178 research outputs found

    Análise da produção científica sobre phakopsora pachyrhizi no período de 2001 a 2019

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    The asian soybean rust represents main crop disease and caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi. This disease was reported in Brazil in 2001/2002. Thus, this work aimed to carry out a bibliographic review with analysis of articles published in different documentary study on the disease was carried out with analysis of the scientific articles published in the SciELO, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect databases. Searches of articles published between 2001 and 2019 were carried, using the scientific name of causal agent of the disease as the main search term. Publications on management, fungicide, damage, alternative control and others. The Scielo database indicated a total of 153 documents, Google Scholar 1447 and ScienceDirect 193, the first two being predominant in the management and fungicide themes and in the last other themes. There was also an increase in the number of publications from the years 2007 and 2008. The databases proved to be important tools for bibliographic review and allowed to demonstrate the advance in research and in strategies for disease control.A ferrugem asiática da soja representa a principal doença da cultura e é causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Essa doença foi relatada no Brasil na safra 2001/2002 despertando para necessidade de avançar em pesquisas e no controle da doença. Assim, esse trabalho teve por objetivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica com análise dos artigos publicados em diferentes bases de dados sobre a ferrugem asiática da soja. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo descritivo e documental sobre a doença com análise sobre os artigos científicos publicados nas bases de dados SciELO, Google Acadêmico e ScienceDirect. Foram realizadas buscas dos artigos publicados no período entre 2001 e 2019, utilizando como principal termo de busca o nome científico do agente causal da doença. Também foram alocadas e analisadas as publicações nos temas manejo, fungicida, dano, controle alternativo e outros. A base de dados Scielo indicou um total 153 documentos, Google Acadêmico 1447 e ScienceDirect 193 sendo os dois primeiros predominando os temas manejo e fungicida e no último outros temas. Observou-se também aumento no número de publicações a partir dos anos 2007 e 2008. Os bancos de dados se mostraram importantes ferramentas revisão bibliográfica e permitiu demonstrar o avanço na pesquisa e em estratégias de controle da doença

    Automatización del sistema de aireación en Satukin piscina 10 a través de un sistema de monitoreo SCADA para la crianza y engorde de camarón

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    El presente trabajo destaca la importancia de mantener parámetros óptimos para la cría y engorde del camarón, especialmente en lo que respecta al oxígeno disuelto en el agua. Se propone un sistema autónomo que monitoree continuamente el oxígeno en una piscina y ajuste la aireación mediante IA y tecnologías de IoT para mejorar la salud de los camarones y reducir costos. Se describen herramientas como Thonny, MQTT Explorer, InfluxDB y KepServer utilizadas para la adquisición, procesamiento y visualización de datos. Se detallan tecnologías como Modbus TCP/IP y protocolo MQTT para la transmisión de datos en sistemas de acuicultura. Se mencionan métodos de recolección de datos, diseño de investigación y sistemas de adquisición de datos como el sensor KNF103b. Se discuten sistemas SCADA y aplicaciones de IA, incluyendo máquinas de vectores de soporte (SVM) y árboles de decisión. El estudio de caso se centra en la Granja Camaronera Satukin, destacando la implementación de un sistema SCADA para controlar niveles de oxígeno y la aplicación de IA para optimizar la aireación. Se detallan pruebas y resultados que demuestran la efectividad de aplicar IA en la gestión de la aireación, permitiendo una mejor optimización de recursos y control de motores

    Occurrence of gall complexes along a topographic gradient in an undisturbed lowland forest of central Amazonia

