3,542 research outputs found


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    O relato apresenta resultados parciais obtidos numa experiência de mídia-educação vivenciada por acadêmicos e docentes da UNIPAMPA, envolvendo a produção e veiculação semanal de um programa radiofônico. Baseado na perspectiva metodológica da pesquisa qualitativa traz entre seus objetivos a discussão conceitual da mídia-educação na UNIPAMPA, bem como a sua efetivação através de uma proposta de produção de conteúdos midiáticos, mais críticos e participativos, que conduzam à reflexão e emancipação. É possível observar que a proposta tem contribuído para a promoção da cidadania ao debater com a sociedade, assuntos de interesse público

    Composición y calidad de la leche en función de la etapa de lactancia y de la paridad

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate the relationship among lactation order and days in milking with milk production, composition and somatic cells count (SCC) from Holstein cows and also verify the efficiency of "California Mastitis Test” (CMT) to detect high scores of SCC. Milk samples were collected from the Experimental Farm of Iguatemi located in Maringa, Parana State, from 2008 to 2009. Regression analyzes were performed by a computer system R (2009) in order to verify the behavior of production and milk components as a function of days of lactation order and using the mixed model methodology, considering animal and day of milk control as random. To evaluate the efficiency of CMT test in detecting high SCC was considered negative binomial distribution for the response variable, because it is data that exhibit over dispersion, using the methodology of generalized linear models. It was found that milk production increases and milk fat decreases by the lactation order. Milk protein increases with the days in milking because milk production is decreased. It was concluded that milk production and quality are closely connected to the lactation order and days in milking and CMT performed on farm is positively linked with CCS.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre el orden y los días de lactancia con la producción, composición y conteo de células somáticas (CCS) en leche de vacas Holstein, así como comprobar la eficacia de la prueba California para Mastitis (CMT) detectando alto CCS. Se tomaron muestras de leche del rebaño de la Hacienda Experimental de Iguatemi, Maringá-PR, en un periodo comprendido entre 2008 y 2009. Fueron realizados análisis de regresión utilizando el programa estadístico R (2009) con el fin de verificar el comportamiento de la producción y los componentes de la leche en función de los días y orden de lactancia utilizando la metodología de modelos lineares mixtos, considerando el animal y día de control lechero como aleatorios. Para evaluar la eficacia de la prueba de CMT para detectar alto CCS se consideró distribución binomial negativa para la variable respuesta, ya que los datos mostraron sobredispersión utilizando la metodología de modelos lineales generalizados. Se encontró que a medida que la producción de leche aumenta, el porcentaje de grasa en la leche disminuye, siendo diferente en cada orden de lactancia. El porcentaje de proteína aumenta con el periodo de lactación, mientas disminuye la producción. Se concluye que la producción y la calidad de la leche están estrechamente relacionadas con el orden y los días de lactación, la prueba CMT tiene relación positiva con el CCS

    Impact of Appropriate Antimicrobial Therapy for Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock – A Quality Improvement Study

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    Background There is ample literature available on the association between both time to antibiotics and appropriateness of antibiotics and clinical outcomes from sepsis. In fact, the current state of debate surrounds the balance to be struck between prompt empirical therapy and care in the choice of appropriate antibiotics (both in terms of the susceptibility of infecting organism and minimizing resistance arising from use of broad-spectrum agents). The objective of this study is to determine sepsis bundle compliance and the appropriateness of antimicrobial therapy in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock and its impact on outcomes. Material This study was conducted in the ICU of a tertiary care, private hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. A retrospective cohort study was conducted from July 2005 to December 2012 in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Results A total of 1,279 patients were identified with severe sepsis and septic shock, of which 358 (32.1%) had bloodstream infection (BSI). The inpatient mortality rate was 29%. In evaluation of the sepsis bundle, over time there was a progressive increase in serum arterial lactate collection, obtaining blood cultures prior to antibiotic administration, administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics within 1 hour, and administration of appropriate antimicrobials, with statistically significant differences in the later years of the study. We also observed a significant decrease in mortality. In patients with bloodstream infection, after adjustment for other covariates the administration of appropriate antimicrobial therapy was associated with a decrease in mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock (p = 0.023). Conclusions The administration of appropriate antimicrobial therapy was independently associated with a decline in mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock due to bloodstream infection. As protocol adherence increased over time, the crude mortality rate decreased, which reinforces the need to implement institutional guidelines and monitor appropriate antimicrobial therapy compliance

    Ghrelin-induced Food Intake, but not GH Secretion, Requires the Expression of the GH Receptor in the Brain of Male Mice

