461 research outputs found

    PTP4A1 promotes TGFβ signaling and fibrosis in systemic sclerosis.

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by fibrosis of skin and internal organs. Protein tyrosine phosphatases have received little attention in the study of SSc or fibrosis. Here, we show that the tyrosine phosphatase PTP4A1 is highly expressed in fibroblasts from patients with SSc. PTP4A1 and its close homolog PTP4A2 are critical promoters of TGFβ signaling in primary dermal fibroblasts and of bleomycin-induced fibrosis in vivo. PTP4A1 promotes TGFβ signaling in human fibroblasts through enhancement of ERK activity, which stimulates SMAD3 expression and nuclear translocation. Upstream from ERK, we show that PTP4A1 directly interacts with SRC and inhibits SRC basal activation independently of its phosphatase activity. Unexpectedly, PTP4A2 minimally interacts with SRC and does not promote the SRC-ERK-SMAD3 pathway. Thus, in addition to defining PTP4A1 as a molecule of interest for TGFβ-dependent fibrosis, our study provides information regarding the functional specificity of different members of the PTP4A subclass of phosphatases

    Comparação de métodos convencional e alternativo para determinar Cu, Fe, Mn E Zn em extratos de solos obtidos com solução de Mehlich-1.

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    Nos laboratórios brasileiros, a determinação de micronutrientes para estudos de fertilidade de solos é realizada por extração com solução de Mehlich-1 (M-1), utilizando-se uma razão solo: extrator de 1:5 m/v e posterior quantificação por espectrometria de absorção atômica (AAS). No entanto, muitos laboratórios também empregam razão solo:extrator M-1 de 1:10 m/v para determinar macronutrientes e, ou, quantificar por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES), em substituição ao AAS. Como estudos comparativos entre as concentrações de micronutrientes obtidos por esses métodos alternativos são escassos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se essas diferentes condições experimentais gerariam diferentes resultados. Os resultados foram estatisticamente tratados e revelaram que as concentrações de Fe e Mn, utilizando se ambas as razões de solo:extrator M-1 (1:5 e 1:10 m/v) e de Zn, na razão solo: extrator M-1 de 1:10 m/v, foram estatisticamente iguais, enquanto as concentrações de Cu em ambas as razões solo:extrator M-1 e de Zn na razão solo:extrator de 1:5 m/v foram diferentes, quando as duas técnicas de quantificação (ICP OES e AAS) foram comparadas. Também, todas as concentrações de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn obtidas utilizando razão solo: extrator M-1 de 1:5 m/v foram diferentes daquelas encontradas com a razão de 1:10 m/v, independentemente da técnica de quantificação. A maioria dessas concentrações foi maior quando se usou a razão de 1:5 m/v e alterou a classe de interpretação dos teores. Portanto, não recomenda-se o uso da razão solo: extrator de 1:5 para as extrações dos micronutrientes Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn com solução M-1 de amostras de solo

    Comparação de métodos convencional e alternativo para determinar Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em extratos de solos obtidos com solução de MEHLICH-1.

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    Nos laboratórios brasileiros, a determinação de micronutrientes para estudos de fertilidade de solos é realizada por extração com solução de Mehlich-1 (M-1), utilizando-se uma razão solo: extrator de 1:5 m/v e posterior quantificação por espectrometria de absorção atômica (AAS). No entanto, muitos laboratórios também empregam razão solo:extrator M-1 de 1:10 m/v para determinar macronutrientes e, ou, quantificar por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES), em substituição ao AAS. Como estudos comparativos entre as concentrações de micronutrientes obtidos por esses métodos alternativos são escassos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se essas diferentes condições experimentais gerariam diferentes resultados. Os resultados foram estatisticamente tratados e revelaram que as concentrações de Fe e Mn, utilizandose ambas as razões de solo:extrator M-1 (1:5 e 1:10 m/v) e de Zn, na razão solo:extrator M-1 de 1:10 m/v, foram estatisticamente iguais, enquanto as concentrações de Cu em ambas as razões solo:extrator M-1 e de Zn na razão solo:extrator de 1:5 m/v foram diferentes, quando as duas técnicas de quantificação (ICP OES e AAS) foram comparadas. Também, todas as concentrações de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn obtidas utilizando razão solo:extrator M-1 de 1:5 m/v foram diferentes daquelas encontradas com a razão de 1:10 m/v, independentemente da técnica de quantificação. A maioria dessas concentrações foi maior quando se usou a razão de 1:5 m/v e alterou a classe de interpretação dos teores. Portanto, não recomenda-se o uso da razão solo:extrator de 1:5 para as extrações dos micronutrientes Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn com solução M-1 de amostras de solo

