566 research outputs found

    Assessing the Efficiency of Mother-to-Child HIV Prevention in Low- and Middle-Income Countries using Data Envelopment Analysis

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    AIDS is one of the most significant health care problems worldwide. Due to the difficulty and costs involved in treating HIV, preventing infection is of paramount importance in controlling the AIDS epidemic. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the potential of using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to establish international comparisons on the efficiency implementation of HIV prevention programmes. To this effect we use data from 52 low- and middle-income countries regarding the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Our results indicate that there is a remarkable variation in efficiency of prevention services across nations, suggesting that a better use of resources could lead to more and improved services, and ultimately, prevent the infection of thousands of children. These results also demonstrate the potential strategic role of DEA for the efficient and effective planning of scarce resources to fight the epidemic.HIV Prevention; DEA; Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission.

    Wireless networks and IoT applications

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    [Excerpt] Wireless networks play a key role in IoT applications, often with wireless sensor networks as ad hoc local area networks with self-healing routing, recent low-power wide-area network technologies enabling new application felds and/or more efcient architectures, and mobile networks ofering the possibility of extending applications to remote areas. Wireless networks also enable innovative and interesting applications ranging from smart-homes and smart-cities to precision agriculture and advanced healthcare.- The guest editors are thankful to the reviewers for their effort in reviewing the manuscripts. We also thank the EAI and Springer staff for their support during the process. This special issue was supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the Portuguese Government

    A Multiple Criteria Framework to Evaluate Bank Branch Potential Attractiveness

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    Remarkable progress has occurred over the years in the performance evaluation of bank branches. Even though financial measures are usually considered the most important in assessing branch viability, we posit that insufficient attention has been given to other factors that affect the branches’ potential profitability and attractiveness. Based on the integrated used of cognitive maps and MCDA techniques, we propose a framework that adds value to the way that potential attractiveness criteria to assess bank branches are selected and to the way that the trade-offs between those criteria are obtained. This framework is the result of a process involving several directors from the five largest banks operating in Portugal, and follows a constructivist approach. Our findings suggest that the use of cognitive maps systematically identifies previously omitted criteria that may assess potential attractiveness. The use of MCDA techniques may clarify and add transparency to the way trade-offs are dealt with. Advantages and disadvantages of the proposed framework are also discussed.

    Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the performance of organ transplant services using data envelopment analysis

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    Organ transplant is one of the best options for many medical conditions, and in many cases, it may be the only treatment option. Recent evidence suggests, however, that the COVID-19 pandemic might have detrimentally affected the provision of this type of healthcare services. The main purpose of this article is to use Data Envelopment Analysis and the Malmquist Index to assess the impact that the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 had on the provision of solid organ transplant services. To this purpose, we use three complementary models, each focusing on specific aspects of the organ donation and transplantation process, and data from Brazil, which has one of the most extensive public organ transplant programs in the world. Using data from 17 States plus the Federal District, the results of our analysis show a significant drop in the performance of the services in terms of the organ donation and transplantation process from 2018 to 2020, but the results also indicate that not all aspects of the process and States were equally affected. Furthermore, by using different models, this research also allows us to gain a more comprehensive and informative assessment of the performance of the States in delivering this type of service and identify opportunities for reciprocal learning, expanding our knowledge on this important issue and offering opportunities for further research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of dual-task interventions on gait performance of patients with parkinson’s disease: a systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: Parkinson’s disease is characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms that impair patients’ gait performance, especially while performing dual/concurrent tasks. These deficits impair patients’ daily function, because dual-tasking is a crucial ability in terms of everyday living. The aim of this study was to systematically review the effects of dual task interventions on gait performance of patients with Parkinson’s disease. METHOD: Studies were retrieved from MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS and SciELO. We used the PICOS strategy to determine eligibility criteria. The search strategy included an advanced search on the included databases, using the following search query: “Parkinson’s Disease” AND “Double Task” OR “Concurrent Tasks” OR “Gait” AND “Walk”. Study selection was carried out by two independent researchers and a third one was called when consensus was needed. RESULTS: A total of 188 articles were identified: 169 articles from Medline/PubMed, 10 articles in SciELO, 8 articles in LILACS and 1 item from manual searches. A total of 56 articles were analyzed regarding the eligibility and exclusion criteria based on full text. A final total of 7 studies were included in the systematic review. CONCLUSION: The different types of dual-task interventions reported (dance, sound stimuli, visual and somatosensory) were associated to improvements in several gait performance indicators of Parkinson’s disease patients, including gait speed, stride time and length, cadence and step length. External stimuli seem to play a critical role on specific training effects on dual-task gait performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How to create indices for bank branch financial performance measurement using MCDA techniques: an illustrative example

