116 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pengolahan Data Berbasis Komputer Bagi Peneliti Pemula

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    Based on the observations we conducted on the students, it can be concluded that most students faced difficulties in processing research data to complete the thesis. This was due to the lack of students' understanding of research methodology and statistics as well as the students’ minimum ability to use the help of a data processing application in a computer, such as SPSS. Based on this problem, we took an initiative to carry out a community service program specifically for students who were conducting research with the theme "Computer-based Data Processing Training for Novice Researchers". The target of this activity was the final year students of STAIN BENGKALIS who were in the process of completing a thesis. The ultimate goal of this activity is: a) To improve the students' understanding of statistical science. b) To improve the students' data processing ability in using one of the research data processing software, especially SPSS

    Pengaruh Myoinositol Dan Arang Aktif Terhadap Pertumbuhan Planlet Anggrek Dendrobium Dalam Kultur in Vitro

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    . Widiastoety, D, Santi, A, and Solvia, N 2012. Effect of Myoinositol and Activated Charcoal on the Growth of Dendrobium Orchid Plantlets in In Vitro Culture. This study was aims to determine the effect of myoinositol and activated charcoal on the growth of Dendrobium plantlets. Dendrobium is one of the most important commercial orchids in Indonesia. Media optimization is critical factor to improve and to promote plantlet growth. One of the methods to enrich the medium was by the use of myoinositol and activated charcoal. The study was conducted at the In Vitro Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Plants Research Institute Pasarminggu, Jakarta from June through December 2010. A completely randomized design with eight treatments and five replications was used in this experiment. The treatments given were myoinositol 0, 50, 100, and 150 mg/l with and without addition of activated charcoal. The results showed that application of myoinositol 50 mg/l without activated charcoal enhance the plantlet height, length, and leave width, while myoinositol 100 mg/l with addition of activated charcoal 2 g/l increased the highest number of the root and the longest root growth


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    This paper aims at revealing the causal-effect relationship between picture and dyslexia’s reading ability when acquiring the language and describing their behavior when picture is applied as a media in learning reading. Single subject used as a research design here by observing students’ behavior when trying to obtain the language using a negative picture and testing them with an Oral reading test. Three Acehnese children 7-9 years intermediate classes were chose as the sample. The result showed that dyslexia’s ability was effected by picture significantl


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    ABSTRAK Strategi humas Polres Cilegon dalam menyosialisasikan program “Bermedia Sosial Secara Positif” dilakukan hanya  internal dengan melakukan face to face di lapangan Polres Cilegon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi humas yang dilakukan oleh humas Polres Cilegon dalam menyosialisasikan program “Bermedia Sosial Secara Positif” dengan melakukan fact finding, planning, communicating, evaluation dengan menggunakan teori Penyusunan Tindakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus yang didapat melalui hasil pemaparan dan penjelasan berdasarkan wawancara dan observasi dilapangan. Hasil dalam menyosialisasikan program “Bermedia Sosial Secara Positif” ini humas Polres Cilegon mendapatkan respon yang positif dari anggota Polres Cilegon dalam melakukan sosialisasi juga humas Polres membuat pemberitaan melalui website resmi Polres Cilegon, media lokal, dan Instagram resmi Polres Cilegon untuk menginformasikan bahwa di Polres Cilegon sedang melakukan Program sosialisasi   Kata Kunci : menyosialisasikan, Humas,   strategi Humas

    Pengaruh Myoinositol dan Arang Aktif terhadap Pertumbuhan Planlet Anggrek Dendrobium dalam Kultur In Vitro

