298 research outputs found

    Older adult entrepreneurs as mentors of young people neither in employment nor education and training (NEETs). Evidences from multi-country intergenerational learning program.

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    Population aging is exacerbating the loss of competences in the workforce and simultaneously young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEETs) are struggling to be reengaged in employment. These issues, which are deemed priorities for the European policy agenda, could be addressed by triggering active aging dimensions, valuing and exploiting older adult entrepreneurs’ knowledge for enhancing youngsters’ entrepre-neurial attitudes, through mentoring. This paper reports the results of a study based on an intergenerational learning program, carried out in 2018 in Germany, Italy and Slovenia. The study was aimed at developing and testing one training on mentoring addressing 41 older adult entrepre-neurs (55 and over), and two intergenerational learning trainings aiming at boosting entrepreneurial competences of 33 NEETs (aged 18–29). The impact of the program on older adult entrepreneurs and NEETs was assessed through a pre and post-evaluation using qualitative and quantitative tools. Findings at country level were treated as national case-studies and then the latter were compared by considering them as a multiple embedded case-study. Results indicated that, to different extent in the study countries, mentors learned and enhanced mentoring competences, e.g. active listening and the capability of orienting, improved well-being and self-esteem, social inclusion and active aging attitude. Moreover, NEETs acquired entrepreneurial and socio-relational competences by benefiting from the full exploitation of mentors’ know-how and the trust relationship with them. Companies, trade unions, educational and voluntary organizations should cooperate to adopt intergenerational learning programs asgood practices for older adults and NEETs’ lifelong learning promotion

    Impact of the lack of integrated care for older people with urinary incontinence and their family caregivers: results from a qualitative pilot study in two large areas of the Marche Region

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    Objectives: Urinary Incontinence may have a severe impact on older people and on their family caregivers’ quality of life, especially when support services are scanty or inadequate. This study investigated the support needs and expectations of community-dwelling older people with UI and their family caregivers in the Marche Region (Central Italy).Methods: Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were carried out to eight over-60-year-old patients with UI, four family caregivers, two representatives of the Regional Health System and two pharmacists.Results: Findings show that the insufficient supply and low quality of continence products and the lack of integrated care services negatively affects the well-being of both older people and family caregivers.Discussion: Integrated care services and a standardized system for the periodic assessment of sufferers and a more customized service delivery, including the possibility of choosing brand and type of products for users, may improve the current provision in this Italian regio

    Quando l’interdipendenza intergenerazionale crea nuovi scenari di inclusione per la Pedagogia Speciale. Il progetto Be the Change (Boosting Entrepreneurship Through Intergenerational Exchange)

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    It is becoming increasingly urgent to address the phenomenon of NEETs dueto its strong social, demographic, economic and educational implications.Special Education is tasked with responding to the challenges posed by theplurality of special educational needs, and this includes the NEETs category.The “Be the Change” project has tried to attend to these needs, through anintergenerational mentoring model designed to promote the developmentof the potential of young people and the contributive participation of olderadults coming from the entrepreneurial sector.The interdependence between mentors and mentees resulting from intergenerationallearning has shown to be effective in developing entrepreneurialskills in the young participants. It has also increased trust,courage, autonomy, self-esteem and self-empowerment, while enhancingtalent and diminishing instances of discomfort and disadvantages in the participatingyouths.Il fenomeno dei cosiddetti NEET si sta facendo sempre più urgente per lesue forti implicazioni di natura sociale, demografica, economica ed educativa.La Pedagogia speciale ha il compito di rispondere alle sfide poste dalla pluralitàdei bisogni educativi speciali, NEET compresi.Il progetto “Be the Change” ha tentato di rispondere a queste esigenze, tramiteun modello di mentoring intergenerazionale, in grado di promuovereil potenziale di sviluppo dei giovani e la partecipazione e la valorizzazionedell’esperienza di older adults provenienti dal mondo dell’impresa.L’interdipendenza sviluppata grazie all’apprendimento intergenerazionalesi conferma efficace, per sviluppare nei giovani competenze imprenditive;per incrementare la fiducia, il coraggio, l’autonomia, l’autostima e il self-empowerment;per alimentare i talenti e ridurre le situazioni di svantaggio e disagio

