1,096 research outputs found

    A few words about Resonances in the Electroweak Effective Lagrangian

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    Contrary to a widely spread believe, we have demonstrated that strongly coupled electroweak models including both a light Higgs-like boson and massive spin-1 resonances are not in conflict with experimental constraints on the oblique S and T parameters. We use an effective Lagrangian implementing the chiral symmetry breaking SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R -> SU(2)_{L+R} that contains the Standard Model gauge bosons coupled to the electroweak Goldstones, one Higgs-like scalar state h with mass m_h=126 GeV and the lightest vector and axial-vector resonance multiplets V and A. We have considered the one-loop calculation of S and T in order to study the viability of these strongly-coupled scenarios, being short-distance constraints and dispersive relations the main ingredients of the calculation. Once we have constrained the resonance parameters, we do a first approach to the determination of the low energy constants of the electroweak effective theory at low energies (without resonances). We show this determination in the case of the purely Higgsless bosonic Lagrangian.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at XIth Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum, 8-12th September (2014), Saint Petersburg (Russia

    Fingerprints of heavy scales in electroweak effective Lagrangians

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    The couplings of the electroweak effective theory contain information on the heavy-mass scales which are no-longer present in the low-energy Lagrangian. We build a general effective Lagrangian, implementing the electroweak chiral symmetry breaking SU(2)LSU(2)RSU(2)L+RSU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R\to SU(2)_{L+R}, which couples the known particle fields to heavier states with bosonic quantum numbers JP=0±J^P=0^\pm and 1±1^\pm. We consider colour-singlet heavy fields that are in singlet or triplet representations of the electroweak group. Integrating out these heavy scales, we analyze the pattern of low-energy couplings among the light fields which are generated by the massive states. We adopt a generic non-linear realization of the electroweak symmetry breaking with a singlet Higgs, without making any assumption about its possible doublet structure. Special attention is given to the different possible descriptions of massive spin-1 fields and the differences arising from naive implementations of these formalisms, showing their full equivalence once a proper short-distance behaviour is required.Comment: 57 pages, 1 pdf figure. Version published at JHE

    Estratigrafía de Sr y evolución sedimentaria de los depósitos marinos del Mioceno temprano en el antepaís del norte de la Cuenca Austral (o Magallanes), Argentina

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    Early Miocene shallow marine deposits in the region of Lago Posadas-Meseta Belgrano (Argentina) represent part of the “Patagoniense” transgression, an Atlantic marine incursion that flooded large part of Patagonia, including the Austral (foreland) Basin (southern Patagonia). These deposits, referred as El Chacay (Argentina) or Guadal (Chile) formations, and the transition to the overlying Santa Cruz Formation were divided into six facies: subtidal sandbars, shallow marine sandy deposits, muddy shelf deposits, estuarine complex deposits, fluvial channels and fluvial floodplains. These are arranged in a general transgressive-regressive cycle, subdivided into two stratigraphic sequences, separated by a major erosional surface. 87Sr/86Sr ages from shell carbonate in eight oysters yielded an age range of 20.3 to 18.1 Ma for these “Patagoniense” deposits. Correlation with other dated “Patagoniense” sections in southern Patagonia, like those at Lago Argentino or Comodoro Rivadavia, indicates that they belong to a single transgression that flooded several Patagonian basins approximately at the same time. Eustasy, flexural subsidence created by tectonic loading in the adjacent fold-and-thrust belt, and basin floor paleo-topography controlled the duration of the depositional event and the sedimentation style of these shallow marine deposits.Los depósitos marino-someros del Mioceno temprano de la región del Lago Posadas-Meseta Belgano representan parte de la transgresión “Patagoniense”, una incursión marina atlántica que invadió gran parte de la Patagonia, incluyendo la Cuenca de antepaís Austral (Patagonia austral). Estos depósitos, referidos como formaciones El Chacay (Argentina) y Guadal (Chile), y su transición a la suprayacente Formación Santa Cruz, fueron divididos en seis facies: barras submareales, depósitos arenosos marino-someros, depósitos fangosos de plataforma, complejo estuarino, canales fluviales y planicie de inundación. Estas facies muestran un arreglo general transgresivo-regresivo, el que puede ser subdividido en dos secuencias estratigráficas separadas por una superficie erosiva. Resultados de ocho edades 87Sr/86Sr de carbonato tomado de valvas de ostras dieron un rango entre 20,3 Ma y 18,1 Ma para estos depósitos Patagonienses. La correlación con sucesiones equivalentes de edad conocida en la Patagonia Austral, como las del Lago Argentino o Comodoro Rivadavia, indican que estas pertenecen a una misma transgresión que inundó gran parte de la Patagonia aproximadamente al mismo tiempo. La eustacia, la subsidencia flexural creada por carga tectónica en la faja corrida y plegada adyacente, y la paleotopografía del fondo de la cuenca, controlaron la duración del evento depositacional y el estilo de sedimentación estos depósitos marino-someros.Fil: Cuitiño, José Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Ventura Santos, Roberto. Universidade de Brasília; BrasilFil: Alonso Muruaga, Pablo Joaquin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Scasso, Roberto Adrian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    How to find e-Journals and e-books AZ