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    ABSTRAK.  Anggrek Dendrobium merupakan tanaman hias komersial yang sangat penting di Indonesia. Optimasi media dalam kultur in vitro sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan dan mempercepat pertumbuhan planlet. Salah satu cara untuk mengoptimalisasi media in vitro yaitu dengan pemberian myoinositol dan arang aktif. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui pengaruh myoinositol dan arang aktif terhadap pertumbuhan planlet Dendrobium. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Pasarminggu, Jakarta mulai Bulan Juni sampai dengan Desember 2010.  Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak  kelompok dengan delapan perlakuan dan lima ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas konsentrasi myoinositol  0, 50, 100, dan 150 mg/l dengan dan tanpa penambahan arang aktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian myoinositol 50 mg/l tanpa arang aktif dapat meningkatkan tinggi planlet, panjang dan lebar daun, sedangkan myoinositol 100 mg/l dengan penambahan arang aktif 2 g/l meningkatkan pertumbuhan jumlah dan panjang akar terbaik.ABSTRACT. Widiastoety, D, Santi, A, and Solvia, N 2012. Effect of Myoinositol and Activated Charcoal on the Growth of Dendrobium Orchid Plantlets in In Vitro Culture. This study was aims to determine the effect of myoinositol and activated charcoal on the growth of Dendrobium plantlets. Dendrobium is one of the most important commercial orchids in Indonesia. Media optimization is critical factor to improve and to promote plantlet growth.  One of the methods to enrich the medium was by the use of myoinositol and activated charcoal. The study was conducted at the In Vitro Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Plants Research Institute Pasarminggu, Jakarta from June through December 2010. A completely randomized design with eight treatments and five replications was used in this experiment. The treatments given were myoinositol 0, 50, 100, and 150 mg/l with and without addition of activated charcoal. The results showed that application of myoinositol 50 mg/l without activated charcoal enhance the plantlet height, length, and leave width, while myoinositol 100 mg/l with addition of activated charcoal 2 g/l increased the highest number of the root and the longest root growth

    Comment générer des traces applicatives avec FIT IoT-LAB pour la science ouverte

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    International audienceL'essor rĂ©cent de l'apprentissage automatique et l'intĂ©rĂȘt grandissant portĂ© Ă  l'intelligence artificielle a gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© une demande de donnĂ©es de plus en plus importante. Le mouvement de la science ouverte, et plus particuliĂšrement les donnĂ©es ouvertes, apportent une rĂ©ponse Ă  cette demande en offrant Ă  tous un accĂšs et un usage libre Ă  des jeux de donnĂ©es. Dans cet article, nous proposons une mĂ©thodologie pour gĂ©nĂ©rer des traces correspondant Ă  diffĂ©rentes applications IoT. Pour cela, nous caractĂ©risons les diffĂ©rents types de trafic, comme leur frĂ©quence de communication et la taille des paquets Ă©changĂ©s. Puis, nous simulons ces applications sur la plateforme FIT IoT-LAB pour gĂ©nĂ©rer les traces. Les paramĂštres des simulations, tels que le nombre de noeuds employĂ©s, sont choisis selon les caractĂ©ristiques de l'application simulĂ©e. Les traces ainsi gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es sont enrichies de plusieurs donnĂ©es qui permettent de dĂ©duire des mĂ©triques utiles, telles que le taux de livraison des paquets et le dĂ©lai de bout en bout. Nous partageons en accĂšs ouvert les traces obtenues ainsi qu'une base de code pour gĂ©nĂ©rer, manipuler et analyser les donnĂ©es obtenues de FIT IoT-LAB


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    The Making of Coconut Oil Using a Pineapple Skin        The aim of this research was to find the right formula and making more quantity of coconut oil with fermentation method. In this research coconut milk that used was cream. The cream was mixed withs pineapple skin juice. Research was done the pre test to choose the optimum concentration, temperature and incubation time. The optimum condition produced was used to process of making coconut oil. The optimum concentration oil produced was 1: 1 at 65oC  in 24 hours of incubation. Results of making coconut oils got the volume of 276 mL oil besides, thats oil was produced from cream without pineapple skin as the blank, that was produced 100mL oil. Coconut oil with pineapple skin had been analysed and having: Water content 0.5873%, waste 1.24%, free fat acid 2.31, iod number 8.51, saponification number 258.02, peroxidase number 0.591, negative pelican oil, negative heavy metal, normal organoleptic test.Based on this research could be concluded that coconut oil with pineapple skin entered to standard SNI 012902-1992.key words: coconut milk, cream, fermentation, pineapple skin ABSTRAK        Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk  memperoleh formula yang tepat dalam pembuatan minyak kelapa secara fermentasi sehingga diperoleh minyak kelapa dalam jumlah banyak. Pada penelitian ini santan yang dimanfaatkan adalah krim. Krim santan yang digunakan dicampur dengan jus kulit nanas. Dilakukan uji pendahuluan pemilihan konsentrasi, suhu dan waktu inkubasi, Kondisi optimum yang didapat selanjutnya dipakai untuk proses pembuatan minyak kelapa. Dari uji pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan maka didapatkan  konsentrasi optimum untuk pembuatan minyak kelapa adalah 1:1 pada suhu 650C dengan waktu inkubasi 24 jam. Hasil penelitian pembuatan minyak kelapa menunjukkan bahwa  volume minyak yang diperoleh 276  mL, selain itu juga dilakukan pembuatan minyak dengan menggunakan krim tanpa jus kulit nanas yang disebut dengan blanko, pada blanko minyak yang didapat adalah 100 mL. Minyak kelapa dengan kulit nanas yang didapat dilakukan  analisis  kimia minyak kelapa yaitu:  kadar air 0.5873%, kadar kotoran 1.24%, asam lemak bebas 2.31, bilangan iod 8.51, bilangan penyabunan 258.02, bilangan peroksida 0.591, minyak pelikan negatif, logam berbahaya negatif, dan uji organoleptik normal.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa minyak kelapa yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan kulit nanas masuk standar SNI 012902-1992.Kata Kunci: Santan kelapa, krim, fermentasi, dan kulit nana

