2,660 research outputs found

    Intersections of Quadrics, Moment-angle Manifolds and Connected Sums

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    The topology of the intersection of two real homogeneous coaxial quadrics was studied by the second author who showed that its intersection with the unit sphere is in most cases diffeomorphic to a connected sum of sphere products. Combining that approach with a recent one (due to Antony Bahri, Martin Bendersky, Fred Cohen and the first author) we study here the intersections of k>2 quadrics and we identify very general families of such manifolds that are diffeomorphic to connected sums of sphere products. These include those moment-angle manifolds for which the result was conjectured by Frederic Bosio and Laurent Meersseman. As a byproduct, a simpler and neater proof of the result for the case k=2 is obtained. Two new sections contain results not included in the first version of this article: Section 2 describes the topological change on the manifolds after the operations of cutting off a vertex or an edge of the associated polytope, which can be combined in a special way with the previos results to produce new infinite families of manifolds that are connected sums of sphere products. In other cases we get slightly more complicated manifolds: with this we solve another question by Bosio-Meersseman about the manifold associated to the truncated cube. In Section 3 we use this to show that the known rules for the cohomology product of a moment-angle manifold have to be drastically modified in the general situation. We state the modified rule, but leave the details of this for another publication. Section 0 recalls known definitions and results and in section 2.1 some elementary topological constructions are defined and explored. In the Appendix we state and prove some results about specific differentiable manifolds, which are used in sections 1 and 2.Comment: We have included many clarifying suggestions and minor corrections from some colleagues who read the manuscript carefully. The only change in content from the previous version is the suppression a special case (item 3) of Theorem 1.3 because we have not been able to fill in the details of any of the known sketched proofs (including ours

    Environmental Changes and the Dynamics of Musical Identity

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    Musical tastes reflect our unique values and experiences, our relationships with others, and the places where we live. But as each of these things changes, do our tastes also change to reflect the present, or remain fixed, reflecting our past? Here, we investigate how where a person lives shapes their musical preferences, using geographic relocation to construct quasi-natural experiments that measure short- and long-term effects. Analyzing comprehensive data on over 16 million users on Spotify, we show that relocation within the United States has only a small impact on individuals' tastes, which remain more similar to those of their past environments. We then show that the age gap between a person and the music they consume indicates that adolescence, and likely their environment during these years, shapes their lifelong musical tastes. Our results demonstrate the robustness of individuals' musical identity, and shed new light on the development of preferences.Comment: Accepted to be published at ICWSM'1

    Electrolytic Nickel Impregnation of Porous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Films Using AC Voltage as Solar Selective Absorber

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    AbstractAnodized aluminum oxide films on aluminum substrates 1050 (99.5% Al) was impregnated with nickel by electrodeposition technique. In these paper, we report the synthesis of Ni using the galvanostat mode, and also some experimental modification in the frequency and voltage values, in order to optimize the amount content of Ni on aluminum substrate The data values of the total reflectance were analyzed in the visible solar spectrum and near infrared as a function of voltage, frequency and time of the impregnation process. Several experiments were performed in order to correlate these parameters with the nickel content in the bottom of the pores of the film and its reflectance properties. By morphological analysis found that samples with average nickel content of 10% of the total pore volume not exhibit good properties of a selective absorber, however the samples containing 60% of the total pore volume, present in the reflectance spectrum visible solar 5% and 90% in the infrared solar spectrum so it can be considered a good selective absorber films makes these coatings are prospects for implementation in solar collectors

    Eclipsing binary and white dwarf features associated with K2 target EPIC251248385

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    White dwarfs, remnants of Sun-like stars which have completed their evolution, are one of the most common types of stars in space. Despite this, very few white dwarfs have been observed in transiting or eclipsing systems, and only two planetary systems around white dwarfs are currently known, thus motivating a search for white dwarfs with transits or eclipses as seen by the Kepler telescope. A systematic search of K2 white dwarf targets revealed one candidate with regular eclipses, but additional research was necessary to confirm the transits and white dwarf signal were coming from the same astrophysical source. The software package PyKe was utilized to adjust the light curve aperture, and perform principal component analysis which revealed that the transits were originating from a single pixel. Generating a new lightcurve from this pixel revealed the absolute transit depth, which was unconstrained previously. Ten additional images taken with the 2m LCOGT telescope revealed that a potential target star in the single Kepler pixel was actually a cluster of three stars, but no clear transits were seen from any of the potential target stars in the followup images. Additionally, analysis of transit depths in the single pixel light curve and additional investigation of nearby bright sources supported the hypothesis that the transits were more likely to be coming from the white dwarf rather than the two other sources. However, the transit duration and shape appear atypical for white dwarf systems. Thus, despite determining the potential sources and relative sizes for the potential eclipsing white dwarf candidate, or whether the eclipses come from the white dwarf target cannot be confirmed without additional data.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2515-5172/ab5861Published versio


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    Starting from 2,3-bis(tetradecyloxy)propan-1-amine (1), the synthesis of the target compound 1-[2,3-bis(tetradecyloxy)propyl]-3-[2-(piperazin-1-yl)ethyl]urea (2) is reported. The title compound was characterized by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and ESI/MS analysis.This work is supported by grants of the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MINECO) (CTQ2014-52588-R, RTC-2014-2038-1, CTQ2014-61758-EXP), Generalitat de Catalunya 2014/SGR/624) and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CB06_01_0019). CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    An Underparametrized Deep Decoder Architecture for Graph Signals

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    While deep convolutional architectures have achieved remarkable results in a gamut of supervised applications dealing with images and speech, recent works show that deep untrained non-convolutional architectures can also outperform state-of-the-art methods in several tasks such as image compression and denoising. Motivated by the fact that many contemporary datasets have an irregular structure different from a 1D/2D grid, this paper generalizes untrained and underparametrized non-convolutional architectures to signals defined over irregular domains represented by graphs. The proposed architecture consists of a succession of layers, each of them implementing an upsampling operator, a linear feature combination, and a scalar nonlinearity. A novel element is the incorporation of upsampling operators accounting for the structure of the supporting graph, which is achieved by considering a systematic graph coarsening approach based on hierarchical clustering. The numerical results carried out in synthetic and real-world datasets showcase that the reconstruction performance can improve drastically if the information of the supporting graph topology is taken into account.Comment: This paper has already been accepted on 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) and it is going to be published in its proceeding

    La intervención estatal en el mercado del suelo urbano. La reconstrucción del eje cafetero: El caso de Armenia

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    A raíz del pavoroso terremoto que tuvo lugar en el Eje Cafetero colombiano en1999, que causó grandes pérdidas humanas y una gran destrucción, sobre todo del stock inmobiliario, hubo un gran esfuerzo nacional de solidaridad tanto estatal como privado para socorrer las víctimas. El principal rubro fueron recursos en la forma de subsidios a los afectados para que compraran nuevas viviendas. Pero no se tomó ninguna precaución con respecto al mercado de tierras, a pesar de que la legislación tiene interesantes instrumentos de gestión del suelo. En este estudio se hace una estimación del monto de estos subsidios que en realidad fueron apropiados por los propietarios de los terrenos, en la forma de elevación de precios del suelo y no por los damnificados. El caso es interesante porque lo observado tal vez pueda aplicarse al sistema general de subsidios a la vivienda que constituye el eje central de la política gubernamental de vivienda social.Mercado del suelo urbano, política de vivienda