770 research outputs found

    A influência do Padre Cícero na forma e imagem da cidade de Juazeiro do Norte

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    This work of Course Completion aims to verify the influence of Padre Cícero in the form and image of the city of Juazeiro do Norte. For this, the research uses the historiography on the theme about the history of Juazeiro do Norte and the Father, considering the relation between both. Considering that the city was formed around reference buildings directly or indirectly linked to Cicero, it was necessary to resort to iconography, to understand the process of consolidation of the neighborhoods and the times that occurred, verifying that those that were formed during the period in which the clergyman ruled the city, have a tracing that refers to the time of colonial Brazil. The traditional center of Juazeiro was shaped in the image of Father Cicero; to verify and to register the symbolic value that exists in this process is of fundamental importance, considering that the cultural manifestations that govern the spaces of the city and in turn constitute their form and image, are threatened by external agents, such as secularism, globalization and industrialization. Registration is a way to safeguard it and demonstrate its significance to the community.Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem por objetivo verificar a influência de Padre Cícero na forma e imagem da cidade de Juazeiro do Norte. Para tanto a pesquisa recorre a historiografia sobre o tema acerca da história de Juazeiro do Norte e do Padre, considerando a relação existente entre ambos. Tendo em vista que a cidade se formou entorno de edifícios referenciais ligados direta ou indiretamente a Cícero, coube recorrer a iconografia, para entender o processo de consolidação dos bairros e os tempos que ocorreram, verificando que os que foram formados durante o período em que o clérigo regia a cidade, possuem um traçado que remete ao tempo do Brasil colonial. O centro tradicional de Juazeiro foi moldado à imagem do Padre Cícero; verificar e registrar o valor simbólico que existe nesse processo é de fundamental importância, tendo em vista que as manifestações culturais que regem os espaços da cidade e por sua vez constituem sua forma e imagem, estão ameaçados por agentes externos, como o secularismo, a globalização e a industrialização. O registro é uma forma de salvaguarda-lo e demonstrar sua significância para a comunidade

    A viabilização da segurança no uso de EPI e EPC na Universidade Tiradentes

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    O número de acidentes no trabalho no Brasil diminuiu nos últimos anos. Apesar disso, é possível verificar a necessidade de maiores investimentos para a redução desses dados. O uso do equipamento de proteção individual e do equipamento de proteção coletivo, também conhecidos como EPI e EPC, respectivamente, são ferramentas que auxiliam na diminuição desses números. Essas ferramentas necessitam de um determinado investimento financeiro, muitas vezes alto, tanto para a sua obtenção quanto para a sua manutenção. Além da obtenção desses equipamentos, faz-se necessário instruir quem os utiliza através de palestras e minicursos, o que deve acontecer periodicamente, mostrando a importância do seu uso e qual a maneira correta de utilizá-lo. Ao realizar um estudo de caso na Universidade Tiradentes, foi possível comparar os valores de investimento com possíveis perdas materiais que possam ocorrer caso ocorra algum acidente. Através desse estudo foi possível notar a importância e a viabilidade desses tipos de equipamento de proteção

    Ocorrência dos cânceres de mama e endometrial em mulheres em terapia de reposição hormonal na menopausa: uma revisão de literatura / Occurrence of breast and endometrial cancers in women on hormone replacement therapy in menopause: a literature review

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O uso da Terapia de Reposição Hormonal (THR) é prescrito para tratamento de alguns sintomas decorrentes da menopausa. O uso indiscriminado dessa terapêutica parece elevar os riscos de determinadas neoplasias. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, com busca na base de dados Pubmed. Utilizou-se os descritores "Estrogen Replacement Therapy", "Hormone Replacement Therapy", “Menopause”, "Breast Neoplasms", "Breast Cancer", "Endometrial Neoplasms", "Endometrial Cancer", associados aos operadores booleanos AND e OR. Incluíram-se publicações entre 2016 e 2021 nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 20 artigos publicados em periódicos internacionais, sendo 17 estudos de Coorte, dois de Caso-Controle e um Ensaio Clínico Randomizado duplo-cego. DISCUSSÃO:  Os estudos analisados sugerem boa resposta no controle dos sintomas pós menopausa pela TRH. Porém, apresenta associação com risco de desenvolvimento de neoplasias de mama e endométrio, ao passo que o uso de estrogênio isolado demonstrou pouca associação. Quando comparados em relação a raça, mulheres brancas apresentam maior risco em relação a negras e asiáticas. CONCLUSÃO: Houve associação do uso de TRH com desenvolvimento das neoplasias estudadas. A duração da terapia, o tipo de hormônio, o momento de início, a via de administração e a população submetida ao tratamento, parecem impactar neste desfecho. 

    Covid-19 in adolescent patients in the Brazilian population with sickle cell anemia: A Review

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    Introduction: Sickle cell anemia due to recent scientific evidence suggests that individuals with disease are considered a risk group and SARS-CoV-2 and spreads rapidly in this group of patients with diseases due to lack of inherited immunity, has a high lethality rate among young people and children and patients with associated comorbidities such as Diabetes Mellitus. Objective: to analyze the profile of patients with sickle cell anemia and their immunological motivations for worsening in positive cases of COVID-19 from a systematic review. Results: Initially, 217 articles were identified, of which 213 were removed because they were not related to the theme of the review, or because they were duplicated or did not have the abstract. The 04 selected articles were classified into two thematic axes to be performed the analysis. Discussion:  This systematic review study is the first with sickle cell anemia and COVID-19 in the adolescent population with a limited resource configuration that shows the inherent need in the management of both diseases. However, in this systematic review, the four included studies showed a favorable evolution of the infectious process by COVID-19, and deaths occurred in adolescent patients who concomitantly had multiple comorbidities, for example, DM. Conclusion: It was found in this systematic review study that COVID-19 infection may accentuate the presence of vasculopathy in patients with sickle cell anemia and may increase pain to varying degrees

    Preparation and characterization of polymeric nanoparticles loaded with the flavonoid luteolin, by using factorial design.