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    Ghrelin stimulates both GH secretion and food intake. The orexigenic action of ghrelin is mainly mediated by neurons that coexpress agouti-related protein (AgRP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH). GH also stimulates food intake and, importantly, ARHAgRP/NPY neurons express GH receptor (GHR). Thus, ghrelin-induced GH secretion may contribute to the orexigenic effect of ghrelin. Here, we investigated the response to ghrelin in male mice carrying GHR ablation specifically in neurons (brain GHR knockout [KO] mice) or exclusively in ARHAgRP/NPY neurons (AgRP GHR KO mice). Although brain GHR KO mice showed normal ghrelin-induced increase in plasma GH levels, these mutants lacked the expected orexigenic response to ghrelin. Additionally, brain GHR KO mice displayed reduced hypothalamic levels of Npy and Ghsr mRNA and did not elicit ghrelin-induced c-Fos expression in the ARH. Furthermore, brain GHR KO mice exhibited a prominent reduction in AgRP fiber density in the ARH and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH). In contrast, AgRP GHR KO mice showed no changes in the hypothalamic Npy and Ghsr mRNAs and conserved ghrelin-induced food intake and c-Fos expression in the ARH. AgRP GHR KO mice displayed a reduced AgRP fiber density (∼16%) in the PVH, but this reduction was less than that observed in brain GHR KO mice (∼61%). Our findings indicate that GHR signaling in the brain is required for the orexigenic effect of ghrelin, independently of GH action on ARHAgRP/NPY neurons.Fil: Wasinski, Frederick. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Barrile, Franco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular; ArgentinaFil: Pedroso, João A. B.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Quaresma, Paula G. F.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Dos Santos, Willian O.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: List, Edward O.. Ohio University; Estados UnidosFil: Kopchick, John J.. Ohio University; Estados UnidosFil: Perelló, Mario. Multidisciplinary Institute Of Cell Biology; ArgentinaFil: Donato, Jose. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Isolation of microsatellite loci in the Amazon sailfin catfish Pterygoplichlhys pardalis (Castelneau, 1855) (Teleostei: Loricariidae).

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    Pterygoplichlhys pardalis is an important freshwater ornamental fish in the Amazon Basin. Studies involving populations of P. pardalis are of great importance for the conservation and management of this species. We developed nine microsatellite loci and applied them to investigate the genetic variation of 20 wild individuals from floodplain lakes of the Solimões river. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 12, with an average of 6.6. The observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.400 to 0.923 (average 0.706) and from 0.358 to 0.895 (average 0.692), respectively. The value of f ranged from -0.532 to 0.467 (average 0.032). One locus (Pp07) significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction (P: (5 %)\0.006). No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected. These microsatellite loci will contribute towards studies of genetic diversity and conservation of P. pardalis

    Periostin as a modulator of chronic cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction

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    OBJECTIVE: After acute myocardial infarction, during the cardiac repair phase, periostin is released into the infarct and activates signaling pathways that are essential for the reparative process. However, the role of periostin in chronic cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction remains to be elucidated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between tissue periostin and cardiac variables in the chronic cardiac remodeling induced by myocardial infarction. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were assigned to 2 groups: a simulated surgery group (SHAM; n = 8) and a myocardial infarction group (myocardial infarction; n = 13). After 3 months, morphological, functional and biochemical analyses were performed. The data are expressed as means±SD or medians (including the lower and upper quartiles). RESULTS: Myocardial infarctions induced increased left ventricular diastolic and systolic areas associated with a decreased fractional area change and a posterior wall shortening velocity. With regard to the extracellular matrix variables, the myocardial infarction group presented with higher values of periostin and types I and III collagen and higher interstitial collagen volume fractions and myocardial hydroxyproline concentrations. In addition, periostin was positively correlated with type III collagen levels (r = 0.673, p = 0.029) and diastolic (r = 0.678, p = 0.036) and systolic (r = 0.795, p = 0.006) left ventricular areas. Considering the relationship between periostin and the cardiac function variables, periostin was inversely correlated with both the fractional area change (r = -0.783, p = 0.008) and the posterior wall shortening velocity (r = -0.767, p = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Periostin might be a modulator of deleterious cardiac remodeling in the chronic phase after myocardial infarction in rats

    Genome-wide analyses reveal a highly conserved Dengue virus envelope peptide which is critical for virus viability and antigenic in humans.

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    Targeting regions of proteins that show a high degree of structural conservation has been proposed as a method of developing immunotherapies and vaccines that may bypass the wide genetic variability of RNA viruses. Despite several attempts, a vaccine that protects evenly against the four circulating Dengue virus (DV) serotypes remains elusive. To find critical conserved amino acids in dengue viruses, 120 complete genomes of each serotype were selected at random and used to calculate conservation scores for nucleotide and amino acid sequences. The identified peptide sequences were analysed for their structural conservation and localisation using crystallographic data. The longest, surface exposed, highly conserved peptide of Envelope protein was found to correspond to amino acid residues 250 to 270. Mutation of this peptide in DV1 was lethal, since no replication of the mutant virus was detected in human cells. Antibodies against this peptide were detected in DV naturally infected patients indicating its potential antigenicity. Hence, this study has identified a highly conserved, critical peptide in DV that is a target of antibodies in infected humans

    Soroprevalência dos lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes em ovinos explorados na Micro-Região do Alto-Médio Gurguéia, no Sul do estado do Piauí, Brasil.