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    The species richness of gall-inducing insects and their host plants, in an undisturbed lowland forest in central Amazonia, was analyzed to test whether there is a higher occurrence of galls in mesic campinarana habitats when compared to plateaus, slopes and valleys. In October 2005, 300 plants, which were 1 to 2 meters tall, were sampled along ten transects (5 meters wide) per habitat. Gall-inducing insects were found in only 35 (3%) of the 1200 plants studied. Thirteen families, eight genera and 27 morphospecies of plants were identified. The families Burseraceae and Rubiaceae had the highest number of host plant species. There was no significant difference in species richness between habitat types. However, the gall-inducing insects and host plant species were exclusive to each habitat. Furthermore, the frequency of host plants in campinarana was not higher when compared to the other habitats. Probably, tree canopies present more structural complexity, light availability and incidence of leaves with scleromorphic characteristics than understory plants, resulting in vertical stratification with a higher amount of gall-inducing insects in canopies when compared with individuals of the same species in the understory. The higher plant diversity and variation of physical characteristics of the forests in central Amazonia can help explain why specific interactions and the frequency of gall-inducing insects were found in each habitat. The results of this study indicate that central Amazonian forests have a high diversity of gall-inducing insects with an exclusive fauna related to each habitat, which is potentially due to the greater environmental heterogeneity, and suggests the importance of conducting additional studies about galling insects, principally in forest canopies.(Ocorrência de galhas ao longo de um gradiente topográfico em uma floresta de terra firma na Amazônia Central). A riqueza de insetos galhadores e plantas hospedeiras foram investigadas em uma floresta de terra firme, na Amazônia Central, para testar se haveria uma maior ocorrência de galhas em habitats mais secos, como campinarana, comparados aos platôs, vertentes e baixios. Em outubro de 2005, foram amostradas 300 plantas em 10 transecções (com 5 m de largura cada) por habitat, totalizando 1.200 plantas.  As galhas induzidas por insetos foram encontradas em apenas 35 (3%) das 1.200 plantas estudadas. Treze famílias, oito gêneros e 27 morfoespécies de plantas foram identificados, sendo que as famílias Burseraceae e Rubiaceae apresentaram maior número de espécies de plantas hospedeiras. Não foi observada nenhuma diferença significativa na riqueza de espécie de galhas induzidas por insetos entre os habitats, porém as interações foram exclusivas de cada habitat. Além disso, campinarana não apresentou maior frequência de plantas hospedeiras, em comparação aos outros habitats. Provavelmente, as copas das árvores apresentam maior complexidade estrutural, disponibilidade de luz e ocorrência de plantas com características escleromórficas do que o sob-bosque, resultando em uma estratificação vertical e maior frequência de galhas nas copas quando comparada com indivíduos da mesma espécie no sub-bosque. A alta diversidade vegetal e a variação abiótica podem explicar a especificidade e frequência de interações em cada habitat. Nossos resultados indicam que a vegetação da Amazônia Central apresenta uma alta riqueza de galhas entomógenas, além de um grande potencial para uma exclusiva fauna associada a cada habitat, devido a grande heterogeneidade ambiental, e recomenda o desenvolvimento de estudos com insetos galhadores, principalmente nas copas das árvores

    An overview of memory: some issues on structures and organization in the legal domain

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    Lawyers often need to look for previous similar legal cases when analysing new ones. The more previous cases, the more time is spent. Classical search engines execute termbased retrieval, which may miss relevant documents as well as fetch several irrelevant ones, causing lack of useful information and waste of time. Ideally, retrieval should be meaning-based. Humans beings are able to do e cient searches due to their knowledge. Therefore, semantic search requires knowledge. This paper presents a semantic search engine. Along the paper, several issues concerning specially knowledge representation and memory are discussed. A formalism based on models of comprehension is introduced, as well as its motivation. Examples of representation of sentences in natural language from the Legal Domain are provided. The search engine and its architecture, based on domain knowledge, are brie y commented. The main goal is to give legal o ces the opportunity to save time by providing a more suitable document retrieval.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (ASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Query expansion and noise treatment for information retrieval

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    Most of the search engines available over the Web are based on mathematical approaches | classical techniques in the Information Retrieval area. Thereby, they are suitable for the retrieval of documents containing some or all the terms of a query, though not to retrieve the documents containing the meaning those terms were intended to express. This paper presents some advantages obtained from query expansion with WordNet and noise treatment with knowledge on top of Paraconsistent Logic. Both methods are semantically driven, allowing the retrieval of documents which do not contain any term of the original query. Noise treatment results from the combination of a smooth term comparison with knowledge about term authentication based on behaviors of features in the collection. Although query expansion recurs for every query, noise treatment is part of the indexing mechanism, causing no overhead in queries. The domain is retrieval of ontologies represented in Resource Description Framework.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (ASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An overview of memory: some issues on structures and organization in the legal domain

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    Lawyers often need to look for previous similar legal cases when analysing new ones. The more previous cases, the more time is spent. Classical search engines execute termbased retrieval, which may miss relevant documents as well as fetch several irrelevant ones, causing lack of useful information and waste of time. Ideally, retrieval should be meaning-based. Humans beings are able to do e cient searches due to their knowledge. Therefore, semantic search requires knowledge. This paper presents a semantic search engine. Along the paper, several issues concerning specially knowledge representation and memory are discussed. A formalism based on models of comprehension is introduced, as well as its motivation. Examples of representation of sentences in natural language from the Legal Domain are provided. The search engine and its architecture, based on domain knowledge, are brie y commented. The main goal is to give legal o ces the opportunity to save time by providing a more suitable document retrieval.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (ASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Physiological characteristics of endive, lettuce and chicory seeds as a function of spectral quality

