emissão na eficiência de deteção deste monitor de contaminação. Conclusão – A eficiência de deteção de um monitor de contaminação portátil é dependente da distância deste à contaminação bem como do tipo de radiação emitida e energia dos radioisótopos presentes na contaminação. - ABSTRACT - Introduction – A radioactive contamination needs to be quantified in case it eventually occurs. Therefore it is necessary to ensure that the operating conditions of a surface contamination monitor are characterized by determining its detection efficiency. This experimental study aims to determine the detection efficiency of a contamination monitor and evaluate the distance and surface emission rate influence on the detection efficiency. Methodology – A contamination monitor Thermo Mini 900E was tested with reference radiation sources of Carbon – 14 (C-14), Cesium – 137 (Cs-137), Strontium – 90 (Sr-90), Chlorine – 36 (Cl-36) and Americium – 241 (Am-241) with its emission rate traced to the Physikalish Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB). Sources of Sr-90 and C-14 with two different emission rates for each one and distances of 1 to 20mm were used to study its influence in the detection efficiency. Results – With the increasing of distance, the detection efficiency decreases. The most energetic radiation sources have higher detection efficiency, boasting a 15% decrease over 20mm whereas the sources bearing a smaller efficiency decrease 10%. No influence of the surface emission rate in the detection efficiency was verified. Conclusion – Thus, it is concluded that the detection efficiency of a contamination monitor is dependent of the distance between it and the contamination as well as the type and energy of the radioisotopes present in the contamination

    Análise da actividade electromiográfica durante o equilíbrio estático, com calçado MBT e descalço

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    O objectivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência das sapatilhas MBT na actividade electromiográfica dos músculos tibial anterior (TA) e gastrocnémio medial (GM), no equilíbrio estático, a curto e longo prazo. Foi recolhido o sinal electromiográfico de 30 indivíduos em dois momentos distintos, com 8 semanas de intervalo entre eles. Cada momento consistiu em três ensaios de equilíbrio estático descalço e três com sapatilhas MBT. As variáveis em estudo aumentaram a curto prazo com o calçado MBT. A longo prazo não se verificaram diferenças significativas. Os resultados confirmam que as sapatilhas MBT aumentam a actividade muscular do GM, no equilíbrio estático.The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of MBT shoes in the electromyographic activity of tibialis anterior (TA) and medial gastrocnemius (GM), during quiet standing in the short and long term. Electromyographic signal was collected from 30 individuals at two different times, with 8 weeks between them. Each time consisted of three tests of static balance barefoot and three with MBT shoes. The muscle activity have increased in the short term with the MBT shoes. In the long term there were no significant differences. The results confirm that the MBT shoes increase muscle activity of GM in static equilibrium

    Spectral Library of European Pegmatites, Pegmatite Minerals and Pegmatite Host-Rocks The GREENPEG Project Database

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    Abstract. The GREENPEG spectral database contains the spectral signature, obtained through reflectance spectroscopy studies, of European pegmatites and minerals, as well as their host rocks. Samples include Nb-Y-F (NYF) and Li-Cs-Ta (LCT)-type pegmatites and host rocks from pegmatite locations in Austria, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, and Spain. The database contains the reflectance spectra (raw and with continuum removed), sample photographs, and main absorption features automatically extracted by a self-proposed Python routine. Whenever possible, spectral mineralogy was interpreted based on the continuum-removed spectra. A detailed description of the database, its content and structure, the measuring instrument, and interoperability with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is available in this database report. Moreover, examples of how the data can be used and interpreted are also provided. The advantages and added value of the presented dataset reside on its European scale with representative samples from pegmatites with distinct genesis, mineralogy, structure, and host rocks that can be used as a reference for pegmatite exploration at a global scale through satellite image processing, for example. The reported spectral mineral assemblages can also be of interest when considering resource estimation or ore processing. Thus, it is expected that this open dataset, available on the Zenodo platform https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6518319 (Cardoso-Fernandes et al., 2022), will be a reference for distinct types of users ranging from academia to industry. </jats:p

    Spectral Library of European Pegmatites, Pegmatite Minerals and Pegmatite Host-Rocks - the GREENPEG project database

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    The New Exploration Tools for European Pegmatite Green-Tech Resources (GREENPEG) spectral database contains the spectral signature, obtained through reflectance spectroscopy studies, of European pegmatites and minerals as well as their host rocks. Samples include pegmatites of the Nb-Y-F (NYF) and Li-Cs-Ta (LCT) chemical types and host rocks from pegmatite locations in Austria, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, and Spain. The database contains the reflectance spectra (raw and continuum-removed spectra), sample photographs, and main absorption features automatically extracted by a self-proposed Python routine. Whenever possible, spectral mineralogy was interpreted based on the continuum-removed spectra. A detailed description of the database, its content and structure, the measuring instrument, and interoperability with geographic information system (GIS) tools is available in this database report. Moreover, examples of how the data can be used and interpreted are also provided. The advantages and added value of the presented dataset reside in its European scale, with representative samples from pegmatites with distinct genesis, mineralogy, structure, and host rocks that can be used as a reference for pegmatite exploration at a global scale via, for example, satellite image processing. The reported spectral mineral assemblages can also be of interest when considering resource estimation or ore processing. Thus, it is expected that this open dataset, available on the Zenodo platform https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6518318 (Cardoso-Fernandes et al., 2022b), will be a reference for distinct types of users, ranging from academia to industry

    Exploring the Applicability of Calorespirometry to Assess Seed Metabolic Stability Upon Temperature Stress Conditions—Pisum sativum L. Used as a Case Study

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    Original ResearchThe availability of phenotyping tools to assist breeding programs in the selection of highquality crop seeds is of obvious interest with consequences for both seed producers and consumers. Seed germination involves the activation of several metabolic pathways, such as cellular respiration to provide the required ATP and reducing power. This work tested the applicability of calorespirometry, the simultaneous measurement of heat and CO2 rates, as a phenotyping tool to assess seed respiratory properties as a function of temperature. The effect of temperature on seed germination was evaluated after 16 h of seed imbibition by calorespirometric experiments performed in isothermal mode at 15, 20, 25, and 28 C on the seeds of three cultivars of peas (Pisum sativum L.) commonly used in conventional agriculture (cvs. ‘Rondo’, ‘Torta de Quebrar’, and ‘Maravilha d’América’). Significant differences in metabolic heat rate and CO2 production rate (RCO2) as well as in the temperature responses of these parameters were found among the three cultivars. A seed germination trial was conducted during the 6 days of imbibition to evaluate the predictive power of the parameters derived from the calorespirometric measurements. The germination trial showed that the optimal germination temperature was 20 C and low germination rates were observed at extreme temperatures (15 or 28 C). The cv. ‘Torta de Quebrar’ showed significantly higher germination in comparison with the other two cultivars at all three temperatures. In comparison with the other two cultivars, ‘Torta de Quebrar’ has the lowest metabolic heat and CO2 rates and the smallest temperature dependence of these measured parameters. Additionally, ‘Torta de Quebrar’ has the lowest values of growth rate and carbon use efficiency calculated from the measured variables. These data suggest that calorespirometry is a useful tool for phenotyping physiologic efficiency at different temperatures during early germination stages, and can determine the seeds with the highest resilience to temperature variation, in this case ‘Torta de Quebrar’info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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