    Identifying and correcting invalid citations due to DOI errors in Crossref data

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    This work aims to identify classes of DOI mistakes by analysing the open bibliographic metadata available in Crossref, highlighting which publishers were responsible for such mistakes and how many of these incorrect DOIs could be corrected through automatic processes. By using a list of invalid cited DOIs gathered by OpenCitations while processing the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations (COCI) in the past two years, we retrieved the citations in the January 2021 Crossref dump to such invalid DOIs. We processed these citations by keeping track of their validity and the publishers responsible for uploading the related citation data in Crossref. Finally, we identified patterns of factual errors in the invalid DOIs and the regular expressions needed to catch and correct them. The outcomes of this research show that only a few publishers were responsible for and/or affected by the majority of invalid citations. We extended the taxonomy of DOI name errors proposed in past studies and defined more elaborated regular expressions that can clean a higher number of mistakes in invalid DOIs than prior approaches. The data gathered in our study can enable investigating possible reasons for DOI mistakes from a qualitative point of view, helping publishers identify the problems underlying their production of invalid citation data. Also, the DOI cleaning mechanism we present could be integrated into the existing process (e.g. in COCI) to add citations by automatically correcting a wrong DOI. This study was run strictly following Open Science principles, and, as such, our research outcomes are fully reproducible

    Identifying and correcting invalid citations due to DOI errors in Crossref data

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    This work aims to identify classes of DOI mistakes by analysing the open bibliographic metadata available in Crossref, highlighting which publishers were responsible for such mistakes and how many of these incorrect DOIs could be corrected through automatic processes. By using a list of invalid cited DOIs gathered by OpenCitations while processing the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations (COCI) in the past two years, we retrieved the citations in the January 2021 Crossref dump to such invalid DOIs. We processed these citations by keeping track of their validity and the publishers responsible for uploading the related citation data in Crossref. Finally, we identified patterns of factual errors in the invalid DOIs and the regular expressions needed to catch and correct them. The outcomes of this research show that only a few publishers were responsible for and/or affected by the majority of invalid citations. We extended the taxonomy of DOI name errors proposed in past studies and defined more elaborated regular expressions that can clean a higher number of mistakes in invalid DOIs than prior approaches. The data gathered in our study can enable investigating possible reasons for DOI mistakes from a qualitative point of view, helping publishers identify the problems underlying their production of invalid citation data. Also, the DOI cleaning mechanism we present could be integrated into the existing process (e.g. in COCI) to add citations by automatically correcting a wrong DOI. This study was run strictly following Open Science principles, and, as such, our research outcomes are fully reproducible

    “Ri-Generiamoci”: un progetto per promuovere la Solidarietà Intergenerazionale nel settore della cura all’anziano

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    Ri-Generiamoci is one research-action project promoted and coordinated by INRCA (National Institute for the Retirement and Care of Aged People, based in Ancona as part of a Retirement and Care Institute with Scientific Purposes). Its aim is that of making teenagers and aged people relate to the topic of the care of the elders. Since this objective is vital to intergenerationalknowledge and understanding, some educational activities have been identified, so that their cognitive or emotional character could reveal effective.In fact, the project is based on the assumption that personal relationships and cooperation are the only way to foster solidarity, thus preventing intolerance and abuse. This project includes: 8th grade students, aged people living in a multipurpose facility (residential and quasi-residential), and associations of volunteers. It was born out of the necessity to provide a clear answer to the needs of a category of people that is overexposed to abuse,as stated in “Abuel: abuse of elder in Europe.” Moreover, it complies with the requests of those who made contact with the Abused Elder People Line (TAM TAM). Both Abuel and TAM TAM are initiatives undertaken by INRCA in the Marche region.Il progetto Ri-Generiamoci è una ricerca-azione promossa e coordinata dall’INRCA (Istituto Nazionale di Ricovero e Cura per Anziani, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico – IRCCS – con sede ad Ancona), con l’obiettivo di mettere in relazione adolescenti ed anziani rispetto ad una tematica, quella della cura degli anziani, con cui le nuove generazioni vengono sempre più raramente a contatto. Al fine di perseguire questo obiettivo, cruciale per stimolare la conoscenza e comprensione intergenerazionale, sono state individuate una serie di attività pedagogiche di tipo sia cognitivo sia emotivo-esperienziale, certi che il rapporto umano e la collaborazione siano le uniche strade percorribili per l’educazione alla solidarietà e la prevenzionedi atti di intolleranza e di maltrattamento. Questo progetto pilota,che coinvolge studenti di terza media, gli anziani ospiti di una struttura re-sidenziale e semi-residenziale nonché due associazioni di volontariato, nasce dalla volontà di proporre una risposta concreta e lungimirante alle esigenze della popolazione anziana fragile, spesso maltrattata e a rischio di abuso, così come emerso dallo studio “Abuel: abuse of elder in Europe” e dalle richieste avanzate da coloro che hanno fatto ricorso al Telefono AnzianiMaltrattati (TAM TAM), due recenti iniziative condotte dall’INRCA nella regione Marche