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    Resumo: Objetivando estimar a prevalência dos Lentivírus de Pequenos Ruminantes (LVPR) em rebanhos ovinos da Micro-Região do Alto-Médio Gurguéia, no sul do estado do Piauí, foram coletados 965 amostras sorológica em 37 propriedades. Para a detecção de anticorpos antilentivírus foi utilizado o teste de Microimudifusão em Gel de Agarose (MIDGA). Os resultados revelaram soroprevalência geral de 0,51% de animais positivos. Portanto, as Lentiviroses de Pequenos Ruminantes estão presentes em rebanhos ovinos da Micro-Região do Alto-Médio Gurguéia, no Sul do Estado do Piauí. Abstract: In order to estimate the prevalence of Small Ruminants lentivirus (SRLV) in sheep flocks at Micro-Region of the Upper-Middle Gurguéia , in the southern state of Piaui, 965 blood serum samples were collected in 37 farms. For the detection of anti-lentivirus antibodies was used the MicroAgar gel immunodiffusion test (MAGID). The results revealed overall prevalence of 0.51% of positive animals. In conclusion, Small Ruminants Lentiviruses are present in sheep flocks form Micro-Region of the Upper-Middle Gurguéia , in the southern state of Piaui

    Soroprevalência dos lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes em ovinos explorados na Micro-Região do Alto-Médio Gurguéia, no Sul do estado do Piauí, Brasil.

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    Resumo: Objetivando estimar a prevalência dos Lentivírus de Pequenos Ruminantes (LVPR) em rebanhos ovinos da Micro-Região do Alto-Médio Gurguéia, no sul do estado do Piauí, foram coletados 965 amostras sorológica em 37 propriedades. Para a detecção de anticorpos antilentivírus foi utilizado o teste de Microimudifusão em Gel de Agarose (MIDGA). Os resultados revelaram soroprevalência geral de 0,51% de animais positivos. Portanto, as Lentiviroses de Pequenos Ruminantes estão presentes em rebanhos ovinos da Micro-Região do Alto-Médio Gurguéia, no Sul do Estado do Piauí. Abstract: In order to estimate the prevalence of Small Ruminants lentivirus (SRLV) in sheep flocks at Micro-Region of the Upper-Middle Gurguéia , in the southern state of Piaui, 965 blood serum samples were collected in 37 farms. For the detection of anti-lentivirus antibodies was used the MicroAgar gel immunodiffusion test (MAGID). The results revealed overall prevalence of 0.51% of positive animals. In conclusion, Small Ruminants Lentiviruses are present in sheep flocks form Micro-Region of the Upper-Middle Gurguéia , in the southern state of Piaui

    Cell Therapy Attenuates Cardiac Dysfunction Post Myocardial Infarction: Effect of Timing, Routes of Injection and a Fibrin Scaffold

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    Background: Cell therapy approaches for biologic cardiac repair hold great promises, although basic fundamental issues remain poorly understood. In the present study we examined the effects of timing and routes of administration of bone marrow cells (BMC) post-myocardial infarction (MI) and the efficacy of an injectable biopolymer scaffold to improve cardiac cell retention and function. Methodology/Principal Findings: (99m)Tc-labeled BMC (6x10(6) cells) were injected by 4 different routes in adult rats: intravenous (IV), left ventricular cavity (LV), left ventricular cavity with temporal aorta occlusion (LV(+)) to mimic coronary injection, and intramyocardial (IM). The injections were performed 1, 2, 3, or 7 days post-MI and cell retention was estimated by gamma-emission counting of the organs excised 24 hs after cell injection. IM injection improved cell retention and attenuated cardiac dysfunction, whereas IV, LV or LV* routes were somewhat inefficient (< 1%). Cardiac BMC retention was not influenced by timing except for the IM injection that showed greater cell retention at 7 (16%) vs. 1, 2 or 3 (average of 7%) days post-MI. Cardiac cell retention was further improved by an injectable fibrin scaffold at day 3 post-MI (17 vs. 7%), even though morphometric and function parameters evaluated 4 weeks later displayed similar improvements. Conclusions/Significance: These results show that cells injected post-MI display comparable tissue distribution profile regardless of the route of injection and that there is no time effect for cardiac cell accumulation for injections performed 1 to 3 days post-MI. As expected the IM injection is the most efficient for cardiac cell retention, it can be further improved by co-injection with a fibrin scaffold and it significantly attenuates cardiac dysfunction evaluated 4 weeks post myocardial infarction. These pharmacokinetic data obtained under similar experimental conditions are essential for further development of these novel approaches