    Genomic prediction in an admixed population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Reliability of genomic selection (GS) models was tested in an admixed population of Atlantic salmon, originating from crossing of several wild subpopulations. The models included ordinary genomic BLUP models (GBLUP), using genome-wide SNP markers of varying densities (1 to 220k), a genomic identity-by-descent model (IBD-GS), using linkage analysis of sparse genome-wide markers, as well as a classical pedigree-based model. Reliabilities of the models were compared through 5-fold cross-validation. The traits studied were salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) resistance (LR), measured as (log) density on the skin and fillet color (FC), with respective estimated heritabilities of 0.14 and 0.43. All genomic models outperformed the classical pedigree-based model, for both traits and at all marker densities. However, the relative improvement differed considerably between traits, models and marker densities. For the highly heritable FC, the IBD-GS had similar reliability as GBLUP at high marker densities (>22k). In contrast, for the lowly heritable LR, IBD-GS was clearly inferior to GBLUP, irrespective of marker density. Hence, GBLUP was robust to marker density for the lowly heritable LR, but sensitive to marker density for the highly heritable FC. We hypothesize that this phenomenon may be explained by historical admixture of different founder populations, expected to reduce short-range LD and induce long-range LD. The relative importance of LD/relationship information is expected to decrease/increase with increasing heritability of the trait. Still, using the ordinary GBLUP, the typical long-range LD of an admixed population may be effectively captured by sparse markers, while efficient utilization of relationship information may require denser markers (e.g., 22k or more)

    Montana Kaimin, August 28, 2008

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/6186/thumbnail.jp

    Integrative proteomics and pharmacogenomics analysis of methylphenidate treatment response

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    Transcriptomics and candidate gene/protein expression studies have indicated several biological processes modulated by methylphenidate (MPH), widely used in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) treatment. However, the lack of a differential proteomic profiling of MPH treatment limits the understanding of the most relevant mechanisms by which MPH exerts its pharmacological effects at the molecular level. Therefore, our aim is to investigate the MPHinduced proteomic alterations using an experimental design integrated with a pharmacogenomic analysis in a translational perspective. Proteomic analysis was performed using the cortices of Wistar-Kyoto rats, which were treated by gavage with MPH (2 mg/kg) or saline for two weeks (n = 6/group). After functional enrichment analysis of the differentially expressed proteins (DEP) in rats, the significant biological pathways were tested for association with MPH response in adults with ADHD (n = 189) using genome-wide data. Following MPH treatment in rats, 98 DEPs were found (P 1.0). The functional enrichment analysis of the DEPs revealed 18 significant biological pathways (gene-sets) modulated by MPH, including some with recognized biological plausibility, such as those related to synaptic transmission. The pharmacogenomic analysis in the clinical sample evaluating these pathways revealed nominal associations for gene-sets related to neurotransmitter release and GABA transmission. Our results, which integrate proteomics and pharmacogenomics, revealed putative molecular effects of MPH on several biological processes, including oxidative stress, cellular respiration, and metabolism, and extended the results involving synaptic transmission pathways to a clinical sample. These findings shed light on the molecular signatures of MPH effects and possible biological sources of treatment response variability