    A qualitative study of Parent to Parent support for parents of children with special needs. Consortium to evaluate Parent to Parent.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine qualitatively the experiences of parents participating in Parent to Parent programs. METHOD: Twenty-four parents of children with special needs, a subset of subjects in a larger quantitative study, participated in a semi-structured telephone interview to explore the impact and meaning of being matched with a trained supporting parent. RESULTS: Qualitative analysis reveals a successful match is contingent upon creation of a reliable ally in the supporting parent, comprised of four main components: (1) perceived sameness, (2) situational comparisons that enable learning and growth, (3) round-the-clock availability of support, and (4) mutuality of support. CONCLUSIONS: Parent to Parent support creates a community of similar others trained to listen and be supportive and provides an opportunity for matched parents to experience equality and mutuality in their relationship. Findings also identify the need for quality control in Parent to Parent programs and the importance of such programs as an adjunct to traditional professional services

    Comparação de métodos convencional e alternativo para determinação de sódio, potássio e fósforo em extratos de solos obtidos com solução de mehlich-1

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    Foram comparadas as concentrações de na, K e p em extratos de solos, obtidas por um método de extração convencional, no qual é utilizada uma razão solo:extrator (mehlich-1) de 1:10, com aquelas encontradas utilizando uma razão solo:extrator (mehlich-1) de 1:5. também, foram comparados os resultados obtidos por técnicas de quantificação convencionais, nas quais na e K são quantificados por fotometria de chama e p por espectrofotometria de absorção molecular, com aqueles encontrados por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (iCp oes). Foram analisadas 15 amostras de solo brasileiro. no estudo de repetibilidade aplicado a todos os resultados, os maiores Cvs foram encontrados para p e na, principalmente quando as concentrações dos analitos foram menores (≤ 9 mg dm-3 para p e ≤ 10 mg dm-3 para na). esse fato foi devido provavelmente à heterogeneidade dos extratos, que continham partículas coloidais. Filtração ou centrifugação em vez de decantação dos extratos provavelmente resultaria em menores Cvs. no estudo de reprodutibilidade, realizado para três amostras, foram obtidos resultados não reprodutíveis somente para K em uma amostra. todos os resultados obtidos por iCp oes foram semelhantes aos obtidos por espectrofotometria de absorção molecular uv-vis. e fotometria de chama, indicando que a primeira técnica foi adequada para determinação de na, K e p nos extratos de solos tropicais obtidos com solução de mehlich-1. os resultados de na, K e p obtidos com razão solo:extrator de 1:5 foram estatisticamente diferentes daqueles em que se utilizou razão solo:extrator de 1:10. a maioria dos resultados obtidos com razão solo:extrator de 1:5 foi menor que os obtidos com razão solo:extrator 1:10, sobretudo nas amostras com concentrações de analitos mais elevadas. portanto, para estudos comparativos envolvendo macronutrientes, deve-se utilizar o método convencional com razão solo:extrator de 1:10