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    Seedling production is a critical step in the establishment of vegetables. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different spectral qualities on the germination and vigor of endive, lettuce, and chicory seeds. The experiment was carried out in three stages. The first stage, two cultivars of lettuce (‘Crespa Repolhuda’ and ‘Vera’) and six spectral qualities (blue LED, red LED, blue + red LED, white LED, fluorescent and dark) were evaluated; the second stage, two cultivars of chicory (‘Lisa Escarola’ and ‘Palla Rosa’) and the same spectral qualities were evaluated. In the third stage, the spectral quality of the endive cultivar ‘Pão de Açúcar’ was evaluated. The experiments were performed in a completely randomized design, with four replications of 50 seeds each. The evaluated parameters were: germination percentage, first count, germination speed index, seedling length, and fresh and dry mass. Endive, lettuce and chicory seeds germinated both in the presence or not of light so that they can be classified as neutral photos. A spectral LED of red quality fostered the development of the most significant volume of fresh mass on the endive, lettuce, and chicory. All the spectral qualities stimulated root growth. The dark, on the other hand, promoted the most significant length of the aerial part, promoting seedlings etiolation.Seedling production is a critical step in the establishment of vegetables. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different spectral qualities on the germination and vigor of endive, lettuce, and chicory seeds. The experiment was carried out in three stages. The first stage, two cultivars of lettuce (‘Crespa Repolhuda’ and ‘Vera’) and six spectral qualities (blue LED, red LED, blue + red LED, white LED, fluorescent and dark) were evaluated; the second stage, two cultivars of chicory (‘Lisa Escarola’ and ‘Palla Rosa’) and the same spectral qualities were evaluated. In the third stage, the spectral quality of the endive cultivar ‘Pão de Açúcar’ was evaluated. The experiments were performed in a completely randomized design, with four replications of 50 seeds each. The evaluated parameters were: germination percentage, first count, germination speed index, seedling length, and fresh and dry mass. Endive, lettuce and chicory seeds germinated both in the presence or not of light so that they can be classified as neutral photos. A spectral LED of red quality fostered the development of the most significant volume of fresh mass on the endive, lettuce, and chicory. All the spectral qualities stimulated root growth. The dark, on the other hand, promoted the most significant length of the aerial part, promoting seedlings etiolation

    A Acessibilidade da Informação para Deficientes Visuais e Auditivos

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    A comunicação é essencial na vida das pessoas porque é através de seus diversos códigos que os indivíduos se relacionam a fim de alcançarem o que buscam. As pessoas que não ouvem e/ou não falam possuem formas distintas das que os ouvintes usam para se comunicarem. Para integrar estas pessoas à sociedade atual, que cada vez mais exige das pessoas a percepção de tudo que as rodeia, criam-se tentativas simplistas de resolver a barreira existente entre a diversidade de códigos. Estas diferenças, por sua vez, são complexas e não são solucionadas somente com o desenvolvimento de equipamentos especializados para pessoas surdas e/ou mudas. Toda a reflexão feita neste artigo teve como finalidade esclarecer um pouco essa complexidade e trazer a tona uma questão importantíssima por vezes esquecid

    Hacia la construcción de la central única de trabajadores

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    En los procesos de construcción de las centrales obreras, han estado presentes propuestas de creación de la Central Única de Trabajadores (CUT. Lamentablemente la suerte que han corrido estos procesos ha sido más bien la de contribuir a la automatización y diversificación de las organizaciones al grado en que se encuentran actualmente. Los factores económicos, políticos y sociales que han incidido en la diversificación de la estructura organizativa de la clase trabajadora tienden hoy día a agudizarse aún más y a presionar sobre los intereses de las clases, evidenciando los límites estrechos de las acciones reivindicativas de sus organismos sindicales. En este contexto se reactivan viejos proyectos y se generan nuevas perspectivas organizativas en las cuales se inserta el proyecto de creación de la Central Única de Trabajadores, actualmente en discusión en diversos ámbitos sindicales. Un proyecto de esta naturaleza, en el marco de la severa crisis en la que nos encontramos, exige un examen cuidadoso de las dimensiones constitutivas que deben ser reconstruidas a la luz de un proyecto que reclama cambios radicales. La discusión de esta problemática y su importancia nos llevó a plantearnos el trabajo que hoy día presentamos a consideración de los lectores interesados en las luchas de la clase trabajadora, discusión en la que incluimos las posiciones de un buen número de dirigentes sindicales, rescatadas a través de entrevistas directas
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