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    Nanoparticles containing luteolin flavonoid were prepared by using interfacial polymer deposition following solvent displacement. The formulation was optimized using factorial design. The parameters studied were the type of polymer [poly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)], nature oil (isodecyl oleate and oleic acid) and the quantity of luteolin. Nanocapsules and nanospheres were also prepared and evaluated. Colloidal suspensions were characterized by evaluating pH, the particle size, the zeta potential, the morphological aspect and the kinetic release. A new High Performance Liquid Chromatography method was developed and validated in order to quantify luteolin in colloidal suspension allowing the analyses of the absolute recovery, entrapment efficiency and the kinetic release. The luteolin-absolute recovery ranged from 61.6% to 95%; entrapment efficiency was nearly 100% in all formulations and the particle sizes were smaller than 185.5 nm. The nanoparticles prepared with isodecyl oleate show a negative zeta potential. On the other hand, when oleic acid was utilized, the zeta potential was positive. The nanoparticles prepared by using isodecyl oleate have a more perfect spherical shape with a regular surface and form, homogeneity, and lower size dispersion. Nanocapsules and nanospheres have a similar release mechanism of pure diffusion according with Korsmeyer-Peppas’s model

    World Café Method: the Possibility of Understanding Active Methodologies in Remote Learning

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    The great challenge in these last decades in education is the growing search for innovative teaching methodologies that enable a pedagogical praxis able to form subjects with ethical, historical, critical, reflective, transformative and humanized profile. The present study stems from the following problematization: what is the contribution of the active teaching methodology called “World Café” in teaching and learning processes, so that it favors teaching innovation in remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic? In facing this problem, the following objectives were listed: a) understanding the contributions of the World Café Method in teaching and learning process innovation; b) analyze the viability of the World Café Method in remote learning. A quali-quantitative, descriptive and applied methodological strategy is employed, drawing on Barbosa (2013), Berbel (2011), Brown and Isaacs (2007), Minayo (2010), Moran (2014) and Triviños (1987). The data were analyzed using discourse analysis techniques (Bardin, 2016). We conclude that it is possible to use the World Café Method in virtual, remote learning, as it enables the promotion of ideas, discussions, reflections, questions, and engages participants, that is, a collective learning process

    Preparation and characterization of polymeric nanoparticles loaded with the flavonoid luteolin, by using factorial design

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    Nanoparticles containing luteolin flavonoid were prepared by using interfacial polymer deposition following solvent displacement. The formulation was optimized using factorial design. The parameters studied were the type of polymer [poly(-caprolactone) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)], nature oil (isodecyl oleate and oleic acid) and the quantity of luteolin. Nanocapsules and nanospheres were also prepared and evaluated. Colloidal suspensions were characterized by evaluating pH, the particle size, the zeta potential, the morphological aspect and the kinetic release. A new High Performance Liquid Chromatography method was developed and validated in order to quantify luteolin in colloidal suspension allowing the analyses of the absolute recovery, entrapment efficiency and the kinetic release. The luteolin-absolute recovery ranged from 61.6% to 95%; entrapment efficiency was nearly 100% in all formulations and the particle sizes were smaller than 185.5 nm. The nanoparticles prepared with isodecyl oleate show a negative zeta potential. On the other hand, when oleic acid was utilized, the zeta potential was positive. The nanoparticles prepared by using isodecyl oleate have a more perfect spherical shape with a regular surface and form, homogeneity, and lower size dispersion. Nanocapsules and nanospheres have a similar release mechanism of pure diffusion according with Korsmeyer-Peppas’s model.CNPqCAPESFAPES

    Predição do rendimento dos alunos em lógica de programação com base no desempenho das disciplinas do primeiro período do curso de ciências e tecnologia utilizando técnicas de mineração de dados / Predicting student performance in programming logic based on the performance of first-course science and technology subjects using data mining techniques

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    Os altos índices de reprovação e evasão de estudantes universitários nas disciplinas iniciais de programação apresentam uma estatística preocupante enfrentada pelos coordenadores dos cursos da área de Tecnologia. O problema da reprovação dos estudantes nessas disciplinas é, muitas vezes, apontado como um fator influenciador da evasão dos cursos. Esta pesquisa propõe a utilização de técnicas de Mineração de Dados Educacionais para tentar predizer o desempenho dos alunos na disciplina de Lógica de Programação, do segundo período do curso de Bacharelado em Ciências e Tecnologia da UFRN, através do desempenho nas disciplinas do primeiro período do curso. Os resultados mostraram que é possível inferir o rendimento dos estudantes com uma acurácia de até 77%, sendo esta informação útil para a realização de ações para evitar a reprovação/evasão e, principalmente, para personalizar o ensino de lógica de programação