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    Teaching material about UOC E-Journals and E-books which belongs to the UOC Learning resource "Search for Academic Information".Material formatiu sobre libres i revistes electróniques, que forma part del recurs d'aprenentatge UOC "Search for Academic Information".Material formativo sobre libros y revistas electrónicas, que forma parte del recurso de aprendizaje UOC "Search for Academic Information

    Interactive Crowdsourcing to Fact-check Politicians

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    The discourse of political leaders often contains false information that can misguide the public. Fact-checking agencies around the world try to reduce the negative influence of politicians by verifying their words. However, these agencies face a problem of scalability and require innovative solutions to deal with their growing amount of work. While previous studies have shown that crowdsourcing is a promising approach to fact-check news in a scalable manner, it remains unclear whether crowdsourced judgements are useful to verify the speech of politicians. This paper fills that gap by studying the effect of social influence on the accuracy of collective judgements about the veracity of political speech. In this work, we performed two experiments (Study 1: N=180; Study 2: N=240) where participants judged the veracity of 20 politically balanced phrases. Then, they were exposed to social information from politically homogeneous or heterogeneous participants. Finally, they provided revised individual judgements. We found that only heterogeneous social influence increased the accuracy of participants compared to a control condition. Overall, our results uncover the effect of social influence on the accuracy of collective judgements about the veracity of political speech and show how interactive crowdsourcing strategies can help fact-checking agenciesLa versión final de este preprint se encuentra publicada como en Journal of Experimental Psychology: Appliedhttps://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/xap000049

    Análisis de factores estratégicos para el proceso de exportación de hierbas aromáticas a los estados unidos

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    Los pequeños productores y exportadores pueden encontrar una guía que les indicara los procesos y procedimientos más importantes e indispensables para la producción y exportación de hierbas aromáticas, en este, se exponen los procesos, los requisitos y la documentación requerida en Colombia como en los estados unidos.Small producers and exporters can find a guide that will indicate the most important and essential processes and procedures for the production and export of aromatic herbs, in this, the processes, requirements and documentation required in Colombia as in the United States are exposed

    Towards an adaptive web based learning environment for treating and diagnosing chronic wounds

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    A wise decision when choosing adequate products to treat chronic wounds depends on proper diagnosis and characterization of the chronic wound. Developing skills for treating and diagnosing chronic wounds requires not only academic knowledge, but also other types of knowledge not easily acquired through traditional instructional methodologies. The expertise obtained by individuals, when they are solving real life practical cases, is very important to diagnose and correctly treat chronic wounds. This additional empirical knowledge is not easily transmitted in classrooms, and so the academic instruction should be completed with real life practical examples and practical cases. The e-Fer Web Based Learning Environment for chronic wounds, is a case based learning tool for assisting nursing students to develop skills for diagnosing and treating chronic wounds. This paper will briefly describe some characteristics of the platform, and our main goal is to present our novel approach to implement the adaptive version of the learning environment. We are also going to discuss our user model, and the types of learning support that we decided to implement in the system