    Religiosity and teen birth rate in the United States

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The children of teen mothers have been reported to have higher rates of several unfavorable mental health outcomes. Past research suggests several possible mechanisms for an association between religiosity and teen birth rate in communities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The present study compiled publicly accessible data on birth rates, conservative religious beliefs, income, and abortion rates in the U.S., aggregated at the state level. Data on teen birth rates and abortion originated from the Center for Disease Control; on income, from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, and on religious beliefs, from the U.S. Religious Landscape Survey carried out by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. We computed correlations and partial correlations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Increased religiosity in residents of states in the U.S. strongly predicted a higher teen birth rate, with r = 0.73 (p < 0.0005). Religiosity correlated negatively with median household income, with r = -0.66, and income correlated negatively with teen birth rate, with r = -0.63. But the correlation between religiosity and teen birth rate remained highly significant when income was controlled for via partial correlation: the partial correlation between religiosity and teen birth rate, controlling for income, was 0.53 (p < 0.0005). Abortion rate correlated negatively with religiosity, with r = -0.45, p = 0.002. However, the partial correlation between teen birth rate and religiosity remained high and significant when controlling for abortion rate (partial correlation = 0.68, p < 0.0005) and when controlling for both abortion rate and income (partial correlation = 0.54, p = 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>With data aggregated at the state level, conservative religious beliefs strongly predict U.S. teen birth rates, in a relationship that does not appear to be the result of confounding by income or abortion rates. One possible explanation for this relationship is that teens in more religious communities may be less likely to use contraception.</p

    Modern meningioma imaging techniques

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    Steady improvements in imaging modalities have enabled a new realm of capabilities in the identification and assessment of meningiomas. The cross-sectional imaging modalities, MRI and CT, have improved in resolution and fidelity. These modalites now provide not only improved structural information but also insights into functional behavior. MRI has, in particular, proven to have powerful capabilities in evaluating meningiomas because of the ability to assess soft tissue characteristics such as diffusion and vascular supply information, such as perfusion. Recent investigational advances have also been made using a combination of X-ray fluoroscopy for selective catheterization followed by MR perfusion measurement performed with intra-arterial injection of contrast. Together all these modalities provide the radiographer with powerful capbilities for evaluating meningiomas

    Parental Monitoring During Early Adolescence Deters Adolescent Sexual Initiation: Discrete-Time Survival Mixture Analysis

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    We used discrete-time survival mixture modeling to examine 5,305 adolescents from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth regarding the impact of parental monitoring during early adolescence (ages 14–16) on initiation of sexual intercourse and problem behavior engagement (ages 14–23). Four distinctive parental-monitoring groups were identified and labeled as “High,” “Increasing,” “Decreasing,” and “Low”. About 68% of adolescents received a high level of parental monitoring from ages 14 to 16 (High), 6 and 9% respectively exhibited an accelerated (Increasing) and a decelerated trajectory (Decreasing), and 17% had consistently low parental monitoring (Low). Relative to participants in the Low group, adolescents in the High group delayed sexual initiation by 1.5 years. Males, relative to females, were more likely to have had a low trajectory of parental monitoring, and were more likely to initiate sexual intercourse before age 14. In contrast to White Adolescents, Hispanics and Blacks were less likely to receive High parental monitoring, and had a higher rate of early sexual initiation before age 14. The study demonstrates the temporal relationship of parental monitoring with adolescent sexual initiation from a longitudinal perspective. An increase of parental monitoring across ages is accompanied with a decrease of sexual risk. The continual high level of parental monitoring from ages 14 to 16 also mitigated the risk of engagement in substance use and delinquent behaviors from ages 14 to 23

    Potential mobility and toxicity risk of metal pollutants in soils from a tropical area affected by industrial wastes.

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    The potential mobility of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in soils severely impacted by inadequate storage of industrial wastes in Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil) was evaluated by applying the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). This procedure allowed the estimation of toxicity risks for Cd, Cr and Pb. In a contamination hotspot within the study area, the following order of metal concentrations was observed: Pb > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cd > Cr, with significantly higher values than observed for a control site. Decades of soil exposure to wastes implied TCLP results for Pb above 300 mg/L in this hotspot, which exceed the TCLP regulatory threshold in two orders of magnitude, while Cd (up to 0.8 mg/L) and Cr (up to 0.3 mg/L) results were below the respective TCLP thresholds. Surface soil profile analysis (0-30 cm depth) indicates that Pb vertical migration occurs in the hotspot. TCLP concentrations of Pb were up to four orders of magnitude higher than the groundwater quality threshold preconized by Brazilian regulations for this metal (0.01 mg/L), suggesting that downward dispersion of large loadings of anthropogenic Pb is a major concern