53,007 research outputs found

    Inductive learning spatial attention

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    This paper investigates the automatic induction of spatial attention from the visual observation of objects manipulated on a table top. In this work, space is represented in terms of a novel observer-object relative reference system, named Local Cardinal System, defined upon the local neighbourhood of objects on the table. We present results of applying the proposed methodology on five distinct scenarios involving the construction of spatial patterns of coloured blocks

    Can stellar activity make a planet seem misaligned?

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    Several studies have shown that the occultation of stellar active regions by the transiting planet can generate anomalies in the high-precision transit light curves, and these anomalies may lead to an inaccurate estimate of the planetary parameters (e.g., the planet radius). Since the physics and geometry behind the transit light curve and the Rossiter- McLaughlin effect (spectroscopic transit) are the same, the Rossiter-McLaughlin observations are expected to be affected by the occultation of stellar active regions in a similar way. In this paper we perform a fundamental test on the spin-orbit angles as derived by Rossiter-McLaughlin measurements, and we examine the impact of the occultation of stellar active regions by the transiting planet on the spin-orbit angle estimations. Our results show that the inaccurate estimation on the spin-orbit angle due to stellar activity can be quite significant (up to 30 degrees), particularly for the edge-on, aligned, and small transiting planets. Therefore, our results suggest that the aligned transiting planets are the ones that can be easily misinterpreted as misaligned owing to the stellar activity. In other words, the biases introduced by ignoring stellar activity are unlikely to be the culprit for the highly misaligned systems.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Potencial alelopático de Myrcia guianensis.

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    O uso do fogo e de roçadeira para controle de plantas daninhas em pastagens tem se mostrado pouco efetivo. Já o uso de herbicidas sintéticos, embora mais eficaz no controle de plantas daninhas, tem sido questionado quanto ao impacto ambiental. Portanto, a busca de compostos naturais para possível utilização como herbicida é de fundamental importância. Esses fatos motivaram o presente estudo, que teve como objetivos isolar, identificar e caracterizar a atividade alelopática potencial de substâncias químicas produzidas por Myrcia guianensis (pedra-ume-caá). Foram analisados os efeitos potenciais alelopáticos de extratos brutos, partições, óleo essencial e das substâncias químicas isoladas (ácido gálico e ácido protocatecuico) sobre a germinação e o desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo das plantas daninhas Mimosa pudica (malícia) e Senna obtusifolia (mata-pasto) em pastagens. Os extratos brutos e as partições foram analisados em concentração de 1%; o óleo essencial, em concentrações de 1, 5, 10, 15 e 20 ppm; e as substâncias isoladas, em concentrações de 15, 30, 45 e 60 ppm. A espécie malícia se mostrou mais sensível aos efeitos alelopáticos dos extratos brutos e das partições. O óleo essencial inibiu a germinação da malícia e estimulou a germinação no mata-pasto. A atividade alelopática das substâncias químicas isoladas esteve associada à concentração, e a atividade mais intensa foi em 60 ppm

    Collective modes in relativistic npe matter at finite temperature

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    Isospin and density waves in neutral neutron-proton-electron (npe) matter are studied within a relativistic mean-field hadron model at finite temperature with the inclusion of the electromagnetic field. The dispersion relation is calculated and the collective modes are obtained. The unstable modes are discussed and the spinodals, which separate the stable from the unstable regions, are shown for different values of the momentum transfer at various temperatures. The critical temperatures are compared with the ones obtained in a system without electrons. The largest critical temperature, 12.39 MeV, occurs for a proton fraction y_p=0.47. For y_p=0.3 we get TcrT_{cr} =5 MeV and for y_p>0.495 Tcr8T_cr\lesssim 8 MeV. It is shown that at finite temperature the distillation effect in asymmetric matter is not so efficient and that electron effects are particularly important for small momentum transfers.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Evidence for entanglement at high temperatures in an engineered molecular magnet

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    The molecular compound [Fe2_{2}(μ2\mu_{2}-oxo)(C3_{3}H4_{4}N2_{2})6_{6}(C2_{2}O4_{4})2_{2}] was designed and synthesized for the first time and its structure was determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The magnetic susceptibility of this compound was measured from 2 to 300 K. The analysis of the susceptibility data using protocols developed for other spin singlet ground-state systems indicates that the quantum entanglement would remain at temperatures up to 732 K, significantly above the highest entanglement temperature reported to date. The large gap between the ground state and the first-excited state (282 K) suggests that the spin system may be somewhat immune to decohering mechanisms. Our measurements strongly suggest that molecular magnets are promising candidate platforms for quantum information processing

    A thorough analysis of the short- and mid-term activity-related variations in the solar acoustic frequencies

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    The frequencies of the solar acoustic oscillations vary over the activity cycle. The variations in other activity proxies are found to be well correlated with the variations in the acoustic frequencies. However, each proxy has a slightly different time behaviour. Our goal is to characterize the differences between the time behaviour of the frequency shifts and of two other activity proxies, namely, the area covered by sunspots and the 10.7cm flux. We define a new observable that is particularly sensitive to the short-term frequency variations. We then compare the observable when computed from model frequency shifts and from observed frequency shifts obtained with the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) for cycle 23. Our analysis shows that on the shortest time-scales the variations in the frequency shifts seen in the GONG observations are strongly correlated with the variations in the area covered by sunspots. However, a significant loss of correlation is still found. We verify that the times when the frequency shifts and the sunspot area do not vary in a similar way tend to coincide with the times of the maxima of the quasi-biennial variations seen in the solar seismic data. A similar analysis of the relation between the 10.7cm flux and the frequency shifts reveals that the short-time variations in the frequency shifts follow even more closely those of the 10.7cm flux than those of the sunspot area. However, a loss of correlation between frequency shifts and 10.7cm flux variations is still found around the same times.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Entanglement and Bell's inequality violation above room temperature in metal carboxylates

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    In the present work we show that a special family of materials, the metal carboxylates, may have entangled states up to very high temperatures. From magnetic susceptibility measurements, we have estimated the critical temperature below which entanglement exists in the cooper carboxylate \{Cu2_2(O2_2CH)4_4\}\{Cu(O2_2CH)2_2(2-methylpyridine)2_2\}, and we have found this to be above room temperature (Te630T_e \sim 630 K). Furthermore, the results show that the system remains maximally entangled until close to 100\sim 100 K and the Bell's inequality is violated up to nearly room temperature (290\sim 290 K)