173 research outputs found

    The scope of the Portuguese Journal of Surgery

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    On the predictability of postoperative complications for cancer patients: a Portuguese cohort study

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the FCT, through IDMEC, under LAETA project (UIDB/50022/2020), IPOscore project with reference DSAIPA/DS/0042/2018, and Data2Help (DSAIPA/DS/0044/2018). This work was further supported by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry – LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020), INESC-ID pluriannual (UIDB/50021/2020), and the contract CEECIND/01399/2017. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Postoperative complications are still hard to predict despite the efforts towards the creation of clinical risk scores. The published scores contribute for the creation of specialized tools, but with limited predictive performance and reusability for implementation in the oncological context. This work aims to predict postoperative complications risk for cancer patients, offering two major contributions. First, to develop and evaluate a machine learning-based risk score, specific for the Portuguese population using a retrospective cohort of 847 cancer patients undergoing surgery between 2016 and 2018, for 4 outcomes of interest: (1) existence of postoperative complications, (2) severity level of complications, (3) number of days in the Intermediate Care Unit (ICU), and (4) postoperative mortality within 1 year. An additional cohort of 137 cancer patients from the same center was used for validation. Second, to improve the interpretability of the predictive models. In order to achieve these objectives, we propose an approach for the learning of risk predictors, offering new perspectives and insights into the clinical decision process. For postoperative complications the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC) was 0.69, for complications’ severity AUC was 0.65, for the days in the ICU the mean absolute error was 1.07 days, and for 1-year postoperative mortality the AUC was 0.74, calculated on the development cohort. In this study, predictive models which could help to guide physicians at organizational and clinical decision making were developed. Additionally, a web-based decision support tool is further provided to this end.publishersversionpublishe

    Cuidados Intensivos

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    Background: Patient-focused interventions recognize the role of patients as active participants in the process of delivering effective, safe and responsible healthcare. When equipped with appropriate knowledge, patients can play an important role in their own care by early diagnosing self-limiting conditions and establishing a beneficial relationship with the healthcare team. The purpose of this study was to identify the main changes in bodily processes and their impact on dependency and self-care during colorectal cancer multimodal treatment to further develop a consistent patient-focused intervention protocol. Methods: A prospective longitudinal design was chosen to describe the evolution of the health condition of colorectal cancer patients during multimodal treatment. Patients were assessed (N = 129) in three separate moments, namely: T1 – after multi-disciplinary-team treatment decision; T2 – three months after T1; and T3 – six months after T1. Results: The results of this study show that, during treatment, patients with colon or rectal cancer experience significant changes in their health condition. They present a negative evolution on health status related with impairment in the gastrointestinal, circulatory and nervous systems and in psychological, neurovascular and resting processes. Chemotherapy adverse effects significantly reduce the ability to self-care. These patients reveal a higher dependency level in self-care areas, such as: instrumental activities of daily life (IADL) “bathing”, “to dress and undress”, “rising”, “taking medication” and “colostomy”. Conclusion: The results of this study pose a challenge to health care providers in the sense that these professionals are in a privileged position to help with an appropriate program, patients with colorectal cancer and their family in transition from dependence to supported self-care.Introdução: Os doentes quando munidos do conhecimento necessário podem desempenhar um papel importante no seu percurso terapêutico, quer pelo reconhecimento precoce das alterações na sua condição de saúde, quer pela relação que podem estabelecer com os profissionais de saúde. Assim, a prescrição de intervenções focadas no doente e nas suas necessidades individuais torna-os mais participativos no processo de prestação de cuidados, tornando-os mais eficazes e seguros. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as principais alterações nos processos corporais e o seu impacto na dependência para o autocuidado durante o tratamento do cancro coloretal para desenvolver um protocolo de intervenção consistente com foco no doente. MĂ©todos: Estudo prospetivo longitudinal. Os doentes foram avaliados (N = 129) em três momentos distintos, a saber: T1 – após decisão do tratamento da equipe multidisciplinar; T2 – três meses após T1; e T3 – seis meses após T1. Resultados: Os resultados deste estudo mostram que, durante o tratamento, os doentes com cancro do cólon ou reto experienciam mudanças significativas no seu estado de saúde. Apresentam uma evolução negativa da condição de saúde de saúde relacionada com compromissos nos sistemas gastrointestinal, circulatório, nervosa, nos processos psicológicos, neurovasculares e regulador. Os efeitos adversos da quimioterapia reduzem significativamente a capacidade para o autocuidado. Esses doentes revelam maior grau de dependência nas áreas de autocuidado, tais como: atividades instrumentais de vida diária (AIVD) “tomar banho”, “vestir-se e despir-se”, “levantar-se”, “tomar medicamentos” e “colostomia”. ConclusĂŁo: Os resultados deste estudo representam um desafio para os profissionais de saúde no sentido de que esses profissionais estão numa posição privilegiada para ajudar com um programa de intervenção, adequado aos doentes com cancro coloretal e sua família na transição da dependência para o autocuidado com suporte


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    Anatomic variations of the hepatic artery are not uncommon and may lead to iatrogenic injuries during pancreatoduodenectomy (PD). Two classifications (Michels’ and Hiatt’s) have been used to describe the different variations. Ligation of an aberrant hepatic artery may result in life-threatening complications, such as liver necrosis. Preoperative imaging is crucial for detection of these variations.As variaçÔes anatĂłmicas da artĂ©ria hepĂĄtica nĂŁo sĂŁo incomuns e podem levar a lesĂ”es iatrogĂ©nicas durante a duodenopancreatectomia. Duas classificaçÔes (MichelsÂŽe HiattÂŽs) tĂȘm sido usadas para descrever as diferentes variaçÔes conhecidas. A laqueação da artĂ©ria hepĂĄtica aberrante pode resultar em complicaçÔes graves, como necrose hepĂĄtica. O estudo cuidado das imagens prĂ©-operatĂłrias Ă© crucial para a deteção destas variaçÔes. &nbsp

    Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer with Photodynamic Therapy with Redaporfin: A Clinical Case Report

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    Advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, after locoregional treatment and multiple lines of systemic therapies, represents a great challenge to overcome acquired resistance. The present clinical case illustrates a successful treatment option and is the first to describe the use of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with Redaporfin, followed by immune checkpoint inhibition with an anti-PD1 antibody. This patient presented an extensive tumor in the mouth pavement progressing after surgery, radiotherapy, and multiple lines of systemic treatment. PDT with Redaporfin achieved the destruction of all visible tumor, and the sequential use of an immune checkpoint inhibitor allowed a sustained complete response. This case is an example of the effect of this therapeutic combination and may provide the basis for a new treatment modality
