1,931 research outputs found

    Efficiency of optically pumping a quantum battery and a two-stroke heat engine

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    In this work, we study the efficiency of charging a quantum battery through optical pumping. The battery consists of a qutrit and it is connected to a natural thermal reservoir and an external coherent drive in the limit where its upper energy level can be adiabatically eliminated from the dynamics. In this scenario, the drive plus spontaneous emission optically pumps the intermediate energy level of the qutrit and the battery can be understood as being charged by an effective higher temperature reservoir that takes it out of equilibrium with the natural reservoir and stores useful energy in it. We also analyse the efficiency of using this battery and charging scheme as the work fluid of a two-stroke thermal machine

    Criteria for two distinguishable fermions to behave like a boson

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    We study the necessary conditions for bosons composed of two distinguishable fermions to exhibit bosonic-like behaviour. We base our analysis on tools of quantum information theory such as entanglement and the majorization criterion for probability distributions. In particular we scrutinize a recent interesting hypothesis by C. K. Law in the Ref. Phys. Rev. A 71, 034306 (2005) that suggests that the amount of entanglement between the constituent fermions is related to the bosonic properties of the composite boson. We show that a large amount of entanglement does not necessarily imply a good boson-like behaviour by constructing an explicit counterexample. Moreover, we identify more precisely the role entanglement may play in this situation.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure (in color

    Screening mechanisms in hybrid metric-Palatini gravity

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    We investigate the efficiency of screening mechanisms in the hybrid metric-Palatini gravity. The value of the field is computed around spherical bodies embedded in a background of constant density. We find a thin shell condition for the field depending on the background field value. In order to quantify how the thin shell effect is relevant, we analyze how it behaves in the neighborhood of different astrophysical objects (planets, moons or stars). We find that the condition is very well satisfied except only for some peculiar objects. Furthermore we establish bounds on the model using data from solar system experiments such as the spectral deviation measured by the Cassini mission and the stability of the Earth-Moon system, which gives the best constraint to date on f(R)f(R) theories. These bounds contribute to fix the range of viable hybrid gravity models.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cooperative isentropic charging of hybrid quantum batteries

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    Quantum batteries are quantum systems used to store energy to be later extracted by an external agent in the form of work to perform some task. Here we study the charging of a hybrid quantum battery via a collisional model mediated by an anti-Jaynes Cummings interaction obtained from an off-resonant Raman configuration. The battery is made of two distinct components: a stationary infinite dimensional single quantum system (e.g. an harmonic oscillator) and a stream of small dimensional ones (e.g. qutrits). The charging protocol consists of sequentially interacting the harmonic oscillator with each element of the stream, one at a time, under the action of an external energy source and the goal is to analyze how the charging of both the harmonic oscillator and the qutrits is affected by the correlation properties of the stream.Comment: 6 captioned figure

    Vacuum enhanced charging of a quantum battery

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    Quantum batteries are quantum systems that store energy which can then be used for quantum tasks. One relevant question about such systems concerns the differences and eventual advantages over their classical counterparts, whether in the efficiency of the energy transference, input power, total stored energy or other relevant physical quantities. Here, we show how a purely quantum effect related to the vacuum of the electromagnetic field can enhance the charging of a quantum battery. In particular, we demonstrate how an anti-Jaynes Cummings interaction derived from an off-resonant Raman configuration can be used to increase the stored energy of an effective two-level atom when compared to its classically driven counterpart, eventually achieving full charging of the battery with zero entropic cost

    Laser from a Manybody Correlated Medium

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    We consider a non-equilibrium system of interacting emitters described by the XXZ model, whose excitonic transitions are spatially and spectrally coupled to a single mode cavity. We demonstrate that the output radiation field is sensitive to an interplay between the hopping (JJ) and the interactions (UU) of the excitons. Moderate values of the short-ranged interaction are shown to induce laser with maximal output at the Heisenberg point (U=JU=J). In the laser regime, charge-charge correlations emerge and they are shown to strongly depend on the interaction-hopping ratio. In particular, the system shows charge-density correlations below the Heisenberg point and ferromagnetic correlations beyond the Heisenberg point. This contrast to the equilibrium behavior of the XXZ chain occurs since the laser explores highly excited states of the emitters