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    Most banks have been negatively affected by the recent economic recession, which has forced them to evaluate their operating performance including the financial performance of bank branches. Approaches that have been applied to address the financial performance evaluation of bank branches include: optimization techniques, simulations, stochastic tools, fuzzy logics and decision support systems. Although recent improvements have been made in assessing financial performance, the potential for significant further improvement remains since the recent world economic crisis is adding pressure on business margins. The purpose of this paper is to construct an exemplificative evaluation index for bank branch financial performance by integrating cognitive maps with measuring attractiveness by a categorical based evaluation technique. We aim to apply this methodology constructively to serve as a learning mechanism and introduce transparency in the decision making process. Practical applications, strengths and weaknesses of the proposed evaluation index are also discussed

    Description of the complete larval development of Lysmata amboinensis (De Man) (Decapoda: Lysmatidae) reared under laboratory conditions

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    This work was done under the framework of the project PLANTROF (MAR-01.04.02-FEAMP-0001) co-financed by MAR2020, Portugal2020 and European Union. MARE-Polytechnic of Leiria was supported by the Integrated Programme of SR&TD “Smart Valorization of Endogenous Marine Biological Resources Under a Changing Climate”, Portugal (Centro-01-0145-FEDER-000018), co-funded by Centro 2020 programme, Portugal 2020, Portugal, European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to Ricardo Calado for his corrections and suggestions that clearly improve the manuscript.Complete larval morphological descriptions are currently only known for three of the 48 species of genus Lysmata. The present study describes and illustrates the larval development of Lysmata amboinensis (De Man) reared under laboratory conditions. Lysmata amboinensis larval development is composed by a total of ten zoea and a decapodite stage. The first zoeal stage larvae presents sessile eyes, a carapace with a pterigostomial spine and anterio-ventral marginal denticles, a long, slender, and pointed rostrum, an antennal exopod terminally segmented, a pleon with five somites, the fifth one bearing a pair of dorso-lateral spines on the posterior margin, and a triangular shaped telson with 7+7 posterior processes. The decapodite resembles a smaller adult and has extremely long antennas (more than twice the total length of the decapodite), the first two pair of pereiopods with chela, first four pairs of pereiopods with reduced and unsegmented exopods, and fully developed pleopods. The morphological features of L. amboinensis are compared with those currently available for the larval stage of the genus Lysmata.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Adding Value to Bank Branch Performance Evaluation Using Cognitive Maps and MCDA: A Case Study

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    The performance evaluation of bank branches is a difficult task. One of the main reasons for this difficulty is the complexity inherent in the variety of aspects to be considered in the evaluation, and the multiple and conflicting interests of the different stakeholders involved. In this paper we aim to show how cognitive mapping and the MACBETH approach can be used to support the evaluation of bank branches through the development of multidimensional performance evaluation systems, and to deal explicitly with the trade-offs between the different dimensions of performance and interests of different stakeholders. A case study is discussed where these techniques are used in a constructive way, making the learning activity easier and introducing transparency in the decision making process. The strengths and weaknesses of the integrated use of these two operational research techniques in this context are also discussed.